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Cop's Mia Noi arrested for Ya Ba in south


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Cop's Mia Noi arrested for Ya Ba in south

NAKHON SRI THAMMARAT:-- A policeman's mistress who turned to selling Ya Ba has been arrested in the south of Thailand along with 6,000 pills.

And to add insult to injury police also charged her with trying to bribe her way out of the rap after they say she offered investigators 300,000 baht to let her go, reports Daily News.

Kachakorn Bunyai, 52, a native of Sonkhla province, was dobbed in by two dealers who she supplied in Nakorn Sri Thammarat. Yuthapakorn Patachani,25, and Chakrit Hatapradit, 26 were arrested after complaints they were threatening people with weapons in the area. A .38 gun and ammunition was found and they admitted they bought it with the proceeds of selling Ya Ba supplied by Kachakorn to teenagers.

Police arranged for the hoods to phone the woman for a delivery and she was then arrested. She admitted that she was a mistress of a policeman in the south but that he did not know anything about her drug dealing activity.

She claimed she only did it to pay for her children and ailing mother. After police claim she tried to buy her freedom for 300,000 baht she was charged with that as well as drugs offences.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-04-10

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i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.
And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

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She claimed she only did it to pay for her children and ailing mother. After police claim she tried to buy her freedom for 300,000 baht

"I only do it to buy milk for my 30-35 years old children and teenage grandchildren and their babies, and for my sick mom,... but I always keep 90% of the profit for emergencies..., so 10% for family and 90% for me, who is also family, that means I do it 100% for the family only!" blink.png

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i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.

And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

Just because 'other girls' do it in different countries,millions being somewhat of an exaggeration, does not make it right.

I stand by my description of her, and would class all the other 'millions' in the same category

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i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.

And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

Just because 'other girls' do it in different countries,millions being somewhat of an exaggeration, does not make it right.

I stand by my description of her, and would class all the other 'millions' in the same category

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

The problem is, there are not enough stones to hit all the bible belter.

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i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.

And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

Only a million? You a bit underestimating.

If we are quoting the bible verses a more accurate one would of course be:

Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins. – Bible : Song of Solomon (7) : 3.

Hence, the second wife job.

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i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.

And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

Just because 'other girls' do it in different countries,millions being somewhat of an exaggeration, does not make it right.

I stand by my description of her, and would class all the other 'millions' in the same category

Then you ar a pious moron...IMHO

Ignoring the drug and firearms issue for the moment..

The "home wrecker" is the cop for engaging in extra marital...

Every "act" generally involves two people... One you consider a slut ... The other a stud...

There are almost 7.5 billion people in the world ... I would be astonished if there were only one million "married" people having "a bit on the side"... Infact I'd guess there's probably 1 million is this dear country alone...

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i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.

And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

Just because 'other girls' do it in different countries,millions being somewhat of an exaggeration, does not make it right.

I stand by my description of her, and would class all the other 'millions' in the same category

Then you ar a pious moron...IMHO

Ignoring the drug and firearms issue for the moment..

The "home wrecker" is the cop for engaging in extra marital...

Every "act" generally involves two people... One you consider a slut ... The other a stud...

There are almost 7.5 billion people in the world ... I would be astonished if there were only one million "married" people having "a bit on the side"... Infact I'd guess there's probably 1 million is this dear country alone...

I am not a 'pious moron' as you put it, but thanks for the compliment anyway.

I also do not class him as a stud, far from it. But money has power, so he can see no wrong in it.

I would assume you either do not live here, or, if you do, you have not been here very long.

There is more to being a mia noi than a 'bit on the side'. A lot of the time, the real wife actually knows the situation, but excepts it, which, to me, is another bizarre part of Thai society.

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i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.

And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

I have never been with a bar girl and of course I am of great piety. With that in mind, a million other people have also murdered, assaulted or stole from others. Just because many others have done something doesn't make it right and yes, there are varying degrees of crimes, social or legal.

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In Thailand "Mia Noi", in China, "Concubine", in the west, mistress and in Muslim countries, "wife number two" or three or four or whatever. In my wife's family there are a few senior policemen and they all have Mia Nois. Their wives know and accept it realising that as long as they are number one the girl doesn't matter at all. Interesting my wife has told me that if take a Mia Noi she will cut my b*lls off and serve them to me as dinner. Apparently we farangs aren't allowed them.

Actually the most surprising thing here is the age of the Mia Noi, never heard on one over the age of thirty before.

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"so charged her with trying to bribe her way out of the rap after they say she offered investigators 300,000 baht to let her go,"

What's the world coming to? When you can't even bribe a Thai cop..... my guess is there is no love for the bf cop down at the station.

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You know nothing about me or my life.In fact my bar was very successful,And ive been here 16 years.You must be a very silly man of hindered intelligence to assume things that you know nothing about.You probably came to my bar and employed the services of one of our ladies.I wouldnt be surprised if you are a henpecked husband at home and terrified of your wife leaving you.As for laughing your balls off,Ha! do you have any to laugh off.Your very brave when its typed stuff on a computer.To me all you are,are words on a screen.You dont even know me but you presume to tell me about myself.And as for living in the Boonies,yeah,i love it because it gets me away from fools like you,but then i suppose that there has to be a few fools in Pattaya otherwise we would have noone to laugh at.Now! this discussion is over,do not post me again unless you have something sensible to say.Oh yeah,there are more than a few 'East end boys" over here

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would think that the question should be.Where did she get the drugs and guns,from who? i think that maybe the copper involved with her may be sweating a bit.

And as for all you who call her a slag and a home wrecker,She's only doing what a million other girls do,in a million different countries.

Those of you who have never been with a bar girl,and are of greater piety than everybody else,should remember.

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

Just because 'other girls' do it in different countries,millions being somewhat of an exaggeration, does not make it right.

I stand by my description of her, and would class all the other 'millions' in the same category

'He that be without sin,let him cast the first stone'

The problem is, there are not enough stones to hit all the bible belter.


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