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US: A look at North Carolina's law on restrooms, discrimination


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An thought provoking take on this contentious topic is below.

I've only copied the first 3 sentences of the article, and it's worth clicking through to read the entire thing.

The rules of bigotry, according to the left, represent a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of nonsense.

This week, we learned that if you don't want your small daughter sharing a restroom with a man who thinks he is a woman, you are a bigot; if you are a woman who is uncomfortable with a man who thinks he is a woman whipping out his male genitalia to urinate in front of you, you are a bigot; if you are a religious person who doesn't want to participate in an activity you consider sinful, you are a bigot.

Conversely, if you are a man who thinks he is a woman and you want to force a small girl to pee next to you, you are a freedom fighter; if you are a large man who thinks he is a woman and you want to be one of the girls, right down to hulking into a Macy's ladies room, you are a hero; if you are a gay man and you want to force a religious person to serve you, you are a hero.


When did you ever see a urinal in a communal ladies toilet?

And even if there were, what woman can complain about the big dude that whips out his manufactured penis and urinates in front of her, when her god bothering politicians have told her that he was born a woman and that's all that counts?

I look forward to the excuse you're about to make....



Oh, and by the way, he doesn't WANT to use the Ladies toilet.

But the law says he has to.

Edited by Chicog
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A transgender person is not a Man who thinks he is a Woman.



That has to be typo.

If it's not a typo, I really look forward to you explaining how a "transgender" person is not a man who thinks he is a woman.

From the American Psychiatric Association. Here is the Report of the APA Task Force on Gender Identity and Gener Variance where they discuss terminology.

"Is it preferable to call dissatisfaction with one’s primary and secondary sex characteristics sex dysphoria (arguably more accurate) or gender dysphoria (the established term of art in the field)? Are pretransition adult female-to-male transsexuals more appropriately called biologic females (arguably more consistent with their identities) or women (arguably more consistent with usual APA style, and not redundant)? In our report, we attempted to balance the competing goals of consistency, recognition of established terms of art, respect for the expectations of scholars in related disciplines, and respect for the identities of transgender persons while realizing that our use of terminology will inevitably not please everyone at every point."

http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/resources/policy/gender-identity-report.pdf Page 12

Your puerile, childish references to 'Trannies', your references to Men in Dresses, your contempt for the idea of Identity and this nonsense above with the silly emoticons in response to an issue that affects real people. All of this is the hallmark of a Troll.

For those who do not wish to strip away the dignity of a group of fellow human beings because of some pathetic inability to grasp the idea of Difference, I would highlight the concerns of the APA to:

  1. Respect the expectations of scholars in related disciplines; and,
  2. Respect the identities of transgender persons

This is what serious discussion is about. Your Tranny Toilet fetish is abnormal, infantile and disrespectful.

Why don't you read the report? You might possibly learn something. However, whatever you do, realise that you do not dictate the agenda of those you seek to oppress with your bigotry. Rule Number One of Identity Politics. If you attempt to do so, you reveal your Powerlessness and are made to look small and stupid.

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More than 182,000 people have signed a pledge to boycott Target after the retailer said it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.

The boycott pledge was started by the conservative American Family Association (AFA).

"Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims," AFA President Tim Wildmon said in an open letter. "This means a man can simply say he 'feels like a woman today' and enter the women's restroom ... even if young girls or women are already in there."


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More than 182,000 people have signed a pledge to boycott Target after the retailer said it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.

The boycott pledge was started by the conservative American Family Association (AFA).

"Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims," AFA President Tim Wildmon said in an open letter. "This means a man can simply say he 'feels like a woman today' and enter the women's restroom ... even if young girls or women are already in there."


Target has 1,793 stores in the US. Its global workforce is 341,000. The numbers who signed this petition are only about half the size of the workforce. https://corporate.target.com/press/corporate

Not very impressive.

How many transactions would be required to reach the $72.6 billion in revenue in 2014 https://corporate.target.com/annual-reports/2014/financials/financial-highlights

Why should we be concerned with the views and beliefs of such an insignificant proportion of the Target customer population.

Do all of these people who pledge to boycott Target actually shop there? The median age of the Target customer is aged 40. So they are millennial, you know, the ones that don't support religious bigotry and discrimination. 57% of them are college educated, so you know, not the ones who only have their minds on potty issues.

