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AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively


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Fear of Kasich Haley ticket. Silly republicans.

Any Republican ticket needs 85% support and more from its rank and file Republican voters to be competitive.

While a typical Democratic party ticket usually gets only 73% to 77% support of D voters, it can still win. Obama well exceeded this historical percentage among D's and drew in a slew of Independent voters to account for his historic wins.

A Republican ticket with less than 80% of R's voting for it is a weapons grade loser. No matter who the R ticket is in this election, they'd be lucky to get 70% support of R party registered voters. And too many R leaning Independents will stay home no matter who the R ticket is.

Trump for instance has drawn back in R voters who'd given up because R's kept nominating a Rino ticket. Those voters won't vote in the general for anyone but Trump and neither will the rightwing R's who are always active in primaries but stay at home for the general because a Rino got the nomination.

While a Kasich-Haley ticket would win back a number of moderate suburban Republican married women, and would draw some R leaning Independents who would not vote for Trump or Cruz as the nominee, the critical mass of D and D-leaning Independent voters would go ahead to vote D. Game over.

Moreover, Kasich as governor of Ohio is responsible for order in Cleveland. Nobody likes that guy, not ever. He never does his job right no matter what. So is Kasich going to allow delegates and others in central Cleveland to carry firearms outside the convention center, whether open carry or concealed carry. Or will Kasich ban weapons from the central city zone, search anyone on suspicion, confiscate and arrest or not. Nobody anywhere likes that guy one way or the other.

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It's not so sure he won't become the Rep candidate. Currently, as you should know, he has the most delegates.

I just watched a long recent interview with The Donald, interviewed by Anderson Cooper (yes, I know conservatives don't like him because he's gay and he's smart). Even the Trump-loving audience was tepid in their support. They clapped a few times, whereas any other candidate would have gotten enthusiastic support. Even I could have gotten more supportive response from the audience if I'd just said things like, "Americans are good people. We're capable of so much. We need to develop the potential of each American," .....and other such crowd-pleasing stuff.

Trump is really off his game. I seriously doubt if he can even rely on the fringe (20% of Republicans) to stay by him. The man continually interrupted Anderson, usually with his stock-in-trade, "excuse me! excuse me! excuse me!" Trump is incredible with his inability to stay on topic and/or answer a question. He's really losing it ladies and gentlemen. I almost feel sorry for him, as he was continually floundering for responses to easy questions. I actually want Trump to be the Rep candidate because he would be easy to beat. So much so, that a slew of democrats would come in on the coattails of whomever Democrat won by a landslide. I honestly don't see any way that Trump can win the general election. It's not wishful thinking on my part. It's plain deduction. As I said, even his supporters are getting migraines and distancing themselves from him. There's only so long that a significant segment of Americans can continue to follow a complete ding dong. He peaked waaaaaay too early. Later, he'll look back at his failed campaign and wish the election was held in early March of this year. At least then, he'd have had a gnat's chance in hell to win. Come November, he'll be a sad joke.

oh come on...

you sound like you just overdosed all night on fox news.

Where..oh where...is this slump you suggested Don Trump is in? Watch the news on the 18th....I believe it will be a wake up call for everyone. He lost a very few delegates this week...but now comes the good part.

Don't jump on the bandwagon (trump is finished, he lost) just yet.

Write again after the 18th, when all those delegates fall into Trumps pockets....then we will see.

slipperylobster you do realize you continue to invalidate anything you post by saying Fox News is liberal media. Maybe it is in Australia but not in the U.S. mate.

Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly have cross promotional agreements, do you know who these guys are? They are not liberals, o.k.?

Fox was a huge backer of the Tea Party movement to the tune of 10 Tea Party programs a month in 2010. Tea Partiers, not liberals mate. Sarah Palin, remember(?) dumb as dogsh*t conservative?

Don't know where you are from but Fox News in the U.S. is not liberal media, you want to post valid arguments you might want to leave that part out.

fox news is probably the worst place you could go for info on what is going on in america.

