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What are the "hidden costs" of relocating to Phuket?

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I think your visit will tell you near all you need to know... I am not sure how you expect to replace near all your wife's salary in Phuket, but hope so...

Phuket is a tourist place - you are going to have a rotating group of mostly young people coming there to get drunk, stupid and party. Even if you do not partake, that will be the environment you will be in..

A friend of mine lived there and moved a couple of years ago - he used to call me from the car... it started to become way too frequent that he would say, "Oh S**t. There was just an accident in front of me - now I am going to be stuck in traffic... " So, the advice to live near your work is very important...

I would say though that much of this question would depend on the income level you will be living at - If your job offer is a substantial increase from your current position, then it might be worth it. You will likely be able to afford a maid and other people pleasures that would be cheap in comparison to USA...

If you are really in need of a lifestyle change, and if the money is much better than combined incomes and the job is something you want to do and being in a very touristy area is ok for you, then go for it...

good luck to you whatever you decide...

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1. Be very sure about this "company" and your legality in Thailand - there are a lot of bad apples here.

2. Be aware more than routine medical care will likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore - will you have adequate insurance?

3. Will the wage really replace the wife's income - and more importantly her self esteem?

4. Income tax will involve much more paperwork - who will be doing that?

5. Stay in Thailand requires annual extensions based on work permit/income as well as 90 day reporting of address so may not be a comfortable feeling.

6. Western food in general will be more expensive - but good Asian food quite inexpensive. But safeguards are not high.

7. You will not have heating expense - but air conditioning will be required and electric is moderately expensive.

8. If fan of TV there will be changes required.

9. Cars are expensive in Phuket but may be required as taxi service not up to city standards.

10. Housing/rents are reasonable if not in most expensive buildings/areas. Who is paying?

11. Domestic help is available - but likely 3rd country national and may not be worth the efforts.

12. There are probably more foreign marriage relationships ended in Thailand than any other country.

Point no. 2 is somewhat inaccurate, there are international standard medical facilities more

than capable of routine and highly specialist medical care on Phuket, there is no valid reason

,other than preference, that would require travel outside Phuket for " routine medical care ".

I suspect lopburi3 does not actually live in Phuket??

My statement was routine care was available but other than routine care may require travel - you have changed what I said. I stand by my comment that qualified/specialist medical care would likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore. As for where I live - I live in Bangkok.


1. Be very sure about this "company" and your legality in Thailand - there are a lot of bad apples here.

2. Be aware more than routine medical care will likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore - will you have adequate insurance?

3. Will the wage really replace the wife's income - and more importantly her self esteem?

4. Income tax will involve much more paperwork - who will be doing that?

5. Stay in Thailand requires annual extensions based on work permit/income as well as 90 day reporting of address so may not be a comfortable feeling.

6. Western food in general will be more expensive - but good Asian food quite inexpensive. But safeguards are not high.

7. You will not have heating expense - but air conditioning will be required and electric is moderately expensive.

8. If fan of TV there will be changes required.

9. Cars are expensive in Phuket but may be required as taxi service not up to city standards.

10. Housing/rents are reasonable if not in most expensive buildings/areas. Who is paying?

11. Domestic help is available - but likely 3rd country national and may not be worth the efforts.

12. There are probably more foreign marriage relationships ended in Thailand than any other country.

Point no. 2 is somewhat inaccurate, there are international standard medical facilities more

than capable of routine and highly specialist medical care on Phuket, there is no valid reason

,other than preference, that would require travel outside Phuket for " routine medical care ".

I suspect lopburi3 does not actually live in Phuket??

My statement was routine care was available but other than routine care may require travel - you have changed what I said. I stand by my comment that qualified/specialist medical care would likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore. As for where I live - I live in Bangkok.

And my statement is, as a long term resident of Phuket, there is no valid reason to

travel to Bangkok or anywhere else in Thailand for any kind of treatment as there

are more than adequate international standards of medical care available, on all

levels, in Phuket. I find it difficult to comprehend how you could possibly know the

level of medical care available in Phuket when you don't live here??