So who are these people? Well you don't provide any information beyond citing the promoters of this 'boycott' as one of the very religious bigot organisations that form the coalition of support for the anti LGBT legislation. Another organisation with strong voices of bigotry and hatred is the Family Research Council. You know, the one that appointed Josh Duggar as an office holder of the organisation. The FRC, which routinely argues that LGBT people should not work with children appointed a member of a religious bigot family who confessed to sexually abusing his sisters in their family home - not even in a female toilet. FRC, AFA, all these religious bigots harbouring sex offenders at the same time they discriminate against LGBT people.

180K people? Five times more people signed the petition to keep Trump out of the UK. Again, why take notice of such a small percentage, an insignificant number, a trivial representative group of Target non-shoppers?

Edited by lostboy
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Why should we be concerned with the views and beliefs of such an insignificant proportion of the Target customer population.


A very interesting position to take when this only concerns 0.3% of the US population.



"Insignificant proportion", indeed.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Why should we be concerned with the views and beliefs of such an insignificant proportion of the Target customer population.


A very interesting position to take when this only concerns 0.3% of the US population.



"Insignificant proportion", indeed.

And most likely an over-estimate.

Realistically its less than .01%

Edited by pedro01
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That's an amazing video that more people need to see. And think honestly about.

It presents a common sense point of view that certain political activists want to censor from the public square because it exposes the absurdity of their agenda.

The Family Policy Institute of Washington http://www.fpiw.org is a religious hate group whose public agenda is to oppose LGBT equality. They are particularly aligned with the Family Research Council's agenda on the eradication of all Transgender rights to equality and dignity.

Is it any wonder that they try to play the diversion game about toilets? Their stupid questioning of young University students exposes their complete and utter ignorance about LGBT people and the concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity.

It is not surprising to see their hate propaganda spread on these toilet threats precisely reflecting the bigotry and need to promote hatred of LGBT people by bigots trolling social media.

Watch the VDO. Notice how generous and accepting America's youth are in response to rational questions. Notice how confused they get when the questions turn into bigoted nonsense. Compare these young Americans to the old homophobes trolling this and other related threads. The difference is as plain as night and day.

The public square is for the public to access and that includes LGBT people, it includes Black people, it includes physically and intellectually handicapped people. You know. The Public. Bigots not welcome.

So the questions in the video were fine until they exposed the stupidity of the left.

At thet point the questions themselves were bigoted? Even though the questions that exposed how ridiculous their position was, were simt along the same lines.

Typical crybully behaviour when exposed. To halt the debate and accuse bigotry.

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More than 182,000 people have signed a pledge to boycott Target after the retailer said it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.

The boycott pledge was started by the conservative American Family Association (AFA).

"Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims," AFA President Tim Wildmon said in an open letter. "This means a man can simply say he 'feels like a woman today' and enter the women's restroom ... even if young girls or women are already in there."


Target has 1,793 stores in the US. Its global workforce is 341,000. The numbers who signed this petition are only about half the size of the workforce. https://corporate.target.com/press/corporate

Not very impressive.

How many transactions would be required to reach the $72.6 billion in revenue in 2014 https://corporate.target.com/annual-reports/2014/financials/financial-highlights

Why should we be concerned with the views and beliefs of such an insignificant proportion of the Target customer population.

Do all of these people who pledge to boycott Target actually shop there? The median age of the Target customer is aged 40. So they are millennial, you know, the ones that don't support religious bigotry and discrimination. 57% of them are college educated, so you know, not the ones who only have their minds on potty issues.

So who are these people? Well you don't provide any information beyond citing the promoters of this 'boycott' as one of the very religious bigot organisations that form the coalition of support for the anti LGBT legislation. Another organisation with strong voices of bigotry and hatred is the Family Research Council. You know, the one that appointed Josh Duggar as an office holder of the organisation. The FRC, which routinely argues that LGBT people should not work with children appointed a member of a religious bigot family who confessed to sexually abusing his sisters in their family home - not even in a female toilet. FRC, AFA, all these religious bigots harbouring sex offenders at the same time they discriminate against LGBT people.

180K people? Five times more people signed the petition to keep Trump out of the UK. Again, why take notice of such a small percentage, an insignificant number, a trivial representative group of Target non-shoppers?

No - They are not bigots - they just want to protect their families... AND DID ... TARGET BELLIES UP...

Target Changes Restroom Policy After Receiving Boycott Threats


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More than 182,000 people have signed a pledge to boycott Target after the retailer said it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.

