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Long necks


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I heard a rumour tonight.

The person that told me swore it was the truth, I thought I'd ask if anyone had heard similar.

A friend of a friend visited the long neck tribe recently. Apparently there was only 1 long neck left.

At first I thought those numbers can't be correct. I did expect the tribes to be on the decline due to new money & wanting a different future for their kids.

The reason given wasn't what I expected.

The tribes are giving up their long neck ways (according to my source) & are removing their neck rings.

I was told that a lot of the ex long necks die from a broken neck.

Once they remove the neck rings their unsupported necks flop to 1 side resulting in a broken neck.

Is this true? Are they more prone to whiplash injuries or is this another story from amazing thailand?

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A lot of incorrect ideas in the OP. For one thing The Long Neck people are primarily from Burma and the ones you see here are for tourists. A kind of human zoo. There necks are not stretched, that would kill them. What you see is their clavicles are pushed down over time, making the necks appear longer. It is primarily the younger people who have the long necks. The older ones usually give it up and they go back to a more normal state. They do not die of broken necks.

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The reason that some are now removing their rings is that by doing so they stop being a tourist attraction and so hope to be freed from the slavery in which they're held. (Similarly notice you'll rarely see men in the zoos - they're not photogenic enough.)

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Been to some lake in Burma recently and saw several of them selling their merchandise, and if they

all will be gone, their tacky merchandise and ' souvenirs ' will still be around for generations to come......

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There was a documentary I saw last year or the year before. They want refugee status, but Thailand claims they are not refugees. Removing the rings is their response.

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