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Attorney general vows to prosecute stalled case against Red Bull heir


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Attorney General Vows to Prosecute Stalled Case Against Red Bull Heir
By Sasiwan Mokkhasen
Staff Reporter

Vorayuth Yoovidhya was arrested at his family home in Bangkok on Sept. 3, 2012. He would later flee to Singapore.

BANGKOK — Four years after he killed a Bangkok motorcycle cop, fugitive Red Bull heir Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya still faces prosecution, the Attorney General’s office announced today.

After nearly two years of inactivity, the case against Vorayuth is moving forward again, an attorney general spokesman said Tuesday, and he will still be prosecuted for reckless driving resulting in death, one of two charges for which the statute of limitations has yet to expire.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1459240333

-- Khaosod English 2016-03-29

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I believe the statute of limitations for reckless driving is set at 5 years, so that clock is ticking too and is going to run out in early September next year. Considering how much foot-dragging has been going on in this case, I don't have much hope that at least that charge is going to stick.

BTW: Has the spoiled brat recovered from the "flu" yet that he allegedly came down with in Singapore? That ought to be the longest bout of the flu in human history! Maybe he'll get an entry into the Guinness Book for it. Or what else is keeping him back in Singapore instead of returning to Thailand and face the music like a man? This is a rhetorical question, of course.

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It is indeed a step in the right direction, however there is the outstanding spare imported luxury car parts scam that I haven't seen any results from, this stems right back to renegade DSI Tarit time , one can only conclude that this one is to close to home......................................coffee1.gif

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Wow another "vow"

I would be very happy not to read another one,

the scene has been set the actors are ready

now just direct and get to the

Amount of time to be served with compound interest for the delay,

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"I'm moving my left foot..."

You put your left foot in,

You put your left foot out,

You put your left foot in,

And you shake it all about,

You do the brown-envelopey

and you turn yourself around

That what it's all about.

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Amazing really, Article 44 can be used shut down all sorts of 'troublesome' talk, yet it cant be invoked it to finally bring to justice a spoil little rich kid accused of murder, yet I thought it was on the books to sweep away roadblocks to solving the problems that bedevil this country, such as abuse of power and wealth....Oh but wait, he's part of that elite that actually got the junta into power.

Silly me!

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The big question is he in Thailand to face charges ?, if he is,as soon

as they make any moment in the case he will be on a flight again.gone.

In one of these high profile cases,someone is going to have to be made

an example of,with a long prison sentence,no suspended sentence,no

community service,hard jail time,so the general public can finally see,

there is not two legal systems,one for the rich and powerful and another

for them.that will be one step in the right direction to heal a divided country.

regards worgeordie

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According to human rights lawyer Warin Thiamjaras, the statute of limitations in the case for reckless driving resulting in death expires in 15 years - Sept. 3, 2027?

That should leave sufficient time to prosecute Vorayuth. Should he flee the country he might be tried in absentia.

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This case and others have made international newspapers.

Assuming attorney general makes good on his word, the ultimate result is seeing a very

long jail term, with no parole, for this individual and a billion baht fine as a deterrent for future spoiled brats.

And while the attorney general is at it, this teen girl, with no license, and her mother, who killed 9 people , should receive

same fate.,

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The case "stalled" because he "failed to appear a number of times in 2013 before absconding to Singapore" (from the article).

This means, the Red Bull calf gave police a number of times his intention not to comply with the law.

In other countries, when you "fail to appear" after police summons, the police get miffed because you disrespect their authority, here, they scratch their heads...

The article says he is a fugitive, the police say he is a fugitive, the attorney general says he is a fugitive. So, everyone agrees, he is a fugitive. Cancel his passport, so when he wants to renew his Singapore visa, he can't...

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...what is the statute for 'obstruction of justice'....???

...it was said that......he got his gardener to make a false confession....

......'The 3 Wise Monkeys' is not Buddhism....

....and it does not mean 'turn a blind eye to injustice'.....either....

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