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Govt hints 'No' vote could restart charter process third time


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This is all the fault of the last government. At the time of the political deadlock just before the coup( adults fighting like spoiled schoolchildren to hold onto their place at the trough), they were repeatedly warned to negotiate a solution.

I remember them being specifically told multiple times, that if the Army has to come out of the barracks, that they will be coming out for a very long time.

As usual, the head of the government at that time just brushed it aside and carried on with the master plan to dominate the country, and use it as a personal wealth machine, (which unfortunately was costing many lives).

Everyone is entitled to their unsubstantiated opinions.

A more factual timeline can be found here: http://www.humanrights.asia/countries/thailand/thaicoups/2014

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This is all the fault of the last government. At the time of the political deadlock just before the coup( adults fighting like spoiled schoolchildren to hold onto their place at the trough), they were repeatedly warned to negotiate a solution.

I remember them being specifically told multiple times, that if the Army has to come out of the barracks, that they will be coming out for a very long time.

As usual, the head of the government at that time just brushed it aside and carried on with the master plan to dominate the country, and use it as a personal wealth machine, (which unfortunately was costing many lives).

But... but... but... Thaksin.

It's all his fault. Everything. And even if it's not, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to pretend it is - plus it means I don't have to think so much when I've got a bogeyman to blame.

All just bricks in the wall.

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A few tears back when Thaksin was trying to cheat lie abuse using any method he could to get his amnesty bill through the two houses I suggested then that what Thailand needs is a hero honest dedicated man to take control and reform the whole country, at that time there were serious riots on the streets people being murdered on a daily basis and the police being ordered to ignore it and let it happen, even threats of civil war and partition, it got to that point because the people said no to Thaksin and his efforts to clear himself

Previous to that Thaksin hatched a plan to make sure he won the election by buying the farmers with big promises - the one car scheme - the minimum wage - and the tablet for schools, all of these were design to make sure they won by any means, at that time his only goal was getting himself or his proxy into office so he could hatch phase 2

The people had had enough with mass protests in the streets larger that ever seen before demanding the removal if his proxy government but they refused to budge, another election was pointless as the same thing would have been repeated

What was needed was reforms and a new solid charter that would stop the rot from happening again

The NCPO are nervous about handing 100% control back to an elected government - I can see why this is, so what they are trying to do is put in a safety net to ensure that any new elected government is kept in check so they are not allowed to abuse again, the new charter should be enough to achieve this but I can see why they are approaching it with caution, if an elected government does its job and runs the country with primarily the interests of the people and not one man or themselves then I don't see an issue, it will be a starting point were the guardians can back away and take less interest while Thailand enters a new period of lasting stability.......these things take time....years

Do I agree with everything the current administration are doing ...... well that would be a very big no and I have said as much on here on several posts, my approval rating is about 70% but it is 70% more than PTP or Thaksin ever got

You are being economical with the truth. The previous government most certainly budged, as Yingluck dissolved the house. Your remark that elections were pointless illustrates your problem, a refusal to respect and accept a majority vote. People like you are Thailand's main problem, not corruption.

Meanwhile the new charter is NOT doing what you hope for, it simply ensures that the people currently running the show (behind and in front of the scenes) continue their power position. It might not be Thaksin, but hoping they do it for the good of the country and it's people is incredibly naïve and ignores the decades preceding Thaksin.

Edited by sjaak327
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Meanwhile, we do get completely contradicting statements from this government. if this article is indeed what the government will do, they have just ensured a no vote.

Trouble is, that the third process will add at least another year and no insurance that the next charter will be any better.

But better a few years more than a charter that sucks and cannot be easily changed by people with an actual mandate...

Unfortunately, the current lot want a charter that gives them continued control, so the above might not happen, even after a few years. Time is on the side of the real democratic people, better wait a few years than have this charter active.

