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I'm clearing out some stuff from my workshop for long-term storage in the attic.

I found several examples of these droppings (please see photo, measurement in inches).

Any idea what lays these? Mice, lizards, giant rats?

Please help.




Gekkos, or jing joks, whichever name you prefer to call them. Leave any room empty for a length of time and they will get in and leave their calling card. I often find them at home.


Nope, they are not rats. Phetphet got it right. Jing-joks.

Very easy to tell. Some Jing-joks and geckos don't urinate. That little white blob attached to the poo, consists of urea, the waste product that most animals get rid of by urination.



Very helpful, gentlemen, thanks..

So I don't really have to worry, do I?

I mean, these guys won't chew into my cardboard boxes, right?

In fact they're doing me a favour in killing the mozzies!


Looks like gecko crap. If it were a rat, you'd hear it running around your attic. I never knew about the urea attached to their crap KB. I learn something new every day!

Tapster, yes they do kill other bugs but they are very messy! They hide behind my picture frames and crap all over the place!


OK, I thought gekkos were the Green option.

But, do they damage cardboard boxes and stored household goods?



Tokeys leave even a larger version.

And they make a LOT more noise! But then again I've found Geckos fornacating on my walls before, they weren't too quiet about it either. ;-)



Bring on the fornicating Gekkos!!


Anyway, many thanks for the lowdown on the excreta of the genus Gekko !



As long as your boxes are sealed so the jing joks can't get inside and leave their droppings on your belongings I wouldn't worry. They will be leaving them in your attic whether the boxes are there or not.

Just take a dustpan and brush up there with you when you want to move your boxes.

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