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Iran criticised by leaders of Muslim nations at Istanbul summit


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Iran criticised by leaders of Muslim nations at Istanbul summit


Iran has come in for criticism from leaders of more than 50 Muslim nations at a summit in Istanbul.

A final communique from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation said it “deplored” what it calls Iran’s “interference in the internal affairs of states in the region” and also Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, and Somalia.

Iran was also accused by the leaders of continuing to “support terrorism”.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the summit: “To solve the problems of the Muslim world, the most important things we need are unity, solidarity and cooperation.

“At this summit, our biggest expectation is for Islamic countries throughout the world to give a message of unity and togetherness to all Muslims.”

The criticism of Iran comes just a day after the Iranian President urged the leaders to avoid messages that he said would “fuel division” in the Muslim world.

The final communique from the summit had four sections on Iran:

“The Conference stressed the need for the cooperative relations between Islamic States and the Islamic Republic of Iran to be based on the principle of good-neighborliness, non-interference in their domestic affairs, respect for their independence and territorial sovereignty, resolving differences by peaceful means in accordance with the OIC and the UN charters and the principles of international law, and refraining from the use or threat of force.

“The Conference condemned the aggressions against the missions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Tehran and Mashhad in Iran, which constitute a flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, and international law which guarantees the inviolability of diplomatic missions.

“The Conference rejected Iran’s inflammatory statements on the execution of judicial decisions against the perpetrators of terrorist crimes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, considering those statements a blatant interference in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and a contravention of the United Nations Charter, the OIC Charter and of all international covenants.

“The Conference deplored Iran’s interference in the internal affairs of the States of the region and other Member States including Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, and Somalia, and its continued support for terrorism.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-16

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“The Conference stressed

“The Conference condemned

“The Conference rejected

“The Conference deplored

...and then The Conference deflated like a worn out wind bag having passed its gas to the rest of the world, only to be adjourned and reconvened next year to pass more gas...

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“The Conference stressed

“The Conference condemned

“The Conference rejected

“The Conference deplored

...and then The Conference deflated like a worn out wind bag having passed its gas to the rest of the world, only to be adjourned and reconvened next year to pass more gas...

Still no more mind-numbing & meaningless than all the bombast and strutting associated with western election rituals that never seem to deflate or to be adjouned. When it comes to passing gas, The Donald alone surpasses the cumulative efforts of this conference.

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This is rich. The nation NOT responsible for The Taleban, AL Quaida, ISIS or the AL Nusra Front is being criticised.


Wow, are you blinded by your prejudice. Iran is the nation which has supported some of the most violent and destructive terrorists groups in the region. Need a reminder?

Hizbollah the proxy militia of Iran and which acts as a state within the Lebanese state is financed by Iran. It has destabilized Lebanon for 25+ years. Hizbollah affiliate Islamic Jihad is also supported by Iran. In Bahrain, Hizbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guards were apprehended and stopped as they support armed uprising(s) against the government. Iranian Quds Force members were named in the Kenyan and Tanzanian bombings

Iran is the chief financier for Hamas a group classified as a terrorist organization by many civilized countries and even by some who are not. The support of both al Qaeda and the Taliban by Iran has been well documented. It is Iran's militia proxies in Iraq who murdered coalition personnel.

Do you really need a list of the large number of terrorist incidents around the world all linked to Iran? Remember the botched terrorist attack in Bangkok? The Iranian who was caught had attempted to throw a grenade at Thais. Fortunately, he screwed up and blew his legs off. It's Iran which has supported the violent insurrection in Yemen.

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Should read sunni run countries criticize a shia one.

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Must have forgotten that small detail. Like saying saying several religious groups condemn Christianity without mentioning they were all Satanists. Easy to spin the headlines isn't it?

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This is rich. The nation NOT responsible for The Taleban, AL Quaida, ISIS or the AL Nusra Front is being criticised.


Wow, are you blinded by your prejudice. Iran is the nation which has supported some of the most violent and destructive terrorists groups in the region. Need a reminder?