Edited by sjaak327
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A few tears back when Thaksin was trying to cheat lie abuse using any method he could to get his amnesty bill through the two houses I suggested then that what Thailand needs is a hero honest dedicated man to take control and reform the whole country, at that time there were serious riots on the streets people being murdered on a daily basis and the police being ordered to ignore it and let it happen, even threats of civil war and partition, it got to that point because the people said no to Thaksin and his efforts to clear himself

Previous to that Thaksin hatched a plan to make sure he won the election by buying the farmers with big promises - the one car scheme - the minimum wage - and the tablet for schools, all of these were design to make sure they won by any means, at that time his only goal was getting himself or his proxy into office so he could hatch phase 2

The people had had enough with mass protests in the streets larger that ever seen before demanding the removal if his proxy government but they refused to budge, another election was pointless as the same thing would have been repeated

What was needed was reforms and a new solid charter that would stop the rot from happening again

The NCPO are nervous about handing 100% control back to an elected government - I can see why this is, so what they are trying to do is put in a safety net to ensure that any new elected government is kept in check so they are not allowed to abuse again, the new charter should be enough to achieve this but I can see why they are approaching it with caution, if an elected government does its job and runs the country with primarily the interests of the people and not one man or themselves then I don't see an issue, it will be a starting point were the guardians can back away and take less interest while Thailand enters a new period of lasting stability.......these things take time....years

Do I agree with everything the current administration are doing ...... well that would be a very big no and I have said as much on here on several posts, my approval rating is about 70% but it is 70% more than PTP or Thaksin ever got

Lies, speculation, misrepresentation, and blatant bias. You should volunteer to write the junta's history of events.

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Read the OP as:

If you vote no we're here to stay illegitimately, but if you vote yes you will legitimate us to stay.

Decision decisions.

so you don't believe and elected government will be allowed to govern, please explain that one, my understanding is that as long as they act like any civil government should then there will never be any intervention, I am good with that

I pity you. How can someone be so naïve and unaware of Thailand's history. An elected government will be allowed to govern up to the point where they interfere with the ruling elite.

Democracy is not the right word for it, 49.000.000 + members of the electorate can and will be overruled by precious little 'elite' people.

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This is all the fault of the last government. At the time of the political deadlock just before the coup( adults fighting like spoiled schoolchildren to hold onto their place at the trough), they were repeatedly warned to negotiate a solution.

I remember them being specifically told multiple times, that if the Army has to come out of the barracks, that they will be coming out for a very long time.

As usual, the head of the government at that time just brushed it aside and carried on with the master plan to dominate the country, and use it as a personal wealth machine, (which unfortunately was costing many lives).

"they were repeatedly warned to negotiate a solution."

Negotiate with whom? Suthep, the one who never budged from his demand that the government capitulate to an unnamed committee for unspecified reforms?

Suthep knew that if he could keep the disruption going long enough it would provide a pretext for a coup. However his protest was in serious decline and in danger of becoming irrelevant before the proposed July elections. The military acted when it did to prevent elections, not out of altruistic "save the nation" motives.

"the head of the government at that time just brushed it aside and carried on with the master plan to dominate the country"

The elected government's "master plan" involved elections. This government also has a master plan to dominate the country, and it involves making elections irrelevant.

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so if I am reading the article correctly and taking the correct meaning of what these people are saying, they are not protesting the Charter or its contents - they are making a political statement against the current government, the contents of the charter is of absolutely no interest to them even if it takes Thailand in the direction of a proper sustainable stable democracy, stamps out corruption and power abuse and an election next year

Sounds more like a protest from the Thaksin/red camp because it will limit their ability to steal from the people and will effectively prevent Thaksin from returning to Thailand without going to jail, his master plan is trashed if this charter gets approved

No, there was a previous article about the academic group rejecting the Charter, and they are doing so because they object to its content. Many of their criticisms are specific. YOu can find a detailed article from 3 days ago on BP.

Open your eyes, Smedly.

I wish people would stop trying to tell me how to think, I can assure you my eyes are well open

There are many things about this government I do not like and have posted a few on TVF, people here are far to quick to criticize other posters because they think for some reason they know better, going forward I will gladly be proven wrong with some things but for now I will wait and see

So far with this charter the only thing that I find questionable that is worth a mention is the composition of the upper house and how it is selected but equally given the antics of previous elected governments I can see why caution is needed


I found your comment here really funny, especially when taken in conjunction with your sig file...

"Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

Or put another way... there are none so blind as those who will not see.

I find it funny because so many people get on here arguing vehemently on one side or the other, as if either side was actually "right" by some objective definition of that term. And, like everywhere else in the world, they don't realize that they are not even arguing about the real issues. This is all just window dressing to distract and entertain the populace... I believe that they have designed this charter intentionally to delay the process so they have an excuse to maintain power until at least after the inevitable happens and probably quite a bit longer... They have systematically suppressed even what should be healthy discussion and debate that is crucial and fundamental to the process of democracy... which this country has NEVER been IMHO. And they have mixed in a healthy dose of nationalism and xenophobia to stave off the affects of any foreign ideas, whether they come from local expats, foreign governments, or international watchdog organizations.

Bottom line, the REAL struggle in this country has nothing to do with this charter... this little tune is just a tool that the conductor is using to make the minstrels play and the peasants dance while the real game is being played behind the scenes.

I've been here 6 years, and I really do like living here... but it is hard to deny the reality that this is quickly becoming that kind of government that controls everything, where the people can not express any form of disagreement, and the county is ruled by the whim and fancy of the leader... There is a name for that kind of government, but it escapes me right now... but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean.

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so if I am reading the article correctly and taking the correct meaning of what these people are saying, they are not protesting the Charter or its contents - they are making a political statement against the current government, the contents of the charter is of absolutely no interest to them even if it takes Thailand in the direction of a proper sustainable stable democracy, stamps out corruption and power abuse and an election next year

Sounds more like a protest from the Thaksin/red camp because it will limit their ability to steal from the people and will effectively prevent Thaksin from returning to Thailand without going to jail, his master plan is trashed if this charter gets approved

No, there was a previous article about the academic group rejecting the Charter, and they are doing so because they object to its content. Many of their criticisms are specific. YOu can find a detailed article from 3 days ago on BP.

Open your eyes, Smedly.

I wish people would stop trying to tell me how to think, I can assure you my eyes are well open

There are many things about this government I do not like and have posted a few on TVF, people here are far to quick to criticize other posters because they think for some reason they know better, going forward I will gladly be proven wrong with some things but for now I will wait and see

So far with this charter the only thing that I find questionable that is worth a mention is the composition of the upper house and how it is selected but equally given the antics of previous elected governments I can see why caution is needed


I found your comment here really funny, especially when taken in conjunction with your sig file...

"Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

Or put another way... there are none so blind as those who will not see.

I find it funny because so many people get on here arguing vehemently on one side or the other, as if either side was actually "right" by some objective definition of that term. And, like everywhere else in the world, they don't realize that they are not even arguing about the real issues. This is all just window dressing to distract and entertain the populace... I believe that they have designed this charter intentionally to delay the process so they have an excuse to maintain power until at least after the inevitable happens and probably quite a bit longer... They have systematically suppressed even what should be healthy discussion and debate that is crucial and fundamental to the process of democracy... which this country has NEVER been IMHO. And they have mixed in a healthy dose of nationalism and xenophobia to stave off the affects of any foreign ideas, whether they come from local expats, foreign governments, or international watchdog organizations.

Bottom line, the REAL struggle in this country has nothing to do with this charter... this little tune is just a tool that the conductor is using to make the minstrels play and the peasants dance while the real game is being played behind the scenes.

I've been here 6 years, and I really do like living here... but it is hard to deny the reality that this is quickly becoming that kind of government that controls everything, where the people can not express any form of disagreement, and the county is ruled by the whim and fancy of the leader... There is a name for that kind of government, but it escapes me right now... but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean.

I actually rarely argue with anyone, I make my point give my opinion and move on, there are however some very rude people here who have no point to make and would rather discus the poster, I can assure you it wouldn't happen if we were having a discussion face to face, that is how I always try to conduct myself on here, rarely passing insults or trying to belittle someone using snide remarks and insults - quite childish actually

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Tomorrow...tomorrow...we all vote tomorrow...

