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Has any one had the symptoms I have at the presant.


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I have not been well for the last few weeks. Not eastern for two. No appetite.. I have a stinking head ace high blood pressure . Along with a temperature. One day up the next down. I was thinking along the lines of Denque. I went to a hospital in Sahmut Prakan , I was seen promptly no arguments there. I had my blood pressure taken It confirmed what I already new. They took some blood and tested it . The doctor said not Denque. I was given 4 orange drink powders to put into water. and some vitamin C tablets. 10. I was then presented with a bill for 2800bart. I paid but was that disgusted left the drink powders and the vitamin tablets on his desk and walked out. After three more days of not eating and felling really unwell . No energy up one minute and down the next. The Mrs took me to there local hospital. I felt humbled about that because it's where all the poor Thai people go. The Red Cross.. The doctor there spotted that I had a through the infection she gave me some antibiotics . Some pain relief tablets and some code an to bring my tempi true down. All seemed to be going well until to day back in bed no energy sweating like a pig . I have to go back for blood tests again on Monday . If there is no satisfaction where is the best place to go. Which hospital. Any ideas would be apriciated.

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My mom and dad came out here to visit and my dad picked up something that the doctors couldn't diagnose. No appetite, fever every 3hours or so. Blood tests and stool sample didn't produce anything. He stayed in bed at my condo for about 4 days until the fever stopped coming back.

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I would certainly start by going back to the same hospital, and when you do bring with you (if you did not do so already on the first visit) the results of the first blood test from the other hospital so that they have these to compare with. And, if you do decide to subsequently go elsewhere, it is important that you bring complete records with you with all lab work and names of medications given. With a disease like this that has gone on for some time, history is all important.

You do not mention if given medication for your blood pressure, nor if you have a history of high blood pressure before this, nor exactly what your blood pressure was. It is possible you have not one but two things going on, hypertension (which can cause headache) and some sort of infectious disease, the nature of which is unclear...could be a throat infection as the doctor suspected (though seems odd that you would not have noticed throat pain), could be something else such as influenza (blood test will have indicated whether or not the infection is bacterial, but you do not report blood test results so can't say). etc

Between now and Monday I suggest you:

1. Monitor your blood pressure daily and record it (get a home monitoring device, or else go to a nearby drug store).

2. Make sure you stay well hydrated - you need to drink enough that you pee often and your urine is a very light color. If it is tea-colored, you are dehydrated. It is easy to dehydrate with a fever alone, not to mention a fever in this heat.

3. Replace the electrolytes (sodium and potassium) you are losing in your sweat, depletion of these will make you feel awful and if extreme can be dangerous To do that, get sachets of rehydration powders (the same "orange drink" you refused at the first hospital, which was a mistake BTW). Dilute in water per the instructions (have your Mrs read the label) or with a larger amount of water is OK, just not less water. Drink at least 2 a day, more if really sweating heavily.

You will feel markedly better once you have adequately replaced lost fluid and electrolytes. Though still need to continue the antibiotics and don't miss the follow up appointment Monday.

When you go in Monday, bring the list of BP readings with you to help the doctor determine if you have hypertension requiring treatment in addition to whatever infection it is you have.

Should you get worse between now and Monday, go back sooner, and if really bad then go to the ER rather than the outpatient clinic, and no matter the time of day. Really bad = persistent high fever (40 C or more), severe shaking chills, really severe headache, stiff neck, confusion or loss of consciousness (any one of these, not necessarily all), Otherwise just concentrate on the measures outlined above and taking the medications prescribed.

If the blood tests suggest a bacterial infection (which I have no way of knowing) and if it is sensitive to the antibiotic given, would expect to see the fever reduced within about 3 days and gone within about 5 day,though would usually need to continue the antibiotics for longer than that to fully eradicate the infection. It is not clear from your post whether the feeling worse today included fever. If so and if you have been on the antibiotics for that length of time, you may need a different antibiotic, or it may be that the infection is viral. Since the generally feeling awful could be due to dehydration and electrolyte losses, especially given how hot it has been, it does not necessarily mean the antibiotics aren't working, but if the fever has not improved then that may be the case.

it would help to know what hospital you went to ("Red Cross" can apply to several places of different levels of care) and where you live.

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change location, go stay in a hotel somewhere in a different place. still persists examine any and all chemical things soap, deodorant, washing powder, stuff like that, that you have brought with you.

you may also want to google detox herbs, cheap stuff like garlic turmeric ginger coriander etc, just add to your diet

oh and drink a good brand of mineral water and perhaps some chilled bottled green tea flavour of you choice occasionally.

