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Nightclub owner 'jumps to death' in middle of five star hotel lobby in Bangkok


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Thankfully he landed on no one...

Unfortunately, one day it will happen sad.png

That's why in Europe or Japan they would have nets ..

In malls like the MBK the railing at the escalators is also very low, i'm surprised people don't fall off them often.

That's right, I may be abnormally tall but the damn thing barely comes over my knee, and being afraid of heights I am terrified to go on those things, I somehow doubt this short conversation is going to help that matter though, it's making me feel sick now and I am sitting by the pool!

Well if we never mention it things will never change. A Thai has no idea what it is to be a tall farang. Those railings are low and scary if you stand on the escalator from the 6 th floor or so. The railings are too low or don't exist at all.

Yes, it needs a mention, but that is not what I meant by it won't help, I meant it wont help my fear!

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There are security cams at every corner of these hotels, we will soon see him jum on his own or the tapes will just disappear... But nowadays there are drugs with which you can just suggest to somebody to go there and jump, and he does... So really we can never know is my verdict.

I bet you can't name one of those supposed drugs, nor provide a reference for information.

everyone knows the name of that ; the Jason Bourne pill

Magic mushrooms will do it, too.... Maybe that's a base ingredient in the Jason Bourne pill

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If he was rich , why kill himself ? In Thailand money is everything.

Money can buy you most things, but it doesn't always buy you happiness.

And plenty of Thais are "rich" on borrowed money. When the facade crumbles and debts are called in, the loss of face is too much to bear for these immature folk, resulting in the easiest way out: suicide

Yes yes. In any other place in the world the desire to suicide is invariably not the same !bah.gif

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There are security cams at every corner of these hotels, we will soon see him jum on his own or the tapes will just disappear... But nowadays there are drugs with which you can just suggest to somebody to go there and jump, and he does... So really we can never know is my verdict.

I bet you can't name one of those supposed drugs, nor provide a reference for information.

everyone knows the name of that ; the Jason Bourne pill

Magic mushrooms will do it, too.... Maybe that's a base ingredient in the Jason Bourne pill


A mate of mine thought he could fly on mescaline and was ready to jump out of a three story apartment.

It took a gram of coke to bring him back to his senses.

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Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

Sounds like a perfect opportunity for conspiracy theorists to me.... After all.... If all the facts were known, vs alleged or assumed, then perhaps you would be right

That's because you didn't read the first report that quoted witnesses. So perhaps I am right quoting them.

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Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

Have you seen the CCTV footage of him jumping?

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He jumped out of the Taxi, rushed in? to where? a room?, ok assume a room -- went straight past check in???, then entered a room, no went to 12th floor took of shoes, forced open window then jumped.

Maybe he was in a hurry to an urgent meeting, when he got there he took off his shoes as of tradition, then because no one turned up he got depressed and jumped.

maybe we will never know, I hope his empire is well taken care off. wai2.gif

Why assume anything when witnesses reported what actually happened? Try reading the OP.

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Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

Have you seen the CCTV footage of him jumping?

Don't need to, I can read what the witnesses reported, you want to try it some time.

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^ they might lose face and customers as well!

The 'night club' business in this area is highly competitive and I wouldn't be surprised if this was a business dispute of some kind. I also wouldn't be surprised if some local high-ranking police either know exactly who did it or were involved themselves.

Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

Whilst I agree with you, one disappointing thing about TV is that, after the initial news stories, very few are followed up, and this one will be no different.

Guess you think TV is a fully fledged newspaper, in reality TV just copies stories / reports etc., from actual media sources.

But IMHO there is a case to criticize the original media sources for lack of follow up.

The red bull case, the Honda girl case, the recent merc man case perfect examples.

Real investigative newspapers / reporters (in part meaning follow up) don't exist in this country, media folks value their lives.

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Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

Have you seen the CCTV footage of him jumping?

Don't need to, I can read what the witnesses reported, you want to try it some time.

So you just believe everything the Thai media tells you, as well as witnesses who may or may not be bought?

I prefer real facts, like video footage, in a country full of mob hits, crooked police, shotty reporters, and people who will say and do anything for a few baht.

How did witnesses see him jump from the 12th floor exactly? They didn't. At best, some saw him arrive and some saw him go in a elevator. Video footage inside the hotel will show the rest, but don't hold your breath to see it.

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Or.. maybe the hotel belongs to one of his competitors... Ratchada 'night club' owner. I highly doubt it's a club on RCA and more likely one right opposite or next to the hotel he 'jumped' from. RIP

..well...he showed them...didn't he!

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Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

And what's to say he didn't meet someone on the 12th floor? Maybe the CCTV cameras will provide some clues.....if their working.

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Some people want to make a public spectacle of their gory death. Seems like a kind of crime to me. It might cut down on suicides of all types if they were posthumously fined.

Why not simply put a huge tax on mental illness? That should reduce both the public and private instances of suicide, no?

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Some people want to make a public spectacle of their gory death. Seems like a kind of crime to me. It might cut down on suicides of all types if they were posthumously fined.

Why not simply put a huge tax on mental illness? That should reduce both the public and private instances of suicide, no?

For someone who has previously been diagnosed as mentally ill, then obviously a posthumous fine shouldn't apply.

Most people who kill themselves are not mentally ill - they are just depressed, and contrary to general opinion, depression isn't an illness, just a rational response to stress. If the cause of the stress disappeared, so would their depression.

Most suicides are perfectly aware of what they are doing - it's the mental clarity that pushes them to do it. However, if they know a 'suicide tax' will be imposed on their estate after they are dead - meaning less inheritance for their relatives - then that should dissuade suicide in a lot of cases. Of course, if they are penniless at their death, there's nothing to be done, and if they kill themselves recklessly anyway, there's nothing to be done. A posthumous fine would certainly help reduce borderline cases.

By that simple idea I have just saved several thousand human lives a year. They should pay me a percentage of the fine. I thang yew.

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Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

Have you seen the CCTV footage of him jumping?

Don't need to, I can read what the witnesses reported, you want to try it some time.

ah witnesses on the 12th floor saw him jump we had not realised that so no need to check the cameras that all 5 star, in fact all hotels, have?

Normally cameras on each floor and on the roof of course but with those witnesses on the roof I guess there is no need and you are right Sherlock

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Clearly a murder where his body was assaulted with the lobby granite floor

The granite floor will be subsequently hammered and fined 500 thb.

Sadly, the granite floor will get off scot-free. Its father is the floor of the senate chamber and its mother was a well known fashion catwalk. It refused to take a hardness test after the incident, despite quite clearly being stoned at the time, and it's rumoured that several bottles of an alcohol based polish were discretely removed from the scene shortly after the incident.

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