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US primaries: Sanders challenges Clinton to debate on home turf


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Sanders is so far deep in the Socialist Fever Swamps that to call him what he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

Obviously you don't know the difference between socialism, socialist and communism.

A socialist is not a communist!

Too many uneducated Americans still live under the cloud of 1960s cold war propaganda.

Crack a book, or even try the internet.

There is a lot of up to date information available for those who like to learn about the 21st century.

I noticed your photo.

Do you really look like the Canadian born Cuban, Rafael Edwardo Cruz, who refuses to use his real name and hates immigrants like his own father?

P.S. He's ugly too!whistling.gif

* what is an "abberant" ?

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Yes, you have misunderstood. I have no idea who will be elected. I have no more faith in the American public than I do any of the candidates, the polls, or the antiquated electoral college system we still allow.

Since both Clinton and Sanders show a triumph over Trump in the polls—see below—why are so many Democrats even concerned? Just make it a Clinton-Sanders or Sanders-Clinton ticket. Should be a sure win, shouldn’t it?

If the polls are so dependable, why haven’t the Republicans simply given up? In fact, why don’t we just use the polls and forget about the election?

Clinton vs. Trump—six polls, all Clinton—+11.2 average realclear



Sanders vs. Trump—five polls, all Sanders—+17.4 average realclear



Many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip.

They don't come any better than Bernie when it comes to a debate. See, Hillary has to make sure she doesn't make the establishment nervous but still make the right 'noises' to placate the electorate. She has to conflate and 'double speak' and avoid. Whereas Bernie couldn't give a rats. The wealthy elite, Wall Street, Corporate America, Big Health Insurance, Big Pharma, damn straight he's coming after you, Bernie wants to cut them off at the knees and makes no bones about it they have been thieving off the American people for 30 years.

It would be a good idea to piss the establishment media off and have ordinary folk asking the questions. Great idea. All the establishment media are just Corporate shills.

I am glad to see you are feeling the Bern; however, I feel little warmth. Bernie’s political philosophy is closer to mine than any of the other candidates. I think US social programs need to provide full medical and educational funding to all Americans. And, I feel that way for economic reasons. American workers are competing with workers from all over the world. No longer does the US win sole source contracts for an unlimited number of high tech, commercial, and military systems; other nations can do it too, for less money and just as well. For any competitive advantage, US workers’ skill levels need to be higher and better than the skill levels of workers of other nations. Our workers need all the education and training they can stand, and all health and medical care they need, if we hope to compete. Well, I digress . . .

As I said, I feel little warmth. While many agree with Bernie's social programs, a great many others bring about that “socialism” buggyboo—another example of voter ignorance, but a significant one he must overcome. There is weakness in Bernie's foreign policy, security, and military issues. Those issues are where Trump appeals to many Americans, even though he has no track record and just uses his mouth to talk the talk—another example of voter ignorance. Even with Hillary's foreign policy experience, her policies and national security profiles are considered weak and even criminal by a great number of Americans, and that opinion is almost unanimous among those dependent upon FOX for their news. Bernie more than matches Hillary on economic issues, but his stance is theoretical while Trump's is more practical. There again, many Americans see strength in Trump’s billions--yet another example.

Foreign policy and the economy are the most important issues to many Americans all across the political spectrum. The notion that funding more resources from the military-industrial complex would both improve our national security and provide many more jobs for US workers is a hard argument; especially to the unemployed and underemployed Americans and even more so within the patriotic, ultra-nationalist, hawk, and neo-con elements among our voters—neither Hillary nor Bernie are strong here.

I hope that helps explain while I feel little warmth. To paraphrase a typical American, that’s all I have to say about that.

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"Since both Clinton and Sanders show a triumph over Trump in the polls—see below—why are so many Democrats even concerned? Just make it a Clinton-Sanders or Sanders-Clinton ticket. Should be a sure win, shouldn’t it? "

No, it will never happen.

Where Hillary would do anything to win ( like the way she tries to mimic anything Bernie says or does that gets a positive reaction ) she would be happy to have Bernie as a running mate if it would help her.

But Bernie would never accept the offer,

Bernie's goal is to get the people back in control of their government.

He is not seeking fame and fortune.

​Helping Hillary win would be working against his goals.

Hillary is exactly the kind of corporation owned, corrupt politician that Bernie is fighting against.

Asking Hillary to be his running mate would be against everything he represents.

​Bernie is an honest man with integrity.

He would never sell out his goals and his supporters just for a guaranteed win.

In fact, if he did sell out, he would lose much of his support.

Feel the Bern Baby!