For those that are saying the wife will be bored and it will be hard for her to make friends, there are a number of expat women's groups that do various things, so have the Mrs. look into those groups.


I agree some not so great things in Phuket I retired here 18 months ago and apart from some idiotic driving and crazy road works.. It's way better than London where I lived all my life... Best advice is don't drive a motorbike or scooter and you will be reasonably safe here. I have 4 bed pool villa and use air con a lot my avg monthly bill is around 7k baht bit higher in low season when very humid. But still cheaper than my electric and gas bills from UK. I have a well so no water bill I filter my water and drink it. I own my villa so no rent to pay. Food and eating out several times a week avg 1000 baht a meal for two. I spend about 50k baht a month all in. Villa market great for all things imported and makro is very cheap for main food shopping. North of Phuket there are many quite areas to live. As others have said live not far from your work. There are many many nice places on the island.. People that continue to moan about it should go elsewhere. They have probably been conned at some time. Which does happen. Also agree on western married couples here many do split I know a few...

Good luck and enjoy Phuket as the vast majority of us do but except the idiosyncrasies here and you will be fine.

Ps what's the Job?


Simple question NKM ... have you experienced any burglary in your home or surroundings. Have your neighbours experinced any burglary.

Do you you speak with any personal experience ??

I answered your question in another post, before seeing this post.

To date, I have not been a victim of crime here, and I do not fear crime here. That said, I do not put myself in vulnerable positions.

I am not saying crime on Phuket is out of control. I am merely stating that crime, particularly violent crime and drug abuse / possession, has increased on Phuket in recent times.

In my opinion, at this stage, there is no need for tourists and expats to avoid Phuket, simply due to the amount of crime here.

I still consider Phuket a safe holiday destination, if common sense is used. That said, the biggest risk to one's personal safety here is on the roads.

Very good straight answer. You don't fear crime here yet you spout bad stats about crime ... you are a hypocrite in my opinion.

With each newbie guest I coach them on just basic security. Like lock doors and close deadlock bolts when napping or sleeping. Just basic stuff. You just can't leave doors open when you are not alert.

This has worked quite well these last few years. Yes ... commonn sense is required ... anywhere in this world ..


Once again, I expanded on DonaldBattles post that was labelled a "Phuket bashing" post by another member who did not post any evidence to refute it, even when requested to do so.

I did not "spout bad stats about crime." I simply stated that I now read about crime here in the media on a more regular basis than in the past, and what is of concern is the rise in violence associated with many of those crimes, and the possession of weapons and / or drugs, particularly ice.

I do not fear being stabbed here, but I have read about more stabbings here in recent times. Eg. the four tourists on Patong Beach last week. That said, I try to minimize my my risk of conflict here. Eg. I'm not going to get into an argument with a Thai guy, which could escalate into an assault, which could further escalate into a stabbing, over 100 baht.

I do not fear property theft here because I have nothing of great value to steal here. All sentimental family items, and jewellery of any value, remain in my home country. I even downgraded my wrist watch before moving here. I do not carry a lot of cash around and only keep a few thousand baht hidden in my apartment.

I do not fear damage to property here because I do not own a property here.

As you suggest to your newbie guests, I also practice some basis security.

All of the above means I have taken steps to minimize myself as a target here.

So, back on topic, I stated crimes reported in the media has increased, and you agreed. Have you changed that stance?


1. Be very sure about this "company" and your legality in Thailand - there are a lot of bad apples here.

2. Be aware more than routine medical care will likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore - will you have adequate insurance?

3. Will the wage really replace the wife's income - and more importantly her self esteem?

4. Income tax will involve much more paperwork - who will be doing that?

5. Stay in Thailand requires annual extensions based on work permit/income as well as 90 day reporting of address so may not be a comfortable feeling.

