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Now motorcyclists are banned from using flyovers, tunnels for crossing


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So what are you supposed to do to cross the river then? Maybe I can start a business with a pick up truck and offer to ferry bikes across for say 50 Baht a time, five bikes at a time Then will have more customers on the other side for a return trip...Investors anyone ?giggle.gif .

There is ferry service but I always use the bridge.. :)


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What's new? They're not supposed to ride in/on many places - such as pavements (sidewalks for our American friends) - but the RTP do sod-all about that. I doubt this 'clamp down' will be any different.

'Many motorcyclists decided to turn back, riding on the same lanes confronting vehicles coming from the Bangkok side.' Again, what's new?

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What's worse! Them using that overpass or them crashing into cars driving opposite of traffic trying to avoid the checkpoint on the other side? The police action makes more problems and poses more risk to all drivers than just those motorcycles going on an overpass. They should be rethinking their priorities

Their priority is extorting money. They are masters and need no rethinking on that front.

Exactly , didn't they ban smoking in clubs/ bars and restuarants a few years ago/ now smokers seem to be able to light up at will anywhere, how long will it take for this law to be ignored?

Probably remembered when short of lunch money--- occasionally, same as bikers ignore the helmet rule that was going to be cracked down on a few weeks back.

Edited by kiwikeith
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What's worse! Them using that overpass or them crashing into cars driving opposite of traffic trying to avoid the checkpoint on the other side? The police action makes more problems and poses more risk to all drivers than just those motorcycles going on an overpass. They should be rethinking their priorities

Just another pay day for the traffic cops....


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The police actually cause more traffic issues than they solve. Refusal to allow the automated traffic control center to change lights electronically- they insist on manual control which causes a light at some intersections to cycle at long intervals causing traffic to pile up everywhere. The infamous traffic block where police are checking registration etc cause traffic jams while they accept money to move forward. The police standing at toll stations looking for minor violations and pulling people over through heavy traffic in the quest for pocket money. Then there is the traffic flow system which even Thai drivers cannot understand because the signage makes no sense; can't be seen or is completely wrong. Try navigating some sections of Bangna Trat highway at night for some real fun. There is absolutely no education on driving manners; slowing down for pedestrians or children; or simply following a speed limit. People in Thailand drive way too fast for road conditions and the vehicles they own. Until the police and government actually do their jobs-the carnage will continue . Banning motorcycles from bridges and tunnels does absolutely no good and hurts the poor while Benz drivers are allowed impunity.

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The police actually cause more traffic issues than they solve. Refusal to allow the automated traffic control center to change lights electronically- they insist on manual control which causes a light at some intersections to cycle at long intervals causing traffic to pile up everywhere. The infamous traffic block where police are checking registration etc cause traffic jams while they accept money to move forward. The police standing at toll stations looking for minor violations and pulling people over through heavy traffic in the quest for pocket money. Then there is the traffic flow system which even Thai drivers cannot understand because the signage makes no sense; can't be seen or is completely wrong. Try navigating some sections of Bangna Trat highway at night for some real fun. There is absolutely no education on driving manners; slowing down for pedestrians or children; or simply following a speed limit. People in Thailand drive way too fast for road conditions and the vehicles they own. Until the police and government actually do their jobs-the carnage will continue . Banning motorcycles from bridges and tunnels does absolutely no good and hurts the poor while Benz drivers are allowed impunity.

Also i never understand their handsignals and even can't be bothered no more. Even if you don't stop when demanded nothing happens. They are a total joke.

But they hang camera's behind those flyover bridges and they work well. If they put policemen there all the scooterguys drive back against traffic.

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Remember the rules.

Bribery and extortion....

Not HiSo if you are on a bike.....

Did they not come up with madness about cars over 10 old are not allowed in Bangkok due to pollution...age has nothing to do with the condition of the engine its a thing that they dont understand here called maintenance...

Also most older cars here are fitted with ngv / lpg fuel....

the place just gets madder every day.....

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As a car driver I welcome this.

I am tired of motobikes in the front , in the back and on both sides of my car . Its like you're trapped , I say get rid of them all . thumbsup.gif

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As a car driver I welcome this.

I am tired of motobikes in the front , in the back and on both sides of my car . Its like you're trapped , I say get rid of them all . thumbsup.gif

It would be fun to see what happens if motobikes are not allowed anymore in BKK.

No more personell in the shops, security guards, maids, bargirls...

Buses will be full, passengerboats loaded. Maybe they hire longtailboats to go in the city.

