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PM Prayut invites US investors to Thailand


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"The premier affirmed Thailand intends to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to create new avenues for trade. He asked that the US aid Thailand and ASEAN in bringing the TPP to fruition."

from TPP website:

"TPP will make it easier for American entrepreneurs, farmers, and small business owners to sell Made-In-America products abroad by eliminating more than 18,000 taxes & other trade barriers on American products across the 11 other countries in the TPP—barriers that put American products at an unfair disadvantage today."

So a $10 bottle of California wine will not be $25 anymore? smile.png


The whole purpose of this TPP deal is to sell products here at western prices especially pharma products. Just priced a small small jar of a famous brand of petroleum jelly made in the US of A on the last shopping trip. It was about as big around as a quarter and an inch high 199 bahts. This whole trade deal is so that western countries can flog their products in Asia at western prices and maybe build a plant here with cheap labor and none existent pollution standards and still put the product on the shelf here at western prices. Its all one big ripoff.

Edited by elgordo38
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Such a wonderful platform for our Thai hero and general .

I hope the world is listening and understand Thainess is a gift only Thais can fathom.

The great leader could solve all worlds problems if we only believed more .

Some here "like the Jim Jones boys " would enlighten us to the mission the PM really seeks .

To deliver us from evil.

For thy is kingdom for ever and ever .......( please never mention Thaksin ) amen

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"The premier affirmed Thailand intends to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to create new avenues for trade. He asked that the US aid Thailand and ASEAN in bringing the TPP to fruition."

from TPP website:

"TPP will make it easier for American entrepreneurs, farmers, and small business owners to sell Made-In-America products abroad by eliminating more than 18,000 taxes & other trade barriers on American products across the 11 other countries in the TPP—barriers that put American products at an unfair disadvantage today."

So a $10 bottle of California wine will not be $25 anymore? smile.png


The whole purpose of this TPP deal is to sell products here at western prices especially pharma products. Just priced a small small jar of a famous brand of petroleum jelly made in the US of A on the last shopping trip. It was about as big around as a quarter and an inch high 199 bahts. This whole trade deal is so that western countries can flog their products in Asia at western prices and maybe build a plant here with cheap labor and none existent pollution standards and still put the product on the shelf here at western prices. Its all one big ripoff.

the whole purpose of this deal is to sell products here at western prices

True but in Thailand one now does not pay Western prices as you point out due to high Thai protective tariffs -you pay Thai prices and not Western prices. Under TPP those tariffs come down and all TPP member products (not just USA products) enjoy free-trade terms.

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I don't want Thailand involved in anything with the word Nuclear in it. They tested the Tsunami sirens today in Phuket and found a failure rate of 25%, okay for Thai quality standards. whistling.gif

They have had a small nuclear reactor in Bkk for years, forget where but glad i'm not too close!

Plenty of toxic waste in Bkk.

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There is nothing buy shakiness in Thailand now. The rail projects look perilous, there is little excitement in the economy as a whole. Immigration makes no sense. There are no laws with article 44, just one law. An American would be a fool to invest or anyone else would be a fool to invest in Thailand, where ground floor opportunities exist in Cambodia. It is easier to service Thailand from Cambodia than it is from inside Thailand.

Edited by yellowboat
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There are much better places to invest instead of Thailand.

The truth about military rule is even insurance companies have little interest .

They are the canary in the mine.

Manufacturing , and Auto , as well as key businesses like Tourism have small comforts.

The mantra of record numbers in the latter industry does not reflect real down turns in spending.

Chinese may be hiding the European decline.

The crack downs and arrests don't inspire confidence.

Seizing assets could even be a grave consideration if the state suddenly reacted to an international sanction?

The economy is falling off sharply.

Drought and gloom and greater military enforcements make investment a very brave act.

Though opportunities arise .

The home security firms in Bangkok are doing well.

Markets linked to Government over seeing can be expected to flourish.

However, social media and general media and communications are seeing investors pull away over time.

Cash is running out of the country fast as Thailand heads into a long rule of Military control.

The potential for civil unrest is now manifestly clear.

And investors simply take few chances .

The region has better options.


Edited by Plutojames88
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I wonder if he forgot to mention this recent episode in Thailand's investor friendly environment:

"On the order of junta chief Prayuth Chan-ocha, a wide range of powers usually reserved for civilian police were bestowed to members of the military."

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Unlike what appears to be the majority of the posters here, I do not think the PM is referring to investing in beer bars, dive shops, tour companies, English classes, etc. Companies like Chevron, Starbucks, MacDonalds, Ford, etc have invested in Thailand with a business plan to make a profit.

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Thailand has already missed the boat. Thailand is unlikely to join TPP at this late date, as it will just not be able to comply with the already-negotiated provisions. Thailand FDI is at virtually zero. Here is where much of the new investment is going now instead of Thailand:

Last week Coca-Cola met with Hanoi’s authorities regarding the building of a 20-hectare project in the city. The group is planning to invest another $300 million in Vietnam over the next few years. Coca-Cola has already invested $700 million here between 1994-2015, with some $300 million invested during 2013-2015.

Over 50 US companies attended the “Meet the USA” conference held last week by Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Embassy to Vietnam.

“Many investors and companies are already positioned here [Vietnam], while others are looking to locate here,” said Michael Trueblood, director of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Economic Growth and Governance Office.

