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If your under 50yo are you wasting time in Thailand?


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I have put this specifically in the Pattaya Forum.

Having lived in Pattaya a few years on a quite minimalist lifestyle I decided to head back to Australia .

Being middleaged I was quite lucky to find a high paying job with a lot of overtime .

Im saving over $4000 a month ( roughly 100,000 baht).

Its the best thing i did was come back to save for my future so ine day hopefully in the next few years I can go back to living in Pattaya comfortably.

The reason I started this thread is that I saw many farangs under 50yo living ion savings, or small income from bars etc.

Why waste your best working years in Thailand and then as you get older your forced to go back to your home Country.

Dont waste your life there , if you can go back to Farangland , work and save for your future.

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Yes i had no experience but i went and got my Security guard licence training and now work night shift 12 hours a day 6 nights per week.

I work for a medium sized Company and they prefer more customer orientated people even though i dont see many here at night.

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Yes i had no experience but i went and got my Security guard licence training and now work night shift 12 hours a day 6 nights per week.

I work for a medium sized Company and they prefer more customer orientated people even though i dont see many here at night.

Mmmmm -------------If you say so


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I have put this specifically in the Pattaya Forum.

Having lived in Pattaya a few years on a quite minimalist lifestyle I decided to head back to Australia .

Being middleaged I was quite lucky to find a high paying job with a lot of overtime .

Im saving over $4000 a month ( roughly 100,000 baht).

Its the best thing i did was come back to save for my future so ine day hopefully in the next few years I can go back to living in Pattaya comfortably.

The reason I started this thread is that I saw many farangs under 50yo living ion savings, or small income from bars etc.

Why waste your best working years in Thailand and then as you get older your forced to go back to your home Country.

Dont waste your life there , if you can go back to Farangland , work and save for your future.

Totally agree!

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It's always the same... Some not want wait till they are 55 or 65 years old to move to thailand to have some fun there.

Here you read many times go back work a few more years and then you should retire.. should wait... But when is the right time to move to thailand.

It always depends on the person itself. Some are maybe happy, if they have about 10'000 baht per month to survive. Other tell when you have about 100'000 baht to spend you should go back and try to save more... Now some will say why save more money... because they money they can use at the moment is already enough.

For you it seems to be a good part to go back make a good job and then in a few years (maybe 5-10 years) go back thailand and have a good life till your end.. But there are also a lot of people even at their homecountry they are not able to find a job where they can save money more than 100$ or little bit more per month... So is this enough for go back to homecountry for the next 20 years to work hard only that you maybe have enough to survive in Thailand.. Or is it for this people better to survive 20+ years in thailand while they are much more happy than at home....

Everybody what they want...I choose to save some moeny first and then try to have a good life with my lifestyle....

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Are you being serious ?

You are going back to be................. a security guard !

I can see your career ambitions.

Did you have to go to any specific university to get the necessary qualifications ?

What a nasty comment!

If a university degree would made us to be like you... then no, thank you for that type of "higher education"!!!

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I would say it depends on your priorities in life and your country's welfare system, how high salaries are and the pensions.

There are big financial differences between countries. Plenty can live comfortably in Thailand without any savings.

I don't know about Australia but if you're from Norway for instance, you could live fairly comfortable in Thailand, even if you have never had a job in your life, even when the value of the Norwegian kroner is still down over 30% from July 2014 compared to the THB. Minimum pensions are about 75,000 baht on a bad month and over 100,000 when the Kroner is stronger. If your pension comes from working then you easily have 150,000 if not the double or tripple, just from working as a cleaning lady for some years. Most countries are not so generous but there are certainly people well under 50 from a large variety of countries, building homes, buying cars and enjoying their lives in Thailand.

It's really up to your own standards and your priorities in life. I feel if your standards normally is "too" high for Thailand, then Thailand will probably never be the place for you, even if you had a dozen million baht saved up. And if you want to build up your working career then for the very most Thailand is definitely not the place.

