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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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How long is it since you have lived in the UK?

I'm guessing that was also aimed at me (learn to use the quote function). I live in the UK now. I moved back here last summer with my family from Thailand so, unlike most people here who are only concerned about the effect leaving will have on their exchange rate, whatever happens will directly affect me and my kids for the rest of our lives and so on.

Having said that, for the sake of the UK in the long run, voting leave is the only logical choice. Anything else is short term gain for long term pain.

By the way; Greece says thanks for their bailout we are giving them today. Italy is also standing by waiting for their's. Apparently being part of the EU isn't as great as it's made out for these big European economies.

Edited by KunMatt
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That reply clearly means that you simply have not read many of the threads or associated attachments of many of those who wish to remain. You are only seeing what you want to see.There is scaremongering on both sides, the worst of which (in my opinion) is the immigration card as played so much by the Brexiteers.

I can see that many in favour of Brexit on TV are patriotic but why, why, why? You don't live in Britain, you don't want to live in Britain (in or out of the EU) you don't like the climate, you don't like the women. I don't understand!

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That reply clearly means that you simply have not read many of the threads or associated attachments of many of those who wish to remain. You are only seeing what you want to see.There is scaremongering on both sides, the worst of which (in my opinion) is the immigration card as played so much by the Brexiteers.

I can see that many in favour of Brexit on TV are patriotic but why, why, why? You don't live in Britain, you don't want to live in Britain (in or out of the EU) you don't like the climate, you don't like the women. I don't understand!

Learn to use the quote function, it's not hard, just press the quote button instead of the reply button and then we will know who you are talking to and that person will get a notification so they know you are talking to them.

So there is worse scaremongering than saying leaving the EU will cause a civil war, world war III and help ISIS, is there? Please point me to where the out camp has used more extreme fear mongering than this.

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Some may call it scaremongering or trading on fear, I call it a consensus of opinion from financial markets that has not been challenged by the Brexit Team and if somebody thinks it has, please post the link to a reliable authoritative source confirming the same:


Just to head off this issue: In re-reading the article I note use of the word "could", this could happen, that could happen etc. But since it refers to events in the future it is only right to say could rather than will since only death and taxes are absolutely certain. The key I think in reading these messages on the economy and on finance is to look at who is delivering them. I know that few Bexiteers trust the word of the Chancellor and some, oddly, don't trust the IMF, but Standard and Poors! I think if people can't trust those people and refuse to trust S&P they probably wont trust anyone hence the other way to examine the issue is to listen to the rebuttals, who is saying those things wont happen and why, all I hear on that point is silence!

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Andrew Neill makes the Governments spokesman turn into a gibbering idiot as he rips the Governments forecast for recession to pieces. Hilarious.

It's quite funny indeed and I certainly wouldn't want to argue anything with Andrew Neil but we should look at some of the detail:

Comparing a forecast (future) against actual history and using the same sets of criteria for both events is probably not a sensible thing to do. What happened in 2010 happened, the cause and the individual circumstances were unique to then as were the remedial measures that were taken to recover. The Treasury forecast for Brexit is also unique and the cause and details will not be the same as those in 2010, neither will the remedial actions. So whilst it's a funny clip there is a fundamental problem in comparing the two events, past and future and expecting the numbers for one to be pro-rata of the other, they wont be because it's a different day, different time and different everything.

So whilst I have much respect for Andrew Neil he did play a fairly obvious card there and the poor sod from the Cabinet Office got swallowed up, gulp, burp! He was however correct to say that a recession costs jobs, the number of them however remains a real unknown and either person could be correct, my strongest suspicion is however that if indeed it is only a 0.1% loss to GDP, the unemployment rate wont be pro-rata of 2010.

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UK: Timeline of key events in UK surrounding EU Referendum vote:...

UK: Timeline of key events in UK surrounding EU Referendum vote:- Jun 02: UK PM Cameron live interview on Sky News, followed by audience Q&A- Jun 03: Postal vote application deadline 1600GMT in Northern Ireland - Jun 03: Michael Gove live interview on Sky News, followed by audience Q&A- Jun 07: Cameron & UKIP Farage on ITV face separate 30 min question session- Jun 07: EU Referendum vote registration deadline  - Jun 08: Cameron PMQs in parliament- Jun 08: Postal vote application deadline 1600GMT in GB- Jun 09: ITV hosts debate - 3 Bremain vs 3 Brexit debate (TBC)- Jun 15: Cameron PMQs in Parliament; Last day before recess- Jun 15: Proxy vote deadline 1600GMT- Jun 15: BBC special edition Question Time with David Dimbleby- Jun 16: Tooting by-election - Jun 21: BBC hosts live event at Wembley Arena - Jun 22: Channel 4 debate hosted by Jeremy Paxman- Jun 23: Referendum vote on United Kingdom's membership of the European Union

Source: Market News International (MNI) – A Deutsche Börse company

25. May 2016 21:55:34

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We are a sovereign nation, why pay 365 million a day to be dragged down to equality with 3rd world countries and ruled from Brussels?

