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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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For those who believe that the pound (GBP) will enter into a sustained fall upon a withdrawal from the EU,

and that, therefore, their sterling holdings or remittances from the United Kingdom will be lessened, there

is a remarkably simple and easy solution.

Take out some Put Options, and "bet" that the pound will fall. It is a kind of insurance, and not without

some cost (as is the case with all insurances) but you will, in effect, be "hedging" your bet that the currency

will decline.

My personal belief is that the long time loser, in the event of a British exit, will be the Euro, and I will be selling

the Euro short the closer we get to the Referendum on June, 23rd.

So if you fervently believe the posts you have been making to the effect that the pound is going to drop, big

time, call your broker. Now. And put your money where your mouth is.

I agree in that if the UK votes for Brexit, the euro is likely to fall far harder than sterling.
At the risk of APPEARING to be arrogant...


This gives GBP against G10 basket which is a better indicator IMO

No Grouse (there, there - soothe, soothe), you don't appear to be arrogant - you're posts are arrogant in the extreme. Which is why I wonder whether you are an 'agent provocateur'?

I was being ironic!

Of course I'm arrogant. I'm also snobbish. And narcissistic ( if I could find a mirror). In fact you oiks are fortunate to get my considered opinions. I should charge you. Peasants.

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Is this what you had in mind Dick?


Now that did make me laugh in the few seconds that it took me to realise what was going on! Although I could have done without that sort of website getting my internet address....

You know exactly what I mean by 'agent provocateur', and its the only explanation I can think of for your WAY overly antagonistic posts.

But I'm falling into the trap again, by responding to these sort of posts - which divert posters from the genuine posts.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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It would be v funny Grouse - if only your previous posts hadn't been so ridiculously arrogant, with no possible sense of humour involved.

They weren't supposed to be amusing but very possibly laughable!

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For some reason I keep mixing up Dick Dastardly with Desperate Dan. If I say it's the alliteration I'll get beaten up again. But I remember now Dick Dastardly had Mutley the dog? Whereas Desperate Dan had the cow pies with the horns!

Edited by Grouse
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Latest odds are 82% remain (2/9)

Is that your local betting shop............laugh.png
What? In Thailand?

No, from odds checker - on line

Thought in Edinburgh..........tongue.png

Well remembered!

No, I live in Phuket and run 6 engineering companies from here.

However, following my mother's death last year I got a bit of an inheritance. I would like somewhere in Edinburgh for the summer months. That's the plan. My father was a highland Scot. I hope to close a deal when I go over next month and vote!

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Watching BBC's News night programme, and. The Greek PM says we should vote remain. Give me a break.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

You're a man of generous spirit, Mosha! Don't let anyone tell you different. I know where your heart is!

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Watching BBC's News night programme, and. The Greek PM says we should vote remain. Give me a break.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

You're a man of generous spirit, Mosha! Don't let anyone tell you different. I know where your heart is!
My Democratic rights are not for sale. REC not EU

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Watching BBC's News night programme, and. The Greek PM says we should vote remain. Give me a break.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

You're a man of generous spirit, Mosha! Don't let anyone tell you different. I know where your heart is!
My Democratic rights are not for sale. REC not EU

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

REC? The Greek pop band? Ich kann nicht verstehen!
Bloody auto EEC

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Watching BBC's News night programme, and. The Greek PM says we should vote remain. Give me a break.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

People say anything under thumbscrews (Edit: or backhanders)

Edited by Linzz
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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

Come to think of it,all these Pro Eu people are afraid to have a sensible debate,

Why else is Cameron refusing to face Nigel Farage in a National T.V debate.

Edited by nontabury
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For some reason I keep mixing up Dick Dastardly with Desperate Dan. If I say it's the alliteration I'll get beaten up again. But I remember now Dick Dastardly had Mutley the dog? Whereas Desperate Dan had the cow pies with the horns!

Funnily enough, I wanted Muttley as a user name - but it was already taken sad.png .

