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Civil servant denies copy-paste doctoral thesis was plagiarism


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Wow, maybe I should pursue a PhD out here. I thought about doing it in my home country by distance, but I was worried it would suck up all my time - affecting both work and personal life for a significant time period. Now it seems I can basically just go to the library and pick out a few relevant books, cut and paste, pay the university and then get my Ph.D. Anybody on TVF who works at the universities who knows how much a Ph.D. would cost you?

Honestly, I am not surprised. My own academic field is history and the works I have seen so far from Thai academics has been in general very poor. Most of it is on the same level as many undergraduate works - not bad per se - but not really bringing any new evidence or insight.

The use of citations, quotations, critical historical methodology is virtually non existent as this example clearly shows. I have no problem with citations, but then you need make it absolutely clear.

Funny, because I have helped check papers for both undergraduate and graduate Thai students, and they all had citations, references etc. and were all well structured and well written. I just checked them for spelling and grammar.

Yes, this guy cheated, but as usual TVF overgeneralizes and suddenly every Thai student can't write a paper. And of course every Thai academic can't write a paper well... jeez!!!

I'm sorry, but you are definitely the exception.

The problem is an epidemic at all levels of education in this country. I have written four textbooks and am constantly confronted with plagiarism of my work by mostly university professors here.

I submit the following well-written article by a Chiang Mai educator...

An excerpt from the below-cited article:

"In 2012, Thailand made national headlines when Supachai Lorlowhakarn, a high-profile government official rather ironically serving as the director of Thailand’s National Innovation Agency, was stripped of his doctorate title from Chulalongkorn University. The reason? A university investigation had determined that Supachai plagiarised 80 percent of the thesis that earned him his PhD."

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461252442.172373.jpg


I am aware of that case, so that makes two cases, damn it is an epidemic isn't it...clap2.gif

Yes, plagiarism sometimes happens here, yes it is bad, and yes there are stupid defamation rules that allows these idiots to sue the people who pull them up on their plagiarism.

But, and this is a big but, it doesn't mean that every Thai student can't write a decent academic paper, or that they are all busy plagiarizing everything... to think that is just asinine bordering on delusional

You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem…

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Just the 2 cases then? Or just the two highest profile and extreme cases in recent memory?

I think most people commenting on the Thai education system, and most people who have taught in the Thai education system would testify that cheating and plagiarism abound. To check this against the real world, we would ask ourselves if this fits with what else we know about Thais. Corruption, a lack of general honesty, cheating, stealing are all a part of the national modus operandi - or so I have reluctantly learned during my 11 years living here.

How many cases of plagiarism might you have missed while checking their spelling? Because, on balance, I think I will continue to assume that Thais lie cheat and steal, particularly from foreigners wherever possible but from other Thais if they have no other target. It's a less parlous course than assuming they're all honest and learning to the contrary the hard way. I assume you read the English-language papers here so I'm frankly puzzled why you haven't come across traces of Thai dishonesty. Still, perhaps you haven't been paying attention, that can happen.

Have you ever tried to get a job in Europe with a Thai Masters degree? I personally haven't but 3 of my close friends have, and they would argue that the degree is probably worth the paper it's written on but not much more. Certainly Thai degrees are not held in high regard by employers, though some Universities wanting to encourage the under-developed countries to upgrade their education might be prepared to accept money to assist in that noble cause. To fit financial or government targets perhaps.

Everyone filters new information they receive and checks it against what is already known, Associations and past personal or proxy experience are checked This is all done unconsciously so we aren't usually aware of it. Most western people I have spoken with associate Thais with academic dishonesty, so accepting your protestations to the contrary seems to be going against what else I already know, and accepting it might even be wilfully delusional.

But that;s just my opinion my friend. What you say does not agree with what the bulk of people say, so instead of trying to attack me for disagreeing with you, go attack the plethora of others who share my opinion, because frankly, I think my view is unassailable and I don't really care very much if you don't agree with me.

Have a nice day though. Have Thais never heard of English spell-checkers?


I know Thais with only Thai degrees who work in multinational companies in the UK. And the FACTS are that there are thousands of Thais who have studied abroad and got on their courses with their Thai degrees, so there goes your dumb argument that all Thai degrees are useless.

