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British Man Can't Get Into Toilet

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I am still proud to be English.... but it's getting harder.

too true

there have been a few posts trying to work out why the english act so bad,

to me it is a simple matter of discipline in the school and home

children learn very quickly, and they know from an early age that they can act as they like without too much in the way of discipline being meeted out up to the age of 16.

parents can be brought before the justice system for smacking

teachers can not touch a child no matter what the child has done.

after the age of 16 people are then exposed to discipline from the courts and other members of the public, however by then the trend is hard to break.

pc back firing on it's self


It probably down to the fact that his mummy didnt potty train him properly when he was a baby.....over the last few years......

hes a very very naughty boy..... :o

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I am still proud to be English.... but it's getting harder.

too true

there have been a few posts trying to work out why the english act so bad,

to me it is a simple matter of discipline in the school and home

children learn very quickly, and they know from an early age that they can act as they like without too much in the way of discipline being meeted out up to the age of 16.

parents can be brought before the justice system for smacking

teachers can not touch a child no matter what the child has done.

after the age of 16 people are then exposed to discipline from the courts and other members of the public, however by then the trend is hard to break.

pc back firing on it's self


It probably down to the fact that his mummy didnt potty train him properly when he was a baby.....over the last few years......

hes a very very naughty boy..... :o

That suggests he came to Pattaya to get a spanking .... :D


That suggests he came to Pattaya to get a spanking .... :D


prolly get more than a spanking me thinks

and he can't run to mummy, but will he learn after a stint in the monkey house??????

Why are there so many English lads like this fella?

Over the years I've met some top fellas from the UK but the tattood,chip-on-the-shoulder,lower class pissed idiot seems to be dominating their population home and abroad nowadays.

There has to be a reason for the uprise of this type of characteristic.

Could it be from the result of more broken families, hence less disciplined kids growing into adult <deleted>?

If so, why is the family unit breaking down in Britain.

I believe the reason for family break downs in the UK is how easy it is for the woman to get more money after getting rid of the father. By simple divorce the money goes up. The family values disappear, The mother now single with children, the csa, courts on her side, out catching a man with more money than the last, children left in the house while she brings back new daddy after new daddy, :o:D

Then there is “the what never were familys”. Women getting pregnant to get free homes and money from the state. Then the women do not have to work until the last child is 16, so this can be 25 years or more of living on hand outs.

The children have no family values, and the boys grow up on the streets looking up to the yobs, as there is no father figure. Breaking into houses from the age of 11, drinking and smoking not long after. Then the cycle continues with the children growing up into adults, the girls being single mums and the men being british thugs. :D


I'm English through to the core I'm afraid, very patriotic and proud of my roots :D

But at the same time so so embaressed of coming from the same place as, basically, tw@ts like him. :o

Why oh why do they think its clever to get tanked up, fight anyone who looks their way, or is somewhere they want to be? I've said it before I spent 2 months in Patts June and Sept this year and the only t@ssers I saw were falang, be it English, German, Aussie etc. What Thai people I met were great, friendly and welcoming (even the tough looking fella's we drank with a few times)

I can honestly say a lot of the time I'm embaressed to be British now, and thats without going into what a laughing stock we must be with other European countries thanks to our non existent border control...

Rant over :D

Why are there so many English lads like this fella?

Over the years I've met some top fellas from the UK but the tattood,chip-on-the-shoulder,lower class pissed idiot seems to be dominating their population home and abroad nowadays.

There has to be a reason for the uprise of this type of characteristic.

Could it be from the result of more broken families, hence less disciplined kids growing into adult <deleted>?

If so, why is the family unit breaking down in Britain.

My father always said a tattoo is a permanent sign of temporary insnaity (thus I have none) but in the case of people like this they are a permanent warning of psycopathic thuggish tendencies. But like all generalisations there are exceptions to the rule. I have known many guys with tattoos who most definately are "top fellas".

The reason for this kind of behaviour is often attributed to broken families but IMO this is an attempted cover up by cringing liberals. This behaviour is due to a total lack of respect in Britain (and many other countries) brought about by a lack of basic discipline starting in schools. Kids learn from an early age that they can get away with pretty much anything and teachers are scared even to raise their voice for fear of being sued for mental stress or whatever.