The boycott pledge was started by the conservative American Family Association (AFA).

"Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims," AFA President Tim Wildmon said in an open letter. "This means a man can simply say he 'feels like a woman today' and enter the women's restroom ... even if young girls or women are already in there."


Target has 1,793 stores in the US. Its global workforce is 341,000. The numbers who signed this petition are only about half the size of the workforce. https://corporate.target.com/press/corporate

Not very impressive.

How many transactions would be required to reach the $72.6 billion in revenue in 2014 https://corporate.target.com/annual-reports/2014/financials/financial-highlights

Why should we be concerned with the views and beliefs of such an insignificant proportion of the Target customer population.

Do all of these people who pledge to boycott Target actually shop there? The median age of the Target customer is aged 40. So they are millennial, you know, the ones that don't support religious bigotry and discrimination. 57% of them are college educated, so you know, not the ones who only have their minds on potty issues.

So who are these people? Well you don't provide any information beyond citing the promoters of this 'boycott' as one of the very religious bigot organisations that form the coalition of support for the anti LGBT legislation. Another organisation with strong voices of bigotry and hatred is the Family Research Council. You know, the one that appointed Josh Duggar as an office holder of the organisation. The FRC, which routinely argues that LGBT people should not work with children appointed a member of a religious bigot family who confessed to sexually abusing his sisters in their family home - not even in a female toilet. FRC, AFA, all these religious bigots harbouring sex offenders at the same time they discriminate against LGBT people.

180K people? Five times more people signed the petition to keep Trump out of the UK. Again, why take notice of such a small percentage, an insignificant number, a trivial representative group of Target non-shoppers?

No - They are not bigots - they just want to protect their families... AND DID ... TARGET BELLIES UP...

Target Changes Restroom Policy After Receiving Boycott Threats


From your link "they have decided to temporarily reverse the policy until they can find a new solution that ensures all of their guests are comfortable while using the restroom". Doesn't sound like belly up to me. They reaffirm their commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity.

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The left's use of words like "Nazi," "bigot," *.*phobic, "safe space" is how they control people without really having an argument.

And those of the 'right'? An interesting quote...

"Political correctness is one of the brilliant tools that the American Right developed in the mid–1980s, as part of its demolition of American liberalism".

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Trouble continues for Target:

Target Boycott Is Spiraling Out of Control

Target has become the central battleground of a vitriolic national debate over transgender rights in the US.

Nearly 700,000 people have signed a pledge to boycott the retailer after it announced last week that it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.

The backers of the pledge — including Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick — claim that the policy poses a "danger to wives and daughters" and is "exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims."


Not a surprise, really.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It keeps getting worse for Target. There should be some interesting comments at the upcoming shareholders meeting about their wrong headed North Carolina position.

Target shares fell 7% in pre-market trading Wednesday after the company reported a forecast for second-quarter sales that was weaker than analysts had expected.

Target said it expects comparable-store sales — at locations open for at least a year — to fall 2% at worst and be flat at best.

It sees earnings per share between $1 and $1.20, below the expectation for $1.36 according to Bloomberg.

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Trouble continues for Target:

Target Boycott Is Spiraling Out of Control

Target has become the central battleground of a vitriolic national debate over transgender rights in the US.

Nearly 700,000 people have signed a pledge to boycott the retailer after it announced last week that it would welcome transgender customers to use any bathroom or fitting room that matches their gender identity.

The backers of the pledge — including Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick — claim that the policy poses a "danger to wives and daughters" and is "exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims."


Not a surprise, really.

1.2 Million now

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Why not have a number of gender neutral toilets in proportion to the number of trans people in the general population?

Because it is also locker rooms and changing rooms that the people who identify as different gender want to use.

Go into Central in Pattaya and try on bra's post-246924-0-59372300-1463580618_thumb. I'll bet that will be fun.

Edited by Scotwight
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Settle it in the courts.

How a 1964 Civil Rights Law Makes North Carolina’s Bathroom Bill Illegal


I was reading yesterday that a Supreme Court Decision this week may bolster the trans case. Not because of any specific or implied right, but because the laws are vague or non specific enough to be open to more than one interpretation. That's bad law and it sometimes takes decades to turn ambiguous laws into new precedents. That said, the courts is where this decision should come from when simple common sense fails; not presidential decrees.

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