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Gay hairdressers can legally be called “faggots” in France


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Funny stuff. The English definition for faggot is a piece of firewood.

No idea how the word became used for referring to gay men.....

The word faggot does indeed mean a piece of firewood. The reason gay people are called that is because they were once burnt at the stake for being gay. In other words, treated as a piece of firewood. It is offensive in the extreme for gay people, the implication being that they should be burnt alive.

So for the several posters so far who used the word or defended its use I trust that one day in hell you may enjoy the same experience.

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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

American anti-homosexual slur.

It doesn't mean much in any other English speaking country.

And you probably haven't noticed, but most of us aren't American, and we live in Thailand.

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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

only in the US it seems..in the UK since the 16th century it has been a slang term for an old women

further Now given France is not in the US...the court decision makes perfect sense


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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

American anti-homosexual slur.

It doesn't mean much in any other English speaking country.

And you probably haven't noticed, but most of us aren't American, and we live in Thailand.

See my other post below with the link confirming your statement...

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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

American anti-homosexual slur.

It doesn't mean much in any other English speaking country.

And you probably haven't noticed, but most of us aren't American, and we live in Thailand.

where I come from a faggot is something you eat akin to a meat ball, or the alternative is a bundle of sticks/firewood

But I suppose in this insane PC world someone will always find a way to take offence at something

Edited by Bobotie
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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

American anti-homosexual slur.

It doesn't mean much in any other English speaking country.

And you probably haven't noticed, but most of us aren't American, and we live in Thailand.

where I come from a faggot is something you eat akin to a meat ball, or the alternative is a bundle of sticks/firewood

But I suppose in this insane PC world someone will always find a way to take offence at something

I don't believe you.

I'm sure British people know the word as an anti-gay slur even if not widely used there, such as I assume p--f and other colorful local terms like shirt lifter are.

If from nothing else than from Hollywood movies which I know y'all watch.

We're not talking about meatballs in the context of this thread and you bloody well know that. So why bother with the deflection?

Edited by Jingthing
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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

So what....What's a word....You gonna chop my head off cos of a word....?

Tell me, you have read years of my posts here....Come up with one word regarding your thoughts of me...Just go for it..one word....smile.png

No head chopping.

In fact if you read the thread I don't think the slur word being discussed here or ANY word for that matter should be illegal to use in France or anywhere.

One word?



Edited by Jingthing
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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

only in the US it seems..in the UK since the 16th century it has been a slang term for an old women

further Now given France is not in the US...the court decision makes perfect sense


Perhaps read the OP.

It is clearly stated the word is known as an anti-gay slur word in France.

Just not criminalizing it's use. Which I agree with, no point in criminalizing words.

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Funny stuff. The English definition for faggot is a piece of firewood.

No idea how the word became used for referring to gay men.....

there are also music instruments (flutes) called faggot.



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Funny stuff. The English definition for faggot is a piece of firewood.

No idea how the word became used for referring to gay men.....

The word faggot does indeed mean a piece of firewood. The reason gay people are called that is because they were once burnt at the stake for being gay. In other words, treated as a piece of firewood. It is offensive in the extreme for gay people, the implication being that they should be burnt alive.

So for the several posters so far who used the word or defended its use I trust that one day in hell you may enjoy the same experience.

I thought that too about the burning of gay people, but the origin link I gave suggests that is an understandable myth. As gay people were hung. Like with a rope, not like a horse.

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Be careful if you use the word '';faggot'' those that find the word offensive will probably be the sort that appear on your doorstep and then proceed to criticize the choice of your window curtains as not being ''gay enough.''

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Cigarettes (fags), small branches and twigs (faggots), and now gay hair dressers,

(also, faggots) Got it all, good. I just want to keep it all straight so I remain PC. tongue.png

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I am talking about the technical entomological word origin.

I posted a link about that before which looked credible.

We all know the word is an anti-gay slur.

American anti-homosexual slur.

It doesn't mean much in any other English speaking country.

And you probably haven't noticed, but most of us aren't American, and we live in Thailand.

where I come from a faggot is something you eat akin to a meat ball, or the alternative is a bundle of sticks/firewood

But I suppose in this insane PC world someone will always find a way to take offence at something

I don't believe you.

I'm sure British people know the word as an anti-gay slur even if not widely used there, such as I assume p--f and other colorful local terms like shirt lifter are.

We're not talking about meatballs in the context of this thread and you bloody well know that. So why bother with the deflection?

Believe what you want...I don't care

I have provided a link which supports everything I have said, as stated where I come from a faggot infers a meatball or a bunch of sticks..

If I wished to use an anti-gay slur where i come from , I would call someone a "moffie"

So as stated the origins of "faggot" as a slur against gay people originates in the US

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Definite offensive slur where I come from in the U.S. and not cool at all.

Funny enough in traveling to England as a teenager, a girl in a pub took a liking to me and said "fancy a fag" and I was flabbergasted, here she was asking if I wanted a cigarette and I thought she was asking ME if I was gay........wow girl I think that's the strangest pickup line I have ever heard !!!!! crazy.gif

Yep, "bumming a fag" means two completely different things to Americans and British.
That's plain funny
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Funny stuff. The English definition for faggot is a piece of firewood.

No idea how the word became used for referring to gay men.....

there are also music instruments (flutes) called faggot.



double gg!