Hizbollah the proxy militia of Iran and which acts as a state within the Lebanese state is financed by Iran. It has destabilized Lebanon for 25+ years. Hizbollah affiliate Islamic Jihad is also supported by Iran. In Bahrain, Hizbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guards were apprehended and stopped as they support armed uprising(s) against the government. Iranian Quds Force members were named in the Kenyan and Tanzanian bombings

Iran is the chief financier for Hamas a group classified as a terrorist organization by many civilized countries and even by some who are not. The support of both al Qaeda and the Taliban by Iran has been well documented. It is Iran's militia proxies in Iraq who murdered coalition personnel.

Do you really need a list of the large number of terrorist incidents around the world all linked to Iran? Remember the botched terrorist attack in Bangkok? The Iranian who was caught had attempted to throw a grenade at Thais. Fortunately, he screwed up and blew his legs off. It's Iran which has supported the violent insurrection in Yemen.

Iran isn't a pinup for sainthood, but their main claim to fame is really opposing Israel. Seems the Sunnis cause a lot more problems for the rest of us than Iran ever has.

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Are those 50 nations ruled by Sunni and not Shiite? whistling.gif

What's your point? Islam is the religion of peace.

I can only guess your comment is a joke.

Otherwise my point is that ISIL, Al Qaeda etc are exremists from within the Sunni group.

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This is rich. The nation NOT responsible for The Taleban, AL Quaida, ISIS or the AL Nusra Front is being criticised.


Try actually learning the facts instead of embarrassing yourself like this.

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This is rich. The nation NOT responsible for The Taleban, AL Quaida, ISIS or the AL Nusra Front is being criticised.


Wow, are you blinded by your prejudice. Iran is the nation which has supported some of the most violent and destructive terrorists groups in the region. Need a reminder?

Hizbollah the proxy militia of Iran and which acts as a state within the Lebanese state is financed by Iran. It has destabilized Lebanon for 25+ years. Hizbollah affiliate Islamic Jihad is also supported by Iran. In Bahrain, Hizbollah and Iranian Revolutionary Guards were apprehended and stopped as they support armed uprising(s) against the government. Iranian Quds Force members were named in the Kenyan and Tanzanian bombings

Iran is the chief financier for Hamas a group classified as a terrorist organization by many civilized countries and even by some who are not. The support of both al Qaeda and the Taliban by Iran has been well documented. It is Iran's militia proxies in Iraq who murdered coalition personnel.

Do you really need a list of the large number of terrorist incidents around the world all linked to Iran? Remember the botched terrorist attack in Bangkok? The Iranian who was caught had attempted to throw a grenade at Thais. Fortunately, he screwed up and blew his legs off. It's Iran which has supported the violent insurrection in Yemen.

Do you understand that there's very little difference between Saudi Arabian ideology and Isil's? Do you understand that Saudi Arabia has spend billions and billions of dollars subsidizing madrassas that promote its insane version of Islam? What Iran has done are mere pinpricks compared to the violence and misery fostered by Saudi Arabia. And just because an uprising is Shiite doesn't mean it was fomented by Iran. Bahrain and Yemen are 2 examples. You might actually want to familiarize yourself with the history of Bahrain before blaming Iran. And as for Yemen, this was another internal power struggle. Thanks to Saudi intervention there Al Qaeda has now established a strong foothold in the southern part of that country. You should do an internet search for Robert Fisk and Patrick Coburn. Two journalists who actually live in the region and speak Arabic. They're not apologists for Iran. But they do point out the unreality which governs Western attitudes towards the Middle East.

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Are those 50 nations ruled by Sunni and not Shiite? whistling.gif

What's your point? Islam is the religion of peace.

I can only guess your comment is a joke.

Otherwise my point is that ISIL, Al Qaeda etc are exremists from within the Sunni group.

You forgot to include Saudi Arabia in that group.

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I know which of the ugly sisters I'm favoring here, but far more interesting is what's actually happening. The press plus Western governments seem almost indecent in their haste to rehabilitate Iran, whist Arab states are doing the opposite. The two facts may be related.


I suspect regime change in Iran is fast approaching.

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