I like to deal with facts, logic and reason, not dumb TV Thai bashing, but hey, I suppose you are the expert on education matters though...

And by the way, I had people check my academic papers, everyone does - you really are grasping at straws, aren't you.

Oddly enough, there are many more in UK business who have no degree at all, so your argument is facile and fatuous.

In general, Thai degrees are not worth anything. Only a disreputable debater would take a few exceptions and seek to apply them across the board, so I am done with this subject. When the arguments become emotional and non-rational there is little point in discussing them.

You believe what you want to believe my friend, and I will believe what the facts tell me. Then we'll both be happy at least.

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Is his statement false?

I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithi’s work.

If credit was given to a source than the claim of plagiarism is unfounded.

It appears that the citation was not fully stated at the end of the reference. This is not plagiarism although it was a failure to properly cite and is a serious breach of academic integrity.

The failure to cite properly may not have been an intentionally wrongful act. Rather, it may have occurred because graduate students in Thailand do not usually take a course in research methodology that covers the correct way of writing a research paper, including a dissertation. That's the bigger issue. If the chap did not know how to write a paper, it is his thesis supervisor, his Dean and his university that must also be held responsible.

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Just the 2 cases then? Or just the two highest profile and extreme cases in recent memory?

I think most people commenting on the Thai education system, and most people who have taught in the Thai education system would testify that cheating and plagiarism abound. To check this against the real world, we would ask ourselves if this fits with what else we know about Thais. Corruption, a lack of general honesty, cheating, stealing are all a part of the national modus operandi - or so I have reluctantly learned during my 11 years living here.

How many cases of plagiarism might you have missed while checking their spelling? Because, on balance, I think I will continue to assume that Thais lie cheat and steal, particularly from foreigners wherever possible but from other Thais if they have no other target. It's a less parlous course than assuming they're all honest and learning to the contrary the hard way. I assume you read the English-language papers here so I'm frankly puzzled why you haven't come across traces of Thai dishonesty. Still, perhaps you haven't been paying attention, that can happen.

Have you ever tried to get a job in Europe with a Thai Masters degree? I personally haven't but 3 of my close friends have, and they would argue that the degree is probably worth the paper it's written on but not much more. Certainly Thai degrees are not held in high regard by employers, though some Universities wanting to encourage the under-developed countries to upgrade their education might be prepared to accept money to assist in that noble cause. To fit financial or government targets perhaps.

Everyone filters new information they receive and checks it against what is already known, Associations and past personal or proxy experience are checked This is all done unconsciously so we aren't usually aware of it. Most western people I have spoken with associate Thais with academic dishonesty, so accepting your protestations to the contrary seems to be going against what else I already know, and accepting it might even be wilfully delusional.

But that;s just my opinion my friend. What you say does not agree with what the bulk of people say, so instead of trying to attack me for disagreeing with you, go attack the plethora of others who share my opinion, because frankly, I think my view is unassailable and I don't really care very much if you don't agree with me.

Have a nice day though. Have Thais never heard of English spell-checkers?


I know Thais with only Thai degrees who work in multinational companies in the UK. And the FACTS are that there are thousands of Thais who have studied abroad and got on their courses with their Thai degrees, so there goes your dumb argument that all Thai degrees are useless.

I like to deal with facts, logic and reason, not dumb TV Thai bashing, but hey, I suppose you are the expert on education matters though...

And by the way, I had people check my academic papers, everyone does - you really are grasping at straws, aren't you.

Oddly enough, there are many more in UK business who have no degree at all, so your argument is facile and fatuous.

In general, Thai degrees are not worth anything. Only a disreputable debater would take a few exceptions and seek to apply them across the board, so I am done with this subject. When the arguments become emotional and non-rational there is little point in discussing them.

You believe what you want to believe my friend, and I will believe what the facts tell me. Then we'll both be happy at least.

So, basically you are saying what you did is wrong - you have taken a few exceptions and sought to apply them across the board i.e. some plagiarism and you then apply that all Thai degrees are junk.