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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

After watching "Brexit, the movie" I felt quite despondent, and it made me despair for a future Britain which finds itself in the EU. Whilst I accept that the movie has a particular bias, I saw nothing in it which was overt propaganda or actual lies and deceit.

I am reminded, and I liken it, to how the situation that the satellite states of Soviet Russia were in, when rule by committee (in Moscow) and Central Planning was the order of the day. I am thinking of countries like Bulgaria and Romania, for example. Countries which the EU are now trying to integrate and lift up to some acceptable Western standard, at great cost (especially to the UK and Germany, the only net contributors in the EU). It was a time when faceless bureaucrats and state functionaries communicated instructions to the subject state on the latest dictats from Central Planning, and to which they had to make obeisance. A satellite country's erstwhile sovereignty, was but a distant memory. Eventually, there were no independent media, no independent foreign policy, no sovereign military establishment; indeed, no independence whatsoever. I believe that this will eventually become Britain's fate within the European Union.

Ultimately, the Soviet Union reached a situation where the proletariat pretended to work, and the state pretended to pay them. Even though the EU is (hopefully) more benign than Communist-era Soviet Russia, and has a clear market-driven orientation, the future looks astonishingly grim and uncertain for the member states, being run by faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats, and Democracies in name only.

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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

After watching "Brexit, the movie" I felt quite despondent, and it made me despair for a future Britain which finds itself in the EU. Whilst I accept that the movie has a particular bias, I saw nothing in it which was overt propaganda or actual lies and deceit.

I am reminded, and I liken it, to how the situation that the satellite states of Soviet Russia were in, when rule by committee (in Moscow) and Central Planning was the order of the day. I am thinking of countries like Bulgaria and Romania, for example. Countries which the EU are now trying to integrate and lift up to some acceptable Western standard, at great cost (especially to the UK and Germany, the only net contributors in the EU). It was a time when faceless bureaucrats and state functionaries communicated instructions to the subject state on the latest dictats from Central Planning, and to which they had to make obeisance. A satellite country's erstwhile sovereignty, was but a distant memory. Eventually, there were no independent media, no independent foreign policy, no sovereign military establishment; indeed, no independence whatsoever. I believe that this will eventually become Britain's fate within the European Union.

Ultimately, the Soviet Union reached a situation where the proletariat pretended to work, and the state pretended to pay them. Even though the EU is (hopefully) more benign than Communist-era Soviet Russia, and has a clear market-driven orientation, the future looks astonishingly grim and uncertain for the member states, being run by faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats, and Democracies in name only.

There are 10 net contributors to the EU not 2

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The Brexit movie is thin watery gruel indeed

It genuinely depresses me that so many of you fall for such cheap propaganda

Answer me this: why is it that nobody of stature has stood up and supported Brexit? Not one.

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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

After watching "Brexit, the movie" I felt quite despondent, and it made me despair for a future Britain which finds itself in the EU. Whilst I accept that the movie has a particular bias, I saw nothing in it which was overt propaganda or actual lies and deceit.

I am reminded, and I liken it, to how the situation that the satellite states of Soviet Russia were in, when rule by committee (in Moscow) and Central Planning was the order of the day. I am thinking of countries like Bulgaria and Romania, for example. Countries which the EU are now trying to integrate and lift up to some acceptable Western standard, at great cost (especially to the UK and Germany, the only net contributors in the EU). It was a time when faceless bureaucrats and state functionaries communicated instructions to the subject state on the latest dictats from Central Planning, and to which they had to make obeisance. A satellite country's erstwhile sovereignty, was but a distant memory. Eventually, there were no independent media, no independent foreign policy, no sovereign military establishment; indeed, no independence whatsoever. I believe that this will eventually become Britain's fate within the European Union.

Ultimately, the Soviet Union reached a situation where the proletariat pretended to work, and the state pretended to pay them. Even though the EU is (hopefully) more benign than Communist-era Soviet Russia, and has a clear market-driven orientation, the future looks astonishingly grim and uncertain for the member states, being run by faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats, and Democracies in name only.

There are 10 net contributors to the EU not 2

Perhaps I should have said that England and Germany are the MAJOR net contributors to the EU's coffers.

