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Which is one of the reasons I hunker down in the village during Songkran nowadays. Been there, done that.


Not many playing water games today around Sansai .Yesterday it was full on .I think people realize there is a water shortage this year ,and one day is enough .


zoe is okay its the only place for young farangs on holiday in cnx to go to let there hair down, Everybody I see when I go yellow Seem to be happy and enjoying them selves,got to admit there is some old farts in tv,With a terrible kill joy attitude,You don't have to go to these places,


..................................... temples become bazaars, there is nothing traditional at all. .................

Temples in virtually EVERY culture have traditionally been the center of commerce, not just Thai.

In the early days the bazaar was always set up either inside or outside against the temple walls.

Only in later history did the markets move to the protection of the castle walls.


..................................... temples become bazaars, there is nothing traditional at all. .................

Temples in virtually EVERY culture have traditionally been the center of commerce, not just Thai.

In the early days the bazaar was always set up either inside or outside against the temple walls.

Only in later history did the markets move to the protection of the castle walls.

The Catholic church is the largest land owner/baron on earth....A saint or 3 for every country - got to make & back/support the "local" favorites.....


..................................... temples become bazaars, there is nothing traditional at all. .................

Temples in virtually EVERY culture have traditionally been the center of commerce, not just Thai.

In the early days the bazaar was always set up either inside or outside against the temple walls.

Only in later history did the markets move to the protection of the castle walls.

There is an excuse and explanation for everything. That's why Jehova gave us the internet :D


I don't see as many people throwing water as last year around the moat, but def, at night, more people at Zoe compared to last year. And normally Zoe is lights out around 12 am, but not last night...... that's one benefit of Songkran...later closing times.


I'm off to Khao San Road on Saturday morning to meet my bestest friend. Oh joy...

Not a big fan of Khao San Rd but at least the water will be over by then. In fact, it will be over on Khao San Rd by 10:00 pm tonight.


..................................... temples become bazaars, there is nothing traditional at all. .................

Temples in virtually EVERY culture have traditionally been the center of commerce, not just Thai.

In the early days the bazaar was always set up either inside or outside against the temple walls.

Only in later history did the markets move to the protection of the castle walls.

There is an excuse and explanation for everything. That's why Jehova gave us the internet biggrin.png

You should have used it before you posted.tongue.png


Hi Johnno2. Thanks. Don't be such an a'hole. I did Google, but I think you knew a little more than Disambiguated and I. So you could give it more context or maybe you Google better then us.

I googled it and came up with two Zoes - one in Chiang Mai (Zoe in Yellow) and one in Geneva (Zoe Live Bar). Took a stab in the dark that it was probably the one in Chiang Mai.


Disambiguated, ignore the self proclaimed Thai insiders. Those who know what ZOE is, go there and mingle with those who they complain about now.
For example Johnno2, he typed 27 words and looked for a web link. Just to reply like a teacher. If he would have written: "it's a popular pub in Chiang Mai", it would have been a serious answer. Just a shame that one can't give dislike buttons. What a waste , this kind of posters.


I'm off to Khao San Road on Saturday morning to meet my bestest friend. Oh joy...

Not a big fan of Khao San Rd but at least the water will be over by then. In fact, it will be over on Khao San Rd by 10:00 pm tonight.

I'm not sure why my mate insists on staying there. The taxi fares to Nana are ridikulus!


Songkhran much more muted in Chiang Rai and surrounding villages, which is why I have retreated there. Don't seem to have the drunks, and idiots who lace the water with lumps of ice.


my observation yesterday: 1st of all, tourism must be off by 35% or more? couldn't believe how light the crowds were at KSK Songkran festival. 2nd, there are more backpacker types (and the worst of the backpacker types i've seen in years), really rude, drunk in the street types. 3rd, the 'quality' (as the government calls it) of Chinese tourists are the worst kee nok types imaginable. i saw about 12 of them commissioning a red bus and the lady driver wanted 480 Bath to take them where they wanted to go and drive them around a bit. they countered her with 200 Bath! she explained to them that she would be unable to do anything for about 90 minutes because they wanted to go down Huay Kaew which was at a complete standstill. they were so rude to the driver it was unbelievable. i overheard them raise the offer to 220 at which the driver who was incredibly patient told them to exit the songtaew. at that point a Chinese woman about 25 y/o literally threw the money at the driver and she had to reach down on the ground and pick it up. total scum.

I think sonkran festive celerbrations ln cnx took place at maya same as last year very much doubt many farangs there must be about 2 or 3 thousand thais though,fantastic floor show last night, Be a all day night event today.they know had to enjoy themselves the thais,

The way of things

1. Person arrives in Chiang Mai in the 1990's (give or take a decade) still relatively young.

2. Has a great time in the bars and everywhere, lets his hair down, has a blast.

3. Moves out to ()#$#&$ San Dong or whatever sad location his gated community house is that he bought for his Thai Mrs.

4. Rant rant rant.. no more nightlife in Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai nightlife is dead, the girls used to be prettier, blah blah.

Reset, rewind, repeat:

1. Person arrives in Chiang Mai in 2016, still relatively young.


Moral of the story: there's no need to join them at Zoe. Doe whatever floats your boat. And no whining.



LKR IS DEAD .Is anyone going to dispute that ? (and maybe its a good thing as it was full of hard core hookers ).


LKR IS DEAD .Is anyone going to dispute that ? (and maybe its a good thing as it was full of hard core hookers ).

they just find alternitives spicy, Living room, blue bar, yellow, The moat. Discovery.


And they try and pay for their som tam with their debit cards.

Awful, common people.

I take it "One is not amused"


I'm with you. Seems this year it has attracted the absolute lowest form of tourist possible. Most of them look like filthy vagrants, staggering about in the road and acting like idiots.

I was driving through last night and a few were standing right in the middle of the road as you turn in from the corner. I paused to wait, and waited, but couldn't go around due to walkers and baht bus, so I did a quick beep. Instantly, one of them wanted to fight me, tossed his beer bottle at the ground and started mouthing off. I'm not trying to end up in jail over one of these low class losers so I just u-turned and drove off. The lot of them look like they had been living on the streets for a few years.

Went around the other way and saw the rest of the bar goers in the area and didn't bother stopping. It was a scum show.

what a miserable bunch of old farts you are.

perhaps you are just past it.

Perhaps. I haven't vomited in the middle of the street while wearing a bucket on my head for at least 5 or 6 months. Those were the days.

Now I'm just a grumpy old fart who prefers venues where people actually shower and wear somewhat clean clothes.


What a bunch of grumpy old farts!bah.gif

Some.of us just have higher standards than others.

Maya was a blast tonight FULL of people. Had a really good time. However, Zoe was again a filth pit full of scummy tourists falling over themselves on the street.


Why do the immigration authorities allow this kind of scum into the country?? They do not spend money because they have no money. They are an eye sore and it makes me ashamed of being a foreigner.


LKR IS DEAD .Is anyone going to dispute that ? (and maybe its a good thing as it was full of hard core hookers ).

they just find alternitives spicy, Living room, blue bar, yellow, The moat. Discovery.

Discovery ? When is the last time you went out ?

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