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PM threatens 10 year prison sentence for politicians who criticize referendum


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Prime Minister threatens 10 year prison sentence for politicians who criticize referendum


BANGKOK, 11 April 2016 (NNT) - The Prime Minister has revealed that politicians who make remarks that affect the public referendum will be sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha spoke in response to the Democrat Party’s disapproval of the question attached to the public referendum. The premier claimed their negative response towards the draft constitution is a reaction to clauses that address the impunity of politicians.

He said that not only are political parties banned from holding press conferences, any remarks that would damage the referendum will carry a prison sentence of 10 years. This punishment extends to press conferences in support of the referendum.

Meanwhile, President of the Constitutional Court Nurak Marpraneet revealed that the draft constitution addresses the Constitutional Court in a separate chapter pertaining to the judiciary, with a different selection process for Constitutional Court justices and a reduced term of office from nine years to seven years.

-- NNT 2016-04-11 footer_n.gif

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When all this began I sort of knew where it was all headed. I mentioned to many friends " be careful what you wish for". No, no they said, you are wrong, just wait & see. Well we have waited & now we see. And it's really scary & this is far from over

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

'Ha! But what about the rice scheme?'

'Are you aware that Thaksin...?'

'But what about when Thaksin...?'

'So what about the war on drugs...?'

Take your pick...

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

'Ha! But what about the rice scheme?'

'Are you aware that Thaksin...?'

'But what about when Thaksin...?'

'So what about the war on drugs...?'

Take your pick...

Or if it's Jamie it could be something completely random pulled out of thin air, that nobody has ever heard of before, which he has somehow convinced himself is the 'truth'.

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Clearly, the Thai Voter will not be allowed to "Change things".

If at all, "changes" will possibly be made by a number younger, more worldly oriented Colonels that have reached the conclusion, that leading Thailand back into the 18th century can not possibly be the future of this country.


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This foretells of the chaos to come.

The government wants a sham election but what would they do if no candidate stands?

If the reds actually stand and win again then the senate will overule their every request making the election a mockery. Time for the reds to walk out and bring everything to a halt.

Then what? No more elections, martial law, and then sanctions. And then even more heavy handed military style oppression.

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It's not like people are able to say what they think anyhow. Look how tame this thread is when actually people's heads are exploding - wishing they could say what's on the tip of their tongues.

Hey I'm no wimp!

Saliva and taste buds.

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What about the man (or woman),on the street ,will they also get

10 years forced holiday,if they criticize it ?,or is it just a way to

put all politicians in the nick,and thereby clean up Thai politics.

regards Worgeordie

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"Do not imagine, comrades, that leadership is a pleasure. On the contrary, it is a deep and heavy responsibility. No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"...........

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Both PTP and Democrats and everyone in between has been critical of this draft - perhaps there is some truth in it since he now need to lock up critics for 10 years to keep everyone quiet?

As I have said before those camps in the South might turn into something ugly.

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My way or the highway!

why he can not shake off the indoctrinated military style

of leadership, running the country is not his private company

where some CEOs have that attitude. many fail as the surrounding

yes men are no wiser,

how his advisors let these words be said!

" the superior man is modest in speech,

but exceeds in his actions."


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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

This could be interesting.

Firstly who's he calling politicians. Abhisit isn't as there's no parliament for him to be a politician in or attempt to be elected to. They same goes for the rest of his party and all the others. The closest thing we have to politicians are people like him who make many remarks that effect the public referendum.

What if all the other parties make their opinions know regardless of whether they are for or against. Would he risk putting them all in jail or would he fear a backlash from army recruits.

What if members of the public joined the various parties? Wouldn't that make them as much politicians as Abhisit ect.

My guess is this is just one of his angry rants that he seems to have because people aren't just obeying his commands as he's used to. I would be surprised if there aren't people close to him saying "Don't let him see ThaiVisa. He'll go ballistic".

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He is doing a wonderful thing, if such measures were implemented then it would (in theory) have the potential to bring together the red and yellow sides in identifying a common foe (the military). I sense this regime is 1 scandal away from implosion. The Thais at all levels of society deserve much much better than this crazy lunatic running the country into the ground any more. Beyond pathetic now

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