Nevertheless, this does not detract from the overall thrust and tone of the post, which is one of forlornness and desperation

with the realisation that even the so-called educated elite, the intellectuals and the intelligencia of Great Britain, are so easily

bamboozled into believing that Nirvana, in its guise as the European Union, lies along the way, like a mirage to thirsty desert

travellers .

It may also be described as a veritable land of milk and honey (along with fair-skinned maidens that the recently-migrated, and

predominantly male, Syrians and others could only dream about erstwhile), for these same erudite believers.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. (I believe I have read this phrase somewhere).

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The Brexit movie is thin watery gruel indeed

It genuinely depresses me that so many of you fall for such cheap propaganda

Answer me this: why is it that nobody of stature has stood up and supported Brexit? Not one.

Please provide some substance for your remarks. Can you please help us uneducated morons,and point to all the inaccuracies and lies in the Brexit movie.

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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

Come to think of it,all these Pro Eu people are afraid to have a sensible debate,

Why else is Cameron refusing to face Nigel Farage in a National T.V debate.

It is against forum rules to bait members so please remove my name from your posts.

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The Brexit movie is thin watery gruel indeed

It genuinely depresses me that so many of you fall for such cheap propaganda

Answer me this: why is it that nobody of stature has stood up and supported Brexit? Not one.

Exactly, quite well made piece of propaganda.

Jeremy Paxman did something similar a couple of nights ago but he included people from both sides. He talked to Jonathan Hill, selected by the UK government to represent the UK in the EU commission. He also talked to several MEPs, which have been elected by the UK public, a few from each side of the fence. Each had fairly plausible reasons for their point of view.

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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

Come to think of it,all these Pro Eu people are afraid to have a sensible debate,

Why else is Cameron refusing to face Nigel Farage in a National T.V debate.

It is against forum rules to bait members so please remove my name from your posts.

I was not baiting you,I politely asked you a question. To which you have failed to reply.

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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

Come to think of it,all these Pro Eu people are afraid to have a sensible debate,

Why else is Cameron refusing to face Nigel Farage in a National T.V debate.

It is against forum rules to bait members so please remove my name from your posts.

I was not baiting you,I politely asked you a question. To which you have failed to reply.

you might want to bear in mind that the "leave" campaign are completely against including Farage in any debate as he is not part of the campaign. They were furious that he was invited to take part in an ITV debate.

Most of the debates are by people with a major following and who gets invited is often done by the companies themselves and Farage simply doesn't qualify Cameron would end up having to debate with anyone who happened to jump on a soapbox......but it doesn't surprise me that a brexiteer is unaware of this - it fits with most of the other things they've said on this thread.

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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif

If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

After watching "Brexit, the movie" I felt quite despondent, and it made me despair for a future Britain which finds itself in the EU. Whilst I accept that the movie has a particular bias, I saw nothing in it which was overt propaganda or actual lies and deceit.

I am reminded, and I liken it, to how the situation that the satellite states of Soviet Russia were in, when rule by committee (in Moscow) and Central Planning was the order of the day. I am thinking of countries like Bulgaria and Romania, for example. Countries which the EU are now trying to integrate and lift up to some acceptable Western standard, at great cost (especially to the UK and Germany, the only net contributors in the EU). It was a time when faceless bureaucrats and state functionaries communicated instructions to the subject state on the latest dictats from Central Planning, and to which they had to make obeisance. A satellite country's erstwhile sovereignty, was but a distant memory. Eventually, there were no independent media, no independent foreign policy, no sovereign military establishment; indeed, no independence whatsoever. I believe that this will eventually become Britain's fate within the European Union.

Ultimately, the Soviet Union reached a situation where the proletariat pretended to work, and the state pretended to pay them. Even though the EU is (hopefully) more benign than Communist-era Soviet Russia, and has a clear market-driven orientation, the future looks astonishingly grim and uncertain for the member states, being run by faceless and unaccountable bureaucrats, and Democracies in name only.

There are 10 net contributors to the EU not 2

Perhaps I should have said that England and Germany are the MAJOR net contributors to the EU's coffers.