"But Bernie would never accept the offer,"

Please, we are talking about politicians here. Most politicians will do whatever is necessary to win--please remember which of the candidates has the most experience as a politician.

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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Or if Bernie continue to chip away on the pledged delegate lead and the super delegates come to their senses...

Yes I know... The super delegates coming to their senses is a long shot...

It's not as if Bernie is the epitome of all of the positions of what the Democratic party says they stand for....

But then again the billions of doner dollars is a hard drug to kick...

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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Taking into consideration that both Hilary and Bill are Yale educated lawyers (most selective and top ranked law school in the US in most lists), (Bill being that plus a Georgetown Rhodes scholar educated at Oxford and later a law professor); and that Bill ran a White House counsel and staff of around 50 lawyers for 8 years, as well as having and army of hundreds of additional top lawyers at his and Hilary's service, I would say it's a foregone conclusion that this highly intelligent legal brain-trust have already "gamed" this issue far, far in advance.

My guess is that they are setting Hilary up to take a "civil penalty" hit sometime before the general election, admit to oversight and error, but nowhere near rising to criminality, have Hilary be humble and seek public forgiveness, say her penance, and then get on to the business of the general election.

Probably game, set, match to be honest -in spite of all the (conservative) legal experts on this forum convinced of her criminal culpability. wink.png

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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Taking into consideration that both Hilary and Bill are Yale educated lawyers (most selective and top ranked law school in the US in most lists), (Bill being that plus a Georgetown Rhodes scholar educated at Oxford and later a law professor); and that Bill ran a White House counsel and staff of around 50 lawyers for 8 years, as well as having and army of hundreds of additional top lawyers at his and Hilary's service, I would say it's a foregone conclusion that this highly intelligent legal brain-trust have already "gamed" this issue far, far in advance.

My guess is that they are setting Hilary up to take a "civil penalty" hit sometime before the general election, admit to oversight and error, but nowhere near rising to criminality, have Hilary be humble and seek public forgiveness, say her penance, and then get on to the business of the general election.

Probably game, set, match to be honest -in spite of all the (conservative) legal experts on this forum convinced of her criminal culpability. wink.png

That sounds like the plan. The question is how far that plan deviates from the facts. Not that those will be part of the official record, but if the official record deviates too significantly from the facts I think you're going to see "leaks" like you wouldn't believe. That won't mean she won't get elected but her ability to govern will be significantly hampered.

The desperation to get her enthroned at any cost has me thinking another financial crisis is right around the corner and Wall Street is going to need a reliable "fixer" to get at that treasury.

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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Taking into consideration that both Hilary and Bill are Yale educated lawyers (most selective and top ranked law school in the US in most lists), (Bill being that plus a Georgetown Rhodes scholar educated at Oxford and later a law professor); and that Bill ran a White House counsel and staff of around 50 lawyers for 8 years, as well as having and army of hundreds of additional top lawyers at his and Hilary's service, I would say it's a foregone conclusion that this highly intelligent legal brain-trust have already "gamed" this issue far, far in advance.

My guess is that they are setting Hilary up to take a "civil penalty" hit sometime before the general election, admit to oversight and error, but nowhere near rising to criminality, have Hilary be humble and seek public forgiveness, say her penance, and then get on to the business of the general election.

Probably game, set, match to be honest -in spite of all the (conservative) legal experts on this forum convinced of her criminal culpability. wink.png

That sounds like the plan. The question is how far that plan deviates from the facts. Not that those will be part of the official record, but if the official record deviates too significantly from the facts I think you're going to see "leaks" like you wouldn't believe. That won't mean she won't get elected but her ability to govern will be significantly hampered.

The desperation to get her enthroned at any cost has me thinking another financial crisis is right around the corner and Wall Street is going to need a reliable "fixer" to get at that treasury.

As a "1L" first year law student, the first thing you learn on your first day of Criminal Law class is that are usually multiple versions of the truth, and the lawyer that wins is the one that presents the most believable version to the judge or jury.

The best lie is the one that's closest to the truth. Clever Clintons are too slippery to get snared on this one.

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As a "1L" first year law student, the first thing you learn on your first day of Criminal Law class is that are usually multiple versions of the truth, and the lawyer that wins is the one that presents the most believable version to the judge or jury.

The best lie is the one that's closest to the truth. Clever Clintons are too slippery to get snared on this one.

I thought the first day at Law school would have been how to fill out a bill-able time form. eg Item No.100632: One Staple $125

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Sanders is so far deep in the Socialist Fever Swamps that to call him what he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

Obviously you don't know the difference between socialism, socialist and communism.

A socialist is not a communist!


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Sanders is so far deep in the Socialist Fever Swamps that to call him what he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

Obviously you don't know the difference between socialism, socialist and communism.

