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Urgent Call to Action: Uninstall QuickTime for Windows Today

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Urgent Call to Action: Uninstall QuickTime for Windows Today
Posted on:April 14, 2016 Posted in:Microsoft, Network, Security
Posted by:Christopher Budd (Global Threat Communications)

We’re putting the word out that everyone should follow Apple’s guidance and uninstall QuickTime for Windows as soon as possible.

This is for two reasons.

First, Apple is deprecating QuickTime for Microsoft Windows. They will no longer be issuing security updates for the product on the Windows Platform and recommend users uninstall it. Note that this does not apply to QuickTime on Mac OSX.

Read more: http://blog.trendmicro.com/urgent-call-action-uninstall-quicktime-windows-today/

-- TrendMicro 2016-04-14

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw




If you're a Windows PC user who uses Apple's QuickTime video player, you might want to think about uninstalling it. That is the advice of the Department of Homeland Security's United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, or US-CERT, after two new bugs were discovered in the software.

Security software maker TrendMicro, which discovered the bugs, rated them as critical because they could be used to launch attacks on computers if users open a tainted file or visit a malicious Web site. Because TrendMicro reports that the Apple is ending support for the product, US-CERT said in an alert Thursday that unpatched bugs put users at an increased vulnerability to viruses and malware.

"The only mitigation available is to uninstall QuickTime for Windows," the alert said, which noted that Mac computers are unaffected by the bugs.

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the alert.


And what of all the software that demands you have quicktime installed, or else it won't work?

Get rid of it, obviously.



Is Apple sending a worldwide 'repair update' or do you have to do his yourself ?

I agree with WhizBang ('software that demands you have quicktime installed') and I am afraid that after removal parts of my system will no be working properly anymore.


Quicktime for Windows may not even be needed anymore...partial quote from the Apple Support Website


If you're not sure whether a program requires QuickTime, contact the program's developer. Most recent media-related programs for Windows—including iTunes 10.5 or later—no longer use QuickTime to play modern media formats. These programs either play the media directly or use the media support built into Windows.
Uninstalling QuickTime 7 also removes the legacy QuickTime 7 web plug-in, if present. Websites increasingly use the HTML5 web standard for a better video-playback experience across a wide range of browsers and devices, without additional software or plug-ins. Removing legacy browser plug-ins enhances the security of your PC.


Is Apple sending a worldwide 'repair update' or do you have to do his yourself ?


I don't think Apple will do anything anymore. QuickTime for Windows is deprecated, ie abandoned, thrown on the scrap heap.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Is Apple sending a worldwide 'repair update' or do you have to do his yourself ?


I don't think Apple will do anything anymore. QuickTime for Windows is deprecated, ie abandoned, thrown on the scrap heap.

I know at least one - for me very important program- called Rosetta Stone, the 32 language version that only runs with quick time.

What's the solution then to keep such programs running? Thanks for any tips.


Is Apple sending a worldwide 'repair update' or do you have to do his yourself ?


I don't think Apple will do anything anymore. QuickTime for Windows is deprecated, ie abandoned, thrown on the scrap heap.

I know at least one - for me very important program- called Rosetta Stone, the 32 language version that only runs with quick time.

What's the solution then to keep such programs running? Thanks for any tips.

Contact them. They probably have an upgrade already, Quicktime has been obsolete for years.


I like the word of "depreciated" that Apple uses regarding Quicktime support. A weasel-worded way of saying we don't care anymore, we don't support it any more, user beware, it's not really making us money anymore, it's no value to use anymore, it's been overcome by newer/better products, buy our new hardware/software, etc. Of course other computer hardware/software manufacturers also use the "depreciated" description also when they drop support....excuse me, I mean depreciated support. Win 7 is also sinking fast into that depreciated legacy pit.


Who uses Quicktime anymore? 5 years ago I was told that you had to play mp4 files with QT. I tried but it brought my state of the art brand new computer to a halt. I switched to VLC & my CPU usage went from 100% to 1%; another great product brought to you (idiots) by Apple.


The online game Second Life used to use QuickTime. Don't know if it still does or it's been replaced now.


Who uses Quicktime anymore? 5 years ago I was told that you had to play mp4 files with QT. I tried but it brought my state of the art brand new computer to a halt. I switched to VLC & my CPU usage went from 100% to 1%; another great product brought to you (idiots) by Apple.

hipster bashing

you are triggering people



Is Apple sending a worldwide 'repair update' or do you have to do his yourself ?


I don't think Apple will do anything anymore. QuickTime for Windows is deprecated, ie abandoned, thrown on the scrap heap.

I know at least one - for me very important program- called Rosetta Stone, the 32 language version that only runs with quick time.

What's the solution then to keep such programs running? Thanks for any tips.

I have Rosetta Stone (a very old edition) for Thai language. I now am using Windows 10 and I do not have Quick Time installed, but Rosetta Stone is still working. I have no idea what it's using in place of Quick Time, but it seems to still run.


Is Apple sending a worldwide 'repair update' or do you have to do his yourself ?


I don't think Apple will do anything anymore. QuickTime for Windows is deprecated, ie abandoned, thrown on the scrap heap.

I know at least one - for me very important program- called Rosetta Stone, the 32 language version that only runs with quick time.

What's the solution then to keep such programs running? Thanks for any tips.

I have Rosetta Stone (a very old edition) for Thai language. I now am using Windows 10 and I do not have Quick Time installed, but Rosetta Stone is still working. I have no idea what it's using in place of Quick Time, but it seems to still run.

I'll try it later on my notebook, where I've got an older Rosetta Stine version with 32 programs install. I'll delete QT and see what it does and report back.


QuickTime was one of those annoying programs that took over your file associations and tried to become the default media player on your computer unless you carefully checked the install dialogue.

Not sad to see it go.


Rather than uninstall Quicktime you could uninstall Microsoft Windows. That will fix an enormous number of security vulnerabilities.


Rather than uninstall Quicktime you could uninstall Microsoft Windows. That will fix an enormous number of security vulnerabilities

I keep meaning to do that. Comfortable old shoe. Complacent, resigned sheeple I is.


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