According to Trueblood, Vietnam, as part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), has tremendous market potential with the world’s 14th largest population and a rapidly growing economy. The country is stable and strategically located in Southeast Asia. The workforce is disciplined and hard working. Vietnam is poised to experience rapid economic growth and has been encouraging strong economic reform efforts via Resolution 19, which promotes productivity and private sector competitiveness.


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Why anyone, especially anyone from the U.S., would want to invest here under the current circumstances would be a considerable mystery...

But it's equally amazing to hear how what's said abroad to foreign audiences conflicts so dramatically with the reality on the ground here in LOS.

If anyone's believing it, they DESERVE to invest here.

As yet there hasnt been a flood of US companies wanting a piece of the action in Thailand unless I have missed it

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American Chamber of Commerce doesn't mention anything of the event and you have to look in the calendar of US-ASEAN to find anything mentioned.

Apparently no one else but the dear leader thought this was an important event. According to The Diplomat the hour-long speech was even delivered in Thai.

If the President of the USA goes to, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Angola, Vietnam, Cuba, Thailand etc, does he make a speech in the local language or does he deliver it in American English and the translators deliver it in the local language? Or in the language of the country he is visiting?

Can YOU speak 2 or 3 languages fluently enough to deliver a 1 hour speech in your second language? I certainly can't and I doubt if more that 4 or 5% of posters on the forum are that fluent.

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the master diplomat at work, those other leaders there, will be firing their thai language translators, the leaders will think they are lying.

the master said 'and i got cherry fined 5000 baht'

How does that work practically? Do they all wear earphones while eating or are his translators sitting right next to him at the table?

The translators are sitting usually next to them at the table so they can answer any question asked

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Given the fact that there is in essence no rule of law here,

the government is run by one man law, and any investment

here a Thai entity must be given 51% , why would anybody

in their right mind invest here ?? Whether it is a bar beer,

or a major manufacturing plant, the farang is still going

to do down in flames.....In a rigged game, you will never


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PM to accept award at Nuclear Security Summit in U.S. today

BANGKOK, 31 March 2016 (NNT) - Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has arrived in Washington D.C. to attend the fourth Nuclear Security Summit and discuss possible trade and business cooperation with American entrepreneurs.

Deputy Government Spokesperson Maj Gen Weerachon Sukhonthapatipak said the Prime Minister met with members of the US-ASEAN Business Council and U.S. Chamber of Commerce during the gala dinner on his first day in Washington D.C.

The Prime Minister discussed with them the possibility of establishing business ties and further strengthening existing ones. The government spokesperson said the discussions reflected the credibility of Thai businesses in the eyes of American investors.

Gen Prayut is scheduled to accept an award today in recognition of Thailand’s use of nuclear technology in the fields of medicine, public health and education, along with 16 other nations. The Premier will later attend the gala dinner hosted by U.S. President Barrack Obama with 50 other leaders at the White House.


-- NNT 2016-03-31 footer_n.gif

So,what would be the award that a non nuclear country PM could be qualified for ? Mot having any nuclear warheads?Not being able to purchase any nuclear warheads? Not having the scientist that are able to create nuclear warheads? Or all the above.

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"The premier affirmed Thailand intends to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to create new avenues for trade. He asked that the US aid Thailand and ASEAN in bringing the TPP to fruition."

from TPP website:

"TPP will make it easier for American entrepreneurs, farmers, and small business owners to sell Made-In-America products abroad by eliminating more than 18,000 taxes & other trade barriers on American products across the 11 other countries in the TPP—barriers that put American products at an unfair disadvantage today."

So a $10 bottle of California wine will not be $25 anymore? smile.png


Yep! Hard to see how it is going to help anyone but Uncle Sam. It was designed as such and is as such. To help US exports or otherwise assist in America's trade (im)balance .

Edited by The Deerhunter
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PM to accept award at Nuclear Security Summit in U.S. today

BANGKOK, 31 March 2016 (NNT) - Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has arrived in Washington D.C. to attend the fourth Nuclear Security Summit and discuss possible trade and business cooperation with American entrepreneurs.

Deputy Government Spokesperson Maj Gen Weerachon Sukhonthapatipak said the Prime Minister met with members of the US-ASEAN Business Council and U.S. Chamber of Commerce during the gala dinner on his first day in Washington D.C.

The Prime Minister discussed with them the possibility of establishing business ties and further strengthening existing ones. The government spokesperson said the discussions reflected the credibility of Thai businesses in the eyes of American investors.

Gen Prayut is scheduled to accept an award today in recognition of Thailand’s use of nuclear technology in the fields of medicine, public health and education, along with 16 other nations. The Premier will later attend the gala dinner hosted by U.S. President Barrack Obama with 50 other leaders at the White House.


-- NNT 2016-03-31 footer_n.gif

So,what would be the award that a non nuclear country PM could be qualified for ? Mot having any nuclear warheads?Not being able to purchase any nuclear warheads? Not having the scientist that are able to create nuclear warheads? Or all the above.

......in recognition of Thailand’s use of nuclear technology in the fields of medicine, public health and education, along with 16 other nations. A very exclusive club indeed,

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early release for 1st April.coffee1.gif

Yes Jessi correct for the first of April. It would be hard to see any responsible American companies doing business with a country that with every change of PMs the new government may or may not honer any contracts as originally written.The Chinese can do business here because the Thais are afraid of China.


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