A socialist is not a communist!


So, are Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, contributors to both Obama and HRC, communist organizations?

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Sanders is so far deep in the Socialist Fever Swamps that to call him what he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

Obviously you don't know the difference between socialism, socialist and communism.

A socialist is not a communist!


Wow, such talent for pulling memes from der-con websites.

What's your next trick?

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Sanders is so far deep in the Socialist Fever Swamps that to call him what he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

Obviously you don't know the difference between socialism, socialist and communism.

A socialist is not a communist!


So, are Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, contributors to both Obama and HRC, communist organizations?


You really should crack a book!

Start with a dictionary ( Webster has a pretty good one )

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are what is known as capitalist.
They are neither communist or socialist.
It's really not very complicated.
P.S. The cold war is over. We did not beat them, they beat themselves........it's over, join the 21st century!
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Obviously you don't know the difference between socialism, socialist and communism.

t he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

A socialist is not a communist!


So, are Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, contributors to both Obama and HRC, communist organizations?


You really should crack a book!

Start with a dictionary ( Webster has a pretty good one )

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are what is known as capitalist.
They are neither communist or socialist.
It's really not very complicated.
P.S. The cold war is over. We did not beat them, they beat themselves........it's over, join the 21st century!


Yeah, I know who Goldman and Morgan are. And, Glass-Steagall. I wasn't being serious, but hopefully ironic.

Maybe you weren't directing your response to me?

Sorry, I should have used an emoticon, I guess. I'm really tired today.

I liked one of your earlier posts about this topic. Thanks!

PS, had to delete earlier quotes to be able to post this.

PPS, sorry if I misread who was using those photos of Obama and HRC.

Edited by helpisgood
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The older a person is, the more stigma there is upon the word 'socialist'. Some of the folks who lived through the Cold War still equate socialism with the USSR. Trump, ever the shrill name-calling drama queen, even calls Bernie 'The Communist.' The same people who call soda drinks 'pop'. Anyone who's not a racist (like Trump) or hopelessly stuck in buggy-whip mentality, can see Sanders and the word socialist as no problem at all. If you hate the word socialism, then you hate Scandinavia, bridges, ball parks, PBS, NPR, the National Parks Service, Ambulances, Hubble, Sesame Street and Big Bird.

One of Trump's supporters, standing a few feet from the Blovator, called Obama a Muslim, and Trump just kept listening - not bothering to correct the redneck. Just one of a thousand indications of what a divisionist Trump is.

Bernie's chances looks good in Wisconsin and a win there could be a real springboard to the more diverse states remaining.

California here I come.....intheclub.gifguitar.gif

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Sanders is so far deep in the Socialist Fever Swamps that to call him what he is - basically a Commie, is the most accurate definition of this abberant individual...

Obviously you don't know the difference between socialism, socialist and communism.

A socialist is not a communist!


What's your next trick?

No trick. Just Truths smile.png

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The post above is low class. Adding a pic of a USSR flag behind Sanders is low class, bordering on McCarthyism. I watched the video. The young man is essentially saying "no, no, no, what Sanders is saying is not true." Where's the intellectual insight in that? There are people who say "no, no, no, there were never any moon landings."

Rather than convincing any reasonable people that Bernie is a Communist, the photoshopped photo and shallow video only show how desperate the Republican Attach Machine is, and what lengths they'll go to strangle the truth.

Democratic Socialism is no more of a boogie man than Sesame Street, because Sesame Street comes from the same sentiment: spread some funding from the super rich, to assist the disadvantaged. It's already been happening in the US in hundreds of ways. It's just when socialism doesn't directly assist a particular person, that person probably doesn't like it. But when a socialist program assists someone, they like it. When FDR first introduced the concept of Social Security, Republicans were up in arms, calling it a socialist program. Now, if anyone even hints at changing SS, the Republicans who benefit from it, will be screaming bloody murder.

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No trick. Just Truths smile.png

Didn't know there was such a thing a der-con hipster....

Hope you are refusing your medicare benfits given your aversion to 'free stuff'.

Edited by samran
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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Taking into consideration that both Hilary and Bill are Yale educated lawyers (most selective and top ranked law school in the US in most lists), (Bill being that plus a Georgetown Rhodes scholar educated at Oxford and later a law professor); and that Bill ran a White House counsel and staff of around 50 lawyers for 8 years, as well as having and army of hundreds of additional top lawyers at his and Hilary's service, I would say it's a foregone conclusion that this highly intelligent legal brain-trust have already "gamed" this issue far, far in advance.