I don't feel the need to justify my indifference to them.

There are some online discussion boards that rival Faux in that. smile.png

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So the conclusion might be, with Hilary you've got a 50% chance of her statements being true or close to true.

Foolish SPIN. Hillary has a history of lying about matters that affect Presidential elections and national security. The Donald lies about Jeb Bush's energy levels and having big hands. It is not the same thing.

I guess this is another way you're like Trump. You didn't even look at the source. Just spouted. By the way, on Benghazi, politifact rates Hillary as being mostly true. Which I guess means the Benghazi wingnuts would earn a rating of mostly false.

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Fear of Kasich Haley ticket. Silly republicans.

Any Republican ticket needs 85% support and more from its rank and file Republican voters to be competitive.

While a typical Democratic party ticket usually gets only 73% to 77% support of D voters, it can still win. Obama well exceeded this historical percentage among D's and drew in a slew of Independent voters to account for his historic wins.

A Republican ticket with less than 80% of R's voting for it is a weapons grade loser. No matter who the R ticket is in this election, they'd be lucky to get 70% support of R party registered voters. And too many R leaning Independents will stay home no matter who the R ticket is.

Trump for instance has drawn back in R voters who'd given up because R's kept nominating a Rino ticket. Those voters won't vote in the general for anyone but Trump and neither will the rightwing R's who are always active in primaries but stay at home for the general because a Rino got the nomination.

While a Kasich-Haley ticket would win back a number of moderate suburban Republican married women, and would draw some R leaning Independents who would not vote for Trump or Cruz as the nominee, the critical mass of D and D-leaning Independent voters would go ahead to vote D. Game over.

Moreover, Kasich as governor of Ohio is responsible for order in Cleveland. Nobody likes that guy, not ever. He never does his job right no matter what. So is Kasich going to allow delegates and others in central Cleveland to carry firearms outside the convention center, whether open carry or concealed carry. Or will Kasich ban weapons from the central city zone, search anyone on suspicion, confiscate and arrest or not. Nobody anywhere likes that guy one way or the other.

Clearly, you have never been to Cleveland...

I don't think attendees of the convention carrying firearms is what people need to worry about.

Plus, I think you over estimate the power of the governor in the state of Ohio. (As a hint, Ohio heavily restricted the power of the governor because we had a crappy governor when we were a US territory.)

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Does Ohio really have 'open carry' law? ....and it's Kasich's home state? That photo of the guy with the automatic rifle hanging on his back in broad daylight is spooky.

Trump claims that if the people who were killed in Brussels and Paris were allowed to carry guns, that a lot less people would have been killed. That may have been true for the Paris massacre, but not necessarily at Brussels, where bombs were detonated by kamikazee Islamist zealots. If a kamikazee detonates a bomb belt, there's not much that ordinary citizens with guns can do to stem that. In the bigger picture, if Parisians and Belgians were walking around with guns (particularly automatic weapons, like the bonehead in the Ohio photo), then the chances of guns being used increases exponentially. Anyone is capable of rage - ready to explode in anger in a moment. I was crossing the road in downtown San Francisco a few months ago. A homeless woman ran up and spit on the woman standing next to me. If those standing with us had guns, one of them might have pulled one out and shot the homeless woman. I don't trust people to keep a lid on their temper tantrums. It's bad enough if people erupt in anger every so often. If it happens while they're in possession of a loaded gun, then it thickens the plot. Open-carry gun laws are ridiculous. Texas has them (and what other US states?). Are we to assume all the millions of Texans carrying loaded guns around are self-controlled, cool-headed people in all situations? Trump can't control his temper, how can we expect his millions of fans to be any better?

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I'm not saying a Kasich Haley WOULD win but it would a much better CHANCE of winning than Trump or Cruz.

HRC has strong negatives and nationally Kasich does not.

He would be competitive.

The first piece provides a quick but accurate look at Kasich's many years in the Congress. The second one discusses John Kasich's present candidacy for the Republican nomination for Potus.

