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Trump proposes funding wall by cutting off remittances


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Trump proposes funding wall by cutting off remittances

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump would try to force Mexico to pay for a border wall by targeting billions of dollars in remittances sent by immigrants living in the U.S., according to a memo released by his campaign Tuesday.

The memo outlines in new detail how Trump would try to compel Mexico to pay for the 1,000-mile wall he's promised to build along the Southern border if he becomes president.

In his proposal, Trump threatened to change a rule under the USA Patriot Act, an anti-terrorism law, to cut off a portion of the funds sent to Mexico through money transfers known as remittances. His plan would also bar non-Americans from wiring money outside of the U.S. unless they can provide documentation establishing their legal status in the country.

Trump said he would withdraw the threat if Mexico makes a one-time payment to finance the wall.

"It's an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion to ensure that $24 billion continues to flow into their country year after year," the memo reads.

"Good luck with that," President Barack Obama said Tuesday in response to questions about Trump's proposal. He warned of the ramifications such a plan would have on the Mexican economy which, in turn, would drive more immigrants to cross the border in search of jobs.

"People expect the president of the United States and the elected officials in this country to treat these problems seriously, to put forward policies that have been examined, analyzed are effective, where unintended consequences are taken into account," Obama said. "They don't expect half-baked notions coming out of the White House. We can't afford that."

The billionaire businessman has estimated his proposed wall would cost between $10 billion and $12 billion, and has argued that it would protect the country from illegal border crossings as well as halting drug shipment. Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto has said his country will not pay for any such wall.

The U.S. is home to about 12 million Mexicans, some living here illegally, according to various research organizations that monitor trends in immigration. They and other migrants use money transfer agents or banks to send money home, often with the objective of supporting their families.

The Mexican central bank reported that money sent home by Mexicans overseas hit nearly $24.8 billion last year, overtaking oil revenues for the first time as a source of foreign income. Cutting off those transfers would therefore represent a significant blow to the Mexican economy.

The memo also lists other potential areas for leverage, including threats of trade tariffs, cancelling visas — including targeting "business and tourist visas for important people in the Mexican economy" — and increasing visa fees, including includes fees on border crossing cards.

The release of the memo was first reported by the Washington Post early Tuesday, the same day as the Wisconsin primary. Trump has been trailing rival Ted Cruz in the state in some recent opinion surveys.

This is not the first time that Trump has spelled out options for pressuring Mexico into paying for his signature policy proposal.

In an immigration overhaul plan released in August, Trump's campaign suggested a number of options for compelling Mexico to pay for the wall. Those included impounding "all remittance payments derived from illegal wages," increasing fees on temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats -- "and if necessary cancel them" -- increasing fees on border crossing cards, increasing fees on NAFTA worker visas from Mexico, and increasing fees at ports of entry between the two countries.

"Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options," the immigration paper stated.

Trump's campaign did not immediately respond to questions, including whether he still envisions impounding any money. It is also unclear whether Trump would seek any input from Congress. He and other Republicans have long criticized Obama for relying too heavily on executive orders to ram through his agenda.

Under the Patriot Act, a government-issued identification is already required for routine money transfers in the United States. For high-dollar transactions additional documentation or identification can be required.

According to Matt Chandler, a former deputy chief of staff at the Homeland Security Department, financial institutions must know their customers and are required to routinely share information with the government to ensure that their banking services aren't being used to launder money or fund terrorism.

Trump's wall is his signature policy proposal — and mere mention of the word elicits booming cheers and applause at his rallies, where supporters sometimes dress in wall shirts and costumes. Trump often leads call-and-response sessions where he asks his audience who will pay for the wall.

"Mexico!" they thunder in response.

Colvin reported from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Associated Press writer Peter Orsi in Mexico City, and Kathleen Hennessey, Alicia A. Caldwell, Deb Riechmann and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-06

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Great plan. Hold the poor Mexican families living and working in the US and their families hostage by threatening to stop their wire transfers of sustenance money back home, while coercing the Mexican government to cough up the money.

Man, this guy gets better all the time. I love it.

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^Don't you mean, choke off millions of desperate starving families from getting the legitimate earnings of their families in the US, blackmail a foreign government into paying for a wall, which will have tunnels immediately dug under it.

Net jobs gain: 0

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Here are some other ways Trump can force the Mexicans to pay for his Great Wall. . . . . .

>>> Not pay his Mexican workers who trim his hedges and wax his floors

>>> Order all Americans to not tip at the Mexican restaurant. Instead, send their tips to him, to reimburse for the wall.

>>> Any Mexicans caught on the US side of the border,.... shackle their feet and make 'em work on the wall for half minimum wage. the other half, send to Trump for the wall.

>>> Take babies born to illegal Mexican mothers, and sell them overseas. Who wouldn't want a bubbling burping brown-skinned baby? Heck, barren Americans will pay around $70k for a foreign baby, if they can find one available.