My guess is that they are setting Hilary up to take a "civil penalty" hit sometime before the general election, admit to oversight and error, but nowhere near rising to criminality, have Hilary be humble and seek public forgiveness, say her penance, and then get on to the business of the general election.

Probably game, set, match to be honest -in spite of all the (conservative) legal experts on this forum convinced of her criminal culpability. wink.png

There are two things in this.

1) Ignore the mass of rightwhinge well financed media, starting with Faux where all of it starts but remember to ignore all of 'em.

2) Pay attention to the retractions in a small print of anonymous source reports by the Washington Post and the New York Times. These particular two of the MSM are currently doing a huffing and puffing backtracking from their previous and erroneous reports on the emails.

Bernie Sanders has wisely dismissed the emails thing completely and entirely, from his first day of campaigning.

Bernie keenly knows it goes nowhere, that the emails stuff is a dead end period. It is not and won't ever be a viable argument to nominate him over HRC, cause the whole email thing is bogus. Bernie senses very accurately that if he associates his candidacy with the emails hype he has nothing. There's no there there.

It's not only inside the Democratic party. The big stink originates with the spy agencies and their IG's, working with Republican senators whose staffs do the slanted anonymous leaking to the far right media, and, in the process, did manage to sucker in the WP and the NYT (before Bernie entered the race). HRC has a serious competition now so the WP and NYT are in a full retreat, leaving only the whacko right media to run with the tortured leaks.

NBC News today quoted its own anonymous sources (why not??) saying FBI has perhaps 12 agents on the case, not the 147 (exactly) Faux was the first to claim among the whingenut media.

A former FBI official, also speaking anonymously, says many in the law enforcement community view the large estimates of people assigned to the case as completely improbable.

"147 was such a ridiculous number," said the source, adding that 50 also sounded unrealistic for this kind of inquiry. "You need an act of terrorism to get 50 agents working on something," said the former FBI official.


The two best lawyers in the country are on the case: Bill and Hillary. They beat the Republicans in the Senate on the House Impeachment Resolutions and they did it decisively.

Nothing came of Whitewater or Ben Ghazi.

HRC has a team of crackerjack lawyers advising her. Each of 'em no doubt has his/her own law partners, associates, professional and personal lawyer friends as an additional resource.

With all due respect to Justice Department lawyers who must meet high standards across the board, cause it really is tough for a lawyer to get hired into DoJ, the government lawyers live in their big building in Washington where the walls inside are lined with law books. The HRC lawyers live in the real world.

Hillary Clinton is a former SecState, US Senator twice elected, First Lady (also of Arkansas), and a serious candidate for Potus in this quadrennial election year. Accordingly, it might not be appropriate for an FBI agent(s) or supervising agent to interview her, as she has agreed to do with FBI.

Reports are that Director Jas. Comey is himself directing this inquiry as a part of his each and every day at the office. All of us can wait to see who at the FBI is designated to interview HRC. Director of FBI would do right to appoint himself to pose the questions and to receive the answers from Mrs. Clinton. It would be hard to expect otherwise.

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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Taking into consideration that both Hilary and Bill are Yale educated lawyers (most selective and top ranked law school in the US in most lists), (Bill being that plus a Georgetown Rhodes scholar educated at Oxford and later a law professor); and that Bill ran a White House counsel and staff of around 50 lawyers for 8 years, as well as having and army of hundreds of additional top lawyers at his and Hilary's service, I would say it's a foregone conclusion that this highly intelligent legal brain-trust have already "gamed" this issue far, far in advance.

My guess is that they are setting Hilary up to take a "civil penalty" hit sometime before the general election, admit to oversight and error, but nowhere near rising to criminality, have Hilary be humble and seek public forgiveness, say her penance, and then get on to the business of the general election.

Probably game, set, match to be honest -in spite of all the (conservative) legal experts on this forum convinced of her criminal culpability. wink.png

There are two things in this.

1) Ignore the mass of rightwhinge well financed media, starting with Faux where all of it starts but remember to ignore all of 'em.

2) Pay attention to the retractions in a small print of anonymous source reports by the Washington Post and the New York Times. These particular two of the MSM are currently doing a huffing and puffing backtracking from their previous and erroneous reports on the emails.

Bernie Sanders has wisely dismissed the emails thing completely and entirely, from his first day of campaigning.

Bernie keenly knows it goes nowhere, that the emails stuff is a dead end period. It is not and won't ever be a viable argument to nominate him over HRC, cause the whole email thing is bogus. Bernie senses very accurately that if he associates his candidacy with the emails hype he has nothing. There's no there there.

