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Brutal Thai bodybuilder attacked and imprisoned young Bangkok student


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Testosterone, ‘male hormone’, exaggerates all human emotions, not just rage. When taking high levels artificially, you will experience dramatically increased levels of all your emotions. Most bodybuilders, who use, do struggle with this at first, but after a while they become familiar with the symptoms and are more able to control it to a certain degree.

I am of course in no way justifying his abysmal behaviour, just trying to shine a little light on what I feel to be the ‘misnamed’ and ‘misunderstood’ subject of roid rage.

Additionally: Human hormones have been used for many years under the guise of recreational purposes. For example, it is considered quite acceptable for women to take increased levels of Estrogen, female hormone’, to aid in increased sexual activity without becoming pregnant, i.e., recreational sex. But, in direct contradiction, it is socially frowned upon for males to use ‘male hormones’ for enhanced physical, mental and sexual performance.

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Jacking up roids and giving yourself even smaller genitalia will not improve small man syndrome.

an other gem of wisdom, no proof ever that a guys genitalia shrinks from steroids. I love those uninformed opinions.

Your balls COULD shrink but get back to normal once you stop. But even shrinkage of balls is easily countered and people who use the stuff know what to take against it.

Just for your information, older guys going on HRT (injecting testosterone) often get many benefits in bed instead of losing them. So what does that say about your opinion ?

you doth protest too much in your defense of steroids

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Agreed Tonray,

What on earth possessed her to go back there TWICE !!!

Once again the dangers of on line dating.

Hope he spends some time in a small cell with, say, 8 Thai men to show him how it feels.bah.gif

A little more than 8 people in a Thai cell I'm afraidsmile.png


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Steroids.....screws up their minds

1/...You know this ----because you have taken so many over the years & this is the way it affects you..??

2/ because....You have seen so many Body builders attacking people & kidnapping girls so your posting all ther links to help us understand ??

3/ because...You have lots of links to show cause & affect of steroids on people ....(just forgot to post them)...??

4/ Because you really don't have a clue about steroids now prescribed by doctors all over the USA & the UK for HRT treatment.......but hay it seemed a good throw away line..............bound to get some likes from other people who don't know either................coffee1.gif


Discover magazine-----Science for the curious

The Myth Of “Roid Rage”?

I knew a body builder from the USA who told me that he flew into a steroid rage over a road incident and nearly beat a guy to death.

I have seen people on steroids while recieving medical treatment for cancer get violent after taking steroids.

Steroid rage may well be, a bit of a nutter as well.

The girl a bit stupid going back, but this guy deserves a lengthy Jail sentence. wai2.gif

Edited by kiwikeith
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Jacking up roids and giving yourself even smaller genitalia will not improve small man syndrome.

an other gem of wisdom, no proof ever that a guys genitalia shrinks from steroids. I love those uninformed opinions.

Your balls COULD shrink but get back to normal once you stop. But even shrinkage of balls is easily countered and people who use the stuff know what to take against it.

Just for your information, older guys going on HRT (injecting testosterone) often get many benefits in bed instead of losing them. So what does that say about your opinion ?

Taking anabolic and androgenic steroids ‘will’ make your testicles atrophy, but this is easily compensated by taking HCG, Human chorionic gonadotropin, during and after steroid cycles.

HRT, ‘hormone replacement therapy’, to aid women cope with menopausal stress and depression has been widely publicised and accepted for many years. However, there are also many benefits for older guys, benefits including an increased libido and general feeling of wellbeing.

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..jealous of what...???

...sorry for her...and a real man would not beat up on a woman...but.....

...really what was going on ..???

...a student from 'a famous university'.....if that is so redeeming...why did she subject herself to such abuse...???

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Animal yes, but she went back 2 times after being assaulted the first time...lack of common sense also.

Brilliant! I assume you're an expert on domestic abuse and the psychology behind it?

This was a horrific crime committed by 'one' person. Let's not make his crimes seem any less by putting some of the blame on the victim.

Stay classy.

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You give sick people an excuse when you promote the 'roid rage' phalacy. Defense attorneys love it.

This is correct sir. Try to tell that to people though. The media needs to tell an exciting story so they will continue to propagate the roid rage lie of course.

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Jacking up roids and giving yourself even smaller genitalia will not improve small man syndrome.

an other gem of wisdom, no proof ever that a guys genitalia shrinks from steroids. I love those uninformed opinions.

Your balls COULD shrink but get back to normal once you stop. But even shrinkage of balls is easily countered and people who use the stuff know what to take against it.

Just for your information, older guys going on HRT (injecting testosterone) often get many benefits in bed instead of losing them. So what does that say about your opinion ?

you doth protest too much in your defense of steroids

I just know what I am talking about, i studied them. I prefer to discuss things based on facts remember. Not gossip with no base at all.

