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I have a mole or some kind of growth on my shoulder I want removed. Should I see a GP or Dermatologist or somebody else? Also It should probably be tested for cancer too. Any thoughts?


^thanks, pretty much what i was thinkiing but don't know how things work here....I'll go to Rajavej next week


I'd try to find a personally recommended doctor. A thorough GP is probably better than many average dermo's on this type of thing. Keep an ongoing relationship with that GP. They'll also have a biopsy done I'd imagine. A doctor who is or sees a lot of farang will generally be more experienced in predominantly white skin issues. It is very important to get the best advice possible. Good luck.


From the pinned list. The bottom two names I have personal experience with and recommend.


Prof Dr. Siri Chiewchanvit

119 Moonmuang Road, A Muang,
Chiang Mai 50200. Tel: 053 357085

Dr Ekarach Amornrungsun

Rajavej Hospital, 053-801999


My own recommendation

Chiang Mai Ram Hospital


Recommended by several members

Chiang Mai Ram Hospital


^thanks, pretty much what i was thinkiing but don't know how things work here....I'll go to Rajavej next week


Go and see Dr Vachiriporn at Ram

Normally I'd recommend Ajarn Seri the best in Chiang Mai, but I don't know if he's active right now or how to contact him.

Dr Vachiriporn is IMO a great alternative.


Rajevej is convenient for me and on the recommended list; why do you say don't, bad experience, overcharges?


Rajevej is convenient for me and on the recommended list; why do you say don't, bad experience, overcharges?

Just trying to point you in the direction of the best dermatologists, which I would assume you'd want.

Rajavej during my many years here, has not had a great reputation for dermatological issues.

But as they say Up 2 You.


Go see Dr Vachiriporn at Ram, she's the best dermatologist (except ajarn Siri if you can locate him)

Also see Tywais post 5

From the pinned list. The bottom two names I have personal experience with and recommend.


Is anyone able to confirm that Dr. Siri Chiewchanvit is still at the clinic in 119 Moonmuang Road? Mr K has some strange rash on his face and I'd like him to see the best, which this doctor seems to be. If not, I'll go for one of the others reccommended here, I could just walk over to Ram tomorrow to find out the time of clinics etc. Suppose I could walk to Moonmuang, to see if it's open, but it's a bit hot for walking at this time of day.

There is a phone number provided by Taiwais, but my greatest fear is that I phone and the person on the other end doesn't speak English and gets embarrassed about it. Makes me feel really bad because someone lost face because of my inability to speak Thai well enough to ask, particularly by phone.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Chiang Mai Ram, cosmetic surgery dept.

On one of the upper floors accessed from the internal car park.

They do a very good job at a reasonable price (unlike the rest of CM RAM).

You can just walk in and be seen most days, no appointment needed.

Often they will cut it off then and there.

Cost 3k-5k depending on size.

Testing for cancer would be extra. Easier just to have it removed IMHO.

The doctors have good English skills, and a book in English that describes your condition.

They open the book and let you read the page that describes your lump.


Chiang Mai Ram, cosmetic surgery dept.

On one of the upper floors accessed from the internal car park.

They do a very good job at a reasonable price (unlike the rest of CM RAM).

You can just walk in and be seen most days, no appointment needed.

Often they will cut it off then and there.

Cost 3k-5k depending on size.

Testing for cancer would be extra. Easier just to have it removed IMHO.

The doctors have good English skills, and a book in English that describes your condition.

They open the book and let you read the page that describes your lump.

It's the 5th floor

I would say that you cannot just 'walk in' most days, especially if you want to see Dr Vachiriporn who gets heavily booked.

She is the only dermatologist I would see there, though I know there are recommendations for others.

Dr V might take something off if she is convinced it's nothing serious, but if in doubt she won't simply 'cut it off then and there'. She would take a biopsy and the result takes a week. If the result needs cutting away she will schedule you, it could be that day depending on her schedule. She doesn't do 'cutting to order'.


Update on Prof Siri - he's still there, and just as busy as I'd read about. We walked into a seriously packed waiting room at around 6pm, maybe 45 minutes wait so not too bad to see the one said to be best. Asked a lot of questions about how long, specific triggers for flare ups, what has been previously tried. Diagnosed probably some kind of eczema and gave a couple of different creams, one morning and night and one night only after washing with water and a facecloth, no soaps or cleansers. If it doesn't work go back as soon as it flares up so he can see it in action and get a better diagnosis.

360 baht. Money very well spent I'd say.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Update on Prof Siri - he's still there, and just as busy as I'd read about. We walked into a seriously packed waiting room at around 6pm, maybe 45 minutes wait so not too bad to see the one said to be best. Asked a lot of questions about how long, specific triggers for flare ups, what has been previously tried. Diagnosed probably some kind of eczema and gave a couple of different creams, one morning and night and one night only after washing with water and a facecloth, no soaps or cleansers. If it doesn't work go back as soon as it flares up so he can see it in action and get a better diagnosis.

360 baht. Money very well spent I'd say.

Thanks for the update. I was going to respond to your previous post that Dr. Siri's clinic is an evening clinic, so no point in going on foot to see if it's open during the heat of the day, but I see that you've already answered your own question. Good to have an update.

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