It's not only inside the Democratic party. The big stink originates with the spy agencies and their IG's, working with Republican senators whose staffs do the slanted anonymous leaking to the far right media, and, in the process, did manage to sucker in the WP and the NYT (before Bernie entered the race). HRC has a serious competition now so the WP and NYT are in a full retreat, leaving only the whacko right media to run with the tortured leaks.

NBC News today quoted its own anonymous sources (why not??) saying FBI has perhaps 12 agents on the case, not the 147 (exactly) Faux was the first to claim among the whingenut media.

A former FBI official, also speaking anonymously, says many in the law enforcement community view the large estimates of people assigned to the case as completely improbable.

"147 was such a ridiculous number," said the source, adding that 50 also sounded unrealistic for this kind of inquiry. "You need an act of terrorism to get 50 agents working on something," said the former FBI official.


The two best lawyers in the country are on the case: Bill and Hillary. They beat the Republicans in the Senate on the House Impeachment Resolutions and they did it decisively.

Nothing came of Whitewater or Ben Ghazi.

HRC has a team of crackerjack lawyers advising her. Each of 'em no doubt has his/her own law partners, associates, professional and personal lawyer friends as an additional resource.

With all due respect to Justice Department lawyers who must meet high standards across the board, cause it really is tough for a lawyer to get hired into DoJ, the government lawyers live in their big building in Washington where the walls inside are lined with law books. The HRC lawyers live in the real world.

Hillary Clinton is a former SecState, US Senator twice elected, First Lady (also of Arkansas), and a serious candidate for Potus in this quadrennial election year. Accordingly, it might not be appropriate for an FBI agent(s) or supervising agent to interview her, as she has agreed to do with FBI.

Reports are that Director Jas. Comey is himself directing this inquiry as a part of his each and every day at the office. All of us can wait to see who at the FBI is designated to interview HRC. Director of FBI would do right to appoint himself to pose the questions and to receive the answers from Mrs. Clinton. It would be hard to expect otherwise.

Interesting that FBI Director Comey was nominated by Obama, but is a Republican who served as Deputy Attorney General (and briefly AG) under George W.

It's interesting to note the parallels and contrasts with that other former SecState Kissinger, and his relationship with the FBI, who basically put himself at the FBI's disposal offering his services on many occasions and nurtured a close relationship.

That's always a wise policy in Washington, because you never know when the FBI will turn their investigative and machinery on you.

Comey is a wild card for Hilary. He is a highly experienced Prosecutor, and has that mentality. He seems to have integrity and not swayed by political affiliation? Will be very interesting to see how he comes out on this matter.


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Hillary would rather eat glass than debate Bernie. She knows full well Bernie's policies resonate with the electorate. The last thing she wants to do is give Bernie's policies airtime. When Bernie gets the opportunity to explain the issues and his solutions to those issues Hillary loses ground. General election Polls show Bernie is way in front against Trump. The more Bernie gets his message out the more the American People get a glimpse of the real world outside of America and how better more affordable systems for Health, Education and Democracy can be put in place. A Government working for the People not just for the the greed of the wealthy elite, Corporate America and Wall Street.

Feel the Bern - A Future To Believe In

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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Taking into consideration that both Hilary and Bill are Yale educated lawyers (most selective and top ranked law school in the US in most lists), (Bill being that plus a Georgetown Rhodes scholar educated at Oxford and later a law professor); and that Bill ran a White House counsel and staff of around 50 lawyers for 8 years, as well as having and army of hundreds of additional top lawyers at his and Hilary's service, I would say it's a foregone conclusion that this highly intelligent legal brain-trust have already "gamed" this issue far, far in advance.

My guess is that they are setting Hilary up to take a "civil penalty" hit sometime before the general election, admit to oversight and error, but nowhere near rising to criminality, have Hilary be humble and seek public forgiveness, say her penance, and then get on to the business of the general election.

Probably game, set, match to be honest -in spite of all the (conservative) legal experts on this forum convinced of her criminal culpability. wink.png

There are two things in this.

1) Ignore the mass of rightwhinge well financed media, starting with Faux where all of it starts but remember to ignore all of 'em.

2) Pay attention to the retractions in a small print of anonymous source reports by the Washington Post and the New York Times. These particular two of the MSM are currently doing a huffing and puffing backtracking from their previous and erroneous reports on the emails.

Bernie Sanders has wisely dismissed the emails thing completely and entirely, from his first day of campaigning.

Bernie keenly knows it goes nowhere, that the emails stuff is a dead end period. It is not and won't ever be a viable argument to nominate him over HRC, cause the whole email thing is bogus. Bernie senses very accurately that if he associates his candidacy with the emails hype he has nothing. There's no there there.