6. Western food in general will be more expensive - but good Asian food quite inexpensive. But safeguards are not high.

7. You will not have heating expense - but air conditioning will be required and electric is moderately expensive.

8. If fan of TV there will be changes required.

9. Cars are expensive in Phuket but may be required as taxi service not up to city standards.

10. Housing/rents are reasonable if not in most expensive buildings/areas. Who is paying?

11. Domestic help is available - but likely 3rd country national and may not be worth the efforts.

12. There are probably more foreign marriage relationships ended in Thailand than any other country.

Point no. 2 is somewhat inaccurate, there are international standard medical facilities more

than capable of routine and highly specialist medical care on Phuket, there is no valid reason

,other than preference, that would require travel outside Phuket for " routine medical care ".

I suspect lopburi3 does not actually live in Phuket??

Fortunately for me, I have never needed any major medical care in Thailand, si I can not comment on this.

I am wondering what the cost of a routine operation on Phuket would be, when compared to the cost for the same operation in Bangkok. Eg. tonsils and appendix rmoval, broken wrist / arm / leg requiring surgery etc.

Has any member ever had the need to compare the prices of treatment?

Note: No insurance company involved, only cash payment by the patient.


NKM the "increase" you report in crime has not been quantified by any means its just your assumption or opinion which, by the way means nothing. The OP doesnt seem like the type of individual who would be involved in your crimes anyways.

People involved in those type crimes are tourists or in places and times they hang out.

The only thing he OP should be on the lookout for are TV people who continually spout the doom and gloom about Phuket and Thailand.

OP Phuket is just fine. Make your move and enjoy it!


NKM the "increase" you report in crime has not been quantified by any means its just your assumption or opinion which, by the way means nothing. The OP doesnt seem like the type of individual who would be involved in your crimes anyways.

People involved in those type crimes are tourists or in places and times they hang out.

The only thing he OP should be on the lookout for are TV people who continually spout the doom and gloom about Phuket and Thailand.

OP Phuket is just fine. Make your move and enjoy it!

As previously stated, several times, and once again for yourself.

Crime stats from the police here are "rubbery" due to the protection of the tourism industry. Look at the ridiculous way they count road fatalities here. I can only imagine how they manipulate crime statistics. Therefore, I have gone on "reported crimes." That is, crimes I read about in the local media, including the Phuket News Forum on TV.

I am definitely reading about more crime in recent times. It could be the Thai Army oversight of police, harsher economic times on Phuket, or a rise in drug abuse.

Whatever the reason, I know I am reading about more crime in the media than I have in the past.

I have stated, in all likelihood, the OP will not be a victim of crime if common sense is used. Eg. don't wear a nice thick gold necklace.

I did not state crime is rampant on Phuket and should be a major factor when considering moving here. In fact, I said Phuket is still safe for tourists and expats in regards to crime.

The debate on crime came about when one member mentioned crime, traffic and a higher cost of living as concerns, and another member labelled him a "Phuket basher" yet supplied nothing to refute the post.

So, 2fishin2, do you think crime has increased, decreased, or remained the same on Phuket in recent times, and can you give a reason for your answer?

It's a serious question, and is not a "doom and gloom" question.


Not such a straight forward question.

Crime can increase in absolute terms, yet, go down when expressed as incidents per 100,000 residents.

There are only three ways to know about crime. It happens to you, you hear about an incident second, or third hand, or you see it in the media.

Do you have a large circle of acquaintances, so you hear more than the next guy?

Is the media reporting more crime stories than they used to?

What's the population of the island now compared to five, ten, fifteen years ago?


The main potential 'hidden cost' is to your marriage. I would suggest you look seriously at your wife continuing to work in the US while you try working in Phuket. Give it a year and then decide whether she should move to Thailand.

Your wife will get bored if she has nothing to do but sit around an air conditioned house or apartment all day. Sure, there is plenty to see and do, but you will presumably be working long hours. Thailand is always very hot and even driving to the shops can become a bore. There are many available and attractive women in Thailand and a western man will be welcomed with open arms. I'm sure you love your wife, but it is very easy to get distracted in Thailand. Your wife might get upset, jealous or unhappy if the local girls treat you like a rock star while she is just tolerated.

