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Farangs outraged by Tesco Lotus commercial showing Thai maid being slapped (VIDEO)

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Next !!!Why would anybody get upset?

You can see her hand never touched the girl.

Too many farangs with nothing to do but complain.


Not one for understanding right from wrong are you?

There did not need to be physical contact for their to be an issue of corporate social responsibility. The advertisement violated Tesco Lotus code of conduct. Tesco Lotus shareholders are opposed to depictions of violence or exploitation. This is why there is a corporate code of conduct. The code of conduct which forbids these types of advertisements also forbids the use of child labour and other unethical actions.

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7/11, TV, drug culture, shopping malls, white skin, nose implants, red hair, colored contacts, 50/50 offspring, etc, etc, etc, etc....

I think you need to take your medication and get back in your box!

I don't discuss matters of interest with those who are rude to me. I suggest you go for some "attitude adjustment". Prayut will show you where to go!

The items you have mentioned are influences and additions but have not changed basic Thai culture. I stand by what I said!

"I don't discuss matters of interest with those who are rude to me."

You musn't get out much then!

I guess all those things I mentioned have nothing to do with the changes in current Thai culture. And I guess the fact that they now live in western style homes, wear western style clothes, drive western style cars and motorbikes and eat western style food means nothing in the term of cultural conditions?

Oh well, never mind, you can't argue with ignorance!

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She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

Get a life people, It's a commercial.

I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

Are you a total moron, yes we know she did not relay slap her but its the point that it depicts domestic worker abuse which does still go on it Thailand. stating I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various countries is just asinine and does not make this commercial right or maybe thats the way you treat people

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Next !!!Why would anybody get upset?

You can see her hand never touched the girl.

Too many farangs with nothing to do but complain.


Are you a total moron, yes we know she did not relay slap her but its the point that it depicts domestic worker abuse which does still go on it Thailand. stating I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various countries is just asinine and does not make this commercial right or maybe thats the way you treat people

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The acting was terrible. You can easily see, she intentionally threw the tray of chips on her, so she could be hit by a slap that was so far off it never connected. Take a chill pill farangs.

Big picture. Think big picture. It's hard for many TVFers but if you try, you might just get it. If not, ask one of the female members in your family to explain why the advert was a fail.

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The acting was terrible. You can easily see, she intentionally threw the tray of chips on her, so she could be hit by a slap that was so far off it never connected. Take a chill pill farangs.

Big picture. Think big picture. It's hard for many TVFers but if you try, you might just get it. If not, ask one of the female members in your family to explain why the advert was a fail.

Yes, the whole commercial was in poor taste, not just because a woman was being abused, but rather the very common act of employers in the U.S. mentally, verbally, and physically abusing their female and male staff. Not sure about Thailand. Maybe, the 'Land of Smiles' doesn't have that problem. Since it was a woman abusing another woman, like a guy abusing another guy (I won't go any further with just mentioning LB's since that's a whole different matter) lets not take it any further then employers abusing PEOPLE.

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I notice, on Thai TV, phyical violence is used rather regularly. Of course, it's all a joke. Makes me wonder, though, how widespread this is in wider society. As a Farang I'm mostly isolated from this kind of behaviour.

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whether the maid was hit is not the point. the point is the implication that within thai culture abuse of domestic help is acceptable.

Well put, too many ignorant trolls here have virtually no sensitivity toward women, I suspect many of the farangs here embrace the idea of Thai wives to be virtual slaves and concubines, more or less bought and paid for, kept in line by physical threats. The "honor" killings and acid face attacks in other countries probably don't faze them either. Just another news item to write wisecracks about. Here in the US we have the horror of the way black people have gone through slavery and racism, now most of our civilized people refrain from insensitive portrayals, the same goes for our native Indian population (from whom we stole the country and massacred them in the process) You and I and the intelligent readers here know that the outcry will help move the abusive culture forward through this exposure to our public scorn. So this story is a good thing. The comments of the insensitive trolls sound to me like chimps and pigs squealing and throwing feces around. You hear me trolls? I think these louts need to be slapped by their bosses. I volunteer.

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Bit like the meat eating left wingers objecting to caged birds , or whale hunters in the southern oceans .

Sure it's a good cause but a hint hypocrisy creeps in at dinner time while they discuss their days achievements and eat a burger.

Oblivious to the slaughter mans meat on their plate.

Why is it difficult to make that connection?

Or here ?

It's an actress ...it never happened.

Unlike perhaps their bed partners who engage in sexual servitude because of poverty.

That's fine in their suspended head space of conscience.

Many men complaining are hedonistic and politically correct .