It's not only inside the Democratic party. The big stink originates with the spy agencies and their IG's, working with Republican senators whose staffs do the slanted anonymous leaking to the far right media, and, in the process, did manage to sucker in the WP and the NYT (before Bernie entered the race). HRC has a serious competition now so the WP and NYT are in a full retreat, leaving only the whacko right media to run with the tortured leaks.

NBC News today quoted its own anonymous sources (why not??) saying FBI has perhaps 12 agents on the case, not the 147 (exactly) Faux was the first to claim among the whingenut media.

A former FBI official, also speaking anonymously, says many in the law enforcement community view the large estimates of people assigned to the case as completely improbable.

"147 was such a ridiculous number," said the source, adding that 50 also sounded unrealistic for this kind of inquiry. "You need an act of terrorism to get 50 agents working on something," said the former FBI official.


The two best lawyers in the country are on the case: Bill and Hillary. They beat the Republicans in the Senate on the House Impeachment Resolutions and they did it decisively.

Nothing came of Whitewater or Ben Ghazi.

HRC has a team of crackerjack lawyers advising her. Each of 'em no doubt has his/her own law partners, associates, professional and personal lawyer friends as an additional resource.

With all due respect to Justice Department lawyers who must meet high standards across the board, cause it really is tough for a lawyer to get hired into DoJ, the government lawyers live in their big building in Washington where the walls inside are lined with law books. The HRC lawyers live in the real world.

Hillary Clinton is a former SecState, US Senator twice elected, First Lady (also of Arkansas), and a serious candidate for Potus in this quadrennial election year. Accordingly, it might not be appropriate for an FBI agent(s) or supervising agent to interview her, as she has agreed to do with FBI.

Reports are that Director Jas. Comey is himself directing this inquiry as a part of his each and every day at the office. All of us can wait to see who at the FBI is designated to interview HRC. Director of FBI would do right to appoint himself to pose the questions and to receive the answers from Mrs. Clinton. It would be hard to expect otherwise.

Are you really sure that Bernie thinks the investigation will go nowhere or is that an assumption? That's not a rhetorical question. I am really not sure. During an early debate when pressed about this, I recall that Bernie basically thinks, as I understood it, he should stay out of it and let the process take its course. That's not the same as what you have stated. So, has Bernie stated something stronger than that since that debate?

Also, Hillary may be exonerated, but I don't think this issue comes only from her right-wing critics (I normally roll my eyes when I hear of yet another Clinton "scandal."). It's not just about the emails; it's also about the server. Again, maybe she will be exonerated or the FBI will conclude that there was but a minor transgression; nevertheless, common sense dictates that you have to suspect that she found a possible loophole that allowed her to decide on her own which emails to delete (is she hiding anything?) and also there's a security risk issue. I don't know what the investigation's conclusion may or should be, but there seems to me to be good grounds to at least investigate especially considering the sensitivity of the communications.

I think you have accused the DOJ of living in some kind of ivory tower, unlike the Clintons. Please do correct me if I misunderstood. Yes, there's no doubt that the Clintons are very smart and savvy people. However, I personally cannot make the sweeping conclusion that you have seemed to have made of the many members of the DOJ.

Finally, I was never an investigator or a prosecutor and I am, of course, not privy to how the investigation is being handled. So, I am not about to tell or even suggest to the FBI when and who they should interview. Perhaps they have very good reasons for their actions that they cannot at this time reveal.

And again, I can understand being sensitive about a Clinton "scandal." I don't blame you for that. I think some of those critics had gotten out of hand.

Edited by helpisgood
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Hillary would rather eat glass than debate Bernie. She knows full well Bernie's policies resonate with the electorate. The last thing she wants to do is give Bernie's policies airtime. When Bernie gets the opportunity to explain the issues and his solutions to those issues Hillary loses ground. General election Polls show Bernie is way in front against Trump. The more Bernie gets his message out the more the American People get a glimpse of the real world outside of America and how better more affordable systems for Health, Education and Democracy can be put in place. A Government working for the People not just for the the greed of the wealthy elite, Corporate America and Wall Street.

Feel the Bern - A Future To Believe In

"Government working for the People not just for the the greed of the wealthy elite, Corporate America and Wall Street."

"For the people??? You mean like letting the joint get overrun by Muslim opportunists who will soon rule Europe? Lying to people saying that somehow things like the NHS can survive this onslaught of laggards?

For the people? You want Bernie, you take him to Europe where he belongs, please.


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Hillary would rather eat glass than debate Bernie. She knows full well Bernie's policies resonate with the electorate. The last thing she wants to do is give Bernie's policies airtime. When Bernie gets the opportunity to explain the issues and his solutions to those issues Hillary loses ground. General election Polls show Bernie is way in front against Trump. The more Bernie gets his message out the more the American People get a glimpse of the real world outside of America and how better more affordable systems for Health, Education and Democracy can be put in place. A Government working for the People not just for the the greed of the wealthy elite, Corporate America and Wall Street.

