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University tells students Britain 'invaded' Australia


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Of course what the university conveniently forgets is that without the British or some other country the university would not be there in the first place.

And without Australia the UK would have had to use their own soldiers as cannon fodder during the wars 1 and 11.

They did and a whole generation of men died in the first world war.

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

Why is that then ??

Yep, i know many Maori who are whiter than me (a Pakeha) with names like Manu O'Driscoll.

The reason it's favourable to claim maori ancestory in New Zraland is because it's the key to the gravy train. Special voting rights, special benefits, membership of a tribe that gets Treaty of Waitangi settlement moneys, the right to play in a seperatist rugby team, get special education grants and preferential health treatment, and the list goes on.

In Australia, it don't quite work that way. Our colonial histories are totally opposite and the Aboriginals were never afforded the equalities that NZ gave the Maori as regard voting and social standing.

However, NZ has now gone way over the top and in to the realms of sheer stupidity. It's verging on reverse racism.

Hence the difference in the respective claims to being Maori or Aboriginal.

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It is good for cultures to own up to their past honestly and I think this university is doing the right thing. While still needing improvement, how history is taught in the US has certainly changed since I was a child. Hopefully we move away from the romanticized version of our own history and teach the facts. The facts in many cases may show that we hurt entire cultures and were the cause of the destruction of cultures and the original inhabitants when we invaded or occupied or discovered or whatever you want to call it.

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The Poms showed up uninvited, culled the entire Tasmanian population, poisoned waterholes, jumped on horses and went out shooting them. Whole groups, woman, children and babies.

Then introduced the English systems of government, laws etc, but didn't let the original people even vote until 1969.

Absolutely terrible what the Poms did all across the globe, but what the English did to our Aboriginals was disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Now I often hear English people complaining of Pakistanis etc living in England, because the don't fit it, don't want to respect the laws, don't want to speak English, blah,blah, blah.

Well, the English didn't really try to fit in with our aboriginals, they just took over. And shot them.

Why is it that so many Pakistanis etc can go to live in England? Because the Poms took over Pakistan etc years ago and forced them to be in the Commonwealth. Som nam naa.

Are you talking about your ancestors ? How come they are your Aboriginals ? were they handed down to you as a sort of inheritance ''take up the white mans burden, send forth the best ye breed, go send your sons to exile, to serve your captives need'' Well we did that now they are yours,it's your own fault for not coming back home ( mind you i don't blame you)

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What a load of crap. Who gives a shit. Captain Cook did not invade Australia. He came and he went. The reason for the mass exodus from the UK to The new colony of Australia was because these people had originally been sent to the American colonies. The unthoughtful rebellion there put paid to that so they shipped them off to newly settled Australia. They also had no knowledge of the immense resources then like gold, gas, iron and all the other resources so that was certainly no reason to "invade". New Zealand had very few convicts and up until the first real settlers arrived in 1840 was mostly settled by whalers and others seeking its natural resources. My own ancestors arrived there on the first ship of 1840. He was a surveyor and responsible for some of the first railroads in the country.

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Since the dawn of time, everyone, ‘at some point’, has had a go at sticking it up everyone else, it's still going on today, it’s just the nature of the beast, and it will never change.

One man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter!


Almost every country in history has been built on conquest. Some countries (such as the UK) are just more accomplished at in than others.

I'm not justifying what Britain has done in colonising so much of the world, but any other country would have done the same had they had the means to do so.

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Since the dawn of time, everyone, ‘at some point’, has had a go at sticking it up everyone else, it's still going on today, it’s just the nature of the beast, and it will never change.

One man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter!


Almost every country in history has been built on conquest. Some countries (such as the UK) are just more accomplished at in than others.

I'm not justifying what Britain has done in colonising so much of the world, but any other country would have done the same had they had the means to do so.

Very true, one would have to be a hypocrite to pretend that we were bothered by the fact that our good living standard was built on the pain and suffering of others. If you have something worth taking be prepared to defend it or the Christians will come along and convert you then nick it

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The Poms showed up uninvited, culled the entire Tasmanian population, poisoned waterholes, jumped on horses and went out shooting them. Whole groups, woman, children and babies.

Then introduced the English systems of government, laws etc, but didn't let the original people even vote until 1969.

Absolutely terrible what the Poms did all across the globe, but what the English did to our Aboriginals was disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Now I often hear English people complaining of Pakistanis etc living in England, because the don't fit it, don't want to respect the laws, don't want to speak English, blah,blah, blah.

Well, the English didn't really try to fit in with our aboriginals, they just took over. And shot them.

Why is it that so many Pakistanis etc can go to live in England? Because the Poms took over Pakistan etc years ago and forced them to be in the Commonwealth. Som nam naa.

Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901 - a little bit before 1969.

Are you not an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant? If yes then you or your ancestors were happy enough to take advantage of the wonderful country that us Poms created. A bit hypocritical maybe.

Have you asked yourself do the Aborigines want you in their country? If they did not, would you leave without a fight? and where would you go?