Perhaps a typo OS, do you want to reconsider the number perhaps!

A week.

Nah, more like 17OM a week

This why the Brexiteers are losing. They can't tell the truth!

It's still a big number! But get it right!

Has anyone actually looked at their tax analysis.

Your taxes and public spending
This shows a break down of how your taxes have been or will be spent by government.
Welfare (25.3%)
Health (19.9%)
State Pensions (12.8%)
Education (12.5%)
Defence (5.4%)
National Debt Interest (5.0%)
Public Order and Safety (4.4%)
Transport (3.0%)
Business And Industry (2.7%)
Government Administration (2.0%)
Culture eg sports, libraries, museums (1.8%)
Environment (1.7%)
Housing and Utilities eg street lighting (1.6%)
Overseas Aid (1.3%)
UK Contribution to the EU Budget (0.6%)
The government spends more than 3 times the EU budget contributions on its own administration and the interest on the National Debt, something else.
The EU budget may be large but keep the numbers in perspective.
If the whole EU budget went to the NHS it would improve funding from taxation by about 3 percent, not quite the big deal being promoted by the Brexit campaign.
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you should leave and never look back.

you will win so much that you will get bored with winning

look at me. it s win, win and win.

Who are you talking to and what are you talking about??
I am eu citizen who left Europe. I save so much that you will get bored with saving .

if UK leave Europe, they will save 50 millions a day. compound interest, it s billion.

Edited by returnofthailand
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I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

Your Post has quite riled me ! How long is it since you have lived in the UK? I have lived and worked in a multi cultural London until very recently and it is quite clear to me that any crap environment is caused by lazy British thugs who simply are not prepared to do so many jobs, even if well paid, that immigrants will do. Just look at all the P'Pinno domestic workers that are actually well paid with all living accommodation included. The Brits would rather scrounge of the welfare state instead

Add to that, i have never felt threatened by any immigrant in London but i certainly have felt as risk from young male British thugs. Either give some justification for your comments or i will just consider you as a racist !

I can agree with you about the British thugs, the youth of today are a disgrace. I can also agree that there are a lot of useless wasters in the UK who wouldn't know a days work if it jumped up and bit them. But its our welfare state to sponge off, its not there for others to abuse also. You can not justify getting child benefit for kids that are not even in the UK and sending it to where ever they came from.

But it is not racist not wanting people coming to live in your country and sponge of the state, which in some cases that is what people do. Its about looking after our own interests. If folk with skills we need want to come and work in the UK, good for them, contribute and enjoy. But if you want to come and soak up the NHS, DHSS then go somewhere else. That does not make a racist

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It is also worth bearing in mind that those UK citizens who work outside the UK - e.g. oil etc will in the long run have to re-negotiate their visas and terms of employment as many of their employing countries actually use EU asaa criteria for employing people. A blanket terms for visas and working conditions. these will have to be re-negotiated which countries who quite frankly would find it easier to just stay with EU members.

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Andrew Neill makes the Governments spokesman turn into a gibbering idiot as he rips the Governments forecast for recession to pieces. Hilarious.

It's quite funny indeed and I certainly wouldn't want to argue anything with Andrew Neil but we should look at some of the detail:

Comparing a forecast (future) against actual history and using the same sets of criteria for both events is probably not a sensible thing to do. What happened in 2010 happened, the cause and the individual circumstances were unique to then as were the remedial measures that were taken to recover. The Treasury forecast for Brexit is also unique and the cause and details will not be the same as those in 2010, neither will the remedial actions. So whilst it's a funny clip there is a fundamental problem in comparing the two events, past and future and expecting the numbers for one to be pro-rata of the other, they wont be because it's a different day, different time and different everything.