Edited by fatdog 702 inches
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Have had something similar for the past five weeks or so, although the headache was nowhere near as bad as yours by the sound of it.

Feeling really rough, breaking out in sweats occasionally, headache from time to time and feeling nauseous, with the occasional "lightheaded" experience.

Blood tests at two different hospitals showed nothing untoward, although one-time when I was admitted, my blood pressure was 190/100 (very high for me). I then went to see an ENT doctor because of the suggestion that the "light-headedness/dizziness" and the nausea could be caused by an inner ear disturbance/infection, but from the tests and what the guy could see, there was nothing untoward going on there either.

Two doctors said it was more than likely a virus and there was nothing they could do so I would just have to see it out. Well things did seem to be getting better however it was almost like two steps forward and one step back although the light-headedness went and the nausea seemed to ease off a little. But then would come back again, but not as bad.

I was beginning to think I should go for some scans or something when I met a friend of mine who owns a restaurant and he commented that he hadn't seen me for a while and when I explained about the symptoms, he remarked that his family had had the same, as had some of its customers and it could take quite a few weeks to get out of the system.

Almost there now, with just the occasional feeling of nausea, but not feeling as bad as before – – perhaps this is related to what you have and if it is the case, then time will see it out.

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Follow Sheryl's advice.

The high blood pressure may or may not be connected.

The rehydration salts are important.

Ok, you feel unwell and are in significant pain but you owe it to yourself and others to do the best for yourself, and discarding medicine is not a good idea.

Likely it is an infection.

I think there is a typo and you meant to write throat infection, in this case you probably have strep throat, which may have also infected your tonsils. The advice is 1 week bed/house rest. It is very uncomfortable but not serious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all your replys . This the first time I have had time to reply . After visiting 3 hospitals around Bangkok. With no success . The very last one told me I had two choices go to a specialist hospital or go home quick or I would not last the week out. This was last We'd Morning . My wife and I made the snap decision to go home at any cost. I had a temp of over 100. Lost 10 kilos in weight. And had not eastern or drank for over three weeks. The only airline I could get was Emirates. I had a Doctors note confirming I was well enough to travel. Cost 5000baht. Emirates skinned me £5000 or 200.200 baht. For the wife and I. Flue home to Manchester. Then straight to hospital. Where. I have been in a isolation ward with a virus. Anti Biotic resistant. They say caught from unclean food because it's from fesess . Some body has not washed there hands. The main culprits are the Thai Family . Brother in law turning up as usual desperate to do some minimal work for the most baht. He came with a fever. He was told not to come. But the pull of the Bart was to much. So I am still sat in hospital in UK for nearly a week have various drugs pumps through me. And I still fell rough. All I can say if your British and unwell get yourself home. The NHS found the problem in24 hours. The Thai hospitals where useless to me . One charged me 2600 baht after a quick examination. They gave me 10 vitamin C tablets and 4 isotonic powders. I just left them and walked out. The last one a lady Doctor hit the nail on the head. My body was and had produced more white cells than red trying to fight the infection. That's what caused the fever. And stopped me eating and drinking every thing I tried to eat or drink was thrown back. So I have aborted our visit by three weeks in the middle of our house renovation. . And at £5000 cost. Just because some Thai <deleted> could not stay away or even wash his hands.So as far as I fell now that's me finished with Thailand after 10 years. Thanks again for all your kindly help. This being sent from a isolation ward in The UK.