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If one is in Thailand while under age 50 or even over age 50 are not building up a retirement fund then one is wasting his/her time here in Thailand. Because the best laid plans fall asunder. Assuming you will come here to Thailand at age 35 and 'make it' financially is risky business - only a few succeed. While boring and not exotic staying home and building up a retirement pension (however modest) is a more sensible path to living long term after retirement in Thailand.

Every month I watch young folks Fold their Guesthouse, Bar, Tour Company -- pack up and go home...

Living long term in Thailand while under age 50 requires some deep thought and practice in just how you are going to create that 'nest egg' for older age.. It is much harder to do here (for most people) than it is back home...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Life is a slide rule of choices - - places and finances always are factors... living on the cheap in Pattaya does not sound like fun... so, going back to work for you is a reasonable choice... for others it may not be... plenty of choices. We are all different. I hope this choice works well for you... good luck.

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Another thought, how feasible is it for a young person to build up a pension these days.

Most company schemes are finished in the UK, many governments are insisting you live in country to get a state pension.

It might have been good advice for the 'boomers', but for a young person today? I'm not so sure.

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No. There are plenty of foreigners working in good jobs here. The mistake many on TV make is they think they can slot all foreigners into a couple of categories based on their own bubble and TV. Most of these folks are not regularly posting on TV however.


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In my humble opinion you can be as equally miserable and poor of fund in your home country as you can be in Thailand . If I was to pick ! I'd rather be here and miserable than in the **** up west with all its PC political Correctness garbage that we are constantly feed on and the elite classes telling you everything is the working mans fault and you have to pay more taxes .

Edited by banglay
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Are you being serious ?

You are going back to be................. a security guard !

I can see your career ambitions.

Did you have to go to any specific university to get the necessary qualifications ?

what does is matter? he is saving 4,000 Oz-Dollars a month and that counts!

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Are you being serious ?

You are going back to be................. a security guard !

I can see your career ambitions.

Did you have to go to any specific university to get the necessary qualifications ?

As opposed to the guys who get so enamored with their lives in LOS that they end up doing a balcony dive when they run out of funds? Or end up eating noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

The reason most of us can afford to settle in Thailand is the nest egg they built working back home. If you haven't got a nest egg when you get here, odds are you'll never have one. I salute the guy for having the sense to build his nest egg before he starts eating the omelettes.

Full disclosure: I came to Thailand for a specific job, and I plan to leave when it's over. I like it here fine, but I'm living here for the paycheck.

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Those under the age of 50, or anyone else for that matter are wasting their time only if they are squandering better opportunities in their home country.

IF those opportunities provide for better financial security and a better future then it may be fair to suggest that someone is wasting their time living in Thailand. However, every one of us are in differing situations. For some the opportunities of Asia outweigh opportunity in our home countries.

There is also the 'Work to live, live to work' balance that many who have moved here are trying to achieve - Life for many can be more enjoyable here and many will agree that 'money isn't everything', but, if someone is living here at significant cost to their future financial security it is fair to suggest they are wasting their time and also being somewhat irresponsible.

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If you are a traditional manual laborer or office worker and rely on an hourly wage then Thailand may not be a great option. If your outlook is more offshore, entrepreneurial, digital or investment oriented then you could perhaps make a go of it. I have lived here full-time since I was 23 but I did not make much money from the various jobs I had here. My employment in Thailand was more about lifestyle and new experiences than income. You need self discipline and a nontraditional approach to making money, in my opinion, if you want to live here as a younger person and not as an old retired guy.

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You need self discipline and a nontraditional approach to making money, in my opinion, if you want to live here as a younger person and not as an old retired guy.

You forgot to mention lucky.

For every success story, there's probably a couple of dozen old codgers back home wondering why their 24 Hour All You Can Eat Pancake and Beer Restaurant on the beach didn't work out, or how their accountant was able to make off with their cash (and their wife).

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Why waste your prime years at work, and put off enjoyment until you're half dead? Life is for living, not worrying about the future.

Possibly because it's tough to find a decent job when you're "half dead" and you just ran out of money because you chose to enjoy your youth and not worry about plan for the future.

A situation many folks don't appreciate until it's too late.

Edit: Enjoying life and being somewhere other than Thailand are not necessarily mutually exclusive...

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