I just hope for Thailand that the next PM is not the son of a well known military leader we all know and love...handed down...keeping it in the family...

The beginnings of a new royal military family...

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so if I am reading the article correctly and taking the correct meaning of what these people are saying, they are not protesting the Charter or its contents - they are making a political statement against the current government, the contents of the charter is of absolutely no interest to them even if it takes Thailand in the direction of a proper sustainable stable democracy, stamps out corruption and power abuse and an election next year

Sounds more like a protest from the Thaksin/red camp because it will limit their ability to steal from the people and will effectively prevent Thaksin from returning to Thailand without going to jail, his master plan is trashed if this charter gets approved

No, there was a previous article about the academic group rejecting the Charter, and they are doing so because they object to its content. Many of their criticisms are specific. YOu can find a detailed article from 3 days ago on BP.

Open your eyes, Smedly.

I wish people would stop trying to tell me how to think, I can assure you my eyes are well open

There are many things about this government I do not like and have posted a few on TVF, people here are far to quick to criticize other posters because they think for some reason they know better, going forward I will gladly be proven wrong with some things but for now I will wait and see

So far with this charter the only thing that I find questionable that is worth a mention is the composition of the upper house and how it is selected but equally given the antics of previous elected governments I can see why caution is needed


I found your comment here really funny, especially when taken in conjunction with your sig file...

"Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

Or put another way... there are none so blind as those who will not see.

I find it funny because so many people get on here arguing vehemently on one side or the other, as if either side was actually "right" by some objective definition of that term. And, like everywhere else in the world, they don't realize that they are not even arguing about the real issues. This is all just window dressing to distract and entertain the populace... I believe that they have designed this charter intentionally to delay the process so they have an excuse to maintain power until at least after the inevitable happens and probably quite a bit longer... They have systematically suppressed even what should be healthy discussion and debate that is crucial and fundamental to the process of democracy... which this country has NEVER been IMHO. And they have mixed in a healthy dose of nationalism and xenophobia to stave off the affects of any foreign ideas, whether they come from local expats, foreign governments, or international watchdog organizations.

Bottom line, the REAL struggle in this country has nothing to do with this charter... this little tune is just a tool that the conductor is using to make the minstrels play and the peasants dance while the real game is being played behind the scenes.

I've been here 6 years, and I really do like living here... but it is hard to deny the reality that this is quickly becoming that kind of government that controls everything, where the people can not express any form of disagreement, and the county is ruled by the whim and fancy of the leader... There is a name for that kind of government, but it escapes me right now... but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean.

I actually rarely argue with anyone, I make my point give my opinion and move on, there are however some very rude people here who have no point to make and would rather discus the poster, I can assure you it wouldn't happen if we were having a discussion face to face, that is how I always try to conduct myself on here, rarely passing insults or trying to belittle someone using snide remarks and insults - quite childish actually

You are calling those who disagreed with your opinion childish and accused them of being rude. Isn't that insulting to others.

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Whatever it takes to stop this nonsense. How can any form of Government exist until it has time to develop. Thailand needs to come back

to be a major manufacturer and and leading exporter. As a senior American I remember when everything we bought was made in Thailand.

Those were good days for everyone.