The fact that thousands of Thai degree holders go on to study and work in foreign counties is not a few exceptions. It is standard that a good grade from a Thai degree, along with good English, will get you a place on a masters or doctorate in a Western university. There is no disputing that, but you can choose to ignore facts, personally I don't.

But nothing is rational when it means a good old dose of Thai bashing.

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You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem…

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461288862.551424.jpg

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Actually I was well aware of those two cases, and have heard of others. Does it change my view? No, I stand by what I said, not all Thai degrees are junk and you can study abroad with these degrees. What you guys don't seem to understand is that over-generalization is junk.

I have no rosy spectacles, I could say that what you have is the same but from a different prospective, you see anything Thai and immediately crow that it must be rubbish. I know there are many things wrong with the education system in this country, just bored of the asinine comments that all Thai degrees are rubbish and find it insulting to the intelligent Thai people I know who are successful in both their working and academic lives.

Evidence of the thousands of cases, please smile.png

Edited by PremiumLane
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Is his statement false?

I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithi’s work.

If credit was given to a source than the claim of plagiarism is unfounded.

It appears that the citation was not fully stated at the end of the reference. This is not plagiarism although it was a failure to properly cite and is a serious breach of academic integrity.

The failure to cite properly may not have been an intentionally wrongful act. Rather, it may have occurred because graduate students in Thailand do not usually take a course in research methodology that covers the correct way of writing a research paper, including a dissertation. That's the bigger issue. If the chap did not know how to write a paper, it is his thesis supervisor, his Dean and his university that must also be held responsible.

I wrote 2 dissertations for my master degrees and you are NOT allowed to plagiarize like this but you are allowed to quote and make that distinction clear below the quoted text (not 'at the back' buried) to SUPPORT your dissertation/thesis. It's pretty clear this guy simply copied another's work but I'm sure it happens daily.

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You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem…

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461288862.551424.jpg

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Actually I was well aware of those two cases, and have heard of others. Does it change my view? No, I stand by what I said, not all Thai degrees are junk and you can study abroad with these degrees. What you guys don't seem to understand is that over-generalization is junk.

I have no rosy spectacles, I could say that what you have is the same but from a different prospective, you see anything Thai and immediately crow that it must be rubbish. I know there are many things wrong with the education system in this country, just bored of the asinine comments that all Thai degrees are rubbish and find it insulting to the intelligent Thai people I know who are successful in both their working and academic lives.

Evidence of the thousands of cases, please smile.png

I'm afraid your way off course here... I know many Thais with degrees who are as thick as two planks and it's why doctors and nurses who go overseas MUST retrain and take examinations. Not saying they are all worth 'nothing' but you really are seeing it through rose coloured specs if you believe that a degree here is comparable to one in farangland.

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You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem…

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461288862.551424.jpg

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Actually I was well aware of those two cases, and have heard of others. Does it change my view? No, I stand by what I said, not all Thai degrees are junk and you can study abroad with these degrees. What you guys don't seem to understand is that over-generalization is junk.

I have no rosy spectacles, I could say that what you have is the same but from a different prospective, you see anything Thai and immediately crow that it must be rubbish. I know there are many things wrong with the education system in this country, just bored of the asinine comments that all Thai degrees are rubbish and find it insulting to the intelligent Thai people I know who are successful in both their working and academic lives.

Evidence of the thousands of cases, please smile.png

I'm afraid your way off course here... I know many Thais with degrees who are as thick as two planks and it's why doctors and nurses who go overseas MUST retrain and take examinations. Not saying they are all worth 'nothing' but you really are seeing it through rose coloured specs if you believe that a degree here is comparable to one in farangland.

Can find zero evidence that Thai nurses have to retrain to join Western hospitals. Could you cite it? Interested to know if this is true of not.

But have to say, what about all the international standard Thai hospitals? Medical care in Thailand isn't exactly 3rd world is it?

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You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461288862.551424.jpg

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Actually I was well aware of those two cases, and have heard of others. Does it change my view? No, I stand by what I said, not all Thai degrees are junk and you can study abroad with these degrees. What you guys don't seem to understand is that over-generalization is junk.

