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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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Activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access

NEW YORK (AP) — Stung by setbacks related to their access to public restrooms, transgender Americans are taking steps to play a more prominent and vocal role in a nationwide campaign to curtail discrimination against them.

Two such initiatives are being launched this week — evidence of how transgender rights has supplanted same-sex marriage as the most volatile, high-profile issue for the broader movement of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists.

One initiative is a public education campaign called the Transgender Freedom Project that will share the personal stories of transgender people. The other, the Trans United Fund, is a political advocacy group that will engage in election campaigns at the federal and state level, pressing candidates to take stands on transgender rights.

"We welcome the support of our allies," said Hayden Mora, a veteran transgender activist who's director of Trans United. "But it's crucial that trans people build our own political power and speak with our own voices."

From a long-term perspective, there have been notable gains for transgender Americans in recent years — more support from major employers, better options for health care and sex-reassignment surgery, a growing number of municipalities which bar anti-transgender discrimination.

But there were two setbacks in the past five months that hammered home to transgender people the challenges that they still face.

Last November, by a decisive margin, voters in Houston repealed a municipal nondiscrimination ordinance that provided protections for LGBT people. On March 23, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed a hastily drafted law that barred Charlotte and other cities in the state from implementing similar ordinances.

In both cases, conservatives opposed to the ordinances focused their arguments on bathroom access — contending that allowing transgender people to use public bathrooms based on their gender identity would expose women and girls to discomfort and possible molestation.

Those arguments helped carry the day among Houston voters and North Carolina lawmakers despite the fact that such problems have not materialized in any significant way in the 17 states already banning anti-transgender discrimination in public accommodations.

"All the people who lost the marriage equality fight, they've now decided that trans people are fair game," said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators, but the public is quickly going to learn that's just nonsense."

The outcome in Houston prompted many post-mortems among LGBT activists — What went wrong? How should the bathroom-access argument be countered in the future?

"It's been an alarming wake-up call since November," said Dru Lavasseur, Transgender Rights Project director for the LGBT-rights group Lambda Legal. "We need to prioritize bringing transgender people into the movement in leadership positions, with transgender voices leading the way."

There has been widespread agreement that a key plank of future strategy should be enlisting more transgender people to share their personal experience — a tactic that was successful for gays and lesbians during the campaign to legalize same-sex marriage.

"In most parts of this country, people don't know a trans person," said Kasey Suffredini, a transgender attorney who's director of the new Transgender Freedom Project. "The work in front of us is to put a face on who the trans community is. That's the way that we win."

The project, undertaken by an advocacy group called Freedom for All Americans, has a first-year budget of about $1 million, with plans to expand thereafter.

Nationwide success "will not happen overnight," said Suffredini, suggesting a 10-year timeframe was plausible.

"What happened in North Carolina, as terrible as it was, has really galvanized people," he added.

In the aftermath of the North Carolina legislature's action, several LGBT leaders headed to the state to join in protests and plot strategy for trying to overturn the new law.

Among them was Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBT group that has been under pressure from some grass-roots activists to block any recurrences of the Houston and North Carolina setbacks. On Thursday, as Griffin sought to personally deliver a letter of protest to McCrory, he insisted on being accompanied into the governor's office by a local transgender activist.

The Human Rights Campaign's director of research and public education, Jay Brown, said he's already seen an impact as more transgender people step into the political spotlight. He cited recent developments in South Dakota, where Gov. Dennis Daugaard met with several transgender people and later vetoed a bill that would have restricted transgender students' bathroom access at public schools.

Brown also cited a new survey released by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation — it found that 35 percent of likely voters know or work with a transgender person, twice as many as two years ago.

Asked about the impatience among some LGBT activists in regard to transgender rights, Brown replied, "Public education isn't something that happens overnight."

"We've had some incredible victories in the past few years as a movement, so it's hard to take a loss," he said. "But that's part of the movement — we take steps forward and some steps back."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-04

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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.

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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.


You do understand the plumbing arrangements in ladies toilets, don't you!?

If you think young girls are endangered by transwomen you obviously have no understanding of what a transwoman is!

Do you think the solution is for transwomen to use the mens room?

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What I donot understand is the transgender group saying they want to curtail discrimination against them. When in fact they appear to be asking for special privileges Denying special privilege is not discrimination sorry,it is maintaining the equality. The rest of the nation wants equality not privileges for certain groups..If they are male use male washroom if female use female washroom the rest of us have to.

