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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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I dont see the issue here. I have just come back from Sweden, almost every bar, restaurant had several doors saying 'Toilet' if it was locked you try another if it was open you go in and pee. No gender just 'Toilet' made for one person (though the girls liked going in together), easy! Any gender, batting for any side, it is not important but Gentlemen please put the seat and lid down when you have finished - thank you.

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Why is it that conservatives always go to the crotch when they want to distract the public from the important issues?

Planned parenthood

gay marriage


going potty

All centered around the crotch, be it male, female or otherwise.

They seem to be hung up on genitals.

It's time to grow up and deal with the real issues guys!.

Simplistic reasoning

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I'll admit that sounds crazy ... but rather unrelated to the bathroom bigot laws. Nice deflection try though. thumbsup.gif

Actually, it's all a part of the same agenda by certain un named and un identified forces.

Damn the illuminati, the NWO and the homo-muslim-communist Obama!


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And now the COURT CASES begin. For how many years?


11 States Sue Obama Administration Over Trans Student Guidance

See ... I told you so...

How obnoxious. In fact, I mentioned this multiple times already. That OBVIOUSLY these issues were heading to the courts. DUH! Doesn't indicate how this will all washroom out though. Seems like supreme court material, and probably on multiple aspects of these issues.

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I dont see the issue here. I have just come back from Sweden, almost every bar, restaurant had several doors saying 'Toilet' if it was locked you try another if it was open you go in and pee. No gender just 'Toilet' made for one person (though the girls liked going in together), easy! Any gender, batting for any side, it is not important but Gentlemen please put the seat and lid down when you have finished - thank you.

Ah, the men have to put the seat down deal.

Women have been demanding equality in everything, and getting it, so they can have an equal right to put the seat down as I have to put the seat up far as I'm concerned.

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I dont see the issue here. I have just come back from Sweden, almost every bar, restaurant had several doors saying 'Toilet' if it was locked you try another if it was open you go in and pee. No gender just 'Toilet' made for one person (though the girls liked going in together), easy! Any gender, batting for any side, it is not important but Gentlemen please put the seat and lid down when you have finished - thank you.

The issue as I see it, is that women take far longer to use the stall than men do, so if all the stalls are full of women, men have to wait ages. I want urinals so men don't have to hang around. I'll raise no objection if one or more stalls only have urinals in them, for the benefit of chicks with dicks as well as men. They can put a picture of a penis on the urinal stalls, crossed out for WC stalls. Is that PC enough, or do men have to suffer in the name of PC?

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Transphobic bigot openly called out by Congresswoman.

"I think you are an ignorant bigot ...!"clap2.gif

As far as the questionable assertion that Target Stores stock price is directly a result of their inclusive policies, well, sometimes there is a price to be paid to resist bigotry and discrimination.

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Too much money!

That's an amusing joke and I did think it was funny.

But of course, this whole thing is going to cost a huge sum of money that would have been better spent elsewhere.

Think for example, of how much money will be spent on litigation. Money that in many cases, will come out of school budgets.

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Obviously every single building owner in the great US of A should immediately build a third bathroom to accommodate the huge numbers of transgender users who feel discriminated against.

Starting with the grade schools and high schools where discrimination against anyone slightly different from the masses is totally unheard of.

To do any less would threaten to undermine the very social fabric of the nation.

Come on ,we must have equal rights , so what about the people who are non -binery ,neither male or female ,they should have a bathroom as well , and the other day there was an article about people who dress up as dogs , what about them? oh lamposts , i forgot facepalm.gif

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How Many Transgenders In America? 0.006% = About 20,000. Total.