  1. 1912: Coup planned by military officers is discovered and thwarted.
  2. June 24, 1932: The Khana Ratsadon party overthrows the absolute monarchy of King Prajadhipok.
  3. June 20, 1933: Phraya Phahon Phonphayuhasena overthrows Phraya Manopakorn Nititada.
  4. October 11–23, 1933: Royalist rebellion to overturn the results of the June 1933 coup d'état.
  5. August 23, 1935: The Nai Sip rebellion.[27]
  6. January 29, 1939: More a purge or internal coup, it was the work of Prime Minister Phibul to remove political enemies and rivals.[27]
  7. November 7, 1947: Phin Choonhavan overthrows Thawal Thamrong Navaswadhi.
  8. 1949: Attempted coup by Pridi, which saw the Grand Palace occupied by his supporters, failed.[27]
  9. June 29, 1951: Pridi supporters in the navy attempted a coup when they tried to seize Phibun.[27]
  10. November 29, 1951: Military overthrows 1949 constitution and reverts to 1932 constitution.
  11. September 21, 1957: Sarit Thanarat overthrows Plaek Pibulsongkram
  12. October 20, 1958: Self-coup of Sarit Thanarat
  13. November 18, 1971: Self-coup of Thanom Kittikachorn
  14. February 1976: An attempted military coup was defeated in February.[27]
  15. October 6, 1976: Sangad Chaloryu overthrows Seni Pramoj
  16. October 20, 1977: Kriangsak Chomanan overthrows Tanin Kraivixien
  17. 1981: A coup led by the deputy commander-in-chief of the army failed when forces loyal to the government suppressed the revolt. The "Young Turk" group of officers who staged the coup were dismissed from the army.[27]
  18. 1985: A coup attempt by Col Manoon Roopkachorn, a member of the Young Turks, failed and a number of senior officers were later arrested.[27]
  19. February 24, 1991: Sunthorn Kongsompong overthrows Chatichai Choonhavan
  20. September 19, 2006: Sonthi Boonyaratglin overthrows Thaksin Shinawatra
  21. May 22, 2014: Prayut Chan-o-cha overthrows Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan
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I found your comment here really funny, especially when taken in conjunction with your sig file...

"Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

Or put another way... there are none so blind as those who will not see.

I find it funny because so many people get on here arguing vehemently on one side or the other, as if either side was actually "right" by some objective definition of that term. And, like everywhere else in the world, they don't realize that they are not even arguing about the real issues. This is all just window dressing to distract and entertain the populace... I believe that they have designed this charter intentionally to delay the process so they have an excuse to maintain power until at least after the inevitable happens and probably quite a bit longer... They have systematically suppressed even what should be healthy discussion and debate that is crucial and fundamental to the process of democracy... which this country has NEVER been IMHO. And they have mixed in a healthy dose of nationalism and xenophobia to stave off the affects of any foreign ideas, whether they come from local expats, foreign governments, or international watchdog organizations.

Bottom line, the REAL struggle in this country has nothing to do with this charter... this little tune is just a tool that the conductor is using to make the minstrels play and the peasants dance while the real game is being played behind the scenes.

I've been here 6 years, and I really do like living here... but it is hard to deny the reality that this is quickly becoming that kind of government that controls everything, where the people can not express any form of disagreement, and the county is ruled by the whim and fancy of the leader... There is a name for that kind of government, but it escapes me right now... but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean.

I, too, find these kind of discussions funny. As I've written before, discussing Thai politics in Thailand is like trying to tell the story of the Titanic without making any mention of the iceberg - yet these threads always bring out those people who either don't know that there is an iceberg, or aren't aware of its importance to the Titanic's story.

The junta is little more than a blunt tool put to use to ensure the correct faction is in power for the transition, meaning they need to stay in power until that occurs and, more importantly, until the turmoil that the transition will unleash settles down. The PM says what he says because that's the official narrative. You won't see any great action taken against him, his generals and their privileges, because they have the backing of some very powerful people.

A storm is coming. Everyone knows this, even if people are unable to discuss it. The only question is how much time is left before it hits. What happens then will fundamentally define what kind of country Thailand becomes in the 21st century, and Prayuth's manoeuvring recently is fairly ominous.

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I wish people would stop trying to tell me how to think, I can assure you my eyes are well open

There are many things about this government I do not like and have posted a few on TVF, people here are far to quick to criticize other posters because they think for some reason they know better, going forward I will gladly be proven wrong with some things but for now I will wait and see

So far with this charter the only thing that I find questionable that is worth a mention is the composition of the upper house and how it is selected but equally given the antics of previous elected governments I can see why caution is needed


I found your comment here really funny, especially when taken in conjunction with your sig file...

"Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

Or put another way... there are none so blind as those who will not see.