I'm just saying that you and your wife should think carefully about what she will do in Thailand. She needs to have a fulfilling time and be under no illusions about how she will occupy herself while you are working. It will be doubly hard for her because she is currently working and will go to zero work in a foreign place. You, at least, will be occupied with moving into a new job, learning the ropes etc which will keep you busy for the first few months.


My 2$ worth is an exciting thought and something different for you I guess but sounds to me in your post like you have answered your own question.

If you get the job before making the decision to take it at least come for a short holiday in Phuket and see for yourself.


Thanks again for the great replies everyone!

To bring some closure to this thread I'll have you know that I decided not to follow through on the job opportunity. In the end the move would have been too disruptive to my wife & I's life goals. No, it wasn't just this thread that led us to that decision, it was also the ton of research we've been doing, and discussion we've been having, over the past few days.

Despite all the bickering, you all provide valuable information to people like me needing the low-down on Thailand. Keep up the good work!


Simple question NKM ... have you experienced any burglary in your home or surroundings. Have your neighbours experinced any burglary.

Do you you speak with any personal experience ??

Can't speak for NKM obviously, but I was burgled (during the night) shortly after arriving here, and a friend of mine has been burgled more recently (also during the night),

where do you live?

At the time, I lived near the Muay Thai 'school' in Rawai.


Not such a straight forward question.

Crime can increase in absolute terms, yet, go down when expressed as incidents per 100,000 residents.

There are only three ways to know about crime. It happens to you, you hear about an incident second, or third hand, or you see it in the media.

Do you have a large circle of acquaintances, so you hear more than the next guy?

Is the media reporting more crime stories than they used to?

What's the population of the island now compared to five, ten, fifteen years ago?


I sort of look at from a global perspective ... global recession, substance abuse increase, all help towards crime to fund these deficiencies.

Therefore I don't think Phuket is any worse or better than what is happening in the rest of the world.

The media would indicate an increase in crime here in Phuket. My experience and from talking with others would indicate no real change.

Depends whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty sort of person ...


Thanks again for the great replies everyone!

To bring some closure to this thread I'll have you know that I decided not to follow through on the job opportunity. In the end the move would have been too disruptive to my wife & I's life goals. No, it wasn't just this thread that led us to that decision, it was also the ton of research we've been doing, and discussion we've been having, over the past few days.

Despite all the bickering, you all provide valuable information to people like me needing the low-down on Thailand. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for that closure. A wise man listens to his wife ... best of luck in your future life.


Not such a straight forward question.

Crime can increase in absolute terms, yet, go down when expressed as incidents per 100,000 residents.

There are only three ways to know about crime. It happens to you, you hear about an incident second, or third hand, or you see it in the media.

Do you have a large circle of acquaintances, so you hear more than the next guy?

Is the media reporting more crime stories than they used to?

What's the population of the island now compared to five, ten, fifteen years ago?

A fair post, KB. At least you are analysing it and not simply labeling any discussion about crime on Phuket as "Phuket bashing" without offering a reason.

"Crime can increase in absolute terms, yet, go down when expressed as incidents per 100,000 residents." - of course. The trouble with this one is I believe the total number of "residents" on Phuket would be "registered residents" and we all know Phuket has very few registered residents compared to actual residents.

"There are only three ways to know about crime. It happens to you, you hear about an incident second, or third hand, or you see it in the media." - well, a forth way, which should be the correct way, would be accurate police statistics on crime reports.

"Is the media reporting more crime stories than they used to?" - I have thought about this, and it's possible. Like I said, i simply stated I am reading more articles in the media about crimes committed here. Of those articles, what has stood out for me is the level of violence appears to have increased, as well as weapon possession, particularly firearms, and drug possession, particularly ice.

"What's the population of the island now compared to five, ten, fifteen years ago?" - of course it has increased, however, I stated "in recent times." For me, that is over the last 2 years.


