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Not such a happy new year


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They themselves regard themselves as Thai, and were born there and have never been abroad , but the Thai Government doesnt recognise them as being full Thai citizens .

From Thailand, but not Thai citizens, I hope that that clears it up .

No, it doesn't clear it up!

In your post you say that your son is two years old, why didn't you take care about the paperwork, like UK passport etc, when he was born.

I live with my girlfriend, for the last 10 years. We have a son, now 8.

He has a Dutch passport since he was 1 year old.

Yes, it took some time, money and a sh*t load of paperwork.

But so what?

Take your responcibility and don't stat bitching after the fact.

I realy hope that you can take care of this mess, just for the sake of your son.

Good luck to you.

I did reply to that point earlier on in the thread .

I did ask at the British consulate and they said that we didnt have all the correct documents .

Also, if he got a UK passport, that would jeapodise his right to remain in Thailand . I would have to start to get him visas for Thailand and it would cause more problems than it would solve

???? Ok. Now I think is a troll.

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They themselves regard themselves as Thai, and were born there and have never been abroad , but the Thai Government doesnt recognise them as being full Thai citizens .

From Thailand, but not Thai citizens, I hope that that clears it up .

No, it doesn't clear it up!

In your post you say that your son is two years old, why didn't you take care about the paperwork, like UK passport etc, when he was born.

I live with my girlfriend, for the last 10 years. We have a son, now 8.

He has a Dutch passport since he was 1 year old.

Yes, it took some time, money and a sh*t load of paperwork.

But so what?

Take your responcibility and don't stat bitching after the fact.

I realy hope that you can take care of this mess, just for the sake of your son.

Good luck to you.

I did reply to that point earlier on in the thread .

I did ask at the British consulate and they said that we didnt have all the correct documents .

Also, if he got a UK passport, that would jeapodise his right to remain in Thailand . I would have to start to get him visas for Thailand and it would cause more problems than it would solve

???? Ok. Now I think is a troll.

Why is that ?

If he were to obtain a UK passport and in the future he got apprehended by the Police and they found out that he is a UK citizen , they could deport him because of visa irregularities .

If his only documentation was a UK passport, the Thai authorities would regard him as a UK citizen .

I am basing this on the fact that the Thai authorities are encouraged all the people in the gfs village who have no Thai ID to return to Burma and try to get Burmese ID .

Once they obtain Burmese ID, the Thai authorities can deport them to Burma , with no other national ID, the Thai authorities can not deport them to anywhere else

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Well you been lucky that this has happened and you know her personality now. Do not delete her voice or other messages in case you want to make some police report regarding your son or even payment of the money. She may say you got it and gave it to her and complain against you to the police. And that is not sure that she will be having terrible time not coming back to you because there are many people like you to get fool easily (sorry to say that).

I wouldnt say that I got fooled .

I willing entered into a long term relationship , which for the majority of the time was quite pleasant and all I had to pay were the running costs .

I didnt pay any sinsot or money to their family . The weekly relationship running costs were the typical cost of one night out . I also got a son , and I can just walk away now without any financial penalties, if I choose too.

All in all, its been a generally enjoyable wonderful experience and at minimal cost .

I would say that I ve been quite shrewd .

Getting her pregnant, watching the bump grow, the hospital scams , being there when my boy arrived and spending two and a half years bringing my boy up has been the happiest, most content time of my life and the costs would have been the same as if I were a single guy sitting in bars pissing the money up .

I think that I did quite well and have been quite shrewd

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Also being GF is not of stable( sound) mind. Sorry to say, but I would fear for my life, in this situation !

This is one of the reasons I suggested he cut a deal to pay monthly child support. It would be a way to buy access to his son while making his life more valuable to the mother.


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They themselves regard themselves as Thai, and were born there and have never been abroad , but the Thai Government doesnt recognise them as being full Thai citizens .

From Thailand, but not Thai citizens, I hope that that clears it up .

The details keep changing, must be a troll.

I think he explained it in the above post. I don't see a troll. Yet.