I find it funny because so many people get on here arguing vehemently on one side or the other, as if either side was actually "right" by some objective definition of that term. And, like everywhere else in the world, they don't realize that they are not even arguing about the real issues. This is all just window dressing to distract and entertain the populace... I believe that they have designed this charter intentionally to delay the process so they have an excuse to maintain power until at least after the inevitable happens and probably quite a bit longer... They have systematically suppressed even what should be healthy discussion and debate that is crucial and fundamental to the process of democracy... which this country has NEVER been IMHO. And they have mixed in a healthy dose of nationalism and xenophobia to stave off the affects of any foreign ideas, whether they come from local expats, foreign governments, or international watchdog organizations.

Bottom line, the REAL struggle in this country has nothing to do with this charter... this little tune is just a tool that the conductor is using to make the minstrels play and the peasants dance while the real game is being played behind the scenes.

I've been here 6 years, and I really do like living here... but it is hard to deny the reality that this is quickly becoming that kind of government that controls everything, where the people can not express any form of disagreement, and the county is ruled by the whim and fancy of the leader... There is a name for that kind of government, but it escapes me right now... but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean.

I actually rarely argue with anyone, I make my point give my opinion and move on, there are however some very rude people here who have no point to make and would rather discus the poster, I can assure you it wouldn't happen if we were having a discussion face to face, that is how I always try to conduct myself on here, rarely passing insults or trying to belittle someone using snide remarks and insults - quite childish actually

Sorry you interpreted my comment that way...

Your sig is funny and I'm sure you intended it to be or it wouldn't be there... Reading the argument about the charter and then reading your sig cracked me up and that is not intended to be a negative comment... I agree with you that this is a fools argument that people on TVF get way to emotionally invested in, but further, my MAIN point is that it doesn't matter which side you support because the whole thing is a charade to begin with.

In fact, in my opinion, if you have picked a "side", they have already won.


Edited by rjcampbe
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A few tears back when Thaksin was trying to cheat lie abuse using any method he could to get his amnesty bill through the two houses I suggested then that what Thailand needs is a hero honest dedicated man to take control and reform the whole country, at that time there were serious riots on the streets people being murdered on a daily basis and the police being ordered to ignore it and let it happen, even threats of civil war and partition, it got to that point because the people said no to Thaksin and his efforts to clear himself

Previous to that Thaksin hatched a plan to make sure he won the election by buying the farmers with big promises - the one car scheme - the minimum wage - and the tablet for schools, all of these were design to make sure they won by any means, at that time his only goal was getting himself or his proxy into office so he could hatch phase 2

The people had had enough with mass protests in the streets larger that ever seen before demanding the removal if his proxy government but they refused to budge, another election was pointless as the same thing would have been repeated

What was needed was reforms and a new solid charter that would stop the rot from happening again

The NCPO are nervous about handing 100% control back to an elected government - I can see why this is, so what they are trying to do is put in a safety net to ensure that any new elected government is kept in check so they are not allowed to abuse again, the new charter should be enough to achieve this but I can see why they are approaching it with caution, if an elected government does its job and runs the country with primarily the interests of the people and not one man or themselves then I don't see an issue, it will be a starting point were the guardians can back away and take less interest while Thailand enters a new period of lasting stability.......these things take time....years

Do I agree with everything the current administration are doing ...... well that would be a very big no and I have said as much on here on several posts, my approval rating is about 70% but it is 70% more than PTP or Thaksin ever got


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I wish people would stop trying to tell me how to think, I can assure you my eyes are well open

There are many things about this government I do not like and have posted a few on TVF, people here are far to quick to criticize other posters because they think for some reason they know better, going forward I will gladly be proven wrong with some things but for now I will wait and see

So far with this charter the only thing that I find questionable that is worth a mention is the composition of the upper house and how it is selected but equally given the antics of previous elected governments I can see why caution is needed


I found your comment here really funny, especially when taken in conjunction with your sig file...

"Do not argue with a fool. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

Or put another way... there are none so blind as those who will not see.