1. Be very sure about this "company" and your legality in Thailand - there are a lot of bad apples here.

2. Be aware more than routine medical care will likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore - will you have adequate insurance?

3. Will the wage really replace the wife's income - and more importantly her self esteem?

4. Income tax will involve much more paperwork - who will be doing that?

5. Stay in Thailand requires annual extensions based on work permit/income as well as 90 day reporting of address so may not be a comfortable feeling.

6. Western food in general will be more expensive - but good Asian food quite inexpensive. But safeguards are not high.

7. You will not have heating expense - but air conditioning will be required and electric is moderately expensive.

8. If fan of TV there will be changes required.

9. Cars are expensive in Phuket but may be required as taxi service not up to city standards.

10. Housing/rents are reasonable if not in most expensive buildings/areas. Who is paying?

11. Domestic help is available - but likely 3rd country national and may not be worth the efforts.

12. There are probably more foreign marriage relationships ended in Thailand than any other country.

Point no. 2 is somewhat inaccurate, there are international standard medical facilities more

than capable of routine and highly specialist medical care on Phuket, there is no valid reason

,other than preference, that would require travel outside Phuket for " routine medical care ".

I suspect lopburi3 does not actually live in Phuket??

Fortunately for me, I have never needed any major medical care in Thailand, si I can not comment on this.

I am wondering what the cost of a routine operation on Phuket would be, when compared to the cost for the same operation in Bangkok. Eg. tonsils and appendix rmoval, broken wrist / arm / leg requiring surgery etc.

Has any member ever had the need to compare the prices of treatment?

Note: No insurance company involved, only cash payment by the patient.

I've broken my wrist twice here, and the hospital costs (Bangkok Phuket and Phuket Int) were cheap - compared to private treatment in the UK.

I broke it quite badly the second time and was told that I could either have an operation (pins inserted) or have it manually put back into place with morphine etc. provided as pain relief. The cost of having pins inserted would have been around 250,000 bht, but this is from memory and I was in a lot of pain/shock, so may mis-remember the cost.

More to the point, somebody I know was seriously injured in a road accident and after initial care was transferred to Bangkok because the expert treatment needed wasn't available here. I gather hospital costs are cheaper in Bangkok, which makes sense as Phuket is a relatively expensive island - certainly compared to Bangkok.


Not such a straight forward question.

Crime can increase in absolute terms, yet, go down when expressed as incidents per 100,000 residents.

There are only three ways to know about crime. It happens to you, you hear about an incident second, or third hand, or you see it in the media.

Do you have a large circle of acquaintances, so you hear more than the next guy?

Is the media reporting more crime stories than they used to?

What's the population of the island now compared to five, ten, fifteen years ago?

Good response to NKM ...

I sort of look at from a global perspective ... global recession, substance abuse increase, all help towards crime to fund these deficiencies.

Therefore I don't think Phuket is any worse or better than what is happening in the rest of the world.

The media would indicate an increase in crime here in Phuket. My experience and from talking with others would indicate no real change.

Depends whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty sort of person ...

"I sort of look at from a global perspective ... global recession, substance abuse increase, all help towards crime to fund these deficiencies." - so, are you saying that due to the GFC and a global rise in drug abuse, that Phuket now has more crime, but only in par with the rest of the world????

If so, you are saying Phuket has more crime. Right?

"Depends whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty sort of person ..." - I disagree. Did the crimes occur, or not? Are there more victims of crime, or not? Has crime increased, or not? It's not a view on life, it should be accurate statistical data.


1. Be very sure about this "company" and your legality in Thailand - there are a lot of bad apples here.

2. Be aware more than routine medical care will likely require travel to Bangkok or Singapore - will you have adequate insurance?

3. Will the wage really replace the wife's income - and more importantly her self esteem?

4. Income tax will involve much more paperwork - who will be doing that?

5. Stay in Thailand requires annual extensions based on work permit/income as well as 90 day reporting of address so may not be a comfortable feeling.

