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Duty Tax on returning item from repair

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I bought an expensive watch last year, falling under the guarantee of the shop I bought it from.

As there is a technical problem I must send it to Europe where they will repair it and return it once that is done, at their expenses.

The problem is that, when it is sent back to Thailand I will be asked, (or not?) to pay duty on it, as the value will obviously be declared.

Does anyone know if that would be the case? I am not working here and not a resident?



To my knowledge and based on my experience, yes, they will charge it as though it were a new purchase, and base it on the declared value by whoever shipped it.

That said, assume the worst and hope for the best, it can be a lottery at times.


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It is quite strange though as I am sending out from Thailand to Europe

Nevertheless, considering the price of the item I will send it this week and will have it forwarded back to an address in Europe when I stay there this summer ( hopefully it will be ready by then as it takes two to ten weeks )

Thanks for the advice ... I have always list when buying a ticket so,,,,,


If the procedure is handled correctly, then no. Your shipping agent must complete an Export Customs Entry For Return and if everything is done correctly there is no tax or duty to pay.

You will need a shipping agent for this unless you fancy having a go yourself. If you do then you can call 1164 and have a chat with customs.


Thanks for all the replies

As a matter of fact it would be quite expensive to send it ( as well as a headache as ) DHL doesn't accept watches with batteries. Taking the battery off would mean that It might void the guarantee ( I know a bit far fetch but you know...)

Furthermore, I have called the shop where I have bought it from: they added that, if the product is sent from outside the EU, I would also have to pay a duty on the watch when it enters the country ???

Result: I have found someone flying to Europe who will mail it ..... avoiding any costs. The shop will send it back to another EU country where I will stay a couple of weeks this summer.

Problem solved ( for me ) but, really, it is not fair to have to pay taxes on an object which is, by no mean, imported.

Thanks everyone for your answers and advices

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