Read many scientific reports about steroids, read stuff from users on forums. Talked to people and when I was real young I have done 1 cycle of Dianabol. (stupid as I did not know what I know now). I have also tried HRT with good success. So yes I know what I am talking about.

I always research things extensively before I do anything or before i shoot my mouth. The reason I said I was stupid when young, was because I had not researched the Dianabol and did it because a trainer told me too. I was only 18 at the time. The stupid thing is not the use.. but doing it without research and because someone tells you its ok.

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Jacking up roids and giving yourself even smaller genitalia will not improve small man syndrome.

an other gem of wisdom, no proof ever that a guys genitalia shrinks from steroids. I love those uninformed opinions.

Your balls COULD shrink but get back to normal once you stop. But even shrinkage of balls is easily countered and people who use the stuff know what to take against it.

Just for your information, older guys going on HRT (injecting testosterone) often get many benefits in bed instead of losing them. So what does that say about your opinion ?

Taking anabolic and androgenic steroids ‘will’ make your testicles atrophy, but this is easily compensated by taking HCG, Human chorionic gonadotropin, during and after steroid cycles.

HRT, ‘hormone replacement therapy’, to aid women cope with menopausal stress and depression has been widely publicised and accepted for many years. However, there are also many benefits for older guys, benefits including an increased libido and general feeling of wellbeing.

Yes I was talking about HCG, but even without it its not noticeable for everyone. I knew quite a few guys who swore they did not have any trouble at all. But the thing people here are talking about is not the shrinking of balls but the penis itself (so they think).

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He can get my number and try a one on one with a man for a change! What a sad lowlife scumbag... Subhumans like this need to be removed from society forever. Hopefully he'll receive ample punishment in prison, yet I fear this is a pipe dream since abusing women seems to be widely accepted among Thai males. I, for myself, know what I'd do with him if I'd ever meet him... He could flex his stupid muscles and sixpack in front of me a couple of times, letting him think he's so great, and then I'll switch off his lights (as if there were any)...

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Jacking up roids and giving yourself even smaller genitalia will not improve small man syndrome.

an other gem of wisdom, no proof ever that a guys genitalia shrinks from steroids. I love those uninformed opinions.

Your balls COULD shrink but get back to normal once you stop. But even shrinkage of balls is easily countered and people who use the stuff know what to take against it.

Just for your information, older guys going on HRT (injecting testosterone) often get many benefits in bed instead of losing them. So what does that say about your opinion ?

you doth protest too much in your defense of steroids

I just know what I am talking about, i studied them. I prefer to discuss things based on facts remember. Not gossip with no base at all.

Read many scientific reports about steroids, read stuff from users on forums. Talked to people and when I was real young I have done 1 cycle of Dianabol. (stupid as I did not know what I know now). I have also tried HRT with good success. So yes I know what I am talking about.

I always research things extensively before I do anything or before i shoot my mouth. The reason I said I was stupid when young, was because I had not researched the Dianabol and did it because a trainer told me too. I was only 18 at the time. The stupid thing is not the use.. but doing it without research and because someone tells you its ok.

fair enough... but there is no suggestion steroids were or were not involved so back on topic this dude pummeled this poor girl stubbing out cigarettes on her face and he's scum, plain and simple and I'm sure we agree on that

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I just do not get it...you Thai apologist help me out here...why is the brutal mistreatment of women so common here...and do not site some odd occurrence in a Western country to try and bury this outrageous and all to common behavior by Thai males...

Disgusting piece of cow dung...

Bury this animal up to his neck in animal feces...give him a cup of tea to drink...then tell him the break is over..."back on your head...scumbag"

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the bloke is a scroat, bang him up for years, roids or not, he has major personality issues.

i know 2 brothers who compete in one of the power lifting federations, the competitors have all blown drug tests

they follow a strict roid regime leading up to events.

when 1 brother is bulking up he maintains a highly social personality, brother 2 is a very nasty bustard.

off the regime, brother 1 is a nice man, brother 2 is a nasty bustard.

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I just know what I am talking about, i studied them. I prefer to discuss things based on facts remember. Not gossip with no base at all.

Read many scientific reports about steroids, read stuff from users on forums. Talked to people and when I was real young I have done 1 cycle of Dianabol. (stupid as I did not know what I know now). I have also tried HRT with good success. So yes I know what I am talking about.

I always research things extensively before I do anything or before i shoot my mouth. The reason I said I was stupid when young, was because I had not researched the Dianabol and did it because a trainer told me too. I was only 18 at the time. The stupid thing is not the use.. but doing it without research and because someone tells you its ok.

fair enough... but there is no suggestion steroids were or were not involved so back on topic this dude pummeled this poor girl stubbing out cigarettes on her face and he's scum, plain and simple and I'm sure we agree on that

Oh the guy is an idiot and I condemned him in one of the first post i made. I am really against any kind of violence. I will run before I start a fight. Rather a broken ego as a broken body (or breaking someone else and go to jail).