That's a really small number, man. And all this fuss is beign kicked up by you know who - them pesky SJW's who can't leave well enough alone...whistling.gif

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I cannot believe all the stupid ignorant khrapp being written by so many people who support Obama's decree. This is so atypical of the left-wing Liberal agenda - more rules and regulations to control people's lives and to force people to think and believe what they do. There is some genuine stuff by the supporters of the decree - but the vast majority of what they are saying is either ignorance or is just people without a life stirring things up (no names). I have had my say previously, so I wont there again - but here are some valid points (IMO):

There is a reason it is illegal for a male to enter a female toilet (and vica versa); There are more devient men (and some women) than there are TG people; There is no way I will ever accept a law that makes it illegal for me to stop a male (TG or non-TG) entering the public toilets where my 9 yr old daughter is; Any male that does not have a child/daughter should preclude themselves from this discussion - this is something you dont understand (yet).

This issue is not about TG rights - the issue for most of us dead against this khrapp is about the rights of a parent to protect their daughter/son. The current laws provide me/us with that protection - taking that away aint gonna happen - end of story.

SO - given we are in Thailand (well most of us are) and most of us have children (well most of us do) - I want to raise a few more issues that are 'local'.

Is homosexuality 'legal' in Thailand? NO! But does that mean everyone goes about beating/killing gays and lebs? NO! Are they persecuted? NO! Why not - I dont understand - Dont gays/lebs need protection in laws to make them safe and secure? NO! But I thought that was how to get 'equality' and 'security' for gays/lebs - pass laws making it legal to be gay/leb and more laws making it illegal to discrimate or persecute them ? NO!

Serious? Yes - those laws are only needed in the West where there are a lot of screwed up people!! Ahhh - I understand - So is that why it is illegal in the West for a male to enter a female toilet? YES!!!!!!

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Is homosexuality 'legal' in Thailand? NO!



Homosexuality is legal in Thailand.


It is.


Private, adult, consensual and non-commercial sodomy was decriminalized in Thailand in 1956.

Not bothering to respond to rest of your RANT. Typical right wing anti-GLBT civil rights BS.

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Too much money!

That's an amusing joke and I did think it was funny.

But of course, this whole thing is going to cost a huge sum of money that would have been better spent elsewhere.

Think for example, of how much money will be spent on litigation. Money that in many cases, will come out of school budgets.

Whilst I agree with your sentiment, I must point out that a seperate' facility for TGs is exactly the cause of the problem. The TG activists dont want that - they want equality - they want to use whatever toilet/bathroom/shower they want to. What happenned is that many schools 'altered' the handicap toilets to make them for handcapped and TGs. The TG activists equated this to making Blacks use seperate toilets etc. in the 50s/60s and demanded 'equality'. Obama and his 'reformers' decided to mandate that TGs be able to use whatever toilets/showers they want, despite that being illegal in many States (birth certificate etc etc). The obvious flow-on from that (and will know it will flow on) will be to make rules/laws allowing TGs to use all public toilets of their choice.

As they say - the road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions, and what it takes to stop that is for Good Men to say nothing. I am not at all religious - but those words are just common sense.

The only solution to the TG issue in schools (from predators - not TGs - although some predators are TGs) - is to provide seperate toilets in schools for TGs. If at any paerticular school/district, the school board and the majority of parents agree that 'little John/Sue' can use the 'other' toilets, then that is their right to determine - but it must be done on a case by case basis. Obviously I do not mean the kid goes through all the obvious 'public' exposure - I mean that the school/parents decide that IF any child is TG and wants to be able to use the 'other' toilets, then their parents must 'apply' to the school (done discretely) for permission. Once approved, then the Teachers are made aware, but not the parents/children are not told publically - they will find out later.

But is a school/parents decide not to do that, then they should have the option of a seperate facility for TGs. And that is not discrimination - just as it is not discrimination to make seperate handicapped parking spaces in carparks close to the doors, nor is it discrimination to have women's only sports/olympic events and handicapped olympics, and not allowing people under 18/21 to buy/consume alcohol or smoke, or only those with a licence to be able to drive a car (and a special one for trucks).

Over time what will happen is that parents of TGs will learn which schools are more 'progressive' and where TGs are accepted. Likewise, they will learn where they are not so 'accepted'. And as time goes by, and very few things happen that cause concerns, and the laws stay within the schools, then more and more people will become accepting of TGs - just like they are in Thailand !!!

