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Sen. Graham to Arab world: US hasn't changed despite Trump


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Sen. Graham to Arab world: US hasn't changed despite Trump

CAIRO (AP) — Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham sought to reassure the Arab world Sunday over the prospect of Donald Trump becoming president, saying in Cairo that Congress would continue to play a primary role in foreign policy, "regardless of what Mr. Trump says or does."

"The Congress is going to be around no matter who is president," Graham told reporters after meeting with Egyptian President Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi as part of a Republican congressional delegation touring the Middle East.

"All of us, regardless of what Mr. Trump says or does, we are going to keep being who we are, so don't let the political scenes at home get you too upset," Graham said. "That's what I told the president."

Graham's comments regarding the front-runner for his party's nomination reflect a growing concern in Washington over the effect a Trump presidency could have on U.S. foreign policy and international relations. Trump has stirred controversy both at home and abroad with proposals that include a blanket ban on Muslim immigration to the U.S. and the building of a massive wall along the entire U.S.-Mexican border.

"Don't let the politics of the moment make you believe that America has fundamentally changed in terms of the way we view the world. It hasn't," Graham said.

Graham has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz, Trump's main Republican rival, despite the fact that Graham has been a vocal public critic of Cruz for years. Speaking to The Daily Show's Trevor Noah last month, Graham said he was endorsing Cruz because he is, "not completely crazy."

Speaking to reporters Sunday, Graham said he wants the U.S. to increase its military aid to el-Sissi's government, which is battling a long-running insurgency in the northern Sinai by militants affiliated with the Islamic State group.

With $1.3 billion annually, Egypt is the second-largest recipient of U.S. military aid after Israel.

Graham said the delegation's main purpose in Egypt is to improve and deepen relations with el-Sissi, and to support the economy to help ensure the stability of Egypt.

"If Egypt fails, every problem in the Mideast becomes a hundred times worse," Graham said.

Graham, along with Sen. John McCain, was vehemently opposed to the July 2013 military ouster of elected Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, led by then-Defense Minister el-Sissi. The military removed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood amid mass protests against his one-year rule.

But on Sunday, Graham appeared to back el-Sissi as "a military man who understands terrorism" and "someone I can work with."

In recent weeks, Egypt was rebuked over its human rights record by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry as well as the European Union's foreign affairs arm, the European Parliament, the U.N. Council for Human Rights and several Western European nations, including key trade partner and EU heavyweight Germany. The case of an Italian student kidnapped and tortured to death in Cairo has also poisoned Egypt's long close ties with Italy, amid suspicions that it was carried out by members of the security forces.

Graham acknowledged those concerns and said he and his colleagues are encouraging Egypt to improve its record on human rights and freedom of expression.

"Our hope is that the Egyptian government can prove to the international community that they're sincerely responding to legitimate concerns while at the same time trying to maintain security," Graham said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-04

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"All of us, regardless of what Mr. Trump says or does, we are going to keep being who we are, so don't let the political scenes at home get you too upset," Graham said. "That's what I told the president."

Just re-assuring everyone that Congress will continue to be for sale to the high bidders

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Lindsay Graham, now there's an honorable man, someone we can all look up to, admire and respect…sadly NOT! Just more GOP scum polluting the planet. Someone tell me why he isn't running for president? With Clinton, Cruz and Trump as competitors he might not look so scummy as he is….a walking talking advert for term limits.

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Lindsay Graham assuring everyone that despite The Trumpster every thing would be the same........well we know that....ever since H. Truman signed the NSA its been the same.....give us your natural resources or we will bomb you back to the stone age i.e. yank politicians = Nazis.

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Now this is an interesting message. What it actually means is that Trump, aside some superficial lack of polish, actually does embody true American values of the most diverse kinds and that of course the country didn't change because of him, they were always one and the same. Alright. This is still the opinion of just one person and I keep hoping it is not true. Trump certainly represents a substantial slice of US opinion. We shall see if it really is the majority. We shall also see if these are his true convictions or merely vehicles to gain votes, and perhaps should he be elected President we will see some surprising changes in Policy, towards less polemic and more reasonable positions. Let's hope so!

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Everyone in the US is waiting anxiously for words of wisdom from Senator Graham...one can tell how much leverage and power of persuasion he has by the amount of people who voted for him during the Presidential nomination process...less than 1%...

Graham is trying to make himself relevant...not going to work...

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"Speaking to reporters Sunday, Graham said he wants the U.S. to increase its military aid to el-Sissi's government, which is battling a long-running insurgency in the northern Sinai by militants affiliated with the Islamic State group.

With $1.3 billion annually, Egypt is the second-largest recipient of U.S. military aid after Israel."

Increase our military aide? Really? Seems all they're using it for is to line their own pockets.

"Graham, along with Sen. John McCain, was vehemently opposed to the July 2013 military ouster of elected Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, led by then-Defense Minister el-Sissi. The military removed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood amid mass protests against his one-year rule.

But on Sunday, Graham appeared to back el-Sissi as "a military man who understands terrorism" and "someone I can work with."

​So, when Trump gets the delegates needed for the nomination, will he also suddenly become "someone I can work with"? What a joke these 2 clowns are.

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Lindsay Graham assuring everyone that despite The Trumpster every thing would be the same........well we know that....ever since H. Truman signed the NSA its been the same.....give us your natural resources or we will bomb you back to the stone age i.e. yank politicians = Nazis.

Most ignorant post of the thread. Did you get your attention that you wanted?

What exactly is a Yank? it has no meaning whatsoever unless you mean the colloquial verb as to "yank" someone. There was a period when the term Yankee was used. It primarily referred to the residents of the New England region of the USA.This region has a long tradition of independent thinking, progressive politics and activist democracy with shortened political terms, higher accountability requirements for political representatives, very active town and county democratic processes. This is the region which has produced Bernard Sanders, the Vermont Senator, who many in TVF call a commie. Overall, the "Yankee" region is far more progressive, far more generous with social benefits and funding, fand ar more age/gender/racial inclusive than the rest of the world, including much of Europe.

BTW, only the Europeans and their Asian and Arab allies supported the Nazis and engaged in the genocide of the Nazis. The "Yankees" stopped it.

So yes, please tell me again, how "Yankee" politicians equal Nazis.

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