I'm not suggesting a return to the ritualised thrashings meted out in public schools of yesteryear but the current regime of no discipline, no failure, no respect is churning out scum like this guy at an alarming rate.

I read an article a good few years back that attributed the rise in thuggery to the fact that we, the British, were not fighting enough wars. Before I get a line of cheeseys after that statement read on and remember this aint my theory. Prior to the 20th century the fighting part of the army was made largely up by thugs who enjoyed nothing better than a good scrap. In fact they liked a scrap so much it was difficult keeping them from scrapping with each other, they didn't even need training in how to fight. These were the front line troops who did the killing and dying and it was this mechanism that effectively culled the thug classes keeping their numbers in check.

Then came WWI where mechanisation started creeping in and the front line troops needed a bit of training. This continued through WWII so that now we have a professional, fully trained fighting force (of thugs for anyone who knows Aldershot - this is where the theory starts to fall down). Tactics became more geared towards avoiding casualities, because they are now trained men out there, so the days of losing thousands on the battlefield were over.

Anyway that's the theory. So what we need is bring back conscription, badly arm the scum and send them to fight the fuzzy wuzzies who we arm to the teeth so that they cure our problem.

All I need to do is find a politician who wants to terminate his career spectacularly to promote this policy in Parliment.

Anyway, back to the a'hole in question. It would be a good idea with scum like this if they were kept in the monkey house 'till the last day of their stay, escorted in handcuffs to collect their gear from the hotel and pay the bill and then similarly escorted right up to the aircraft boarding ramp.

PS Ghengis Khan was a pinko lefty.


Why are there so many English lads like this fella?

. This behaviour is due to a total lack of respect in Britain (and many other countries) brought about by a lack of basic discipline starting in schools. Kids learn from an early age that they can get away with pretty much anything and teachers are scared even to raise their voice for fear of being sued for mental stress or whatever.

I'm not suggesting a return to the ritualised thrashings meted out in public schools of yesteryear but the current regime of no discipline, no failure, no respect is churning out scum like this guy at an alarming rate.



.......Only in this case this idiot was attending (or should have been attending school) during the Seventies and Eighties where if I remember correctly discipline in schools was used and the pump, cane etc were the favourite final punishment weapons.

I am afraid that lack of respect is now becoming the norm mainly with younger people almost all over the world....a sad situation indeed fuelled by the misguidance of the do gooders.


Well, I really hate to rain on everybodys parade (rant), but I have a small amount of sympathy for this guy--not a lot, but a little. I have run into the same thing several times here, where women think nothing of using the men's toilet. We however, had better not set foot anywhere near theirs.

Even seen moms taking their sons into the mens room for a wee.

Now, that said, I can't excuse his actions and I question if he really had to use the john all that badly if he had enough time to whale on her instead of quickly doing his business.


What an eejit/Pillock.

It is world renowned that if there is a queue at the ladies then we will go into the gents to relieve ourselves.

I have never had a problem with a guy beating me up cos' i used the toilet in the gents, in fact sometimes they are kind enough to offer it to us.

And even when it is it a portaloo at a concert they always made it so that when they were at the "trough" that we would not get even a glimpse of their bits.

It's called looking out for someone who can't whip it out in the bushes syndrome.


Why are there so many English lads like this fella?

Over the years I've met some top fellas from the UK but the tattood,chip-on-the-shoulder,lower class pissed idiot seems to be dominating their population home and abroad nowadays.

There has to be a reason for the uprise of this type of characteristic.

Could it be from the result of more broken families, hence less disciplined kids growing into adult <deleted>?

If so, why is the family unit breaking down in Britain.

My father always said a tattoo is a permanent sign of temporary insnaity (thus I have none) but in the case of people like this they are a permanent warning of psycopathic thuggish tendencies. But like all generalisations there are exceptions to the rule. I have known many guys with tattoos who most definately are "top fellas".

