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Deputy PM says NCPO did not influence NLA on extra referendum question


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Deputy PM says NCPO did not influence NLA on extra referendum question


BANGKOK, 8 April 2016 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan has denied rumors that the National Council for Peace and Order gave instruction to submit an additional question for the public referendum.

Gen Prawit spoke regarding the recent move by the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) to approve an additional question for the public referendum asking whether the Senate should be given the power of electing the prime minister.

He said the decision was made by the NLA and that the public will have the right to decide on the matter.

The Deputy Prime Minter also urged all political parties preparing for the election to follow electoral rules. He affirmed that general elections will definitely take place in 2017.

-- NNT 2016-04-08 footer_n.gif

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"There will be no coup".

Yep, these guys are reliable when it comes to the truth.

What's the bet the constitution has a 99.7% approval vote?


If the vote is no the usual suspects will complain by stating "How will the Junta lovers spin this one".

If the vote is yes the usual suspects will complain by stating "rigged result"

Love your work. Thanks my friend. That comment made my day.

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"There will be no coup".

Yep, these guys are reliable when it comes to the truth.

What's the bet the constitution has a 99.7% approval vote?


If the vote is no the usual suspects will complain by stating "How will the Junta lovers spin this one".

If the vote is yes the usual suspects will complain by stating "rigged result"

Love your work. Thanks my friend. That comment made my day.

Points and rebuttals where made to you on the other thread about this Jamie and you didn't bother to reply to any of them.

Will you pull the same trick here?

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"There will be no coup".

Yep, these guys are reliable when it comes to the truth.

What's the bet the constitution has a 99.7% approval vote?


If the vote is no the usual suspects will complain by stating "How will the Junta lovers spin this one".

If the vote is yes the usual suspects will complain by stating "rigged result"

Love your work. Thanks my friend. That comment made my day.

actually, the referendum is rigged already and that fact will remain no matter how the Thai people vote.

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"There will be no coup".

Yep, these guys are reliable when it comes to the truth.

What's the bet the constitution has a 99.7% approval vote?


If the vote is no the usual suspects will complain by stating "How will the Junta lovers spin this one".

If the vote is yes the usual suspects will complain by stating "rigged result"

Love your work. Thanks my friend. That comment made my day.

I guess your problem Jamie is that you and all the flag wavers for the junta have painted yourself into an unenviable corner with a mixture of delusion; a refusal to comprehend what is presented to you every day by the ruling body, the media and commentators; an endless string of self-created half truths; and a blinkered view that is not nuanced by the realities of Thai politics.

If it wasn't for the fact that nation suffers because of people like you I'd almost be inclined to feel sorry for you. But, yes, it's a corner.

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Politics in Thailand has become more and more like a (badly acted) TV show. One in which the actors all know that the lines they are speaking and the roles they are playing are not real, they even know that the lines they are speaking are literally unbelievable to most observers, yet they continue to overtly lie because they know they won't be (can't be?) called out.

And that is Thailand’s tragedy: that people have come to view the dismal farce acted out by their politicians, generals, bureaucrats and business tycoons in the same way: everybody knows it’s all fake, but everybody feels it wouldn’t be polite (or legal) to interrupt the theatrics by saying so.

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