They are right ( in this instance)

However , more real life actions that they themselves par take in have absolutely no guilt.


Usually because its not on a forum to debate.

Bug eaters life's matter ! i say as I eat my happily murdered bacon and eggs ... And look for a Chang


Edited by Plutojames88
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She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

Get a life people, It's a commercial.

I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

OK, I'm going to TRY to let you in on how the world works and hand you a clue. Those of us with a bit of maturity know that this is ACTING and it is a DEPICTION of someone getting slapped. OK? we get that. Just as we know that the crying broken hearted girl is neither crying nor broken hearted. And people shot in movies don't really die. What you can't seem to wrap your mind around is the offensive nature of the depiction of a boss seriously abusing a female servant/employee as if it were acceptable behavior. Your comment is calloused and indifferent. You are apparently too numb and insensitive to such issues to understand the public reaction. That's on you, it's not us. The degradation and abuse of women is a serious cross cultural issue, in Thailand and elsewhere, and anyone who appears to portray it in a deliberately demeaning manner especially in a commercial promoting a product, with about the same insensitivity as you apparently have, deserves to be pilloried, as do you for making light of it. And as to what's worse in other countries I can tell you this kind of thing not tolerated in the US. And let me add there is a big difference between genuine and legitimate dramatic portrayal of violence in a story line and frivolous unnecessary degradation. So here's another clue. What's in the movies is not the same as something like this. And video games aren't real. This commercial was frivolous and made light of something which was quite serious and hurtful. In the US you don't cast a black person in a subservient role such as picking cotton or shining shoes in a commercial to sell clothes or cars or anything. Why? Because slavery and racism and servitude of black people under white supremacy is a horrible legacy in OUR country. But if a movie tells a story in which slavery and racism is part of a legitimate plot line in which its basic truth is not otherwise degrading to black people it's a WHOLE different matter. If it's a comedic portrayal in can be done in a way that is not offensive. If you have trouble getting this ask a woman to explain it to you, preferably a black or african woman. Meanwhile, we are farangs with a heart and a moral conscience, and of the things we have that are "better" to do, this is one of them. To speak out on behalf of the way women are portrayed, and in fact regarded in real life.


The US, the US, the US.........

This is not the US - this is South East Asia. In fact fair to say that cultures generally begin to differ vastly as one moves Eastwards from a line of longitude drawn half way across the Atlantic Ocean

Maybe this might help....

Why was the UK not deemed important enough to put on that map? Is it because it's so stuffy it can't even watch a TV commercial without sinking into the ocean?




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She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

Get a life people, It's a commercial.

I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

OK, I'm going to TRY to let you in on how the world works and hand you a clue. Those of us with a bit of maturity know that this is ACTING and it is a DEPICTION of someone getting slapped. OK? we get that. Just as we know that the crying broken hearted girl is neither crying nor broken hearted. And people shot in movies don't really die. What you can't seem to wrap your mind around is the offensive nature of the depiction of a boss seriously abusing a female servant/employee as if it were acceptable behavior. Your comment is calloused and indifferent. You are apparently too numb and insensitive to such issues to understand the public reaction. That's on you, it's not us. The degradation and abuse of women is a serious cross cultural issue, in Thailand and elsewhere, and anyone who appears to portray it in a deliberately demeaning manner especially in a commercial promoting a product, with about the same insensitivity as you apparently have, deserves to be pilloried, as do you for making light of it. And as to what's worse in other countries I can tell you this kind of thing not tolerated in the US. And let me add there is a big difference between genuine and legitimate dramatic portrayal of violence in a story line and frivolous unnecessary degradation. So here's another clue. What's in the movies is not the same as something like this. And video games aren't real. This commercial was frivolous and made light of something which was quite serious and hurtful. In the US you don't cast a black person in a subservient role such as picking cotton or shining shoes in a commercial to sell clothes or cars or anything. Why? Because slavery and racism and servitude of black people under white supremacy is a horrible legacy in OUR country. But if a movie tells a story in which slavery and racism is part of a legitimate plot line in which its basic truth is not otherwise degrading to black people it's a WHOLE different matter. If it's a comedic portrayal in can be done in a way that is not offensive. If you have trouble getting this ask a woman to explain it to you, preferably a black or african woman. Meanwhile, we are farangs with a heart and a moral conscience, and of the things we have that are "better" to do, this is one of them. To speak out on behalf of the way women are portrayed, and in fact regarded in real life.


The US, the US, the US.........

This is not the US - this is South East Asia. In fact fair to say that cultures generally begin to differ vastly as one moves Eastwards from a line of longitude drawn half way across the Atlantic Ocean

Maybe this might help....