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Well you been lucky that this has happened and you know her personality now. Do not delete her voice or other messages in case you want to make some police report regarding your son or even payment of the money. She may say you got it and gave it to her and complain against you to the police. And that is not sure that she will be having terrible time not coming back to you because there are many people like you to get fool easily (sorry to say that).

I wouldnt say that I got fooled .

I willing entered into a long term relationship , which for the majority of the time was quite pleasant and all I had to pay were the running costs .

I didnt pay any sinsot or money to their family . The weekly relationship running costs were the typical cost of one night out . I also got a son , and I can just walk away now without any financial penalties, if I choose too.

All in all, its been a generally enjoyable wonderful experience and at minimal cost .

I would say that I ve been quite shrewd .

Getting her pregnant, watching the bump grow, the hospital scams , being there when my boy arrived and spending two and a half years bringing my boy up has been the happiest, most content time of my life and the costs would have been the same as if I were a single guy sitting in bars pissing the money up .

I think that I did quite well and have been quite shrewd

I wouldn't say that you've been shrewd at all. You now have a son for the rest of your life. Do you not care about him as any decent father would? Will you not fight for joint or sole custody so you can raise him with decent morals, culture, and education?

You now have a huge responsibility called a son. You are responsible for his well being and his future. If you can blow that off you aren't much of a man.


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Excuse me for not being familiar with these rules, but haven't you just answered your own question?

You get your son a UK passport then take him to the UK. Bye bye wife and sister.

Edited by sipi
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Why do foreigners get turned over in this country? Simple answer - because 99.9% of them are stuck in their fair play, politically correct, sappy ways. The only way to win in a situation like this is to fight fire with fire. Don't listen to anyone telling you to fight for custody or go through lawyers. That will take time and money. Take my advice, behave as though everything is normal (so as not to arouse suspicion) and when you get the opportunity, grab your son and get out!

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Well you been lucky that this has happened and you know her personality now. Do not delete her voice or other messages in case you want to make some police report regarding your son or even payment of the money. She may say you got it and gave it to her and complain against you to the police. And that is not sure that she will be having terrible time not coming back to you because there are many people like you to get fool easily (sorry to say that).

I wouldnt say that I got fooled .

I willing entered into a long term relationship , which for the majority of the time was quite pleasant and all I had to pay were the running costs .

I didnt pay any sinsot or money to their family . The weekly relationship running costs were the typical cost of one night out . I also got a son , and I can just walk away now without any financial penalties, if I choose too.

All in all, its been a generally enjoyable wonderful experience and at minimal cost .

I would say that I ve been quite shrewd .

Getting her pregnant, watching the bump grow, the hospital scams , being there when my boy arrived and spending two and a half years bringing my boy up has been the happiest, most content time of my life and the costs would have been the same as if I were a single guy sitting in bars pissing the money up .

I think that I did quite well and have been quite shrewd

You and I must have a different definition of shrewd.

Really, you should've seen this coming a mile off after the first time she stole 25 000 Baht from you.

A leopard doesn't change it's spots.

The whole family sounds like trailer park trash TBH.

Then you say her sister has assaulted you several times.

Now she has run off with your son.

Yep, real shrewdfacepalm.gif

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Why do foreigners get turned over in this country? Simple answer - because 99.9% of them are stuck in their fair play, politically correct, sappy ways. The only way to win in a situation like this is to fight fire with fire. Don't listen to anyone telling you to fight for custody or go through lawyers. That will take time and money. Take my advice, behave as though everything is normal (so as not to arouse suspicion) and when you get the opportunity, grab your son and get out!

Good plan ! And when he gets arrested at the airport for kidnapping what's plan B ?

The bottom line is based on the posts already made by the OP, he either doesn't really care or does not have any resources to truly do anything for retaining his son. Kidnapping a child and attempting to bring him across international borders might cause a whole lotta grief as he sits in a dank Thai prison cell and contemplates his next moves.