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Thanks for all your replys . This the first time I have had time to reply . After visiting 3 hospitals around Bangkok. With no success . The very last one told me I had two choices go to a specialist hospital or go home quick or I would not last the week out. This was last We'd Morning . My wife and I made the snap decision to go home at any cost. I had a temp of over 100. Lost 10 kilos in weight. And had not eastern or drank for over three weeks. The only airline I could get was Emirates. I had a Doctors note confirming I was well enough to travel. Cost 5000baht. Emirates skinned me £5000 or 200.200 baht. For the wife and I. Flue home to Manchester. Then straight to hospital. Where. I have been in a isolation ward with a virus. Anti Biotic resistant. They say caught from unclean food because it's from fesess . Some body has not washed there hands. The main culprits are the Thai Family . Brother in law turning up as usual desperate to do some minimal work for the most baht. He came with a fever. He was told not to come. But the pull of the Bart was to much. So I am still sat in hospital in UK for nearly a week have various drugs pumps through me. And I still fell rough. All I can say if your British and unwell get yourself home. The NHS found the problem in24 hours. The Thai hospitals where useless to me . One charged me 2600 baht after a quick examination. They gave me 10 vitamin C tablets and 4 isotonic powders. I just left them and walked out. The last one a lady Doctor hit the nail on the head. My body was and had produced more white cells than red trying to fight the infection. That's what caused the fever. And stopped me eating and drinking every thing I tried to eat or drink was thrown back. So I have aborted our visit by three weeks in the middle of our house renovation. . And at £5000 cost. Just because some Thai <deleted> could not stay away or even wash his hands.So as far as I fell now that's me finished with Thailand after 10 years. Thanks again for all your kindly help. This being sent from a isolation ward in The UK.

Sounds more like something called C. difficile, a bacteria which can be/become resistant to antibiotics, and indiscriminate prescribing of antibiotics can worsen the effects.

Anyway, so pleased that you are on the mend now and all the best.........

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"I have been in a isolation ward with a virus. Anti Biotic resistant"

Viruses are not and and never have been treated with antibiotics !

Have the UK doctors not given you a precise diagnosis ?

Thanks for your input. Maybe I used the wrong term anti biotic. All I know is they cannot get rid of it. They are sending me to A specialist hospital which can deal with this type of infection.

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"I have been in a isolation ward with a virus. Anti Biotic resistant"

Viruses are not and and never have been treated with antibiotics !

Have the UK doctors not given you a precise diagnosis ?

Thanks for your input. Maybe I used the wrong term anti biotic. All I know is they cannot get rid of it. They are sending me to A specialist hospital which can deal with this type of infection.

good luck!

I hope you pull through.

what is your age if I may ask?

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"I have been in a isolation ward with a virus. Anti Biotic resistant"

Viruses are not and and never have been treated with antibiotics !

Have the UK doctors not given you a precise diagnosis ?

Thanks for your input. Maybe I used the wrong term anti biotic. All I know is they cannot get rid of it. They are sending me to A specialist hospital which can deal with this type of infection.

good luck!

I hope you pull through.

what is your age if I may ask?

Hi my age is 62. None smoker. Never smoked. Don't drink. Fit as a Fidel days before. Mixed 4 ton of concrete the day before by hand . I came down like had been pole axed. Still in hospital 99% better now still waiting for. Blood tests from specialist in Leeds UK . Will post as soon as I know.

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  • 1 month later...

i believe c.diff is isolated because it is very contagious, vs. MRSA with is 'drug resistant' fwiw.

wouldn't be too quick, to decide, how you contracted whatever you have, IMHO

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God, I hope you did not get MCR1. It's the new kid on the block and is a gene that attacks bacteria and makes the bacteria (good or bad) 100% resistant to all antibiotics out there; even the last line of defense; Colistin


Started in China and already around the world, including Malaysia and Laos. Pork and chicken mainly for being undercooked. Agriculture use Colistin in the animals and apparently MCR1 mutated and didn't even blink at the colistin and now there is no antibiotic out there. That means if you are carrying the MCR1 gene in your body and contract any virul infection, you are screwed. I may be in a bit of err, but check it out. Pretty scary. Here's a brief synapse:

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You did not have to fly back to the UK for this kind of treatment,for one Christian hospital Calcutta ,just two hours from BKK would have determined and treated I know been there,done it and got the T shirt

Tempting as that sounds, I have to wonder what he'd have done had they not been successful in Calcutta, or if the treatment or convalescence dragged on for weeks and weeks.

Better to go through that in the home country if it's at all feasible. Hopefully, with support from family and friends who may not be able to make it to Calcutta.

Still, good information- and much appreciated. My home country is the USA and it's further away and much more expensive than the NHS. Calcutta sounds good.

Edited by impulse
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"I have been in a isolation ward with a virus. Anti Biotic resistant"

Viruses are not and and never have been treated with antibiotics !

Have the UK doctors not given you a precise diagnosis ?

Thanks for your input. Maybe I used the wrong term anti biotic. All I know is they cannot get rid of it. They are sending me to A specialist hospital which can deal with this type of infection.

good luck!

I hope you pull through.

what is your age if I may ask?