Kasich’s conservative credentials are indeed impressive. He has a lifetime 100 percent Christian Coalition rating, and was given the “Spirit of Enterprise Award” by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for a perfect voting record. His ratings show 92 percent conservative (American Conservative Union) and 0 percent liberal (Americans for Democratic Action).

He has been in the vanguard of down-sizing bloated government, having sought to eliminate the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Department of Commerce, and to privatize air traffic controllers.

With some pride, Kasich hosted a dinner at his home [1993] with Hillary Rodham Clinton, in which the first lady (whom he addresses as “Hillary”) discussed health care with him and other Republican House members. Therein lies the danger of elevating the art of the deal over adherence to principle.


John Kasich is Marco Rubio grown up, which unfortunately for both of 'em leaves the two of 'em nowhere in a contest for Potus. Each of 'em counted on a 'stealth strategy' of lying in wait for the party to come to him in Cleveland. Instead, Rubio caught The Donald's attention and Marco got a red butt for it. If John Kasich ever catches the attention of Trump John's going to find himself politically at the bottom of Lake Erie.

But, see, that’s where Kasich thinks he’s being clever. Because if Trump can’t win the required majority of delegates, then it’s as if the whole primary season never even happened! The Republican Party is free to start all over at the convention, not caring that Kasich is no one’s first or second or third choice.

Clearly, Kasich’s definition of “smart” means not caring that Kasich is the least popular, most losing candidate in the race. The nominee should have to earn it the old-fashioned way, with a majority of delegates — or, alternately, not earn it but instead be John Kasich. That works out nicely for candidates named John Kasich, doesn’t it? Such candidates don’t even have to worry about being in dead last place in the delegate count.

Read more at http://wonkette.com/599390/john-kasich-cant-win-nomination-says-thats-no-reason-he-cant-be-nominee#Kpw4flj03Kxflyrs.99

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Easy to say but he's still in the last THREE standing out of a VERY BIG clown car.

Don't like his politics but he's more palatable in the general than Trump or Cruz by a LONG shot.

we all seem to forget Kasich's proposal to create a new government agency to promote the Judaeo Christian religion around the world.Which I am sure will go over very well. especialy in Muslim countries.

but I agree , of all the wingnuts in the republican field at least he does not drool out the side of his mouth.

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Fear of Kasich Haley ticket. Silly republicans.

Any Republican ticket needs 85% support and more from its rank and file Republican voters to be competitive.

While a typical Democratic party ticket usually gets only 73% to 77% support of D voters, it can still win. Obama well exceeded this historical percentage among D's and drew in a slew of Independent voters to account for his historic wins.

A Republican ticket with less than 80% of R's voting for it is a weapons grade loser. No matter who the R ticket is in this election, they'd be lucky to get 70% support of R party registered voters. And too many R leaning Independents will stay home no matter who the R ticket is.

Trump for instance has drawn back in R voters who'd given up because R's kept nominating a Rino ticket. Those voters won't vote in the general for anyone but Trump and neither will the rightwing R's who are always active in primaries but stay at home for the general because a Rino got the nomination.

While a Kasich-Haley ticket would win back a number of moderate suburban Republican married women, and would draw some R leaning Independents who would not vote for Trump or Cruz as the nominee, the critical mass of D and D-leaning Independent voters would go ahead to vote D. Game over.

Moreover, Kasich as governor of Ohio is responsible for order in Cleveland. Nobody likes that guy, not ever. He never does his job right no matter what. So is Kasich going to allow delegates and others in central Cleveland to carry firearms outside the convention center, whether open carry or concealed carry. Or will Kasich ban weapons from the central city zone, search anyone on suspicion, confiscate and arrest or not. Nobody anywhere likes that guy one way or the other.

Clearly, you have never been to Cleveland...

I don't think attendees of the convention carrying firearms is what people need to worry about.

Plus, I think you over estimate the power of the governor in the state of Ohio. (As a hint, Ohio heavily restricted the power of the governor because we had a crappy governor when we were a US territory.)

