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Weather in Chiang Rai region


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I found a grove of Caryota Gigas (yes, I looked it up) about a mile from my house. They're an ancient species of palm, 60 to 70 million yrs, and grow large. Some of the trees are 3 ft. at chest height. I took a smallest one I could find, out of the ground and planted it. Rain and cloud help it get adapted

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I found a grove of Caryota Gigas (yes, I looked it up) about a mile from my house. They're an ancient species of palm, 60 to 70 million yrs, and grow large. Some of the trees are 3 ft. at chest height. I took a smallest one I could find, out of the ground and planted it. Rain and cloud help it get adapted

You dug up a 70 million year old tree?

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These are known as Fishtail Palms for the shape of their leaves and are a most attractive example of the species.

Not sure how well they transplant but they are hard to remove, they keep shooting.

I'd be giving it plenty of water until it becomes established, a couple of buckets a day to the roots.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I spoke too soon. A combination of last night’s rain and todays strong wind has improved our local conditions. I didn't really notice until I walked the dog.

What a difference a day makes. We had ten minutes of rain last night around 4 am and today there is a strong wind from the North. A good sailing breeze like you might get on the windward coast of Hawaii. Anyway there is much better visibility today.





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That is surprising. I am in Mae Suai right now and it is the worst day so far. Maybe the good air is coming?

Being a notorious Thai apologist I probably get special treatment and cleaner air but I will put in a good word for you and hope some of our air blows your way.biggrin.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is really bad here in Mae Chan. The garbage is not being collected as the landfill sites are full, so every household is burning their garbage in the backyard. The whole area stinks like a bonfire and the air is so thick with smoke this morning that my eyes are stinging as I type.

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  • 4 weeks later...

45 minutes of rain here so far. But the last 20 is a light rain. We'll take it though. Supposed to be some note in the next few days.

After I made this post the power cut. It just came back now. 43 hours. But there was huge storm here yesterday that made the power guys start all over again.

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Yes today was a good day. There was a big storm here on Saturday (we were in Chiang Mai) and rain last night. This morning the mountain range was clear and view was good. It was great to see blue sky and identify clouds again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We had big winds this afternoon before the lightning and thunder. Some impressive lightning strikes as the storm approached. We had good rain for about 20 min. We need more but the outside temperature dropped to 25. That was good.

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