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Do you pay her a salary? (I do.)


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If you have to pay a woman to have sex with you, she's not your girlfriend.

'Thai gf' was a euphemism, I've already had a couple of posts removed for being too blunt!

And how do you think people in genuine relationships with Thai women would feel about you using that as a euphemism for prostitute?

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If you have to pay a woman to have sex with you, she's not your girlfriend.

'Thai gf' was a euphemism, I've already had a couple of posts removed for being too blunt!

And how do you think people in genuine relationships with Thai women would feel about you using that as a euphemism for prostitute?

Relieved I didn't give the game away?

No bickering please, we've both lost a load of posts for bickering.

Edited by BritManToo
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No my point is your son of God didn't treat her or call her a hooker so why do all you call

How do you know? Were you there? or did he tell you?

Does the bible do a 'he said, she said' sort of dialogue?

There there do you feel better now.

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I wouldn't brag about how little you give your girlfriend. Are you that poor, or just that cheap?

I wouldnt brag about how much i give her either. That basically means you are so unattractive you have to shower somebody with money just to enjoy their company. That concept is so sad it almost makes me cry.
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The concept of a "housekeeping allowance" goes back centuries. Google it.

Anyway, I am the sole income earner and pay for everything. The Mrs doesn't get paid an allowance, however I give her cash (or she helps herself), and she has her own bank accounts.

Let's get one thing straight here, our partners deserve to have their own money.

I agree she should , but make her go and work for not get it for free .
This is just one of the new lows in stupidity for replies on TV for any topic.

In the USA my English wife stayed at out home.. she helped raise 3 children... I supported my wife and 3 kids just like many of you did I'm sure. Right?

So why do so many of the expats treat Thai females with such disdain? Treat women the same..fairly..lovingly..everywhere. Some of the comments on this topic clearly show anger and hatred towards females at several levels. For example..one of the first replies to the OP suggested that women are whores when any sort of financial help is given. Immature stupid angry comments. Appalling to read.

Read it I am saying to work and make her own Money.

Your are in thailand not the USA .

And yes if you have 3kids with her it is a lot drift you have to support your wife but did you pay her a salary I think not .

It is Thais who think they need a salary because stupid man pay it .

This is about salary not support your wife with 3 kids .

Would your thai partner pay you a salary I think not .

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I find that concept disgusting.

When my wife needs money she either takes it out of the safe or asks.

She has a credit card.

I know if she's going to spend any substantial amount of money that she will ask me. It's called trust. Try it sometime.

She's a lot more prudent with money than I am. She thinks I spend too much. Sometimes it's better to marry a poor girl.

The one time she went out and did something without asking me for any substantial sum was joining a slimming clinic for 25K. God knows she didn't need it. But in the end it made her feel better about herself and since I reacted negatively, telling her 1) she didn't need it and 2) to ask me next time, it turned out to be a good experience. Funny thing is, they gave her the same suggestions I gave her, exercise, cut back on sugar, etc. The stupid cream of course was a waste, lol

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(not sexy massage)

Yeah, right.

How could you possibly know either way. You can't. Or do you just assume he's like you?

I was never at a massage shop. But as he explicitly exclude this possibility I think the chances are high that it is indeed a sexy massage.

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Yes, I pay my wife of 17 years a monthly amount of money, because I can.

For you Wallys out there to consider her a "hooker" or "prostitute" 2 terms I hate to use anyway,

go wash your mouth out.

She is a loving, caring, sweetheart who deserves it, not to have to beg for everything she needs like you macho possessive

nitwits want

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Thankfully, my wife is with me because she loves me. I didn't hire a hooker.

Well, in conservative German families it is kind of normal to give the woman allowance money to keep up with the needs and the budget of the household. Seems to be normal way of doing things and best way of budgeting.

Of course this concept sounds alien to some people for different reasons.

Giving your wife/partner money to cover shared household expenses or pay bills that arise from family needs isn't the same as giving someone a salary. A salary is paid by an employer to an employee. I doubt many modern German women would regard their husbands as their employer or appreciate the idea that they were being paid for services rendered.

They cover it up by I need this and I need that.

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I find that concept disgusting.

When my wife needs money she either takes it out of the safe or asks.

She has a credit card.

I know if she's going to spend any substantial amount of money that she will ask me. It's called trust. Try it sometime.

She's a lot more prudent with money than I am. She thinks I spend too much. Sometimes it's better to marry a poor girl.

The one time she went out and did something without asking me for any substantial sum was joining a slimming clinic for 25K. God knows she didn't need it. But in the end it made her feel better about herself and since I reacted negatively, telling her 1) she didn't need it and 2) to ask me next time, it turned out to be a good experience. Funny thing is, they gave her the same suggestions I gave her, exercise, cut back on sugar, etc. The stupid cream of course was a waste, lol

Talking about salary get it .

Not support your wife .

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I took a similar approach to PT4.

My new girlfriend worked at a massage shop (not sexy) I enquired about her earnings, did my calculations and asked her how much she would like in salary if she lived with me and 'take care. She asked for 25k bart to start with, quickly backed down to $20k and I offered $15k which I understood was the Pattaya rate - some pay a bit more. This was accepted. I also buy all the food, clothing, make up etc and gifts from time to time. It's a good deal for me as she take care and cleans, cooks etc and is careful with money.