Been to and also many times through Cleveland on several driving trips between Boston and Chicago (to include Buffalo NY). Stopped off several times to visit a buddy from Army dayze, in the Cleveland suburb of Painesville (aptly named) to include his Brit wife whom he married while under the supervision of Uncle Sam at our assigned duty station across the Potomac from Washington.

Went with my Cleveland buddy a couple of times to watch Browns games in the old cavern by the lake so it wuz some time ago (unfortunate soul had season tickets).

Spent a semester in Columbus as visiting lecturer at Capital University as a part of the Lutheran institution's liberal arts interchange program run by a secular education foundation in Amherst MA I was associated with. Food at CU wuz better than Army chow which as some know doesn't say much. (US military has since developed the MRE package, i.e., Meals Ready to Eat, aka Meals Rejected by Everyone. wink.png )

On one visit to my Painesville buddy and family the particular buddy I wuz travelling with and I drove my car to visit Ohio University in Athens but quickly turned around to return to the refuge of my known friends in the Cleveland burb. The beautiful rolling green hills had been interrupted by a big barn with "Get Right With God" painted on the side. We agreed it wuz time to head back to the used to be Massachusetts Bay Colony where we came from.

You dunno nothin about me so stop the Trumpish talkin. Montreal also beats a former US territory any day or night and twice on Sunday during brunch.

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Easy to say but he's still in the last THREE standing out of a VERY BIG clown car.

Don't like his politics but he's more palatable in the general than Trump or Cruz by a LONG shot.

It just seems an exercise in a compulsive futility to spend repeated moments during the past 12 months dreaming up this or that Republican party dream ticket, then continually saying, well, while it's not so great, it's still better than the alternative Republicans are actually doing.

And doing. And doing.

Sort of like saying hey, it's political herpes and not Aids so what's to worry. It's thoze guyz over there who're trying to give themselves political Aids. If only they would listen and think for a moment. They're just too dumb to come to their senses.

Sheeesh. facepalm.gif

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It's not even fun any more.

The republican supporters are not even putting up a fight any more

every ones in a while we Get one of them say something like

Well Trump is bad but he is not as bad a Jeffrey Dahmer or or 78% of women hate him but his Mom liked him and she was a woman.laugh.png

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I am far more afraid of Cruz than Trump. Trump is basically a wind bag egomaniac but

generally a affable guy with a successful business. He will bring sides together, but be

careful negotiating with Trump. He is going to leave the negotiating table a winner,

whether the deal is going to be a win-win so to speak depends on the deal. whistling.gif

... What business success? Google how many of his businesses have ended in bankruptcy...you will be surprised. And remember where is money really came from, inheritance.
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It's not even fun any more.

The republican supporters are not even putting up a fight any more

every ones in a while we Get one of them say something like

Well Trump is bad but he is not as bad a Jeffrey Dahmer or or 78% of women hate him but his Mom liked him and she was a woman.laugh.png

There was an article I posted a few weeks ago that Dahmer's childhood home in Cleveland was up for rent for the RNC convention for $10k/mo. They figured Trump supporters would be clamoring to rent it, maybe because as you say, they can use their occupancy of the house to show that they and Trump are not as bad as ol Jeffrey. laugh.png

This will be the most entertaining of any convention in recent history (not counting, of course, the Alzheimer's-like performance Clint Eastwood gave talking to Obama "the chair," which probably counts as the most bizarre convention act of all time).

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There's an obscure film from the 1960's called Putney Swope. I think it's in b&w. It starts with a board of directors meeting. The prior CEO had just died, so all the old white men on the board have to vote for a new headman. Putney swope is a young black janitor at the place. All the board members hate each other, so in the secret ballot, they all vote for Putney Swope, thinking no one else will vote for the janitor. Putney wins, and becomes Chairman of the Board.

