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Tension erupts as Greece prepares migrant returns to Turkey


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Tension erupts as Greece prepares migrant returns to Turkey


After a night of violence at a holding centre on the Greek island of Chios, hundreds of migrants and refugees have forced their way out, reportedly tearing down part of a razor wire fence.

Tensions are boiling over as Greece prepares to start returning migrants to Turkey under the EU’s deal with Ankara.

Reception centres on the Aegean islands have become detention centres for those arriving after March 20, who face being sent back if their asylum applications are not accepted.

Rioting and clashes between migrants have left several people injured at a number of Greek sites.

About 1,500 migrants and refugees who have arrived on Chios since March 20 were being held at the facility as of Friday morning.

Video clips on Greek websites showed dozens of migrants and refugees, many of them women and children, carrying their belongings and walking along the tree-lined road to the port.

A police spokesman for the northern Aegean region to which Chios belongs said about 300 people had left the centre. Police were monitoring the situation, he said.

Clashes broke out at the site late on Thursday, during which windows were smashed and 10 people were injured lightly, another police official said.

“They say they don’t want to go back to Turkey and that they are afraid for their safety after yesterday’s clashes,” a police official on Chios said.

“The police tried to persuade them to return but they refused and are now walking to the port of the island,” he said.

At the same time, more people fleeing misery and conflict continue to arrive on
Greek shores.

An Italian coastguard vessel working with Frontex and Spanish volunteers escorted a group of around 40 mainly Afghans onto the island of Lesbos early on Friday – the newcomers still, no doubt, hoping to make it to northern Europe.

The odds are stacked against them.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-02

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I love it how they say they are afraid for their safety after yesterdays clash. Errr, excuse me, YOU were the ones doing all the violence and mayhem in the frenzy to cross the border into free-stuff land. The poor local Greeks should be afraid for their safety that's for sure.

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"Rioting." "Clashes." "Chaos." "Injuries." How could this be possible? All the pictures the press show us indicate that almost every refugee is a child or woman. Women and children rioting and injuring people? Something doesn't sound right. What could it be???

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They haven't got the guts to make all these demands in their own countries, to protest or to fight for what's right. Bunch of cowards all of them.

I guarantee you that they will not pull off these stunts once back in Turkey. The Turks will not stand for it.

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Just who do these people think they are. They wouldn't dare to pull stunts lile this back in their own countries.

It may be time for the authorities to use live rounds. The 'migrants'/refugees/whatevers will really feel at home then.

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They haven't got the guts to make all these demands in their own countries, to protest or to fight for what's right. Bunch of cowards all of them.

They wouldn't dare behave like this in any Muslim country either.

They know it would not be tolerated and they would be very severely punished.

But the dopey Christians who they hate, with their Human Rights, lovely daft liberals and left wingers will put up with anything.

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They haven't got the guts to make all these demands in their own countries, to protest or to fight for what's right. Bunch of cowards all of them.

They wouldn't dare behave like this in any Muslim country either.

They know it would not be tolerated and they would be very severely punished.

But the dopey Christians who they hate, with their Human Rights, lovely daft liberals and left wingers will put up with anything.

What on earth are you talking about? Do you believe that everyone behaves well in Muslim countries?

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They haven't got the guts to make all these demands in their own countries, to protest or to fight for what's right. Bunch of cowards all of them.

They wouldn't dare behave like this in any Muslim country either.

They know it would not be tolerated and they would be very severely punished.

But the dopey Christians who they hate, with their Human Rights, lovely daft liberals and left wingers will put up with anything.

What on earth are you talking about? Do you believe that everyone behaves well in Muslim countries?

No they behave like animals ,that's why they are not wanted in the west

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“The police tried to persuade them to return but they refused and are now walking to the port of the island,” he said.

Business as usual. And you always think "But now, now they'll finally use live bullets when needed, this cannot continue, they are having us on."

Thinking runs like that:

Sorry, no asylum that way, you are breaking our law and are now being deported? Catch us if you can! We run faster than police in the protective gear they need.

Don't like the camp you're being detained in? Take it apart, point to the danger your own action present to women and children there, blame it on your evil hosts.

Warning shots? Yeah, yeah. Where we come from they shoot whole bursts into the air when talking about Israel. What's the point when they know they will not be shot at for real?

You're not being bused to where you want to go? Start marching there, block the infidels' motorways in the process, if that's the way they want it.

Police asks you to leave a train going through Denmark, because they think of not letting you in? Remain seated, they won't make you, train's leaving with you or not at all.