Nevertheless, this does not detract from the overall thrust and tone of the post, which is one of forlornness and desperation

with the realisation that even the so-called educated elite, the intellectuals and the intelligencia of Great Britain, are so easily

bamboozled into believing that Nirvana, in its guise as the European Union, lies along the way, like a mirage to thirsty desert

travellers .

It may also be described as a veritable land of milk and honey (along with fair-skinned maidens that the recently-migrated, and

predominantly male, Syrians and others could only dream about erstwhile), for these same erudite believers.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. (I believe I have read this phrase somewhere).

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but not knowingly post "facts" that are incorrect. In fact UK is 9th of 10 net contributors by GDP per head

Thank you

Edited by Grouse
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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif
If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

Come to think of it,all these Pro Eu people are afraid to have a sensible debate,
Why else is Cameron refusing to face Nigel Farage in a National T.V debate.
It is against forum rules to bait members so please remove my name from your posts.

I was not baiting you,I politely asked you a question. To which you have failed to reply.

you might want to bear in mind that the "leave" campaign are completely against including Farage in any debate as he is not part of the campaign. They were furious that he was invited to take part in an ITV debate.

Most of the debates are by people with a major following and who gets invited is often done by the companies themselves and Farage simply doesn't qualify Cameron would end up having to debate with anyone who happened to jump on a soapbox......but it doesn't surprise me that a brexiteer is unaware of this - it fits with most of the other things they've said on this thread.

Cameron has refused to go head to head with Boris Johnson or Grove,stating that he din't want blue on blue,as it would affect conservative unity in the future..
Farage most certainly does have a very major following, nearly 4,000,000 votes for UKIP in the general election, far more than the Liberals and SNP gained combined. But much more importantly in regards to the EU. In the 2014 European elections, UKIP lead by Nigel Farage gained more votes then any other British political party to form the largest group of British MEP's.
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To all those ill informed persons who think that Gt Britain should stay in the EU. I strongly recommend that they learn more about the situation by watching the Youtube film "Brexit, The Movie" I am positive that they will be amazed by the facts that they obviously do not yet understand. coffee1.gif
If you read my post 1067, I suggested to the Three main supporters ( Grouse, Chang Rei and Sandy) for remaining in this farce of a union to also look at Brexit the Movie, thinking it would give them the opportunity to find faults with Brexit,and there fore to prove their arguments. You will not be surprised to learn,that they have failed to answer, thus proving their argument is total hogwash.

Come to think of it,all these Pro Eu people are afraid to have a sensible debate,
Why else is Cameron refusing to face Nigel Farage in a National T.V debate.
It is against forum rules to bait members so please remove my name from your posts.

I was not baiting you,I politely asked you a question. To which you have failed to reply.

you might want to bear in mind that the "leave" campaign are completely against including Farage in any debate as he is not part of the campaign. They were furious that he was invited to take part in an ITV debate.

Most of the debates are by people with a major following and who gets invited is often done by the companies themselves and Farage simply doesn't qualify Cameron would end up having to debate with anyone who happened to jump on a soapbox......but it doesn't surprise me that a brexiteer is unaware of this - it fits with most of the other things they've said on this thread.

Cameron has refused to go head to head with Boris Johnson or Grove,stating that he din't want blue on blue,as it would affect conservative unity in the future..
Farage most certainly does have a very major following, nearly 4,000,000 votes for UKIP in the general election, far more than the Liberals and SNP gained combined. But much more importantly in regards to the EU. In the 2014 European elections, UKIP lead by Nigel Farage gained more votes then any other British political party to form the largest group of British MEP's.

In times of trouble, one always sees a rise in right wing xenophobic nutters. No reason to give them a platform. Now I am not saying that all Brexiteers are right wing xenophobic nutters, though it does seem that the right wing xenophobic nutters support Brexit.

Why not have someone who supports Brexit but is rational. David Owen anyone?

I know it's difficult for the Brexiteers: Poor Boris? Gove (he's a bit odd)? IDS? Nigel?

What can I say?
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