I find it funny because so many people get on here arguing vehemently on one side or the other, as if either side was actually "right" by some objective definition of that term. And, like everywhere else in the world, they don't realize that they are not even arguing about the real issues. This is all just window dressing to distract and entertain the populace... I believe that they have designed this charter intentionally to delay the process so they have an excuse to maintain power until at least after the inevitable happens and probably quite a bit longer... They have systematically suppressed even what should be healthy discussion and debate that is crucial and fundamental to the process of democracy... which this country has NEVER been IMHO. And they have mixed in a healthy dose of nationalism and xenophobia to stave off the affects of any foreign ideas, whether they come from local expats, foreign governments, or international watchdog organizations.

Bottom line, the REAL struggle in this country has nothing to do with this charter... this little tune is just a tool that the conductor is using to make the minstrels play and the peasants dance while the real game is being played behind the scenes.

I've been here 6 years, and I really do like living here... but it is hard to deny the reality that this is quickly becoming that kind of government that controls everything, where the people can not express any form of disagreement, and the county is ruled by the whim and fancy of the leader... There is a name for that kind of government, but it escapes me right now... but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean.

I actually rarely argue with anyone, I make my point give my opinion and move on, there are however some very rude people here who have no point to make and would rather discus the poster, I can assure you it wouldn't happen if we were having a discussion face to face, that is how I always try to conduct myself on here, rarely passing insults or trying to belittle someone using snide remarks and insults - quite childish actually

Sorry you interpreted my comment that way...

Your sig is funny and I'm sure you intended it to be or it wouldn't be there... Reading the argument about the charter and then reading your sig cracked me up and that is not intended to be a negative comment... I agree with you that this is a fools argument that people on TVF get way to emotionally invested in, but further, my MAIN point is that it doesn't matter which side you support because the whole thing is a charade to begin with.

In fact, in my opinion, if you have picked a "side", they have already won.


might be hard for some to believe this but I don't take sides at all, I see things as I see them - a spade is a spade, I have been very critical of the current administration many times and I continue to be, but I want to see Thailand change - no elected government is ever going to do it and that is a fact proven over and over so at the moment I am willing to give Prayuth a chance - he is no diplomat and has many failings but I still think his intentions are good, there are many involved whos intentions are clearly not good as has been seen in the past - for now they have been yellow carded which is exactly what they deserve - none have been red carded yet

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I actually rarely argue with anyone, I make my point give my opinion and move on, there are however some very rude people here who have no point to make and would rather discus the poster, I can assure you it wouldn't happen if we were having a discussion face to face, that is how I always try to conduct myself on here, rarely passing insults or trying to belittle someone using snide remarks and insults - quite childish actually

Sorry you interpreted my comment that way...

Your sig is funny and I'm sure you intended it to be or it wouldn't be there... Reading the argument about the charter and then reading your sig cracked me up and that is not intended to be a negative comment... I agree with you that this is a fools argument that people on TVF get way to emotionally invested in, but further, my MAIN point is that it doesn't matter which side you support because the whole thing is a charade to begin with.

In fact, in my opinion, if you have picked a "side", they have already won.


might be hard for some to believe this but I don't take sides at all, I see things as I see them - a spade is a spade, I have been very critical of the current administration many times and I continue to be, but I want to see Thailand change - no elected government is ever going to do it and that is a fact proven over and over so at the moment I am willing to give Prayuth a chance - he is no diplomat and has many failings but I still think his intentions are good, there are many involved whos intentions are clearly not good as has been seen in the past - for now they have been yellow carded which is exactly what they deserve - none have been red carded yet

"...I want to see Thailand change - no elected government is ever going to do it and that is a fact proven over and over so at the moment I am willing to give Prayuth a chance..."

As has been pointed out over and over, Thailand has had many military governments and they have never changed Thailand for the better. The periods of restricted democratic rule have been hobbled by weak constitutions and interference by the military and other above the law parties.

Prayuth has been in power for two years and so far has done little more than repress dissent and stick his foot in his mouth. With his Article 44 powers he could mandate the transparency that would make corruption difficult to get away with, but instead simply states that transparency is something for the next government. He could also attempt to reform Thailand's oversized, overpriced, bloated with generals military, but there has been no talk of that.

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