BUT - forcing those views down people's throats now immediately, while ignoring all valid concerns, or calling people making those concerns homophobic/TGphobic, is not they way to make social change - as far as the majority are concerned. And would a left-wing Liberal ever accept that position? Probably not - they 'want it and they want it now' is their mentality.

There are some things society does to protect ourselves from those that would take advantage - we put certain rules in place. And we then have a police force and a judicary to prevent and punish those that transgress those rules. This rule (no males in femael toilets) is not a rule that discriminates - it protects. Yes - there are a minority who this causes issues for - but the answer is not to take away a law that protects children from predators/deviates. The answer is exactly the same as that we have in place for handcapped drivers and women in sports - give TGs a sepeerate arrangement. That is not discrimination. And should any school/parents be progressive enough to allow TGs to 'share' in their school's toilets, then that is their right.

But the TG activists dont want that - they are on a Liberal 'change society agenda' and they demand 'equality' (like gay marriage) and that means (to them) that we all have to accept them using whatever toilet they want. And they dont care about the negative outcomes - they only care about themselves. Please notice I didn't say TGs - I said TG Activists. I would bet that most 'real' TGs would rather just have this matter dealt with quietly and discretely at the local level - but the TG Activists dont really care about them either - they want 'social change' as they see it - now.

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Transphobic bigot openly called out by Congresswoman.

"I think you are an ignorant bigot ...!"clap2.gif

As far as the questionable assertion that Target Stores stock price is directly a result of their inclusive policies, well, sometimes there is a price to be paid to resist bigotry and discrimination.

Jingthing I have admit I will try to date the beautiful Arab Christian from Israel the won the contest in Israel

Are you trying too also

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GLBT activists are the change agents in international GLBT civil rights movements.

Of course not all such activists always do the right thing all the time but without political activism, issues never get addressed.

Bigots who dismiss the civil rights concerns of minorities prefer minorities to just shut up. In the U.S., such bigots called black civil rights activists dirty names -- UPPITY N.-word.

This year in the U.S. the Stonewall Inn in NYC has been designated as a federal monument celebrating the landmark Stonewall Riots ...

The GLBT people that didn't complain about being systemically oppressed get no recognition and they don't deserve any either.

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Republicans and their hack commentators so love throwing around derogatory terms like "Tranny".

I wonder how this hypocritical piece of crap is going to enjoy having it thrown at him.


An anti-gay Republican candidate in North Carolina worked as a drag queen performer and emcee known as ‘Miss Mona Sinclair,’ according to a bombshell report.Steve Wiles, a conservative North Carolina state Senate candidate who has been outspoken in his support of the state’s same-sex marriage ban, worked as a female impersonator and drag-show emcee earlier in his life, the Winston-Salem Journal reported over the weekend.

Wiles, 34, worked at a gay-friendly Winston-Salem lounge called Club Odyssey from 2002 to 2010, where he directed a weekly drag show, the club’s former owner Randy Duggins told the Journal. Prior to his directorial debut, Wiles had been a frequent attendee at the weekly soirée which featured men dressed as women. He later starred as the show’s emcee under the stage name, ‘Miss Mona Sinclair,’ Duggins said.



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Transphobic bigot openly called out by Congresswoman.

"I think you are an ignorant bigot ...!"clap2.gif

As far as the questionable assertion that Target Stores stock price is directly a result of their inclusive policies, well, sometimes there is a price to be paid to resist bigotry and discrimination.

Jingthing I have admit I will try to date the beautiful Arab Christian from Israel the won the contest in Israel

Are you trying too also


Like the vast majority of mainstream CISGENDER gay men, I have zero sexual interest in transgender women. But congratulations to her!

The transphobic bigots want to force these lovely ladies to use the men's room. No. Transgender men and transgender women should have the right to use the facilities that they think are the best fit, for comfort and safety for themselves and the public.

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