I have no rosy spectacles, I could say that what you have is the same but from a different prospective, you see anything Thai and immediately crow that it must be rubbish. I know there are many things wrong with the education system in this country, just bored of the asinine comments that all Thai degrees are rubbish and find it insulting to the intelligent Thai people I know who are successful in both their working and academic lives.

Evidence of the thousands of cases, please smile.png

I'm afraid your way off course here... I know many Thais with degrees who are as thick as two planks and it's why doctors and nurses who go overseas MUST retrain and take examinations. Not saying they are all worth 'nothing' but you really are seeing it through rose coloured specs if you believe that a degree here is comparable to one in farangland.

Can find zero evidence that Thai nurses have to retrain to join Western hospitals. Could you cite it? Interested to know if this is true of not.

But have to say, what about all the international standard Thai hospitals? Medical care in Thailand isn't exactly 3rd world is it?

The family of the young woman who died after the banana boat accident might disagree after their daughter was refused an x-ray until they paid for it.

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You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem…

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461288862.551424.jpg

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Actually I was well aware of those two cases, and have heard of others. Does it change my view? No, I stand by what I said, not all Thai degrees are junk and you can study abroad with these degrees. What you guys don't seem to understand is that over-generalization is junk.

I have no rosy spectacles, I could say that what you have is the same but from a different prospective, you see anything Thai and immediately crow that it must be rubbish. I know there are many things wrong with the education system in this country, just bored of the asinine comments that all Thai degrees are rubbish and find it insulting to the intelligent Thai people I know who are successful in both their working and academic lives.

Evidence of the thousands of cases, please smile.png

I'm afraid your way off course here... I know many Thais with degrees who are as thick as two planks and it's why doctors and nurses who go overseas MUST retrain and take examinations. Not saying they are all worth 'nothing' but you really are seeing it through rose coloured specs if you believe that a degree here is comparable to one in farangland.

Can find zero evidence that Thai nurses have to retrain to join Western hospitals. Could you cite it? Interested to know if this is true of not.

But have to say, what about all the international standard Thai hospitals? Medical care in Thailand isn't exactly 3rd world is it?

In my experience, as related elsewhere in TVF, it is indeed 3rd-world. I point-blank refuse to consult Thai medics for anything that incompetence may make into a serious problem. I'm not saying that all Thai medics are incompetent, merely that experience makes that to be a good starting assumption.

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Not only is he dumb enough to plagiarise another's work, not only is he dumb enough to do it so badly he gets caught, but he is so dumb he thinks this is an acceptable justification

"I didnt plagiarize the book. I merely lifted the content for my use, said Wattana, who works as a linguist in the Department of Fine Arts literature and history division. I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithis work. I didnt have enough wisdom to come up with that work on my own.

This guy takes stupidity to a whole new level.

Wrong on all counts.

He is neither dumb nor stupid. He knows he works in a system where it is not necessary to study hard or to gain knowledge. He knows that he exists in a system where it is perfectly acceptable to cheat and lie if you have money or the right connections.

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Not only is he dumb enough to plagiarise another's work, not only is he dumb enough to do it so badly he gets caught, but he is so dumb he thinks this is an acceptable justification

"I didnt plagiarize the book. I merely lifted the content for my use, said Wattana, who works as a linguist in the Department of Fine Arts literature and history division. I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithis work. I didnt have enough wisdom to come up with that work on my own.

This guy takes stupidity to a whole new level.

Wrong on all counts.

He is neither dumb nor stupid. He knows he works in a system where it is not necessary to study hard or to gain knowledge. He knows that he exists in a system where it is perfectly acceptable to cheat and lie if you have money or the right connections.

Nah, despite all that he's still an idiot.

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Is his statement false?

I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithis work.

If credit was given to a source than the claim of plagiarism is unfounded.

It appears that the citation was not fully stated at the end of the reference. This is not plagiarism although it was a failure to properly cite and is a serious breach of academic integrity.

The failure to cite properly may not have been an intentionally wrongful act. Rather, it may have occurred because graduate students in Thailand do not usually take a course in research methodology that covers the correct way of writing a research paper, including a dissertation. That's the bigger issue. If the chap did not know how to write a paper, it is his thesis supervisor, his Dean and his university that must also be held responsible.