So whilst I have much respect for Andrew Neil he did play a fairly obvious card there and the poor sod from the Cabinet Office got swallowed up, gulp, burp! He was however correct to say that a recession costs jobs, the number of them however remains a real unknown and either person could be correct, my strongest suspicion is however that if indeed it is only a 0.1% loss to GDP, the unemployment rate wont be pro-rata of 2010.

You are correct in what you say. An historical event (post-2008) cannot remotely be compared with a bit of biased thumb-sucking. Apples may only be

compared to apples, and not with, say, pears.

A so-called "forecast" by the Treasury, the members of whom will be looking to their own interests, and who have got previous calls wrong, is nothing but

guesswork, which, indeed, is so much of the Remain argument against Brexit. The Brexit argument about what the future holds is also guesswork, of

course, but the Remain interests would have us believe that their argument is scientifically-based, when it's anything but. They are simply working from

a number of assumptions, and, as I have said, their assumptions have been wildly off the mark in times past.

In the ordinary scheme of things, and 0.1% drop in economic activity is but a blip. I would like to hear some detail on where these resulting "hundreds of

thousands of job losses" are "projected" to come from. Furthermore, the word "recession", which has ominous overtones, is a technical term which

defines a state of two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. The Treasury document predicts 4 such quarters, with negativity of 0.1% each.

This does not seem like a train smash to me, and whilst it is the "possible" effect of Brexit, it will occur in a rebalancing period for the UK. Thereafter,

there is no reason why positive growth should not ensue.

The "scare factor" of hundreds of thousands of job losses put out by the Treasury may well not eventuate. It is a complete unknown, but the tactics are

classic "Remain in the EU"; stuff of legend!

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In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

That is 163M per week

Why call me a lier?

Its a great deal of money anyway.......

Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

i give up

Glad to hear it. Vote leave.

Why? Most educated people will vote remain.

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages on balance

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Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out[/font][/color]

Please take time to read your Post again in the cold light of day and see how offensive it is to people who simply have a different viewpoint from you. Your Post is very immature.

From what I've seen in many discussion about the referendum, there are two types of people who want to remain in the UK: people who it would affect financially in the short term and people who believe the fear campaign that leaving would cause WW3 and help ISIS.

Not once have I seen anyone from the remain camp talk about how stay in is in the best interests of the UK in the long run. So yes, I call this type of thinking selfish and self serving because that's exactly what it is. Looking after yourself at the detriment of the country and everyone else in it.

You really do come out with some drivel!

The economic case is clear. Inward investment and trade would both suffer from Brexit

We are stronger as part of the EU than alone. Eu sanctions over Ukraine and Iran both worked

What about job opportunities for young folk coming out of our universities? I found it easy and satisfying to work both in Germany and Denmark

May I suggest you take the time to read all the contributions? You may learn something!

Edited by Grouse
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How long is it since you have lived in the UK?

I'm guessing that was also aimed at me (learn to use the quote function). I live in the UK now. I moved back here last summer with my family from Thailand so, unlike most people here who are only concerned about the effect leaving will have on their exchange rate, whatever happens will directly affect me and my kids for the rest of our lives and so on.

Having said that, for the sake of the UK in the long run, voting leave is the only logical choice. Anything else is short term gain for long term pain.

By the way; Greece says thanks for their bailout we are giving them today. Italy is also standing by waiting for their's. Apparently being part of the EU isn't as great as it's made out for these big European economies.

Your kids will have more opportunities as part of EU

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Perhaps a typo OS, do you want to reconsider the number perhaps!

A week.

Nah, more like 17OM a week

This why the Brexiteers are losing. They can't tell the truth!

It's still a big number! But get it right!

Has anyone actually looked at their tax analysis.

Your taxes and public spending
This shows a break down of how your taxes have been or will be spent by government.
Welfare (25.3%)
Health (19.9%)
State Pensions (12.8%)
Education (12.5%)
Defence (5.4%)
National Debt Interest (5.0%)
Public Order and Safety (4.4%)
Transport (3.0%)
Business And Industry (2.7%)
Government Administration (2.0%)
Culture eg sports, libraries, museums (1.8%)
Environment (1.7%)
Housing and Utilities eg street lighting (1.6%)
Overseas Aid (1.3%)
UK Contribution to the EU Budget (0.6%)
The government spends more than 3 times the EU budget contributions on its own administration and the interest on the National Debt, something else.
The EU budget may be large but keep the numbers in perspective.
If the whole EU budget went to the NHS it would improve funding from taxation by about 3 percent, not quite the big deal being promoted by the Brexit campaign.

then take a look at this........again


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Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out[/font][/color]

Please take time to read your Post again in the cold light of day and see how offensive it is to people who simply have a different viewpoint from you. Your Post is very immature.