Always this not sexy. Stop kidding yourself, a woman working in a message shop in Pattaya having a falang boyfriend. Be assured, the hand jobs are plenty. biggrin.png

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I give my girlfriend for 12th year a monthly allowance – she call it "salary" – based on budget and enough extra for modest personal use; that includes some of the housekeeping, the part she is in charge of like food, laundry, our daughters daily needs/pocket-money, etc. This has worked very well, and she is happy – she got enough for saving up, and that way it's up to her if she wish to spend or save – and she don't need to ask for money "all the time" or bring her "walking-ATM"...blink.png

We have based our relationship on separate economy, meaning my girlfriend has her bank accounts and money and property, and that's hers, and I have mine, and that's mine. We have some shared "rainy day" emergency accounts, shared in case something happens to me, so she still got access to some money, which could also be paying hospital bills for me...sad.png

I'm the provider for the family – a bit in Western view old-fashioned set-up – and what she, my girlfriend, can make extra herself, is hers. That have worked very well, and she gladly spend her own money also on family matters, or invite me out for dinner, and buy me gifts. She herself saves up (set money aside) from allowance or other income to whatever she wish to buy – mobile, fancy bag and dress, motorbike, even talk about a little car, invest in more land in village – however I take care of major family issues like school tuition-fees for our daughter; house, including some (agreed to be my part/in charge) of the daily needs; family car; etc...smile.png

I know some Westerner's don't like the "salary method", as it's like buying a lady – however, wasn't that what men were doing in older time in the West..?whistling.gif

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That basically means you are so unattractive you have to shower somebody with money just to enjoy their company. That concept is so sad it almost makes me cry.

I've had that problem all my life, not everyone can be attractive.

Luckily I've always had enough money for the shower.

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And yes if you have 3kids with her it is a lot drift you have to support your wife but did you pay her a salary I think not .

I paid my wife all my salary while I was with her, and my house, with all my visible savings and half my pension when she left.

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That basically means you are so unattractive you have to shower somebody with money just to enjoy their company. That concept is so sad it almost makes me cry.

I've had that problem all my life, not everyone can be attractive.

Luckily I've always had enough money for the shower.

Im not just talking about looks, attractive can also mean charisma and so forth.
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I send her 10k baht a month, plus the occasional treat if I'm feeling flush for new clothes, trainers, suitcase etc. If we were living together I'd share all my income with her.

Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

If you love someone would you really want them struggling? If you're making plenty of money while they're scratching around every day for a bowl of noodles surely any man would help them.

I don't see how sharing money with your wife / girlfriend is a prostitute client relationship. Most men would surely work hard to provide a better life for their family.

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That basically means you are so unattractive you have to shower somebody with money just to enjoy their company. That concept is so sad it almost makes me cry.

I've had that problem all my life, not everyone can be attractive.

Luckily I've always had enough money for the shower.

Im not just talking about looks, attractive can also mean charisma and so forth.

It don't matter what you are talking, I don't have any of them, just cash.

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I send her 10k baht a month, plus the occasional treat if I'm feeling flush for new clothes, trainers, suitcase etc. If we were living together I'd share all my income with her.

Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

If you love someone would you really want them struggling? If you're making plenty of money while they're scratching around every day for a bowl of noodles surely any man would help them.

I don't see how sharing money with your wife / girlfriend is a prostitute client relationship. Most men would surely work hard to provide a better life for their family.

Have you spent much time in Thailand ?

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Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

You have just summed up why so many are prepared to sleep with older foreign men for money.

Many of them manage to get several men sending them money, and manage their holiday dates.

Edited by BritManToo
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I send her 10k baht a month, plus the occasional treat if I'm feeling flush for new clothes, trainers, suitcase etc. If we were living together I'd share all my income with her.

Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

If you love someone would you really want them struggling? If you're making plenty of money while they're scratching around every day for a bowl of noodles surely any man would help them.

I don't see how sharing money with your wife / girlfriend is a prostitute client relationship. Most men would surely work hard to provide a better life for their family.

Have you spent much time in Thailand ?

Yes. Why?

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Have you spent much time in Thailand ?

Yes. Why?

Try turning up unexpectedly one day, without her knowing you are coming to Thailand.

When you come to Thailand, does she still go to work every day, or does she somehow get time off to be with you?

Foreign guys, sending them money from abroad, every Thai girls dream!

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Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

You have just summed up why so many are prepared to sleep with older foreign men for money.

Many of them manage to get several men sending them money, and manage their holiday dates.

I know that.

Simple solution. Find a girl who's not a brass.

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I send her 10k baht a month, plus the occasional treat if I'm feeling flush for new clothes, trainers, suitcase etc. If we were living together I'd share all my income with her.

Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

If you love someone would you really want them struggling? If you're making plenty of money while they're scratching around every day for a bowl of noodles surely any man would help them.

I don't see how sharing money with your wife / girlfriend is a prostitute client relationship. Most men would surely work hard to provide a better life for their family.

Have you spent much time in Thailand ?

Yes. Why?

Because the description above is the classical term of a bar girl relationship (which is nothing bad from my point of view).

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I send her 10k baht a month, plus the occasional treat if I'm feeling flush for new clothes, trainers, suitcase etc. If we were living together I'd share all my income with her.

Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

If you love someone would you really want them struggling? If you're making plenty of money while they're scratching around every day for a bowl of noodles surely any man would help them.

I don't see how sharing money with your wife / girlfriend is a prostitute client relationship. Most men would surely work hard to provide a better life for their family.

Have you spent much time in Thailand ?

Yes. Why?

Because the description above is the classical term of a bar girl relationship (which is nothing bad from my point of view).

Nope, not a bar girl.

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