The kid has no passport or nationality documents...perhaps he can just hide him in his luggage ? Or even better....stay in Thailand (hi only real option) living like a fugitive because he cannot put him in school or get healthcare or do anything for him without legal assistance.

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Unbelievable. Never heard of a condom ? You have a kid with a woman like this, without even knowing what kind of a person she is ? What kind of people her Family are ? Time to grow a pair, move out before your GF returns, get a fone that takes 2 SIM cards, make her an offer for custody - which she will not take because it is the end of the gravy train. Remove and destroy the SIM card your ex-GF knows about. And - walk. Hope you learned your lesson with this one - tho' I have my doubts.

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Why do foreigners get turned over in this country? Simple answer - because 99.9% of them are stuck in their fair play, politically correct, sappy ways. The only way to win in a situation like this is to fight fire with fire. Don't listen to anyone telling you to fight for custody or go through lawyers. That will take time and money. Take my advice, behave as though everything is normal (so as not to arouse suspicion) and when you get the opportunity, grab your son and get out!

Get out to where?

Not that easy,and if he wants to go back to the UK still gonna need her .

Best wait to play this is to not give her any money stava until she sees reason and then author of one lump sum payment to have full custody of the child permission to take the child abroad

That's the only way I can see out of this situation

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OP, please read your own posting.

If you realy love your son than get of your a*se and start the paperwork.

Your remark in a earlier post, that the Thai authorities will only see your son as a UK citenzen is Only good for him.

Because now he has no citenzenship at all!

Do the right thing, take action, for the sake of your son.

Good luck

Edited by dutchisaan
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I'll just mention a bit about her sister .

Twice shes thrown buckets of some substance in my face, smelt like some ammonia and pepper mixture, it just stung alot and left me unable to see for a few minutes . Another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar and came at me with bottles , another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar with pool cues and went to hit me on the head and moved my head to took a whack on the shoulder with such force that the pool cue broke , I picked up the broken bit and told them to stop hitting me, she then went to hit me again and in self defence, I hit her with the broken bit . She was straight on the phoce to the Police and got me taken in for questioning .

She also has come around my house at 2 AM , trying to kick my front door down , I ignored it for 20 minutes and I was concerned that my front door may give way , after the pool cues and ammonia, I thought that she could have a weapon , so I needed to get her away, so I opened the door and pushed her away as hard as I could , she hit the wall behind her and got knocked out .

Next day, Police came and took me in for questioning after she made a compliant . Both times I explained what happened and the witnesses backed me up and no further action was taken

And this woman is now taking care of my boy

Mate,feel sorry for you,i finished with my wife cos of her father,who eventually tried to beat my brains out with a lump of wood,and was told it was my fault because i asked him to put garbage in the bin instead of throwing it on the paved courtyard i had made,go figure? Ex Wife now skint,worried about the future[a first for her] and contemplating going back to the bar at 40. Me; now in the Philippines,have a loving ,beautiful filipina 28 years old,non bar girl,so Luke look at it as an escape from a seriously dysfunctional situation,and a new opportunity.

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And she has to do everything immediately and without thought or planning .

If she would have sat down a few weeks previously and discussed it , I would have funded a trip to Puckett, albeit only for the four of us .

We could have had a nice family holiday for a few weeks

My boys first time to the sea and beach..............and I wasnt there

As did you apparently by inseminating this lady and now trolling posting on TVF about it.

No doubt, over time, we will see you posting as fully fledged member of the 'Everything in Thailand is <deleted>##D and all Thai girls are money hungry gold digging whores' brigade.

The rest of said group will welcome you with open arms.

Misery loves company..

Edited by Mudcrab
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I'll just mention a bit about her sister .

Twice shes thrown buckets of some substance in my face, smelt like some ammonia and pepper mixture, it just stung alot and left me unable to see for a few minutes . Another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar and came at me with bottles , another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar with pool cues and went to hit me on the head and moved my head to took a whack on the shoulder with such force that the pool cue broke , I picked up the broken bit and told them to stop hitting me, she then went to hit me again and in self defence, I hit her with the broken bit . She was straight on the phoce to the Police and got me taken in for questioning .