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There was an article I posted a few weeks ago that Dahmer's childhood home in Cleveland was up for rent for the RNC convention for $10k/mo. They figured Trump supporters would be clamoring to rent it, maybe because as you say, they can use their occupancy of the house to show that they and Trump are not as bad as ol Jeffrey. laugh.png

Come to think of it, maybe Trump wasn't joking when he warned Jeb Bush, "I used to eat guys like YOU for breakfast!"

Edited by CousinEddie
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I was listening tonight to a clip where he said the first government body he was going to eliminate was the "DEP".

That one that deals with the environment.

Dear lord, he's worse than Santorum.


Rick Perry too.

Perry says three government departments need to be abolished even if he can't remember each one of 'em.

(Perry's endorsed Cruz but he says he can't remember why.)

Edited by Publicus
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Fear of Kasich Haley ticket. Silly republicans.

Any Republican ticket needs 85% support and more from its rank and file Republican voters to be competitive.

While a typical Democratic party ticket usually gets only 73% to 77% support of D voters, it can still win. Obama well exceeded this historical percentage among D's and drew in a slew of Independent voters to account for his historic wins.

A Republican ticket with less than 80% of R's voting for it is a weapons grade loser. No matter who the R ticket is in this election, they'd be lucky to get 70% support of R party registered voters. And too many R leaning Independents will stay home no matter who the R ticket is.

Trump for instance has drawn back in R voters who'd given up because R's kept nominating a Rino ticket. Those voters won't vote in the general for anyone but Trump and neither will the rightwing R's who are always active in primaries but stay at home for the general because a Rino got the nomination.

While a Kasich-Haley ticket would win back a number of moderate suburban Republican married women, and would draw some R leaning Independents who would not vote for Trump or Cruz as the nominee, the critical mass of D and D-leaning Independent voters would go ahead to vote D. Game over.

Moreover, Kasich as governor of Ohio is responsible for order in Cleveland. Nobody likes that guy, not ever. He never does his job right no matter what. So is Kasich going to allow delegates and others in central Cleveland to carry firearms outside the convention center, whether open carry or concealed carry. Or will Kasich ban weapons from the central city zone, search anyone on suspicion, confiscate and arrest or not. Nobody anywhere likes that guy one way or the other.

Clearly, you have never been to Cleveland...

I don't think attendees of the convention carrying firearms is what people need to worry about.

Plus, I think you over estimate the power of the governor in the state of Ohio. (As a hint, Ohio heavily restricted the power of the governor because we had a crappy governor when we were a US territory.)

Been to and also many times through Cleveland on several driving trips between Boston and Chicago (to include Buffalo NY). Stopped off several times to visit a buddy from Army dayze, in the Cleveland suburb of Painesville (aptly named) to include his Brit wife whom he married while under the supervision of Uncle Sam at our assigned duty station across the Potomac from Washington.

Went with my Cleveland buddy a couple of times to watch Browns games in the old cavern by the lake so it wuz some time ago (unfortunate soul had season tickets).

Spent a semester in Columbus as visiting lecturer at Capital University as a part of the Lutheran institution's liberal arts interchange program run by a secular education foundation in Amherst MA I was associated with. Food at CU wuz better than Army chow which as some know doesn't say much. (US military has since developed the MRE package, i.e., Meals Ready to Eat, aka Meals Rejected by Everyone. wink.png )

On one visit to my Painesville buddy and family the particular buddy I wuz travelling with and I drove my car to visit Ohio University in Athens but quickly turned around to return to the refuge of my known friends in the Cleveland burb. The beautiful rolling green hills had been interrupted by a big barn with "Get Right With God" painted on the side. We agreed it wuz time to head back to the used to be Massachusetts Bay Colony where we came from.

You dunno nothin about me so stop the Trumpish talkin. Montreal also beats a former US territory any day or night and twice on Sunday during brunch.

Sorry, it was a euphemism, like when The Dude says "Obviously, you're not a Golfer" when the Nihilists ask what a bowling ball is.