6. Western food in general will be more expensive - but good Asian food quite inexpensive. But safeguards are not high.

7. You will not have heating expense - but air conditioning will be required and electric is moderately expensive.

8. If fan of TV there will be changes required.

9. Cars are expensive in Phuket but may be required as taxi service not up to city standards.

10. Housing/rents are reasonable if not in most expensive buildings/areas. Who is paying?

11. Domestic help is available - but likely 3rd country national and may not be worth the efforts.

12. There are probably more foreign marriage relationships ended in Thailand than any other country.

Point no. 2 is somewhat inaccurate, there are international standard medical facilities more

than capable of routine and highly specialist medical care on Phuket, there is no valid reason

,other than preference, that would require travel outside Phuket for " routine medical care ".

I suspect lopburi3 does not actually live in Phuket??

Fortunately for me, I have never needed any major medical care in Thailand, si I can not comment on this.

I am wondering what the cost of a routine operation on Phuket would be, when compared to the cost for the same operation in Bangkok. Eg. tonsils and appendix rmoval, broken wrist / arm / leg requiring surgery etc.

Has any member ever had the need to compare the prices of treatment?

Note: No insurance company involved, only cash payment by the patient.

I've broken my wrist twice here, and the hospital costs (Bangkok Phuket and Phuket Int) were cheap - compared to private treatment in the UK.

I broke it quite badly the second time and was told that I could either have an operation (pins inserted) or have it manually put back into place with morphine etc. provided as pain relief. The cost of having pins inserted would have been around 250,000 bht, but this is from memory and I was in a lot of pain/shock, so may mis-remember the cost.

More to the point, somebody I know was seriously injured in a road accident and after initial care was transferred to Bangkok because the expert treatment needed wasn't available here. I gather hospital costs are cheaper in Bangkok, which makes sense as Phuket is a relatively expensive island - certainly compared to Bangkok.

I appreciate your reply, but I was asking for a price comparison between a Phuket hospital and a Bangkok hospital. Not a Phuket hospital and a UK hospital.

Did you ring a hospital in Bangkok for a quote on your broken wrist?

Other members discussed the availability of specialized care here, but I asked for a price comparison between Phuket and Bangkok hospitals for a basic operation.


Good response to NKM ...

I sort of look at from a global perspective ... global recession, substance abuse increase, all help towards crime to fund these deficiencies.

Therefore I don't think Phuket is any worse or better than what is happening in the rest of the world.

The media would indicate an increase in crime here in Phuket. My experience and from talking with others would indicate no real change.

Depends whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty sort of person ...

"I sort of look at from a global perspective ... global recession, substance abuse increase, all help towards crime to fund these deficiencies." - so, are you saying that due to the GFC and a global rise in drug abuse, that Phuket now has more crime, but only in par with the rest of the world????

If so, you are saying Phuket has more crime. Right?

"Depends whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty sort of person ..." - I disagree. Did the crimes occur, or not? Are there more victims of crime, or not? Has crime increased, or not? It's not a view on life, it should be accurate statistical data.

I clearly posted "My experience and from talking with others would indicate no real change."


Thanks again for the great replies everyone!

To bring some closure to this thread I'll have you know that I decided not to follow through on the job opportunity. In the end the move would have been too disruptive to my wife & I's life goals. No, it wasn't just this thread that led us to that decision, it was also the ton of research we've been doing, and discussion we've been having, over the past few days.

Despite all the bickering, you all provide valuable information to people like me needing the low-down on Thailand. Keep up the good work!

Now that you have turned down the job, can you say what it was? No need to name the employer.


Good response to NKM ...

I sort of look at from a global perspective ... global recession, substance abuse increase, all help towards crime to fund these deficiencies.

Therefore I don't think Phuket is any worse or better than what is happening in the rest of the world.

The media would indicate an increase in crime here in Phuket. My experience and from talking with others would indicate no real change.

Depends whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty sort of person ...

