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Weather in Chiang Rai region


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  • 3 weeks later...

Song goes...."Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer". Happens in more places than Thailand.

"Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Those days of soda and pretzels and beer
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer"

sung by Nat King Cole

Edited by slipperylobster
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  • 2 months later...

Yea C.Rai is great for lightning and thunder, if a person likes those things. I've heard rolling thunder here - that seems to last 2 minutes. Every other place I've resided, you'll be lucky to hear thunder roll for a few seconds. I knew an American Indian named Rolling Thunder, but that's a different topic (though I'll mention he was a wimp).

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Generally I don’t mind a little lighting but we had a near miss recently. Couldn’t find evidence of the strike point but we had a few light fixtures explode and a few fuses were tripped. It was mainly stuff which was added years after the original build and perhaps not properly grounded. The computer, TV and A/C in one room didn’t even blink, even though it sounded like a bomb went off right outside my window.

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  • 3 weeks later...

my earlier post, minutes ago, I may have spoken too soon. Whereas I thought it would be a real ground soaker, it has been, thus far, yet another momentary cloudburts. Still waiting for some serious rain.

I wish the rain were as persistant as the ever-annoying pop-up from Facebook, then we'd be well-saturated.

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Posting this from Chiang Mai where my Thai neighbour claims this is the longest, driest end of summer period he has ever experienced in 3 decades,I doubt he would remember past that but seriously we,slightly south of CM are getting zero rain apart from a scudding shower which evaporates as soon as it hits the baked earth. You can walk across the Ping River.

Are you guys getting any ? (rain that is) as there were reports that rain was moving in from your direction,judging from earlier posts no.

Where does CR draw its water from ? as places like Lopburi are down to 7% in their dams and some places even worse

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I agree with Sparkles and his grizzled friend. In 16 summers here in Chiang Rai, this is the longest extention on dry season I've experienced. Granted, we had some rains in April, which we don't normally have, but May and June were quite dry, when usually we get a at least a few inches.

Right this moment, a nice downpour started about ten minutes ago, but it's already fizzled to drizzle. Still, something's better than nothing.

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I agree with Sparkles and his grizzled friend. In 16 summers here in Chiang Rai, this is the longest extention on dry season I've experienced. Granted, we had some rains in April, which we don't normally have, but May and June were quite dry, when usually we get a at least a few inches.

Right this moment, a nice downpour started about ten minutes ago, but it's already fizzled to drizzle. Still, something's better than nothing.

Better than nothing is right. .At 12 noon here black clouds overhead,came to nothing they have moved on.

If you think its tough for us what about the frogs,Usually have a few in my shoes I leave outside ,haven't seen,or heard, a frog since last October laugh.png

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It's coming down now. laugh.png

So is the Australian dollar ....where ? laugh.png

Weather forecasts are pretty useless even the satellite maps on different weather sites differ.

I did ask the ? before where do CR draw there water from ? as some provinces are being rationed.

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In our area the parched earth has been saturated and the farmers frowns have turned to smiles. It took a couple of isolated storms over the last 24 hours to make a dent. We can often see it raining miles away toward Chiang Khong, Chiang Saen or Thoeng without us receiving a drop. Now we have finally gotten ours and both plants and people seem happier.

Chiang Rai covers a large area and has a few rivers, mainly the Kok and Ing, with nearly every community having a reservoir to supplement the rains.
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It's coming down now. laugh.png

So is the Australian dollar ....where ? laugh.png

Weather forecasts are pretty useless even the satellite maps on different weather sites differ.

I did ask the ? before where do CR draw there water from ? as some provinces are being rationed.

Sorry, near Doi Chang.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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