Big fence? There is always railway lines, can't build a fence there. If they don't do what you want, their trains are not running. Make your children lay down on the tracks. It's not like the locomotive would care, but you can always get those blockheads that way.

There was a report in the news how some German vessels with the NATO troops approached a dinghy with some 50 of those extortion artists making over from Turkey. Poured petrol into their own boat, threatened to set it alight and/or throw their own children over board if they were to be towed back to Turkey. Situation relaxed when they heard they could go on to Greece, the Germans were only "monitoring" them. Knew they'd be able to pull some new trick once there. I'd have to say, we are not under obligation to prevent everyone in the world from committing suicide, if that's what they want.

Apart from absolutely not condoning this criminal behaviour, and refusing to call those people refugees, I actually wonder how the actual deportation to Turkey, if that ever happens, will work.

Can we honestly expect of Greek police to wrestle them down one by one, handcuff them, and carry them onto a vessel, when they are fighting tooth and nail, are potentially armed with iron bars and knifes, and you need three police to carry one guy and a score more to secure them? They're not getting paid enough for doing that sort of thing in personal danger all day, every day of the week. It will be either firearms coming in in earnest or you might as well forget it.

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They haven't got the guts to make all these demands in their own countries, to protest or to fight for what's right. Bunch of cowards all of them.

They wouldn't dare behave like this in any Muslim country either.

They know it would not be tolerated and they would be very severely punished.

But the dopey Christians who they hate, with their Human Rights, lovely daft liberals and left wingers will put up with anything.

What on earth are you talking about? Do you believe that everyone behaves well in Muslim countries?

No, I do not believe that for one second. Might also depend on what you call good behaviour within a given frame of reference.

The point is, their own police will treat them quite differently than, say, German or British police when they step out of bounds. You can search the internet for how the "migrants" outside those Spanish towns in Morocco fare when the local police starts chasing them off with batons. Any acting up and it's broken fingers and missing teeth.

I have no doubt whatsoever that applies to any ME or Arab country, and that is only the police on site. After that it's a concrete cell with a hole in the ground, not a European youth-hostel-con-bars. No, jail is not a nice place anywhere, but it will depend on what you're used to. Oh, and if you grab at some local woman's tits you probably have to be glad if police get you before hubby, daddy, and 5 brothers and uncles do.

There was one news-clip where a German police officer was quoted saying that some North-African pick-pockets, when caught and brought to the police station the first time, were staring at them in disbelief when told they were free to go and would get anything further in writing, as if they were suspecting some dirty trick. And when they have their day in court then, they will be more than impressed they'll have to pay 500 € or something from the very money they get from their host country for free while their phony asylum request is processed. And are free to commit further crimes to recoup their losses, they are actually *taught* that in our civilised countries crimes don't matter and the justice system is a big joke.

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Have you noticed that all the 'caring' lefty libs who want to 'save' and protect these refugees/migrants all live in a protective bubble world? By a bubble, i mean higher status, behind secure walls, money, bodyguards,etc., where their normal, every day life would never actually be in contact with them?

Not poor ol'Joe Bloggs on the street, fighting them off their girlfriends....sad really.

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Now they're on working temperature.

800 have broken out of an old factory turned camp and ransacked it in the process. Oh, and they smashed the evil fingerprinting equipment in their "desperation". The 30 police there did nothing much to stop them, would probably have been asking too much. Greek officials had to reroute two big ferries as our new friends and neighbours are marching on the port, undoubtedly making it unusable by mere presence, for fear they'd be storming these ferries and commandeer them to get to the mainland.


Press won't fail to mentioned these a desperate people for having fled terrible Turkey. In the light of the first guys threatening to throw their families into the sea if they are forcibly deported, Greece police have announced they'd be taking "a soft approach". No live bullets then, I take it. The next thing we'll hear is probably they can't put together a load for shipping back because they can't separate those arriving past the deadline of March 20 from those having arrived earlier. And I suppose there are going to be hostage takings.

They got their women and children forming roadblocks over the motorways at the Macedonian border, not just where those camps have formed, but apparently they're spreading out. Because they are desperate, if course, having to live in the terrible war zone of Greece.

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Top tip of the day.

Holding up a placard saying let us go where we want is not going to do you any favours.

No, I totally support that. Please let me go where I want, those visa-runs here are getting on my nerves.

And as things threaten to turn out in the long run I'd like to go to an English-speaking country where they don't take just anyone, especially not droves of unvetted Muslims, but the US, NZ, Oz, and Canada are all tough cookies for exactly that reason.

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