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Obama summed up the yet another nutty "policy" by Trump as follows:

He also said it would have the opposite effect since the money people send home to their families helps Mexico’s economy. Without that money the economy would slow and even more immigrants would be heading north because they can’t find jobs in Mexico.


2016: the syndrome of the "no knowledge" candidate supporters.

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So, what would Trump do with the billions of dollars from Mexican workers? Would he confiscate it to use for building the wall? Mr. Great Deal Maker, I've got a bit of advice for you: that would last about 3 minutes. Then, when Mexican workers realize Trump is stealing their money, they wouldn't send any more by that means (bank transfers) would they? And what about the millions of other Latinos, from Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Nicaragua? Perhaps if Trump married a Latina, he wouldn't be so nutzoid on his wall idea. .....and what about Thais and Filipinos, Chinese, and dozens of other countries ww? Will Trump, the Greatest Wall Maker, build a giant floating wall across the Pacific Ocean? He needs to build a wall around himself. He's a danger. Please don't call him crazy, as that would be denigrating to crazy people.

a personal note: I just met a woman who was born in El Salvador from Salvadoran parents. Her mom took her to Canada when she was a little girl, to save her from the culture of rape there. She's Canadian now, but is a teacher in Spain. She's one of the loveliest women I've every met. Too bad (for me) she's already got a boyfriend.

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I think Trump has death wish for his campaign. He can't be so utterly stupid as to make the OP statement, can he? Come on, is this thread a tardy April Fool's Joke? 'fess up.

This is a really, really stupid and funny joke. I just can't believe that even Trump is stooping to such ill-conceived proposals just to woo this angry base. Of course if he (illegally of course), cuts off wire transfers to Mexican relatives, they will just find another way to get the money to relatives, including, dangerous and crime-ridden mules to physically carry the money, money laundering of all sorts, and just increasing crime and problems.

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a few weeks ago, when former Mexican prez Fox, said, Mexico "won't pay for that '<deleted>' wall" ....Trump retorted, "The wall just got 10 feet taller, believe me. It just got 10 feet taller."

Trump is to foreign relations what a gopher is to sailboat racing.

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No luck the Yanks biggrin.png with this buffoon you are certain to undergo at least four years of Hillary presidency.

Enjoy to know the politically correct administration. The systematic defense of minorities such blacks, Chicanos, losers, sick, olds, drug addicts, criminals and other alleged victims of any kind. Feminism everywhere, social security for all especially for those who refuse to work, the end of self defense weapons and therefore abandoned street to gangs etc.

Even if she does not want it will be impossible withstand the pressures of these Lobies.

Ah yes, the topic was the payment of the wall by poor Mexican people. Bof ! See again the movie "Machete".

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He's a total misfit ....How are Americans blinded by someone just plain clueless!!

It's really an interesting an dismaying phenomenon, and we see it played out right on this forum, with some members supporting this retarded stuff. Not a strong showing for American education this year I'm afraid.

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I love his "I will eliminate the national debt in 8 years" by renegotiating trade agreements. "Hey China (Europe...etc etc) , we don't want this anymore, here is the new contract"

China (Europe, Korea, Japan, etc etc) 'Ok Mr Trump Thanks but go f#$$%% yourself' Now here are your treasury bonds....payable on demand right ?"

It is one thing to coerce labor building your condo by threatening to shut the project down if they don't assent to demand but quite another to maintain agreements with foreign powers.

Edited by tonray
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Not a bad idea i wish the aussie government would do the same , as these people are killing our country.

Oh really? rolleyes.gif

I have seen little evidence of Mexicans in Australia. There are the odd Taco Bills but they tend to be run by Aussies. How is anyone sending money back home ruined the country? I assume you mean the Greeks, Cypriots, Maltese, Indians, Sri lankans etc sending money home to look after families? What next? Are sponsors of Thai and Fillipino women any better? Are people retired in Thailand and Bali and getting super/pensions/rental income just as guilty? People sending money to churches going to be on your hit list? Or sending money to sponsor a child through an agency like World Vision?

More money is sent to Panama by the big end of town than some poor hardworking 7-11 night operators sending 50 bucks a week to his Mum. If they choose not to spend money at the pub, on lotto or smoking and live 4 to a room up to them.

The Government driving down the dollar is OK with you? Rich people getting tax relief from their 6th negatively geared home OK whilst driving up the cost of homes so their own kids can't afford one.

Churches will massive assets getting governments grants to run schools whilst not paying taxes or rates.The real criminals are the banks and the exchange rate companies, no doubt with assets tucked away in the Virgin islands. How are you with Apple and Google etc not paying taxes in Australia whilst making millions in profits.

If you think Mexicans sending money home from Australia is killing Australia how much will think it will cost to build a wall around Australia (including Tasmania) and who pays for it. And who builds it.

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This is a really great idea! Since they can't send the money back to Mexico to help the family, they will have to smuggle them all into the US. That should help with the immigration issue.