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"This is not the US". Duh, really? I hadn't noticed. Gosh I thought the whole world was like us. For some reason you'd like to invalidate the legitimate concerns of farangs whose countries themselves have successfully addressed these issues. Like it or not the US is an example of that. It's the one I know the most about, therefore I can accurately cite from that example. I do not think the US is superior to the rest of the world.. The US has in many other ways violated its own ideals and is no longer a true democracy. The US has gone downhill and done reprehensible things and I will be the first to point to those things as some of the many reasons I plan to move to Thailand. Our police have been murdering black kids and getting away with it. Donald Trump is an embarrassment to every democratic principle. We killed thousands of civilians because our president lied to us and fought an illegal war. Point to that I will agree. You and the rest of the world, INCLUDING Southeast Asia have every right to criticize the US for that. Morality and immorality and human rights are universal. So what are you defending? You think it's OK? Like a wife beater telling his neighbors to ignore the screams and mind their own business? You think that citing cultural differences invalidates criticism from the rest of the world? Guess what? I spend several months a year in Thailand, every year since 2013. I don't need to be lectured on Thai culture, I have been earnestly studying it and have a pretty good handle on it. . Like it or not Thailand has been an ally of the US since the 40s. We would defend Thailand against any attack. We have a fundamental right to highlight abuses such as human trafficking and mistreatment of women. These are basic human rights that transcend cultures. Or do you also support the "right" of your Southeast Asians to beat women?

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The acting was terrible. You can easily see, she intentionally threw the tray of chips on her, so she could be hit by a slap that was so far off it never connected. Take a chill pill farangs.

Big picture. Think big picture. It's hard for many TVFers but if you try, you might just get it. If not, ask one of the female members in your family to explain why the advert was a fail.

Yes, the whole commercial was in poor taste, not just because a woman was being abused, but rather the very common act of employers in the U.S. mentally, verbally, and physically abusing their female and male staff. Not sure about Thailand. Maybe, the 'Land of Smiles' doesn't have that problem. Since it was a woman abusing another woman, like a guy abusing another guy (I won't go any further with just mentioning LB's since that's a whole different matter) lets not take it any further then employers abusing PEOPLE.


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She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

Get a life people, It's a commercial.

I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

It's just a wrong message, I don't want my daughter to think that this is acceptable to do when she sees this kind of ads.

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MickRobbo #142

Thailand is virtually unique in the world as it has never been a Coloniser and never itself been colonised. This has the effect that its "Thainess" has prevailed (some may say, stubbornly), in spite of "Westerners" attempting to modernise some of its thinking.

My italics.

"Thainess" is not an excuse for depicted/actual violence showing on national media!

Slightly OT: During WW2 "Westerners" (along with some internal dissidents) did modernise some of Thai thinking by bombing the country, because Siam/Thailand sided with the Japanese! I guess the fact that they made the decision to declare war on the Allies is the only reason why they were not colonised. Thailand (the modern name for Siam) may not have been a coloniser but they had been in earlier times, but not under the name of Thailand.

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Americans that go to other countries and point out, and/or try to change things that are common practice or part of a culture in another country that they don't like, can't stomach, need to move on, or just go back to the U.S. and work on its many serious problems. There's plenty of them. JFK said, 'We cannot and will not become the policemen of the world.' So yes, voice your opinion then drop it. Unless, you get serious support from the local authorities. I imagine, a Thai abusing his wife/girlfriend or employers abusing employees won't get as much attention as something that effects tourism, like polluted beach water, garbage, aggressive LB's, overcharging taxis/baht buses, etc. Only over the last 15 years has wife/girlfriend abuse in the U.S. has been somewhat addressed. Now, usually, they take both parties to jail to stop repeat offenders from playing the system. I knew a Vietnamese guy whose neighbors saw him chase his wife around the outside of their house with a knife in his hand. That was around ten years ago. He was never charged or jailed. Maybe because, he had a well known local sponsor that brought his family from Vietnam, through a Thailand refugee camp. Another time, he was stopped for speeding, yelled, screamed, swore at the cop, ripped up the ticket, threw it out the window and drove off. Employers abusing employee's still happens a lot in the U.S., usually not physical, because that leave marks and bruises, preferring personal threats, unwanted sexual advances, etc, because that is much harder to prove in court. People today in the U.S. really fear losing their jobs and not finding another so they put up with a lot of employer abuse. Again, yes, the commercial was in poor taste, but that's all, not a earth shattering moment.

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A lot of slapping goes on here at all levels. It's usually forgotten about and forgiven pretty quickly. Can't really see what all the fuss is about. If you don't like it go and live somewhere else.

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