To allow otherwise would open the door for perverts. Any man could say he was transgender and walk into a womens restroom.Women could hang out in mens roms and gawk.by simply saying oh I am transgender.

Edited by lovelomsak
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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.


You do understand the plumbing arrangements in ladies toilets, don't you!?

If you think young girls are endangered by transwomen you obviously have no understanding of what a transwoman is!

Do you think the solution is for transwomen to use the mens room?


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What I donot understand is the transgender group saying they want to curtail discrimination against them. When in fact they appear to be asking for special privileges Denying special privilege is not discrimination sorry,it is maintaining the equality. The rest of the nation wants equality not privileges for certain groups..If they are male use male washroom if female use female washroom the rest of us have to.

To allow otherwise would open the door for perverts. Any man could say he was transgender and walk into a womens restroom.Women could hang out in mens roms and gawk.by simply saying oh I am transgender.

Oh look, another one who doesn't understand transgender!

You are afforded special privilege, so why not anyone else!

If a person's gender is legally reassigned them they should be able to use the toilets of their assigned gender, you don't just put on a dress and say "oh I am transgender" you're obviously confusing transgender with transvestite.

There is a high probability that you've used the mens toilets at the same time as a transman, but you wouldn't have noticed. There is an increased likelihood that you've used mens toilets at the same time as gays, but you not only survived unscathed, you probably didn't even notice.

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If you have dangly bits ,use the mens room ,end of .and to anyone who calls me a homophobe or any other phobe , i couldnt care less what people do ,just as long as they do it in private , rolleyes.gif

So post-up transwomen have your full permission to use the ladies room then! That's very decent of you.

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""All the people who lost the marriage equality fight, they've now decided that trans people are fair game," said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators, but the public is quickly going to learn that's just nonsense."


What a load of crap.

The reality is the LGBT community have very few things to whinge about now. In their search for things to become offended about and rally over - this has become their issue du jour.

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What I donot understand is the transgender group saying they want to curtail discrimination against them. When in fact they appear to be asking for special privileges Denying special privilege is not discrimination sorry,it is maintaining the equality. The rest of the nation wants equality not privileges for certain groups..If they are male use male washroom if female use female washroom the rest of us have to.

To allow otherwise would open the door for perverts. Any man could say he was transgender and walk into a womens restroom.Women could hang out in mens roms and gawk.by simply saying oh I am transgender.

Oh look, another one who doesn't understand transgender!

You are afforded special privilege, so why not anyone else!

If a person's gender is legally reassigned them they should be able to use the toilets of their assigned gender, you don't just put on a dress and say "oh I am transgender" you're obviously confusing transgender with transvestite.

There is a high probability that you've used the mens toilets at the same time as a transman, but you wouldn't have noticed. There is an increased likelihood that you've used mens toilets at the same time as gays, but you not only survived unscathed, you probably didn't even notice.

There is a high probability that you've used the mens toilets at the same time as a transman, but you wouldn't have noticed. There is an increased likelihood that you've used mens toilets at the same time as gays, but you not only survived unscathed, you probably didn't even notice

I amnot knocking sex oreintation. I am not knocking gays. Why do you talk to me like this. I am simply pointing out that men go to mens rooms women go to womens rooms no special privilege..

I feel i understand transgender quite well and also know the difference between transgender and tranvestite so do not assume. you are on the attack of any one who does not agree that is the problem here. Like i said in original post they cry discrimination and it is not when it is about being equal.with equal rights given by birth. I was

also pointing out the obvious ability for other wise people to abuse the privilege.

I should also add I am certain I have used a urinal with a gay beside me. I had a gay friend who is dead now. Who lived in Vancouver when I was in Van We would go to the gay clubs because that was where he was comfortable.Not my cup of tea but not an issue either.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Obviously every single building owner in the great US of A should immediately build a third bathroom to accommodate the huge numbers of transgender users who feel discriminated against.

Starting with the grade schools and high schools where discrimination against anyone slightly different from the masses is totally unheard of.

To do any less would threaten to undermine the very social fabric of the nation.

Edited by bangon04
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to be honest I dont understand the issue because it has not being explained properly

so let's take a Ladies Bathroom, would a Man be able to use it simply by claiming to be transgender,

or would such man need some re-assignment document ?? and what are the criteria for re-assignment?

if the first is true then what is to stop anyone entering any gender bathroom for any reason, and if challenged claiming transgender status?