"I sort of look at from a global perspective ... global recession, substance abuse increase, all help towards crime to fund these deficiencies." - so, are you saying that due to the GFC and a global rise in drug abuse, that Phuket now has more crime, but only in par with the rest of the world????

If so, you are saying Phuket has more crime. Right?

"Depends whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty sort of person ..." - I disagree. Did the crimes occur, or not? Are there more victims of crime, or not? Has crime increased, or not? It's not a view on life, it should be accurate statistical data.

I clearly posted "My experience and from talking with others would indicate no real change."


In my personal experience, no change. From talking to others, no change. From reading the media reports, an increase.

Also, one article may report multiple victims. Eg. the four tourist on Patong Beach last week.

Obviously the way you conduct yourself, and the way the other people you have asked conduct themselves, has a role to play in increasing or decreasing their chances of becoming a victim.



Obviously the way you conduct yourself, and the way the other people you have asked conduct themselves, has a role to play in increasing or decreasing their chances of becoming a victim.

Exactly correct ... obvious


NKM - re. hospital costs.

One person who lives on Phuket, but ended up in a Bangkok hospital for a long time, told me that hospital care in Bangkok is a lot cheaper than Phuket.

I don't know the other person, but was told about it by a mutual friend - and again was told that Bangkok is quite a lot cheaper when it comes to hospital costs.

No, I didn't 'phone around for quotes re. my broken wrist... which is why I posted the operation cost (for a difficult operation) on Phuket.


Simple question NKM ... have you experienced any burglary in your home or surroundings. Have your neighbours experinced any burglary.

Do you you speak with any personal experience ??

Can't speak for NKM obviously, but I was burgled (during the night) shortly after arriving here, and a friend of mine has been burgled more recently (also during the night),

where do you live?

At the time, I lived near the Muay Thai 'school' in Rawai.

like i said previously, almost 95% of breakins on the island are in Rawai.


At the time, I lived near the Muay Thai 'school' in Rawai.

like i said previously, almost 95% of breakins on the island are in Rawai.


Do you have evidence, or, are you pulling that figure out of your arse?

Just from reading the local rags, most of the break-ins are up in Thalang, or Cherng Talay. Also, Phuket Town is right up there.


At the time, I lived near the Muay Thai 'school' in Rawai.

like i said previously, almost 95% of breakins on the island are in Rawai.


Do you have evidence, or, are you pulling that figure out of your arse?

Just from reading the local rags, most of the break-ins are up in Thalang, or Cherng Talay. Also, Phuket Town is right up there.

Exactly, its down to luck - or more accurately - bad luck.

Funnily enough it didn't bother me too much as I was burgled a few times back in the UK - twice during the night. Being burgled when you are sleeping is FAR worse than when out of the house, but for some reason it didn't bother me so much here. Perhaps I was still in holiday mode - edit - as it would definitely bother me if I was burgled during the night now!

The only thing that really 'bothered' me was that when it happened here I had 2 dogs, and they only woke up as the burglars were leaving laugh.png !


Phuket is no more expensive than most large cities in america

Rent WAY LESS, gas for cars about the same,

meat costs more, wine costs more, cheese costs more, appliances about the same, used cars cost more, clothes ( in local shops) cheaper, if ur buying western clothes More.

There are no Hidden costs, it is what it is.

Phuket is the most expensive place in Thailand.

everyone keeps saying this, I find Samui and even parts of Krabi ( Ao Nang) more expensive.

For two of ya, make sure the job includes the wp ( ur wife can than get attached to your visa). IF they are paying in excess of $2,500/month you will be fine, less than that turn it down

I live in Kamala and have for 18 out of the last 20 years, great place to live

only down point is if u need travel to Phuket town

i have strong doubts that anyone relocates from the US to Thailand for a $2,500 or even $3,500/mth salary.

I relocated to Bangkok from Hong Kong on a US$ 5000 a month salary.

If I'd know then what I know now, I would have asked for more.


Consider looking at some on-line expat retirement publications and surveys.

I realize you would not be retiring, but they are a resource for comparative cost of living information.

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