I wrote 2 dissertations for my master degrees and you are NOT allowed to plagiarize like this but you are allowed to quote and make that distinction clear below the quoted text (not 'at the back' buried) to SUPPORT your dissertation/thesis. It's pretty clear this guy simply copied another's work but I'm sure it happens daily.

I agree with you that it's a clear case of copying. However I also wonder what kind of supervisor he had, to allow him defend such a dissertation. Same about the thesis reviewer and the jury. Obviously the whole process of thesis supervision and assessment was off limit.

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....The failure to cite properly may not have been an intentionally wrongful act. Rather, it may have occurred because graduate students in Thailand do not usually take a course in research methodology that covers the correct way of writing a research paper, including a dissertation. That's the bigger issue....

No, that is NOT the bigger issue.

I teach such a course (we've required it for four years), and Thai post-graduate students continue to plagiarize until caught, despite knowing how to cite, quote, paraphrase and summarize. Plagiarism is embedded in the culture. THAT is the bigger issue.

This is a major clash-point between Asian culture and Western academia. Western educational institutions which accept Asian international students have a major problem with their cheating and plagiarism. The students who make it through the system learn the bounds early-on. The others are sent packing. More get away with it here, because it's tolerated and sometimes even encouraged by negative example.

Edited by Fookhaht
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You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem…

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461288862.551424.jpg

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Actually I was well aware of those two cases, and have heard of others. Does it change my view? No, I stand by what I said, not all Thai degrees are junk and you can study abroad with these degrees. What you guys don't seem to understand is that over-generalization is junk.

I have no rosy spectacles, I could say that what you have is the same but from a different prospective, you see anything Thai and immediately crow that it must be rubbish. I know there are many things wrong with the education system in this country, just bored of the asinine comments that all Thai degrees are rubbish and find it insulting to the intelligent Thai people I know who are successful in both their working and academic lives.

Evidence of the thousands of cases, please smile.png

I'm afraid your way off course here... I know many Thais with degrees who are as thick as two planks and it's why doctors and nurses who go overseas MUST retrain and take examinations. Not saying they are all worth 'nothing' but you really are seeing it through rose coloured specs if you believe that a degree here is comparable to one in farangland.

Can find zero evidence that Thai nurses have to retrain to join Western hospitals. Could you cite it? Interested to know if this is true of not.

But have to say, what about all the international standard Thai hospitals? Medical care in Thailand isn't exactly 3rd world is it?

DYOR but you have a blinkered view if you really think a nursing diploma or a medical degree here is accepted at Barts in London! still a 'rose coloured' perspective is 'comfy' but it's not reality... BTW I'm an ex NHS very senior hospital manager

Edited by LannaGuy
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You are now aware of two cases. Congratulations.

If you had at least read the link to the article, you would've been aware of more than two cases. Instead, I fear the rosy spectacles may be the problem…

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1461288862.551424.jpg

I am aware of thousands of cases--most within the hallowed halls of universities.

Actually I was well aware of those two cases, and have heard of others. Does it change my view? No, I stand by what I said, not all Thai degrees are junk and you can study abroad with these degrees. What you guys don't seem to understand is that over-generalization is junk.

I have no rosy spectacles, I could say that what you have is the same but from a different prospective, you see anything Thai and immediately crow that it must be rubbish. I know there are many things wrong with the education system in this country, just bored of the asinine comments that all Thai degrees are rubbish and find it insulting to the intelligent Thai people I know who are successful in both their working and academic lives.

Evidence of the thousands of cases, please smile.png

I'm afraid your way off course here... I know many Thais with degrees who are as thick as two planks and it's why doctors and nurses who go overseas MUST retrain and take examinations. Not saying they are all worth 'nothing' but you really are seeing it through rose coloured specs if you believe that a degree here is comparable to one in farangland.

Can find zero evidence that Thai nurses have to retrain to join Western hospitals. Could you cite it? Interested to know if this is true of not.