Faggot Magnify-clip.png

A pair of faggots. Ugh.

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Faggot.

A faggot (also called fag for short) is a woodwind instrument in the double reed family, used to play music written in the bass and tenor registers and occasionally even higher, apart from when they have those really annoying squeaky put-on voices sometimes that just put my teeth on edge.

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Funny stuff. The English definition for faggot is a piece of firewood.

No idea how the word became used for referring to gay men.....

Origin information:


I'm to going to assume that faggots not being a French word is possibly less [ [/i]than it is in some English speaking nations.








a ball or roll of seasoned chopped liver, baked or fried.


a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel.




bind in or make into faggots.


(in embroidery) join by faggoting.

So ... To set the record straight ...it is not a piece of wood ...but a bundle of wood...

Neither is it made from what one might make haggis from...!

Edited by Robm579
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Definite offensive slur where I come from in the U.S. and not cool at all.

Funny enough in traveling to England as a teenager, a girl in a pub took a liking to me and said "fancy a fag" and I was flabbergasted, here she was asking if I wanted a cigarette and I thought she was asking ME if I was gay........wow girl I think that's the strangest pickup line I have ever heard !!!!! crazy.gif

Yep, "bumming a fag" means two completely different things to Americans and British.

Doesn't mean ANYTHING in American English.

Means could I have one of your cigarettes.......it's just slang though I don't know how a cigarette became a fag?

There isn't American English only English biggrin.png

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You have it all wrong. Faggot is the English translation of the French word 'PEDE'. I read the newspaper report and the word was PD, which comes out as pede. Sorry I can't find the accents on my keyboard, but the two 'e's' should have circumflexes. Until 'gay' became the fashionable word, the previous word was quite commonly used and still is (sotto voce) of course.

Yep I know this word pede. I had a Frenchman once, he told me.

I Speak French, and PEDE , is an extremely offensive word for a Gay person..., a nicer slang word in Frenxh is Tapette....., still no need for either of them....

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You have it all wrong. Faggot is the English translation of the French word 'PEDE'. I read the newspaper report and the word was PD, which comes out as pede. Sorry I can't find the accents on my keyboard, but the two 'e's' should have circumflexes. Until 'gay' became the fashionable word, the previous word was quite commonly used and still is (sotto voce) of course.

Yep I know this word pede. I had a Frenchman once, he told me.

I Speak French, and PEDE , is an extremely offensive word for a Gay person..., a nicer slang word in Frenxh is Tapette....., still no need for either of them....

Pede sounds short for ped......

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Im offended by the word 'gay'

Sometimes I am in a very gay mood and as such tend to act gayly (gay used to mean happy but that is no longer recognised)

It offends me that I can no longer feel in a very gay mood without being perceived as a raging poofter

I would complain to the powers that be but seeing as *I am not classed as minority*, I fear my gay but unwanted rant would be flippantly dismissed with a gay swing of the wrist (possibly holding a white lace handkerchief)

* Minority depending on whether a white middle aged Englishman is classed as a minority or not??

On a more serious note, it is only a word is it not? It's the aggressive manner sometimes used that is offensive, not the word itself. IMO its about time people stopped being offended at every soi corner, sad really.

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But I suppose in this insane PC world someone will always find a way to take offence at something

Sadly this is true. And it's apparent that the Sisters of Perpetual Victimhood are out in full force today.

"Sisters of Perpetual Victimhood"... love it!

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Using the words faggot, nigger, spick, wet-back...and so on...are meant to trash a person...not to promote a harmonious relationship...

It is a sign of low class and ignorance...

I agree, there is no need for this.

Regarding the UK the word fag for cigarette is dying out and is mainly used in the lower class areas of London.

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As far as bumming a fag most Americans would get you're talking about a ciggie with British usage. The f word is not used that way in the US though.

So the phrase is nonsense if you're ignorant of that usage and indeed it could lead to violence.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes that is well known and also off topic.

The topic is that in France the word though not French is recognized as a slur.

I assert that if you're British, Aussie etc. and you don't know that one of the meanings of the word is a slur even though you may not use the word that way locally ... you've been living in a cave.

But I get it. People are taking the piss. Nobody believes you don't know that meaning of word or you can't tell by context when it used that way.

Next ...

So your suggesting people should stop using the term locally, just because an American thousands of miles away came up with an alternate connotation of the word when referring to a homosexual and people in America are offended by it so people elsewhere in the world should stop using the term when referring to a meatball, collection of sticks or a winded musical instrument.....Given the PC insanity I suppose a people would be offended by the phrase "blowing a faggot" then ?

The interpretation of which rests solely in the mind of the reader...

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Using the words faggot, nigger, spick, wet-back...and so on...are meant to trash a person...not to promote a harmonious relationship...

It is a sign of low class and ignorance...

but again...most of those terms uniquely belong to the US, as is the term "to trash" a person.

This is getting super stupid. Nobody is denying there is different English usage in different places. But I don't believe that the slur usage of the f word is not universally understood as such by English speakers when the context suggests it.


..."But I don't believe that the slur usage of the f word is not universally understood as such by English speakers"

Both my parents are native English speakers and I guarantee you that neither of them know the meaning of the word "faggot".

You can not claim that every person knows/understans these words.

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