I think you are confused, the aborigines were not given the right to vote in the English version of government until 1969. They hadn't just been there for a few hundred years, but tens of thousands. To me that gives them somewhat of a claim, you don't, the Poms 200 years ago didn't either.

"If yes then you or your ancestors were happy enough to take advantage of the wonderful country that us Poms created".

Or were my ancestors sent for petty crimes to be white slaves where they didn't want to go? I don't like taking advantage.

"Have you asked yourself do the Aborigines want you in their country? If they did not, would you leave without a fight?"

I couldn't wait to leave.

" and where would you go?" Pattaya, the City of Love

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

Why is that then ??

Why do some posters consistently make pronouncements here without checking the facts?

There are 1000's of people in Australia who claim some aboriginal ancestry. The town I came from had many and almost nobody tried to hide it.

My g.g.g. grandmother [Elizabeth Cole] was one of the first 300 white women in Oz arriving on the first fleet however I often say to my friends I wish I had some aboriginal blood so that I could claim to be truly Australian.

And do you not know that the term "abo" is offensive or perhaps you do not care?

He didn't need to check the facts because he had been there for two weeks!!

He is a thaivisa poster, they have an amazing ability to know everything about a country by just looking, then assuming, then coming up with a theory with very limited view that they assume is correct, because they saw it. That the whole country is the same and all the people have the same characteristics.

He might have spent his time in Tasmania and not seen any, because the Poms had already killed them all off years ago.

Abo is an offensive word, but is still commonly used by the white people in Australia.

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Agreed! While it's estimated that there were 300,000 "people" on the continent at the time of the British landing, none of them laid claim to any land.....not in their culture! At the same time the French were literally hot on the heels of the British at Botany Bay! The Spanish and the Portugese had already put a demakation line through Oz in the 16th century and of course noone speaks of the Dutch on the west coast or the Indonesian fisher folk who had been visiting the north and west of Oz for over a thousand years!!

It's all just money to the lawyers, Eddie Marbo didn't realise what he was unleashing when he set out to own his own land!! Very sad really!!

Let's set up a date when we'll kill all the lawyers!!! thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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The Poms showed up uninvited, culled the entire Tasmanian population, poisoned waterholes, jumped on horses and went out shooting them. Whole groups, woman, children and babies.

Then introduced the English systems of government, laws etc, but didn't let the original people even vote until 1969.

Absolutely terrible what the Poms did all across the globe, but what the English did to our Aboriginals was disgraceful and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Now I often hear English people complaining of Pakistanis etc living in England, because the don't fit it, don't want to respect the laws, don't want to speak English, blah,blah, blah.

Well, the English didn't really try to fit in with our aboriginals, they just took over. And shot them.

Why is it that so many Pakistanis etc can go to live in England? Because the Poms took over Pakistan etc years ago and forced them to be in the Commonwealth. Som nam naa.

Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901 - a little bit before 1969.

Are you not an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant? If yes then you or your ancestors were happy enough to take advantage of the wonderful country that us Poms created. A bit hypocritical maybe.

Have you asked yourself do the Aborigines want you in their country? If they did not, would you leave without a fight? and where would you go?

Ah! Oz didn't become independant in 1901, that was because it was merely a federation of colonies organised by a British Parliment via a British law! Oz didn't become independant until the 19th of |April 1919! Surprised?? At the opening of the "League of Nations" (after WW1, where Oz, NZ, Canadian and Sth African troops fought as colonial troops under British Generals) only countries whose constitution was not dependant on the laws of another country (as were the 4 "Dominions") could join! Britian only relented when forced to do so by POTUS Woodrow Wilson (the true giver of independance to the 4 countries) who lauded their support for and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men during the "Great War"!

The embarrassment of the Oz government was even greater when it lost the referendum to change from a monachy to a republic ( part of the referenda was at item 24....to authorise all laws made since 1901!) The problem is/was that laws dependant on the 1901 constitution are in fact, illegal! Because, that constitution was set aside at Independance (19/4/19).

Many people have challenged the laws, the High Court has been resting on "Precedence at Common Law" as a support of the existing laws.......but its days are numbered!

PS:- As of the 80's there were officially 278,000 people of part or wholly Aborigine descent in Oz, these people split amongst themselves AUD$ 850.000,000 over and above what they recieved as Oz citizens.....that is what generated people like Pauline Hanson and others to complain to the voters of the unfairness of it all! smile.pngthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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And if nobody had ever gone to Australia and to this day it was only inhabited by Aborigines,what would it now be like ? All modern ? Or what

Your question is irrelevant to the topic. It is beside the point whether modern or not.

The question under discussion is if Aboriginal Australia was invaded or not? I believe it was whether or not it was being used as a penal colony. There were many marines present at the first landing. They took Aboriginal land and began to exterminate them - not immediately - but that is what they did. The British gave them gifts of poisoned flour, went on hunting parties and shot them like hunted animals. They almost completely exterminated the entire Tasmanian population.When it became no longer acceptable to just kill them outright there was an attempt to breed them out. The Aborigines tried to fight them but spears were no match for guns. THEY WERE INVADED.