I was more referring to your lack of knowledge of the Ohio legal system. Kasich does have some responsibility for public order in Ohio. However, law enforcement is primarily at the local level in Ohio. That is, it is Frank Jackson, the mayor of Cleveland, and the Cleveland Police Department, who will have the primary responsibility. The only law enforcement of any size that Kasich is in charge of is the Ohio Highway Patrol. However, the jurisdiction of the Highway Patrol is very limited (owing to the history of a very restricted executive branch in Ohio), and is primarily just being traffic cops. In fact, in order for Kasich to be able to order the Highway Patrol to help provide security at the convention, he would need to have the mayor of Cleveland request their help (see Ohio Revised Code Section 5503.02).

As for banning open or (licensed) concealed carry, Kasich would have no power under the law to ban or otherwise restrict this specifically for the convention. However, the Republican Party and Quicken Loans Arena are not parts of the government, so either could choose to ban carrying of firearms in the convention by posting the appropriate signs. Unlicensed open carry may be banned if they serve alcohol, but even in this case, people with concealed carry licenses would still be allowed to carry as long as they didn't drink. Plus, security will likely be handled by Federal Agents and they probably have federal authority to ban firearms that trump the state laws of Ohio. But in any case, it will not be Kasich making the decision as you claimed.

As for the "attendees of the convention carrying firearms is what people need to worry about," that is related to the very, very small area of downtown that is "nice." If you stray a few blocks in the wrong direction, you end up in some pretty bad neighborhoods. Probably not as bad as, say, Chicago, but you wouldn't want to be walking around alone. However, since it is a major event, there will be lots of people around and there should be a big police presence, so it really should be OK.

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Easy to say but he's still in the last THREE standing out of a VERY BIG clown car.

Don't like his politics but he's more palatable in the general than Trump or Cruz by a LONG shot.

It just seems an exercise in a compulsive futility to spend repeated moments during the past 12 months dreaming up this or that Republican party dream ticket, then continually saying, well, while it's not so great, it's still better than the alternative Republicans are actually doing.

And doing. And doing.

Sort of like saying hey, it's political herpes and not Aids so what's to worry. It's thoze guyz over there who're trying to give themselves political Aids. If only they would listen and think for a moment. They're just too dumb to come to their senses.

Sheeesh. facepalm.gif


Sorry if I'm annoying you.

I am probably wrong but I don't think Kasich is as totally dead in the water as you do. Trump and Cruz are both such horrible choices and Kasich is at least actually running. If not Trump or Cruz I think Kasich would be less destructive to the R party than a new face. On the other hand they probably know they're going to lose and just get the poison out by doing Trump or Cruz.

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Pick Pocket thief work in teams of two, one bumps in to you, and while you are distracted dealing with the one who bumped in to you the other picks your pocket.

So now we have the Trump Hillary team , while we are all busy being distracted with Trump, Hillary will pick our Pocket.

Focus people, Focus!!

The argument has been made that Trump is a plant.

If that comes to light where does that leave all his supporters, even all these guys on this Forum?

Ship O' Fools Jerry, sing it for us, Trump is the Captain of The Ship O' Fools.

When you say plant, do you mean vegetable? As in turnip?

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Easy to say but he's still in the last THREE standing out of a VERY BIG clown car.

Don't like his politics but he's more palatable in the general than Trump or Cruz by a LONG shot.

It just seems an exercise in a compulsive futility to spend repeated moments during the past 12 months dreaming up this or that Republican party dream ticket, then continually saying, well, while it's not so great, it's still better than the alternative Republicans are actually doing.

And doing. And doing.

Sort of like saying hey, it's political herpes and not Aids so what's to worry. It's thoze guyz over there who're trying to give themselves political Aids. If only they would listen and think for a moment. They're just too dumb to come to their senses.

Sheeesh. facepalm.gif


Sorry if I'm annoying you.

I am probably wrong but I don't think Kasich is as totally dead in the water as you do. Trump and Cruz are both such horrible choices and Kasich is at least actually running. If not Trump or Cruz I think Kasich would be less destructive to the R party than a new face. On the other hand they probably know they're going to lose and just get the poison out by doing Trump or Cruz.