I have Tattoos, not generally visible with my clothes on mind you - but it has never made me want to act in this way - hence i must be in the class of "top fellas"!!


Now come on ! You guys are like a lynch mob.

I mean, it may have been an accident. He may have

been trying to move his chair and he tripped and the chair might

have flew out of his grasp and flew in the direction of the young lady.

He may have tried to recover from his fall and in doing so accidently

hit her on the head with the bottle.

The poor chap is obviously upset by the whole affiar, so much so that

he cannot remember anything about it.

This is common in these kinds of accidents.


A Cringing Liberal

Corporal punishment was spot on!!!


You either never got it, got it once, or were a serial receiver.

The serial receivers turn into idiots like the main subject...... without some sort of discipline the 'get it once brigade' probably would too ..... and that is what is going to happen now unfortunately.


Kids like yours truely brought up in Britain in the late 50's early 60's, had Dads/Grandads who had served their country in war or national service. The inbred aggressive instincts of the Brits was still there, but when the local copper clipped you round the ears, your Dad was more likely to by him a pint, than make some naff complaint.

The picture after picture of Brits in trouble here, sadly are from a different generation where discipline was frowned upon by a generation of liberal'hippy educators who have pulled the teeth out of the local old bill and prosecute any father who dares smack his hooligan offspring.

The fine men and women who serve in the middle east today are chips of the old block, but far to few in number to make a difference to the coming generations. When conficted thugs are encouraged to leave the UK and even paid to do so, given their stake to buy a bar in Patters by a thankfull administration glad to see the back of them, we are in trouble.

UK administration, cowardly and incapable of bringing these thugs to heel, so up to the Thais. Maybe a few on here may be a little less condeming to the MIB in the fair patters in the future, look what they have to put up with !!!! :o

With regards to the recent proposal, by the goverment, of raising the minimum age to buy alcolhol to 25.

Prehaps there should be a reduction in the maximum age to buy alcolhol to 35 (in Patt alone that is).

Perhaps a minimum IQ should also be instituted.


With regards to the recent proposal, by the goverment, of raising the minimum age to buy alcolhol to 25.

Prehaps there should be a reduction in the maximum age to buy alcolhol to 35 (in Patt alone that is).

Perhaps a minimum IQ should also be instituted.

I was going to say "Wouldn't work as IQ is inversely proportional to alchohol consumed" but if a guy starts off with a low IQ it doesn't take many Carlsbergs before we are into fractional territory.


It is hardly surprising that the Brit Bashers have leapt on the bandwagon, but are they so naïve as to believe that scum such as this despicable dullard are peculiar to the UK?

Unfortunately, all nations have 'ambassadors' that their countrymen wish had been drowned at birth.

In this case, I really do hope they use him as an example and let him rot in jail for a few months as a minimum.

It is chilling to consider that this boil on the arse of humanity may breed, or already has... :o

Profound words dear Noel.

  • 3 months later...
what is about brits with heavily tattooed forearms , sticking out ears and prison haircuts and their propensity for exporting embarrasing yobbery on a regular basis.

they never fail to disappoint.

my early rantings on this forum were directed against falang scumsters on the loose in thailand , and its reassuring to see that nothing has changed.

the town is full of these dick heads ...............can,t get a lady in there country

and think they are bloody good here don,t forget sandles and socks

Why are there so many English lads like this fella?

There has to be a reason for the uprise of this type of characteristic.

If so, why is the family unit breaking down in Britain.

Answer to first paragraph: Ten years of Tony Blair's PC approach to schooling

Answer to second paragraph: Ten years .... etc., etc.

Answer to third paragraph: Too much soft-touch government, as has been said by so many on this thread.

Vote BNP - the party with the most tattoo'ed skinheads by percentage membership.

So they can't all be bad ????? :o:D

This thread is now three months old - what happened to the guy in the photo?

Why do we so seldom get a follow-up on such stories?

Did he get remanded in custody / released on bail / deported / nothing happened ??????

Hasn't that Brit gotten out off that toilet yet??? Its only been over a year now!!!

Old thread... old news... does not need to be re-hashed again.

Nice try SamuiJens. :o


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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