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Had Australia not been colonised by the British it would have been by the French, Dutch or Portugese so asking if they had not is just Academic. It was at a period of European ascension and Expansionism. That mantle has now passed to the Asian peoples. We can all cry over Indigenous rights but in the end it is economics and greed which decides who controls what. In all our Countries we have no more right to be here than the person who comes after us. BTW Thailand is the only Country in SE Asia not colonised but that was a close run thing and cost them the Shan States, Part of Burma, Part of what is now Malasia and Laos to keep the Europeans out

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And if nobody had ever gone to Australia and to this day it was only inhabited by Aborigines,what would it now be like ? All modern ? Or what

Your question is irrelevant to the topic. It is beside the point whether modern or not.

The question under discussion is if Aboriginal Australia was invaded or not? I believe it was whether or not it was being used as a penal colony. There were many marines present at the first landing. They took Aboriginal land and began to exterminate them - not immediately - but that is what they did. The British gave them gifts of poisoned flour, went on hunting parties and shot them like hunted animals. They almost completely exterminated the entire Tasmanian population.When it became no longer acceptable to just kill them outright there was an attempt to breed them out. The Aborigines tried to fight them but spears were no match for guns. THEY WERE INVADED.

Yes, absolutely disgraceful behavior by the English. A lot of raping went on as well. It makes me wonder, what kind of parents they had to turn out like that. What kind of society made them like that.

Can we just blame " Englishness"?

A few defenders of this disgrace are posting that if it wasn't the English it would have been the Dutch or French. I suppose that excuses them then.

Invaded, chained up, poisoned, whipped, women and children raped and murdered. Cruel people.

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Great post! Thanks for this.

Where a people decide to draw the line at who arrived first, or last, is totally arbitrary. However, under contemporary progressive self loathing one can be certain who arrived first or last anyplace will be chosen with an eye toward self abuse and self loathing. A great post about NZ for context, but like AU one more example of the pathological mindset of progressive influence in modern life.

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Depends on your perspective.

To the native Australians, it was an invasion.

To the settlers it was Terra Nullus, empty land as they didn't consider the natives to be human.

Another ridiculous and unintelligent response. It has nothing to do with your perspective. The land was not Terra Nullius. It was occupied by 500,000 to 750,000 people who, in the ensuing years, were enslaved, murdered, dispossessed of their land, raped and in Tasmania's case, almost exterminated, in other words - genocide.

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Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

Why is that then ??

Why do some posters consistently make pronouncements here without checking the facts?

There are 1000's of people in Australia who claim some aboriginal ancestry. The town I came from had many and almost nobody tried to hide it.

My g.g.g. grandmother [Elizabeth Cole] was one of the first 300 white women in Oz arriving on the first fleet however I often say to my friends I wish I had some aboriginal blood so that I could claim to be truly Australian.

And do you not know that the term "abo" is offensive or perhaps you do not care?

He didn't need to check the facts because he had been there for two weeks!!

He is a thaivisa poster, they have an amazing ability to know everything about a country by just looking, then assuming, then coming up with a theory with very limited view that they assume is correct, because they saw it. That the whole country is the same and all the people have the same characteristics.

He might have spent his time in Tasmania and not seen any, because the Poms had already killed them all off years ago.

Abo is an offensive word, but is still commonly used by the white people in Australia.

I said "See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry is from the indigenous people of Australia."

I did not claim that I know about Australia, my comment is actually about people that I have met travelling everywhere, including Thailand. And indeed, in Thailand's bars, and other places, I've never actually seen an Australian who claimed that he had some Aboriginal ancestry. But, I've certainly seen drunken New Zealanders in bars, going on and on about how they are Maori, or part Maori.

And asked why is this so ? I do have my opinion as to why is this so.

The New Zealanders I've seen who claimed a bit of Maori in them looked the same as any other New Zealanders, or the same as people from Europe. They made the claim, I think, to basically show-off or pretend some connection with Maori people. See, most of us, have a positive view towards the word 'Maori'. It brings up the image of the 'haka' dance done by the New Zealand rugby team before they play, bearing in mind that New Zealand do win a lot of their matches. Also, the word Maori has most people thinking of fierce warriors, an interesting culture, and other positive views. So I think, that's why people who are only a tiny bit Maori (or not even Maori at all) make this claim whilst in the bars.

With the Aborigenes in Australia, obviously, the image and perception is very different. Most people have an image of people being drunk and un-employed in the reservations, people who were mostly killed when Europeans turned up in Australia, a very high death-rate due to alcohol and other negative stuff that exists today.

From that, it's not surprising that people claim (when in the bars) that they are partly Maori, but nobody claims that they are partly Aborigini. By the way, it gets on my nerves when I see people who look totally European and say that they are Maori. I certainly don't have any dis-like for Maori people. And indeed, those who have only a tiny bit of Maori in them, and claim Maori ancestry, and claim the benefits, to me, they're claiming stuff that they don't deserve.

The cake being given to Maori people is only so large, those who are not really Maori but who claim to be Maori, well, surely, they're causing REAL Maori people to have a smaller slice.

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