From what I've seen in many discussion about the referendum, there are two types of people who want to remain in the UK: people who it would affect financially in the short term and people who believe the fear campaign that leaving would cause WW3 and help ISIS.

Not once have I seen anyone from the remain camp talk about how stay in is in the best interests of the UK in the long run. So yes, I call this type of thinking selfish and self serving because that's exactly what it is. Looking after yourself at the detriment of the country and everyone else in it.

You really do come out with some drivel!

The economic case is clear. Inward investment and trade would both suffer from Brexit

We are stronger as part of the EU than alone. Eu sanctions over Ukraine and Iran both worked

What about job opportunities for young folk coming out of our universities? I found it easy and satisfying to work both in Germany and Denmark

May I suggest you take the time to read all the contributions? You may learn something!

Yes, because it's a shame that nobody from outside the EU has ever been able to visit or work in the EU ever. I bet Americans, Australians, Asians would all love to visit the EU if only there was some way to make it happen. We are so lucky and privileged that we come from one of the only 28 countries that are able to travel and work inside the EU.

Like I said from the beginning, my mind was made up to vote against project fear from the beginning. The fact that it cancels our your self serving vote is just a bonus.

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I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

Your Post has quite riled me ! How long is it since you have lived in the UK? I have lived and worked in a multi cultural London until very recently and it is quite clear to me that any crap environment is caused by lazy British thugs who simply are not prepared to do so many jobs, even if well paid, that immigrants will do. Just look at all the P'Pinno domestic workers that are actually well paid with all living accommodation included. The Brits would rather scrounge of the welfare state instead

Add to that, i have never felt threatened by any immigrant in London but i certainly have felt as risk from young male British thugs. Either give some justification for your comments or i will just consider you as a racist !

I can agree with you about the British thugs, the youth of today are a disgrace. I can also agree that there are a lot of useless wasters in the UK who wouldn't know a days work if it jumped up and bit them. But its our welfare state to sponge off, its not there for others to abuse also. You can not justify getting child benefit for kids that are not even in the UK and sending it to where ever they came from.

But it is not racist not wanting people coming to live in your country and sponge of the state, which in some cases that is what people do. Its about looking after our own interests. If folk with skills we need want to come and work in the UK, good for them, contribute and enjoy. But if you want to come and soak up the NHS, DHSS then go somewhere else. That does not make a racist

People coming to UK from other EU member countries are net contributors to the public purse

It is the huge British underclass that are a drain

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Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out[/font][/color]

Please take time to read your Post again in the cold light of day and see how offensive it is to people who simply have a different viewpoint from you. Your Post is very immature.

From what I've seen in many discussion about the referendum, there are two types of people who want to remain in the UK: people who it would affect financially in the short term and people who believe the fear campaign that leaving would cause WW3 and help ISIS.

Not once have I seen anyone from the remain camp talk about how stay in is in the best interests of the UK in the long run. So yes, I call this type of thinking selfish and self serving because that's exactly what it is. Looking after yourself at the detriment of the country and everyone else in it.

You really do come out with some drivel!

The economic case is clear. Inward investment and trade would both suffer from Brexit

We are stronger as part of the EU than alone. Eu sanctions over Ukraine and Iran both worked

What about job opportunities for young folk coming out of our universities? I found it easy and satisfying to work both in Germany and Denmark

May I suggest you take the time to read all the contributions? You may learn something!

Yes, because it's a shame that nobody from outside the EU has ever been able to visit or work in the EU ever. I bet Americans, Australians, Asians would all love to visit the EU if only there was some way to make it happen. We are so lucky and privileged that we come from one of the only 28 countries that are able to travel and work inside the EU.

Like I said from the beginning, my mind was made up to vote against project fear from the beginning. The fact that it cancels our your self serving vote is just a bonus.

Are you on something or are you just trying to be argumentative? I have worked in the USA on 3 occasions. I can tell you the red tape and time taken to set everything up is massive. Nothing like that st all for EU. Just get in the car and go and start work. Do you really not understand that? Do you not speak ANY other languages?

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In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

That is 163M per week

Why call me a lier?

Its a great deal of money anyway.......

Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

i give up

Glad to hear it. Vote leave.

Why? Most educated people will vote remain.

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages on balance

I have a university degree, so another incorrect assumption by you.