The guy should be prosecuted to the extend of the law and that is it.. no excuses for him. That goes for anyone who does stuff like this bodybuilder or not.

I just made the comments about steroids because there is always so much gossip / misinformation on the internet. Rumors and untruths repeated by people who think it will give them creds. I am in no way promoting the use them. That is a personal choice and should not be done without research and asking if the risks are worth it. (risk depends on dosage ect).

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She went back twice because she initially "had gone to his apartment in Ramkhamhaeng to do some cleaning to get money for her studies" and I am assuming that she hoped he would behave like a gentleman and continue to provide her with this much-needed income.

Maybe she hoped that his erratic behaviour was just a temporary thing, and she could continue to work for him, and maybe eventually things might turn into a happy relationship. Her only "mistakes" were wanting to work hard to earn college money from cleaning, and having hope that this big strong man would be a protector.

Obviously the crimes are attempted murder, extreme bodily harm, imprisonment, torture, sexual assault. The sentence should be life in prison with no chance of release.

She is probably the luckiest person of the year, her internal injuries were horrific and left untreated for two days, while the monster kept her chained up. I can't imagine how much she must have suffered in those two days. I am so very happy to read that she survived, and all my thoughts and prayers are with her for a swift and comfortable recovery. The strength she showed by escaping despite her injuries, was truly superhuman, a far greater physical feat than the bodybuilder could ever achieve. I believe that her inner strength will help her in the years to come, as she battles to overcome the post-trauma anxieties.

well said that person! clap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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There's a Thai Bodybuilder, nickname Tor, on the website Thaibody, anyone know if it's the same guy? He's in the 80Kg class, so he's not so big if it is this guy, but until it's proved to be the same person, better not speculate.

in one hour, if the man in the website is the offender, you done what 30 thai invesigators would do in a week.

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There's a Thai Bodybuilder, nickname Tor, on the website Thaibody, anyone know if it's the same guy? He's in the 80Kg class, so he's not so big if it is this guy, but until it's proved to be the same person, better not speculate.

Yes.....Too much speculation on TVwub.png

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There's a Thai Bodybuilder, nickname Tor, on the website Thaibody, anyone know if it's the same guy? He's in the 80Kg class, so he's not so big if it is this guy, but until it's proved to be the same person, better not speculate.

I think your mistaken if you think he is not big.. 80 kg with a fat percentage of around 6% is quite big. You cannot compare it with a normal guy of 80 kg with a fat percentage of 20% normal or 30% (guy with a belly) the guy would have 20 kg more muscle as the fat guy.

I am now bigger and more muscular at 90 kg as I ever was at 107 kg. Its all about fat / muscle ratio. Believe me at 80 kg of pure muscle you will notice him.

He might not be tall.. but big.. for sure.

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Steroids.....screws up their minds

1/...You know this ----because you have taken so many over the years & this is the way it affects you..??

2/ because....You have seen so many Body builders attacking people & kidnapping girls so your posting all ther links to help us understand ??

3/ because...You have lots of links to show cause & affect of steroids on people ....(just forgot to post them)...??

4/ Because you really don't have a clue about steroids now prescribed by doctors all over the USA & the UK for HRT treatment.......but hay it seemed a good throw away line..............bound to get some likes from other people who don't know either................coffee1.gif


Discover magazine-----Science for the curious

The Myth Of “Roid Rage”?

Yes because prescribed pharmas never have any side effectsblink.png

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My apologies to all you big muscle men out there but any man that wants to be twice or even thrice his natural size has psychological problems. Some worse than others of course. In my opinion the Body Business started the obsessive disorders in millions of people and eventually led to the popularization of fake. Now it seems to be completely normal to get some plastic surgery, Botox or silicon boob job due to the 'normalization' of these obsessive body disorders. Nothing wrong with exercising but what some people get themselves into is just sick. Not to mention the roids and all the other chemicals.

How does one guy get into triathlons and another into pumping weights? Perhaps pumping weights can be done while watching TV, 555!

How is doing a triathlon any different from bodybuilding.. how is a man that wants to go to extreme in endurance different from a guy that wants to go extreme in muscle mass ? Same same just different.

If you are saying that pumping weights can be done while watching TV you got an other thing coming. If you lift weights correctly you can't do anything but lift. Now running.. that can be done while watching TV.. biking too (done it myself but of course not outdoors).

I don't like how emasculated those triatlon guys look, so skinny, they are more girls then men. But that is a choice they make just like bodybuilders make choices. Its a personal thing can't say I like how the pro's look.. but plenty of people like them.

The body is an amazing machine and can do lots of things, one thing is for sure lifting.. or training for a triathlon (when taken to extremes is not the most healthy). However if you do it within limits its ten times better then guzzling beer all the time and doing nothing.

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