Feel the Bern - A Future To Believe In

"Government working for the People not just for the the greed of the wealthy elite, Corporate America and Wall Street."

"For the people??? You mean like letting the joint get overrun by Muslim opportunists who will soon rule Europe? Lying to people saying that somehow things like the NHS can survive this onslaught of laggards?

For the people? You want Bernie, you take him to Europe where he belongs, please.


You feeling The Bern NeverSure? lol

I understand, change frightens some people. They get scared about things they don't understand. That is why Hillary will limit debating Bernie because the more opportunity he gets to explain his policies the larger his vote becomes. People begin to see through the looney Right Wing rhetoric, fearmongering and 'dog whistle' politics.

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Hillary would rather eat glass than debate Bernie. She knows full well Bernie's policies resonate with the electorate. The last thing she wants to do is give Bernie's policies airtime. When Bernie gets the opportunity to explain the issues and his solutions to those issues Hillary loses ground. General election Polls show Bernie is way in front against Trump. The more Bernie gets his message out the more the American People get a glimpse of the real world outside of America and how better more affordable systems for Health, Education and Democracy can be put in place. A Government working for the People not just for the the greed of the wealthy elite, Corporate America and Wall Street.

Feel the Bern - A Future To Believe In

"Government working for the People not just for the the greed of the wealthy elite, Corporate America and Wall Street."

"For the people??? You mean like letting the joint get overrun by Muslim opportunists who will soon rule Europe? Lying to people saying that somehow things like the NHS can survive this onslaught of laggards?

For the people? You want Bernie, you take him to Europe where he belongs, please.


You feeling The Bern NeverSure? lol

I understand, change frightens some people. They get scared about things they don't understand. That is why Hillary will limit debating Bernie because the more opportunity he gets to explain his policies the larger his vote becomes. People begin to see through the looney Right Wing rhetoric, fearmongering and 'dog whistle' politics.

Change? with Bernie? ... Bernie has a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected. The change people on the Left are afraid of is Trump ....

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I suppose Sanders only chance is if HRC gets into legal trouble within the next few months. Possible but not probable.

Taking into consideration that both Hilary and Bill are Yale educated lawyers (most selective and top ranked law school in the US in most lists), (Bill being that plus a Georgetown Rhodes scholar educated at Oxford and later a law professor); and that Bill ran a White House counsel and staff of around 50 lawyers for 8 years, as well as having and army of hundreds of additional top lawyers at his and Hilary's service, I would say it's a foregone conclusion that this highly intelligent legal brain-trust have already "gamed" this issue far, far in advance.

My guess is that they are setting Hilary up to take a "civil penalty" hit sometime before the general election, admit to oversight and error, but nowhere near rising to criminality, have Hilary be humble and seek public forgiveness, say her penance, and then get on to the business of the general election.

Probably game, set, match to be honest -in spite of all the (conservative) legal experts on this forum convinced of her criminal culpability. wink.png

There are two things in this.

1) Ignore the mass of rightwhinge well financed media, starting with Faux where all of it starts but remember to ignore all of 'em.

2) Pay attention to the retractions in a small print of anonymous source reports by the Washington Post and the New York Times. These particular two of the MSM are currently doing a huffing and puffing backtracking from their previous and erroneous reports on the emails.

Bernie Sanders has wisely dismissed the emails thing completely and entirely, from his first day of campaigning.

Bernie keenly knows it goes nowhere, that the emails stuff is a dead end period. It is not and won't ever be a viable argument to nominate him over HRC, cause the whole email thing is bogus. Bernie senses very accurately that if he associates his candidacy with the emails hype he has nothing. There's no there there.

It's not only inside the Democratic party. The big stink originates with the spy agencies and their IG's, working with Republican senators whose staffs do the slanted anonymous leaking to the far right media, and, in the process, did manage to sucker in the WP and the NYT (before Bernie entered the race). HRC has a serious competition now so the WP and NYT are in a full retreat, leaving only the whacko right media to run with the tortured leaks.

NBC News today quoted its own anonymous sources (why not??) saying FBI has perhaps 12 agents on the case, not the 147 (exactly) Faux was the first to claim among the whingenut media.

A former FBI official, also speaking anonymously, says many in the law enforcement community view the large estimates of people assigned to the case as completely improbable.

"147 was such a ridiculous number," said the source, adding that 50 also sounded unrealistic for this kind of inquiry. "You need an act of terrorism to get 50 agents working on something," said the former FBI official.