The fact is, if we stay then things can only stay as bad as they have been recently. There will be no reformations once we vote to remain. If you haven't learnt anything from the campaign against Scotland's independence then you are a fool. The same people are using the same fear and lie campaign with false promises. And Scotland got cheated out of their one chance, just like is happening to us now.

If we choose to leave, however, then in the long term things will only get better for us because we will be in control of what happens to us. Yes, there is a couple of years where it MAY be worse off, but it MAY also be fine or even better than all the doomsayers.

I would rather take the opportunity now to make a positive change for the UK than to be forever shackled to the failure of the EU. Especially when the EU is a mess as it currently is with many nations already bankrupted and in a recession because of their membership. The next joining 5 countries will only make the EU as a whole worse and if any other big nations decide to go for independence and bail out (pun not intended) then it will leave us on an even quicker sinking ship.

Fortune favours the brave, don't be scared into doing the wrong thing. Vote leave while we have this one opportunity to do so.

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Are you on something or are you just trying to be argumentative? I have worked in the USA on 3 occasions. I can tell you the red tape and time taken to set everything up is massive. Nothing like that st all for EU. Just get in the car and go and start work. Do you really not understand that? Do you not speak ANY other languages?

I've also worked in the States, and a lot of Europe, and all over the MIddle East, Asia and Australia. I've worked in Norway (non-EU) and Denmark (EU) and noticed barely any difference between them. Why is that? In fact I had to travel back and forth to Norway ad Denmark a few times on the same job one time, no red tape at all. I had to pay both of their taxes but I travelled to and worked easily in both of their countries because Norway has established agrrements with the EU allowig freedom of movement of workers, goods and services, which if we left the EU then we would also have to do for the UK.

If that is your reason for voting to remain then it is an easy fix. So vote leave and we can also fix everything else which pains us by being part of the EU.

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Are you on something or are you just trying to be argumentative? I have worked in the USA on 3 occasions. I can tell you the red tape and time taken to set everything up is massive. Nothing like that st all for EU. Just get in the car and go and start work. Do you really not understand that? Do you not speak ANY other languages?

I've also worked in the States, and a lot of Europe, and all over the MIddle East, Asia and Australia. I've worked in Norway (non-EU) and Denmark (EU) and noticed barely any difference between them. Why is that? In fact I had to travel back and forth to Norway ad Denmark a few times on the same job one time, no red tape at all. I had to pay both of their taxes but I travelled to and worked easily in both of their countries because Norway has established agrrements with the EU allowig freedom of movement of workers, goods and services, which if we left the EU then we would also have to do for the UK.

If that is your reason for voting to remain then it is an easy fix. So vote leave and we can also fix everything else which pains us by being part of the EU.

It is a real problem with Brexiteers that they really don't have a grasp of the potential problems which is illustrated by this classic remark...

"Norway (non-EU) and Denmark (EU) and noticed barely any difference between them. Why is that? "

Because Norway never left the EU out is a country of about 3 million with a long border with Sweden and the EU....that negotiated a deal for NOT joining...not LEAVING

to compare working there with other countries outside the EU is a joke.

however, our relationship with Norway will change as the background to all UK agreements with Norway are as a member of EU with a "friendly" country......Norway and many other countries have standard agreements with EU members - these will like so many others need to be re-negotiated in a climate quite different to the one that Norway negotiated in with the EU.

there seems to be a misconception by Brexiteers that everything "good" about the EU will stay and all the negatives will miraculously disappear....this is just pie-in-the sky thinking.

the leaving process HAS to be completed in 2 years, but the renegotiation of treaties and labour agreements will take decades - just as it did through the EU.

It won't just be countries like Noway - it will be major traders like the US and all the oil-producing nations too........

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Has anyone actually looked at their tax analysis.

Your taxes and public spending
This shows a break down of how your taxes have been or will be spent by government.
Welfare (25.3%)
Health (19.9%)
State Pensions (12.8%)
Education (12.5%)
Defence (5.4%)
National Debt Interest (5.0%)
Public Order and Safety (4.4%)
Transport (3.0%)
Business And Industry (2.7%)
Government Administration (2.0%)
Culture eg sports, libraries, museums (1.8%)
Environment (1.7%)
Housing and Utilities eg street lighting (1.6%)
Overseas Aid (1.3%)
UK Contribution to the EU Budget (0.6%)
The government spends more than 3 times the EU budget contributions on its own administration and the interest on the National Debt, something else.
The EU budget may be large but keep the numbers in perspective.
If the whole EU budget went to the NHS it would improve funding from taxation by about 3 percent, not quite the big deal being promoted by the Brexit campaign.

then take a look at this........again

attachicon.gifEU - UK spending pie chart .jpg

And that means what exactly?