Cruz may be personally distasteful to the powers in the Republican party - but the views of his that matter to them - mainly cutting even more taxes on the wealthy and increasing their power - are not at all different from theirs.

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Easy to say but he's still in the last THREE standing out of a VERY BIG clown car.

Don't like his politics but he's more palatable in the general than Trump or Cruz by a LONG shot.

It just seems an exercise in a compulsive futility to spend repeated moments during the past 12 months dreaming up this or that Republican party dream ticket, then continually saying, well, while it's not so great, it's still better than the alternative Republicans are actually doing.

And doing. And doing.

Sort of like saying hey, it's political herpes and not Aids so what's to worry. It's thoze guyz over there who're trying to give themselves political Aids. If only they would listen and think for a moment. They're just too dumb to come to their senses.

Sheeesh. facepalm.gif


Sorry if I'm annoying you.

I am probably wrong but I don't think Kasich is as totally dead in the water as you do. Trump and Cruz are both such horrible choices and Kasich is at least actually running. If not Trump or Cruz I think Kasich would be less destructive to the R party than a new face. On the other hand they probably know they're going to lose and just get the poison out by doing Trump or Cruz.

I'm going to run with Jingthing here as I see some logic.

The GOP dinosaurs (Bob Dole et al), they are looking down the road at November. Bigger picture at hand.

Trump no way, he'll get annihilated. He's assassinated himself amongst women and minorities. Cruz is just too slimey which leaves somewhat palatable Kasich yet the party will have a minor problem with the fact he is not quite the extreme right they want, but the overall U.S. voters don't want that either.

Thus to have any chance against Hilary (and/or Bernie, I'm pretty surprised at the recent rise of the Bern) they will have to go with Kasich or someone yet coming forward, a Romney, Condoleeza Rice, or reluctant Ryan.

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Cruz's disruptive behavior in the senate makes him unfit to govern. Most republicans get that.

Is this majority of Republicans you refer consist mostly of the same Republicans who don't get that Donald Trump is unfit to govern? Do you really trust the discernment of these people? Do you realize that between them Cruz and Trump command the support of over 70 percent of the Republican electorate? That leaves less than 30% of Republicans who support Kasich or no one. Since when is less than 30% a majority?

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I was listening tonight to a clip where he said the first government body he was going to eliminate was the "DEP".

That one that deals with the environment.

Dear lord, he's worse than Santorum.


Rick Perry too.

Perry says three government departments need to be abolished even if he can't remember each one of 'em.

(Perry's endorsed Cruz but he says he can't remember why.)

That's probably who I meant, but it seems so long ago....


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Cruz's disruptive behavior in the senate makes him unfit to govern. Most republicans get that.

Is this majority of Republicans you refer consist mostly of the same Republicans who don't get that Donald Trump is unfit to govern? Do you really trust the discernment of these people? Do you realize that between them Cruz and Trump command the support of over 70 percent of the Republican electorate? That leaves less than 30% of Republicans who support Kasich or no one. Since when is less than 30% a majority?
I think you're wrong about the actual level of the support for Cruz. Much of it if not most is because he is probably the only one who can stop a Trump nomination. That's his top message and it's working. The Trump support on the other hand is more committed and based on the behavior at his hysterical rallies more worthy of being committed.
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Cruz's disruptive behavior in the senate makes him unfit to govern. Most republicans get that.

Is this majority of Republicans you refer consist mostly of the same Republicans who don't get that Donald Trump is unfit to govern? Do you really trust the discernment of these people? Do you realize that between them Cruz and Trump command the support of over 70 percent of the Republican electorate? That leaves less than 30% of Republicans who support Kasich or no one. Since when is less than 30% a majority?
I think you're wrong about the actual level of the support for Cruz. Much of it if not most is because he is probably the only one who can stop a Trump nomination. That's his top message and it's working. The Trump support on the other hand is more committed and based on the behavior at his hysterical rallies more worthy of being committed.

No, Cruz gets the rabid god botherer vote because he attends events like this to trawl votes.

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