The two best lawyers in the country are on the case: Bill and Hillary. They beat the Republicans in the Senate on the House Impeachment Resolutions and they did it decisively.

Nothing came of Whitewater or Ben Ghazi.

HRC has a team of crackerjack lawyers advising her. Each of 'em no doubt has his/her own law partners, associates, professional and personal lawyer friends as an additional resource.

With all due respect to Justice Department lawyers who must meet high standards across the board, cause it really is tough for a lawyer to get hired into DoJ, the government lawyers live in their big building in Washington where the walls inside are lined with law books. The HRC lawyers live in the real world.

Hillary Clinton is a former SecState, US Senator twice elected, First Lady (also of Arkansas), and a serious candidate for Potus in this quadrennial election year. Accordingly, it might not be appropriate for an FBI agent(s) or supervising agent to interview her, as she has agreed to do with FBI.

Reports are that Director Jas. Comey is himself directing this inquiry as a part of his each and every day at the office. All of us can wait to see who at the FBI is designated to interview HRC. Director of FBI would do right to appoint himself to pose the questions and to receive the answers from Mrs. Clinton. It would be hard to expect otherwise.

Interesting that FBI Director Comey was nominated by Obama, but is a Republican who served as Deputy Attorney General (and briefly AG) under George W.

It's interesting to note the parallels and contrasts with that other former SecState Kissinger, and his relationship with the FBI, who basically put himself at the FBI's disposal offering his services on many occasions and nurtured a close relationship.

That's always a wise policy in Washington, because you never know when the FBI will turn their investigative and machinery on you.

Comey is a wild card for Hilary. He is a highly experienced Prosecutor, and has that mentality. He seems to have integrity and not swayed by political affiliation? Will be very interesting to see how he comes out on this matter.


FBI Director James Comey got his first government job in 1996 as an investigator of the Clintons by the Republican controlled Senate Whitewater Committee. The committee finally gave it up, ran up the white flag after finding nothing but all the same wrote a political diatribe of a report. Comey wrote a part of the political diatribe report.

In 2002 Comey was a GW Bush appointed prosecutor in Manhattan where he investigated Bill Clinton's pardon of Mark Rich and where the office investigated Clinton's pardon of 172 others, finding nothing. Perhaps Comey had begun to catch on that where there's Clinton smoke there's an anti-Clinton fire. Here's the long and the short of this investigation, quoted from the Time magazine of yesterday.....

Despite evidence that several pardon recipients, including Rich, had connections to donations to Bill Clinton’s presidential library and Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, Comey found no criminal wrongdoing. He was careful not to let the investigation be used for political purposes by either party. When pressed for details in one case, he said, “I can’t really go into it because it was an investigation that didn’t result in charges. That may be a frustrating answer, but that’s the one I’m compelled to give.”


Comey in 2006 agreed to testify before Congress to publicly provide information that led to the resignation of his arch foe who won out in their competition to become Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, a former GW Bush White House counsel well known for providing numerous legal opinions on anything Bush and his Dick Cheney wanted to justify.

Most of Comey's investigations in government have been of the Clintons. And they've led to nothing. Comey is not the flatfoot cop his father was. Comey is ambitious yes, and he's also a learner with a more cautious approach in his more senior positions. It is he who is now high and mighty and a stationary target of whomever.

Comey has not advised former SecState Hillary Clinton she is under investigation, nor has Comey advised her lawyers of any such thing. The FBI Director James Comey has not advised HRC she is a target, meaning under investigation. She is not and neither and nether.

The Time article yesterday concludes.....

Comey’s recommendation to [Attorney General Loretta] Lynch, when it comes, could include a description of the evidence; what laws, if any, might have been violated; and how confident he is in the results of the probe, the sources familiar with the investigation tell TIME. “If the evidence is there, it’s there. If it leads to something inconclusive, or nothing, he’s not going to recommend filing charges.”

It is indeed appropriate that the FBI Director do the interview of former SecState Hillary Clinton who'd also been a twice elected US senator from New York state, First Lady of the USA and of Arkansas while Bill had been governor (12 years). Which ever decisions Comey may make in the coming months, it is he who would need to take the inevitable heat for it from whichever side gets the huge slam of its impact.

If the spy bureaucracies and their IG's win in their purposes, then they can move right in to rule the country directly by silent coup. If they lose, then they'll have to sell themselves to Moscow, Beijing, Tehran cause they won't have much left to do where they are now.

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No trick. Just Truths smile.png

Didn't know there was such a thing a der-con hipster....

Hope you are refusing your medicare benfits given your aversion to 'free stuff'.

They take Medicare here in LOS now do they? smile.png

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