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I love his "I will eliminate the national debt in 8 years" by renegotiating trade agreements. "Hey China (Europe...etc etc) , we don't want this anymore, here is the new contract"

China (Europe, Korea, Japan, etc etc) 'Ok Mr Trump Thanks but go f#$$%% yourself' Now here are your treasury bonds....payable on demand right ?"

It is one thing to coerce labor building your condo by threatening to shut the project down if they don't assent to demand but quite another to maintain agreements with foreign powers.

I can picture Trump going into a meeting with Chinese business leaders. He will shout down anyone who starts to say anything he doesn't agree with. He'll do it by interrupting with 'excuse me' 'excuse me.....' ....or biz leaders from any country.

His opening speech to the biz leaders;

"Look you guys. I have the best memory. I am the best deal maker in the world. You gotta agree with my terms or I'm walking outta here. I build walls. I'm great a building walls. Nobody does it better than me, you got that? Nobody does it better than me. And my hands - they ain't small. You see 'em? See, they're pretty big. And guess what else is big about me. Yea, my walls. Ha ha ha, that's a joke, get it. Walls rhymes with balls. I could be a stand-up comic, don't you think? I learned a lot of jokes from my mafia friends. I got friends everywhere. Everybody loves me. Women love me. You're gonna love me too. We're gonna be great friends. Now let's just rip up this old trade deal, made by a bunch of loser dummies. Here's my new deal. You either accept it, or we confiscate all the money you guys have in American banks. You got that? Simple. You see... I'm the greatest deal maker. You'll be very happy with me, I promise."

Edited by boomerangutang
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^Don't you mean, choke off millions of desperate starving families from getting the legitimate earnings of their families in the US, blackmail a foreign government into paying for a wall, which will have tunnels immediately dug under it.

Net jobs gain: 0

Did you ever try to send money earned in Thailand to your desperate starving families to wherever you are from? Good luck with that. You have to hit Mexico where it will hurt most. Remember, money from the US is now #1 in the Mexican budget. Now take it to #412th. It will kill them. They protect their borders, not allowing illegal immigrants, yet feel they have a right to come to the US, because they need money. We have a guest worker program in the states. Let them apply.

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Remittances, such as Western Union Moneygrams from the United States represent the second largest source of income for Mexico. In 2009, Mexican workers, mostly illegal aliens, sent home $21.2 billion in such transfers.

The transfers are second only to Mexico’s oil industry in the amount of revenue produced, which is one of the chief reasons the Mexican government has no interest in working with U.S. authorities to police our common border.


I read somewhere that over $ 100 Billion leaves the US annually through Western Union to other Countries.

For all Trumps un PC language, he has got this correct.

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^Don't you mean, choke off millions of desperate starving families from getting the legitimate earnings of their families in the US, blackmail a foreign government into paying for a wall, which will have tunnels immediately dug under it.

Net jobs gain: 0

Did you ever try to send money earned in Thailand to your desperate starving families to wherever you are from? Good luck with that. You have to hit Mexico where it will hurt most. Remember, money from the US is now #1 in the Mexican budget. Now take it to #412th. It will kill them. They protect their borders, not allowing illegal immigrants, yet feel they have a right to come to the US, because they need money. We have a guest worker program in the states. Let them apply.

The money the send back is money they earned working in the US, usually minimum wage, and often doing jobs Americans don't want to do. Can you justify confiscating a working person's money? Would you confiscate their kids' allowance also? If so, I suggest Trump send a special hit squad dressed in camouflage with sidearms, to shanty schools that the migrant workers' kids go to (usually cinder block with tin roofs), and line the kids up and frisk them. Any coins or paper money in their pockets, ......confiscate it, and send to Donald Trump, 35th Floor, Trump Towers, 34th St, NYC, NY.

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^Don't you mean, choke off millions of desperate starving families from getting the legitimate earnings of their families in the US, blackmail a foreign government into paying for a wall, which will have tunnels immediately dug under it.

Net jobs gain: 0

Did you ever try to send money earned in Thailand to your desperate starving families to wherever you are from? Good luck with that. You have to hit Mexico where it will hurt most. Remember, money from the US is now #1 in the Mexican budget. Now take it to #412th. It will kill them. They protect their borders, not allowing illegal immigrants, yet feel they have a right to come to the US, because they need money. We have a guest worker program in the states. Let them apply.

Except that they are here for 1 reason....American business wants them here. If they go, so will American businesses, taking jobs with them. Also I believe someone calculated that the cost of food would rise some 20% if migrant workers left America. I am sure that would be very stimulative to the American economy. Are you going to suggest to your kids they don a straw hat to work in the fields picking tomatoes for a few bucks a day ?

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I am flabbergasted that some TV members actually like the wall idea.. Or anything at a that Trump has in mind. Hitler was a likable guy to many who also liked the sound of his ideas!

Building such a wall might be effective but even today.. Soooo many bad guys get on planes in the USA or enter the USA and are not supposed to be allowed in! TSA is a joke along with oftentimes ineffective and unreliable intel.. Just shocking at just how bad the USA is at not noticing stuff!

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