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to be honest I dont understand the issue because it has not being explained properly

so let's take a Ladies Bathroom, would a Man be able to use it simply by claiming to be transgender,

or would such man need some re-assignment document ?? and what are the criteria for re-assignment?

if the first is true then what is to stop anyone entering any gender bathroom for any reason, and if challenged claiming transgender status?

Exactly. It could be abused by perverted heterosexuals. How can people prove or disprove once it is allowed?

That said I feel transgender who are post op should be given the privilege. But even there are how do you distinquish those. To be honest i feel the post ops can fly under the radar and go where they have been reassigned to.

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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.

Admittedly there are some logistics issues to be rectified, However, it seems there is no intent to place urinals in women's bathrooms; therefore it is unlikely your 8 year old daughter will see men urinating; unless she is in the stalls.

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I must be missing something. If your legal status is male the washroom with 'Men' on it is your destination. If your legal status is female your destination is the door with 'Women' on it. Since when, and why ever, does the washroom you use have anything to do with how you feel about yourself or what kind of junk you are equipped with. It's beyond insane that people put their energy against something so meaningless when humanity as a species is faced with major issues and the US specifically has so many more pressing social and political issues. When we all live in Nirvana and have nothing at all to be bothered about then this might be a topic to offer sufficient distraction to pass the time.

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This thread brought back an old memory.

I the late 60's or early 70's not sure exactly. 2 friends and I went to Sky River Rock Festival near Seattle. They put together make shift bathrooms dug out with a backhoe.These were unisex men and women side by side on planks. My one friend a japanese Canadian who was in real good shape like Adonis was using the facilities. A woman next to him checked him out. When he about to leave she looked at him and said the package is so good but the worker is so small.otherwise I would be interested.

Maybe the country should bring in unisex restrooms as a third option.

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""All the people who lost the marriage equality fight, they've now decided that trans people are fair game," said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "They're going to claim trans people are sexual predators, but the public is quickly going to learn that's just nonsense."


What a load of crap.

The reality is the LGBT community have very few things to whinge about now. In their search for things to become offended about and rally over - this has become their issue du jour.

I really wish, knuckleheads like you would have to walk in the shoes of a gay/lesbian/trans- person just for one week!

You would be screaming bloody murder!


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to be honest I dont understand the issue because it has not being explained properly

so let's take a Ladies Bathroom, would a Man be able to use it simply by claiming to be transgender,

or would such man need some re-assignment document ?? and what are the criteria for re-assignment?

if the first is true then what is to stop anyone entering any gender bathroom for any reason, and if challenged claiming transgender status?

Exactly. It could be abused by perverted heterosexuals. How can people prove or disprove once it is allowed?

That said I feel transgender who are post op should be given the privilege. But even there are how do you distinquish those. To be honest i feel the post ops can fly under the radar and go where they have been reassigned to.

...and of course, these perverted heterosexual people do not have the chance to do that now!

They need to put on a dress first, right?!

Pretend to be trans, right?


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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.


You do understand the plumbing arrangements in ladies toilets, don't you!?

If you think young girls are endangered by transwomen you obviously have no understanding of what a transwoman is!

Do you think the solution is for transwomen to use the mens room?

Being anti lefty kick the aris out of it PC type,YES!

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It's a boogeyman issue.

Should really be about common sense, not genitals.

If someone is presenting (dress, appearance) as a male, use the men's bathroom, and vice versa.

What do the bigots want?

Someone who presents as a woman to use the men's bathroom?

That would be more potentially disruptive than for her to use the women's bathroom.

Do they want them to go in the street?

Do they want them never to go out in public?
Hold it in and damage their health?

Sure many people are gender ambiguous. Too bad. Then it's their choice.

Come on now.
Transgender people are more visible now.

Adapt to the new reality.

When they need to go to the toilet, they're as human as you are.

Edited by Jingthing
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Transgender, When I was a young man, many years ago, in the Southern US, they were and still are called "Perverts". The Morals and Self Discipline of the last two or three generations is going to Hell in a "Hand Basket" !!

Instant gratification, big me little you, get out of the way is all some seem to think !!

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Transgender, When I was a young man, many years ago, in the Southern US, they were and still are called "Perverts". The Morals and Self Discipline of the last two or three generations is going to Hell in a "Hand Basket" !!

Instant gratification, big me little you, get out of the way is all some seem to think !!

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