More minivans will come, more taxi's. No more fast delivery of food, tires, mail, boxes.

I will hire the helicopter to go in the city i think, UBER has that service.

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As a car driver I welcome this.

I am tired of motobikes in the front , in the back and on both sides of my car . Its like you're trapped , I say get rid of them all . thumbsup.gif

Would make more sense to ban private cars or at least introduce a congestion charge, i own both bikes and a car and also live in bkk, it became clear to me years ago that a car in bkk is of no use, almost as fast as walking,

Each day i am amazed at the ability- willingness of car drivers to spend hours sitting in a tin box going nowhere.

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They built an underpass some years back in Khon Kaen, caused lots of congestion while it was being built, but great once finished as it bypassed an extremely busy junction.

I used it many times at first on my motorbike, then all of a sudden, the sign appeared banning motorbikes. The signs were right at the entrance and as you have already positioned yourself to use the underpass and it could be dangerous to try to change lanes quickly.

I don't understand why they suddenly banned motorbikes as traffic moved freely.

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They built an underpass some years back in Khon Kaen, caused lots of congestion while it was being built, but great once finished as it bypassed an extremely busy junction.

I used it many times at first on my motorbike, then all of a sudden, the sign appeared banning motorbikes. The signs were right at the entrance and as you have already positioned yourself to use the underpass and it could be dangerous to try to change lanes quickly.

I don't understand why they suddenly banned motorbikes as traffic moved freely.

I think its designed as an income for the bib, nothing more.

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As a car driver I welcome this.

I am tired of motobikes in the front , in the back and on both sides of my car . Its like you're trapped , I say get rid of them all . thumbsup.gif

Would make more sense to ban private cars or at least introduce a congestion charge, i own both bikes and a car and also live in bkk, it became clear to me years ago that a car in bkk is of no use, almost as fast as walking,

Each day i am amazed at the ability- willingness of car drivers to spend hours sitting in a tin box going nowhere.

I avoid Bangkok as much as possible , nomally stay around Bangna area which is not too bad outside of the rush hours.

But I agree in a western city we would welcome other alternatives than cars , more trains, trams ,electric buses and bicycles .

But this is Bangkok , I do not feel safe on a bike here so I avoid them .

Edited by balo
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They have been out on the bridge from Din Daeng onto Ratchawitihi running on to Victory Monument, for the past few days - but they are only there in the day, in the morning and early evening, they are gone and all the bikes are using the bridge again.

Bikes do not cause problems on the bridges, the cops themselves know this and use the bridges themselves all the time - but quick way to make money.

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OMG. The horror.

I just went through Bangkok on my motorcycle over a bridge. How am I going to get to Pattaya now? :)

This could be the straw that broke the camels back.

And yes, motorcycles are a far more effective means of transportation than a car with one person inside and no real cargo in a big city like Bangkok.

What they should be doing is taking one bridge and making off limits to cars and trucks. Two wheeled and side car vehicles only with a 60 kilometer speed limit. The number of PEOPLE crossing Bangkok in a shorter period of time would increase dramatically.


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Apparently the riders are supposed to either use a ferry, or—according to a Thai-language article reporting this yesterday—use another bridge.


I like this picture a lot! Us motobikers should do this at EVERY bridge we can't use anymore.

Just block all the lanes for some hours. All the pussies in the cars won't even dare to horn.

The other week i was lost in the city and just took the 1st bridge i saw. It was the Bhumibol bridge i guess, a very very high one...there was no end and i almost shit myself when the wind came up. I had a great view but felt very tiny on that height on a motobike in the wind.

This story will have many episodes i guess, us bikers won't give the bridges up, we also have the right to use them.

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Thats to improve the wallets of some people.

Accidents happen every day, everywhere in BKK.

Same the brainless law, to fill their pockets that bikes have to ride on the left side.

Welcome to Thailand........giggle.gifgigglem.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gifgigglem.gifclap2.gif

Well it's true that many accidents happen with motocycles. I've seen plenty of them. But many drive like total idiots. And they do that because the slower cars don't keep left.

On bridges and flyovers it's narrow and some drivers just go full speed between the cars...they can drive very well though, i don't dare to drive like them because sometimes it goes wrong.

I see many cardrivers on the phone/ ipad while driving and if there's a police checkpoint they just lay it down for a minute and then pick it up again. If you do that in my homecountry the fine is 10.000 baht.