But have to say, what about all the international standard Thai hospitals? Medical care in Thailand isn't exactly 3rd world is it?


all nurses from overseas have to be registered with the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) and there is an extensive process to go through in 2 parts the second of which is a clinical examination.

Also the IELTS language skills exams must be passed before registration.

no doubt some of the nurses at international hospitals here would meet it but the vast majority would not. State Thai hospitals can't hope to have the modern equipment and techniques and if you are ever ill I would not recommend them thumbsup.gif

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Lannaguy: The UK must have much higher standards than the US for nurses. To work in the US, nurses from Thailand need to pass the NCLEX exam s well as an adequate score in TOEFL. No additional re-training is needed.



There is nothing in this document excluding Thai nurses. All non-EU registered nurses still need to get 7 in IELTS and pass some competency tests, in addition to their local qualifications.

Edited by DavisH
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Is his statement false?

I cited him [Nithi] in the bibliography. I said clearly that I used Nithi’s work.

If credit was given to a source than the claim of plagiarism is unfounded.

It appears that the citation was not fully stated at the end of the reference. This is not plagiarism although it was a failure to properly cite and is a serious breach of academic integrity.

The failure to cite properly may not have been an intentionally wrongful act. Rather, it may have occurred because graduate students in Thailand do not usually take a course in research methodology that covers the correct way of writing a research paper, including a dissertation. That's the bigger issue. If the chap did not know how to write a paper, it is his thesis supervisor, his Dean and his university that must also be held responsible.

I've just submitted my thesis at a European university. Before starting my course of study I, and all other students, attended the university's compulsory plagiarism seminar during which the universities regulations on plagiarism where explained together with the correct citation style for the university . Of specific note was the severity of penalties for plagiarism and the fact that 'unintentional plagiarism' is not defence.

All written work is submitted via 'Turnitin' and again the student/pupil is responsible to check their work regardless of the fact that the 'Turnitin' software will perform and automatic check.

The following statement is included in every piece of study work or guide, from the major thesis, dissertation guides to a course work set by tutors/supervisors:

"PLAGIARISM IS HEAVILY PENALISED. The University's policy is that any case of plagiarism will be treated as "cheating" and put before the University's

Student Disciplinary Committee."

In addition all work submitted must include a standard statement of authorship and declaration that all of the work is the students own, that all work, ideas, drawings, data that is derived from others is cited following the approved citation method.

The example given in this news item would result in very swift removal of the student from the school.

Edited by GuestHouse
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rancid said, "Ah, but you are confusing street cunning with intelligence.

That aside, the object of public education is not to create well educated young adults, it is to create the appropriate mind set that the state is seeking.

Hence why western public education has fallen in quality. Remember seeing a test from early 1900s and it was far more difficult than today equivalent, even higher grades couldn't pass it.

Today western state education seeks to create malleable, non-objective thinking zombies that believe whatever they are told, as such it has been a resounding success.

Thailand also uses education to create the mind set they call Thainess. They have also achieved their goals. Consider is the goal to educate lateral and objective thinkers who will challenge the status quo?"

No, I am discussing education--you can be educated in many ways, in many places, and by many people and things.

Neither cunning nor intelligence are necessarily the result of education.

However, you made a good point about western education. I have posted this before, but it fits well here:

Thailand is not the only country doing poorly in Math, Science, Reading, Geography, History or any other subject, except perhaps, playing video games. I have been involved in course development at two universities. The primary trend in both curricula was to lessen the complexity of the assignments.

It is strikingly apparent, the Educational Philosophy of the 21st Century; dumb down the assignments.

For example, math skills are atrocious worldwide. Let’s take a look at the same math problem over the years:

1950’s Math

A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 4/5 of them for a 30% profit each. Without using a slide rule, calculate the percentage between his initial purchase price and his total sales?

1970’s Math

A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 80 of them for a 30% profit each. Without using a calculator, compute his profit over his initial purchase price?

1990’s Math

A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 80 of them for $6.50 each. Has he recovered his investment in teapots; Yes or No?

2010’s Math

A vendor has 100 teapots which cost him $5 each. He sells 80 of them for $6.50 each. Underline the number 80.

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