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Two European parliament drivers carrying ISIL propaganda – reports


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Two European parliament drivers carrying ISIL propaganda – reports


HAMBURG: -- Two drivers for a private company serving the European parliament have been found carrying compact discs containing propaganda for militants from the so-called Islamic State (ISIL), according to Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine.

Citing several unnamed sources, Der Spiegel said both drivers – one in Brussels, one in Strasbourg – had been dismissed and Belgian police were investigating.

The European parliament declined to comment because of security considerations. Belgian police were not immediately available for comment.

Given other indications that some drivers had criminal backgrounds, Der Spiegel said the European parliament had decided on Monday to no longer employ private personnel but only drivers directly employed by the legislature, at an extra cost of 3.7 million euros.

The magazine said 65 drivers currently worked in Brussels for the 751 European parliamentarians and 85 in Strasbourg, in addition to 23 drivers employed by the parliament.

Belgium is on high alert after suicide bombers killed 32 people and injured scores of others in attacks in Brussels airport and a metro train last month.

-- Thai PBS 2016-04-18

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Turns out they have been using foxes to guard the henhouse. An absolute travesty and one which inevitably is repeated throughout northern Europe due to the dreaded PC. Until muslims worldwide get their house in order, they must be limited from any job where it is possible to cause harm to others and that covers a lot of jobs. Time to start reforming islam?

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Many governments have done the same. Many years ago the Australian Government got rid of its Commcars drivers which drove parliamentarians and others and replaced them with taxis, Commcar drivers were cleared and had some knowledge of security procedures.

This is called privatisation which of course is a benifit to everyone

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Yeah, the infestation in Europe goes very deep. Muslims probably have the numbers by now to make their vote count with politicians. Believe they have found ISIS in police and military. It isn't all accidental, there is some reason the powers that be are driving this massive cultural change.

Suspect those that moved to Thailand made the right move as can't see any possible good for the average European that will come of this.

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Many instances in Vietnam of people working on the bases by day...and grabbing an AK47 at night...sounds like this type of hard-to-recognize evil is about to be unleashed in Europe...

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Turns out they have been using foxes to guard the henhouse. An absolute travesty and one which inevitably is repeated throughout northern Europe due to the dreaded PC. Until muslims worldwide get their house in order, they must be limited from any job where it is possible to cause harm to others and that covers a lot of jobs. Time to start reforming islam?

The time was 1500 years ago when it was in its infancy. We've missed the boat, and now political correctness drives how things are done, the boat is long gone.

Our politicians pander to them, and in some electorates in Australia, they number in excess of 50% of residents, fortunately not all yet voting, but the left of politics love them. Of course the more people funded by the government, the better chance the left has of winning government.

Pity help us when actual voters exceed 50% in predominantly muslim electorates and they start fielding their own candidates.

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Yeah, the infestation in Europe goes very deep. Muslims probably have the numbers by now to make their vote count with politicians. Believe they have found ISIS in police and military. It isn't all accidental, there is some reason the powers that be are driving this massive cultural change.

Suspect those that moved to Thailand made the right move as can't see any possible good for the average European that will come of this.

Moved to Thailand to escape all this mahem......................................................................... I rest my case.

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What do you expect we are soft targets, the PC brigade has eroded our way of life.

I think you will find its not so much the PC brigade but the privatization brigade. Many of these jobs used to be in the public sector and you got vetted. Now in order to save money private companies who cut costs are used and they are not as diligent or fussy who they employ so long as they can cut costs.

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They should not be employed in any such capacity - Heathrow in London is infested at every level. Some wear salafist and Wahabi uniforms.

There has been a policy in the UK for some time to ensure ethnic minorities and their offspring are given jobs. All in the interests of facilitating integration and harmony by giving them helping hands on the economic ladder.

Look at airports, government offices, NGO's, local authorities etc - you will see many. Try and get any service from them and you will see how wonderfully successful English speaking tests have been.

No doubt other EU nations have similar joyous integration programs. But then along come ISIS and promote the idea that Muslims are elite, should rule the world - et voila.

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Yeah, the infestation in Europe goes very deep. Muslims probably have the numbers by now to make their vote count with politicians. Believe they have found ISIS in police and military. It isn't all accidental, there is some reason the powers that be are driving this massive cultural change.

Suspect those that moved to Thailand made the right move as can't see any possible good for the average European that will come of this.

Moved to Thailand to escape all this mahem......................................................................... I rest my case.

...and then, what would be the fate of Thailand in the future?

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I don't think the drivers were a threat to the EU top brass, why attack those doing such an excellent job of dismantling European civilization from within?

No concern for the EU top brass.

I would be more concerned on the intel gathering when they arrived at sensitive areas with the top brass.

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Yeah, the infestation in Europe goes very deep. Muslims probably have the numbers by now to make their vote count with politicians. Believe they have found ISIS in police and military. It isn't all accidental, there is some reason the powers that be are driving this massive cultural change.

Suspect those that moved to Thailand made the right move as can't see any possible good for the average European that will come of this.

Moved to Thailand to escape all this mahem......................................................................... I rest my case.

...and then, what would be the fate of Thailand in the future?

No effect at all because no matter how long we stay we're all tourists. By gum the Thais can teach us farang a thing or two about protecting our identity.

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The Muslims are coming...the Muslims are coming...quickly kill and eat your pigs...hide your women and children...

Best to just give them whatever they demand...they do not accept NO as an answer...bombing civilians to show their disdain...

In two generations...all the fuss will be over...we will all be either Muslim...or dead...

There are a large number of cargo ships idle in ports...could use them to return them to their own countries...

I know...I know...this is not politically correct...Good! And Good riddance to liberal gibberish...which if left unchallenged will destroy all things Christian and people of non-color...

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