Thailand would be sooo much better with a real (traffic)police force.They could get high salaries as well if they just did their job properly. Now i see the police doing the same as all other motocydrivers, they should give the good example to start with.

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maybe if the those on bikes that weave in and out of the cars and overtake on the inside of a car obeyed the rules it might make a difference too. Big bikes should be fine but these scooters/small bikes with multiple people on them and only go slow should be restricted. The amount of times I have been caught behind these idiots going not much faster than walking pace but sitting in the middle of the lane is a joke, they do need to be kept away from flowing traffic so that it does flow and not back up. Maybe also if the police were at the start of these sections the riders wouldnt go on them or better yet set minimum speeds for bikes/cars and minimum sized engines for bikes. The bigger bikes arent the problem as they move with the flow, its the smaller ones that need to be removed.

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maybe if the those on bikes that weave in and out of the cars and overtake on the inside of a car obeyed the rules it might make a difference too. Big bikes should be fine but these scooters/small bikes with multiple people on them and only go slow should be restricted. The amount of times I have been caught behind these idiots going not much faster than walking pace but sitting in the middle of the lane is a joke, they do need to be kept away from flowing traffic so that it does flow and not back up. Maybe also if the police were at the start of these sections the riders wouldnt go on them or better yet set minimum speeds for bikes/cars and minimum sized engines for bikes. The bigger bikes arent the problem as they move with the flow, its the smaller ones that need to be removed.

On the mainroads where 90 is the max. speed there are plenty of cars who drive 50, and they even brake while going downhill on a flyover. That really aggravates me and mostly they are old lady's or girls on the phone. Also many of them just stay on the middle lane and hold up everybody.

BKK traffic is just a big disaster, a totall mess ,and the bikers are the most vulnerable ones. It's really undoable to keep left all the time. Also many cars just drive on the most left bikerslane and they never use their indicators when they want to turn left.

BKK has the worst and most selfish drivers i've ever seen on the world. I don't want to drive a car here because i can't stand so much stupidity which eats my time.

And cardrivers feel much superior above motobikedrivers, wether you are farang or not. The only time they show respect for bikers is when they are in a group of big bikes with motocy-gang vests. Then nobody dares to come near them. I guess that's the reason why many motocy taxi's carry weapons, don't mess with them or you'll regret it.

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Another day another crackdown,....................... if you get caught cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

And, if history is anything to go by, probably a very short crackdown at that.

Anyone remember this crackdown? Over 700 motorcyclists arrested and fined in first day of crackdown on footpath riding

I remember it every time I am nearly run down by a motorcycle on a Sukhumvit sidewalk.

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Yes madness, as a motorcyclist we absolutely dont slow other traffic down. I understand that they want to keep the 3 wheel ones away but this is just crazy. I have always been annoyed with the fact that we can't go on certain flyovers. There is absolutely no reason for it. I have yet to see a motorcycle holding up a car.

This is different of-course for those slow moving food-sellers on modified motorcycles. Stupid rules that will only cause more congestion if motorbikes will be used less in favor of cars. You can fit 4 motorcycles on the same space of one car.. more even.

True...it's especially fun when they do it in the oncoming lane while overtaking cars, forcing everyone to brake. Definitely not slowing down traffic at all :rolleyes:

I too ride bikes BTW and overfly rules are BS, but I have to say that bikes do cause many other traffic problems. Let's not get into inter-section jumping at any time the deem fit, or pavement riding or...

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Yes madness, as a motorcyclist we absolutely dont slow other traffic down. I understand that they want to keep the 3 wheel ones away but this is just crazy. I have always been annoyed with the fact that we can't go on certain flyovers. There is absolutely no reason for it. I have yet to see a motorcycle holding up a car.

This is different of-course for those slow moving food-sellers on modified motorcycles. Stupid rules that will only cause more congestion if motorbikes will be used less in favor of cars. You can fit 4 motorcycles on the same space of one car.. more even.

True...it's especially fun when they do it in the oncoming lane while overtaking cars, forcing everyone to brake. Definitely not slowing down traffic at all rolleyes.gif

I too ride bikes BTW and overfly rules are BS, but I have to say that bikes do cause many other traffic problems. Let's not get into inter-section jumping at any time the deem fit, or pavement riding or...

Those foodvendors with tricycle motorcycles always have a very low umbrella/roof which touches my head if i come to close. VERY dangerous krab and i bet they cause many accidents. Also they drive very slow causing congestion. Same as the recyclers, pushcarts, soidogs but of course Thailand can't handle that problem.

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