If you do not pay income tax or are not registered with the gateway you will not have received your personal analysis from the Inland Revenue so any other figures will do.

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I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

Your Post has quite riled me ! How long is it since you have lived in the UK? I have lived and worked in a multi cultural London until very recently and it is quite clear to me that any crap environment is caused by lazy British thugs who simply are not prepared to do so many jobs, even if well paid, that immigrants will do. Just look at all the P'Pinno domestic workers that are actually well paid with all living accommodation included. The Brits would rather scrounge of the welfare state instead

Add to that, i have never felt threatened by any immigrant in London but i certainly have felt as risk from young male British thugs. Either give some justification for your comments or i will just consider you as a racist !

I can agree with you about the British thugs, the youth of today are a disgrace. I can also agree that there are a lot of useless wasters in the UK who wouldn't know a days work if it jumped up and bit them. But its our welfare state to sponge off, its not there for others to abuse also. You can not justify getting child benefit for kids that are not even in the UK and sending it to where ever they came from.

But it is not racist not wanting people coming to live in your country and sponge of the state, which in some cases that is what people do. Its about looking after our own interests. If folk with skills we need want to come and work in the UK, good for them, contribute and enjoy. But if you want to come and soak up the NHS, DHSS then go somewhere else. That does not make a racist

People coming to UK from other EU member countries are net contributors to the public purse

It is the huge British underclass that are a drain

I agree with you on the wasters in the UK

However not all coming to the EU are contributors and you can not say otherwise

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Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.
I guess that says something about social media?

Bookies are not often wrong!

Note sterling against baht is back to Nov last year......why is that?

Oh, I remember; all the experts are scaremongers! Ha!

Trade figures, unemployment numbers. Now could they be the reason.

P.s Grouse, " YES" we have mist you, as your comments are always good for a laugh.

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And you also appear to be evidence of what I just said about people only wanting to remain for their own selfish needs. All you care about is that you will get a good exchange rate so for that you will doom the UK to be shackled to the failure of the EU.

This is just typical of the mentality of the remain camp. Typical selfish, self serving liars who will do anything just as long as they are ok in the short term.

Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out.

Quite correct, that's why I refer to them as "I'm alright Jack"

But even they are screwing themselves, however they cannot see that.

They and all those who intend to vote to remain in this corrupt so called Union,remind me of the guy who jumps off the Empire State Building, and as he passes the 10th floor, he's heard to say "Well so far everything's O.K"

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Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.

Oh come on! is that an example of Brexiteers maths????

That percentage represents the ODDs on an event happening not the number of people voting.......

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I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

I am old enough to remember the UK as it was, a green and pleasant land....When I look at it now I see a crap environment, an influx of foreign spongers reaping stuff that ordinary UK folk fought for. My own dad shook his head before he passed at the mess our governments have created for UK folk..

They last few lines of this song tells it for me..

Your Post has quite riled me ! How long is it since you have lived in the UK? I have lived and worked in a multi cultural London until very recently and it is quite clear to me that any crap environment is caused by lazy British thugs who simply are not prepared to do so many jobs, even if well paid, that immigrants will do. Just look at all the P'Pinno domestic workers that are actually well paid with all living accommodation included. The Brits would rather scrounge of the welfare state instead

Add to that, i have never felt threatened by any immigrant in London but i certainly have felt as risk from young male British thugs. Either give some justification for your comments or i will just consider you as a racist !

I was basically in agreement with you,especially on your points regarding SOME Brits preferring to scrounge off the taxpayers. Then you go and spoil it, by calling other people racist. Don't you realise that's what you are,with your " lazy Brits thugs" and "Brits would rather scrouge"

I'm not saying it with you Roger,but I usually think that those who are loosing the argument, or who simple have a different view point to the other person,very often resort to using the words racist or bigot,as in Gordon Brown.

Edited by nontabury
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Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.

Oh come on! is that an example of Brexiteers maths????

That percentage represents the ODDs on an event happening not the number of people voting.......

You're right, I misread his post, my bad. It doesn't change what I said about just about everyone I see discussing this is on the Leave side and only 1 or 2 people each time arguing to Stay.

Having said that I more than expat the vote result to be stay. People are being duped by all the lies, misinformation and scare tactics.

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