Hi my age is 62. None smoker. Never smoked. Don't drink. Fit as a Fidel days before. Mixed 4 ton of concrete the day before by hand . I came down like had been pole axed. Still in hospital 99% better now still waiting for. Blood tests from specialist in Leeds UK . Will post as soon as I know.

Any update on what it is you actually have.......a couple of causes have been mentioned (one by me) but as far as I can see no clarification from you?? Thanks.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi just an Update, not posted in along while, 


Thanks for all the advice i received,  last year when posting this thread


I went to three  Thai hospitals in Sahmut Prakan, First Hospital had no idea of what was wrong with me, The second which i paid private gave me three isotonic drinks and some vitamin b tablets, The bill was 10.000baht , The third Hospital, I had no choice, my wife took me semi conscious One early morning, it was a Government Hospital, Near where our house is. After 8 hours and after a few tests they came back and said i had Leukemia, I was in disbelief after the experience of the first two hospitals, The Female doctor said she wanted me to be admitted  then and there, I said give me a week to think about it, her reply was, you will not be here in a week, That stunned us both, I asked the Doctor her advice, she told me either to come in hospital then and now, or go home If i could. She gave me a letter,to give to the Airline  so i could fly home,  Which i appreciated as i was relay in no fit state to fly, also she wrote a letter with the test results and diagnoses of my health problem to give to the next Doctors. My wife and i got a taxi from the Hospital home, We packed and went straight to the airport and got a flight home to the UK,  When i got back to the UK, I went to the Hospital in the Town where i live, I was admitted , i spent ten days having tests, The results where that i had picked a Virus up in Thailand,  My body had tried to fight it, but my immune system had kicked into overdrive,  My Liver, Kidneys and spleen were all oversized,(Swollen) and my white blood cells had multiplied dramatically, That was the cause of all the discomfort, Fever and loss of appetite, Apparently i have had leukemia for over three years, I did not know, it was only becasue i had picked up a virus that the problem came to lite. The good news is its not terminal and controllable. So really  have had a lucky escape,   Again thanks for all the advice given , I am 63 years of age and never been ill in my life

Edited by Thongkorn
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I am very sorry to read of your awful experience


There is however a moral to be learnt from this have proper travel insurance and at least you will be quickly repatriated at no extra cost tp you



I hope you fully recover soon, also do not write Thailand off because of one bad experience, statistically you are safer next time it is unusual for this to happen to the same person twice

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Actually worth noting that it was private hospitals which mis-dagnosed him and the local government hospital which correctly diagnosed him and quite correctly advised him to get immediate treatment, even facilitating his repatriation.


In my many years in this board I have come across a fair amount of malpractice/sub-optimal practice. Easily 90% of it occurred in smallish upcountry private hospitals.  They are to be avoided in most cases.  It is possible to get good care in private hospitals in major cities (Bangkok, CM) provided one carefully researches and selects the doctor, but outside of these areas the nearest large government hospital - civilian or military - is usually the best choice.


Amenities and shiny new facilities do not in any way accord with better quality medical care.

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The first one was called Sawan Clinc, in Bang Poo,  Muang Sahmut, hospital , the last one who gave the correct diagnosis, Was called Sahmut Prakan Hospital.


I have not written off Thailand, Been  going there for years, We have a house there, will be back this year at the end of March for a few Months,


I have never had high blood pressure, the only worrying thing is i was told i have had Leukemia for the last three years unbeknown, I have been a blood donor for the last twenty odd years, why did they not pick it up, 

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Good for you coming right Thongkorn, I would not wish that on anybody.


I am curious about Leukaemia diagnosis, is it as easy as WBC's being over a certain level.?  And being controllable not terminal after three years surprises me.

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10 hours ago, rott said:

Good for you coming right Thongkorn, I would not wish that on anybody.


I am curious about Leukaemia diagnosis, is it as easy as WBC's being over a certain level.?  And being controllable not terminal after three years surprises me.


 There are a few types of Leukemia,  Not all are terminal. It's to do with your blood cells, Many people have had leukemia and totaly recover, Some times it affects the Lymph nodes, Lymphoma. As i have said mine was discovered by accident becasue of a virus i caught, The interesting thing i was told, which i never thought about was, when they took my blood for tests they looked at the anti bodies in it < the Specialist read my blood like a book , she told me everything that i had contracted since i was born, the antibodies are still in my blood, as everybodys are. The Doctor told me i had chicken pox, measles all the usual things kids get when young. And a couple more which were not common to the UK, obviously caught in Thailnd or some other hot Country, 

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