She also has come around my house at 2 AM , trying to kick my front door down , I ignored it for 20 minutes and I was concerned that my front door may give way , after the pool cues and ammonia, I thought that she could have a weapon , so I needed to get her away, so I opened the door and pushed her away as hard as I could , she hit the wall behind her and got knocked out .

Next day, Police came and took me in for questioning after she made a compliant . Both times I explained what happened and the witnesses backed me up and no further action was taken

And this woman is now taking care of my boy

You can't take care of yourself by the sounds of it.

Leave the kid with his Mum and walk away.

Take the hint mate......they don't want you around anymore.

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Well you been lucky that this has happened and you know her personality now. Do not delete her voice or other messages in case you want to make some police report regarding your son or even payment of the money. She may say you got it and gave it to her and complain against you to the police. And that is not sure that she will be having terrible time not coming back to you because there are many people like you to get fool easily (sorry to say that).

I wouldnt say that I got fooled .

I willing entered into a long term relationship , which for the majority of the time was quite pleasant and all I had to pay were the running costs .

I didnt pay any sinsot or money to their family . The weekly relationship running costs were the typical cost of one night out . I also got a son , and I can just walk away now without any financial penalties, if I choose too.

All in all, its been a generally enjoyable wonderful experience and at minimal cost .

I would say that I ve been quite shrewd .

Getting her pregnant, watching the bump grow, the hospital scams , being there when my boy arrived and spending two and a half years bringing my boy up has been the happiest, most content time of my life and the costs would have been the same as if I were a single guy sitting in bars pissing the money up .

I think that I did quite well and have been quite shrewd

I think that I did quite well and have been quite screwed

Fixed the spelling mistake for you

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I'll just mention a bit about her sister .

Twice shes thrown buckets of some substance in my face, smelt like some ammonia and pepper mixture, it just stung alot and left me unable to see for a few minutes . Another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar and came at me with bottles , another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar with pool cues and went to hit me on the head and moved my head to took a whack on the shoulder with such force that the pool cue broke , I picked up the broken bit and told them to stop hitting me, she then went to hit me again and in self defence, I hit her with the broken bit . She was straight on the phoce to the Police and got me taken in for questioning .

She also has come around my house at 2 AM , trying to kick my front door down , I ignored it for 20 minutes and I was concerned that my front door may give way , after the pool cues and ammonia, I thought that she could have a weapon , so I needed to get her away, so I opened the door and pushed her away as hard as I could , she hit the wall behind her and got knocked out .

Next day, Police came and took me in for questioning after she made a compliant . Both times I explained what happened and the witnesses backed me up and no further action was taken

And this woman is now taking care of my boy

You can't take care of yourself by the sounds of it.

Leave the kid with his Mum and walk away.

Take the hint mate......they don't want you around anymore.

So you think that I should have had a straight fight with a female ?

I used just enough force to stop the attacks . I could quite easily gone on the attack , but I choose not to, I dont want to be someone who fights with girls

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I'll just mention a bit about her sister .

Twice shes thrown buckets of some substance in my face, smelt like some ammonia and pepper mixture, it just stung alot and left me unable to see for a few minutes . Another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar and came at me with bottles , another time her a a few of her mates followed me out a bar with pool cues and went to hit me on the head and moved my head to took a whack on the shoulder with such force that the pool cue broke , I picked up the broken bit and told them to stop hitting me, she then went to hit me again and in self defence, I hit her with the broken bit . She was straight on the phoce to the Police and got me taken in for questioning .

She also has come around my house at 2 AM , trying to kick my front door down , I ignored it for 20 minutes and I was concerned that my front door may give way , after the pool cues and ammonia, I thought that she could have a weapon , so I needed to get her away, so I opened the door and pushed her away as hard as I could , she hit the wall behind her and got knocked out .

Next day, Police came and took me in for questioning after she made a compliant . Both times I explained what happened and the witnesses backed me up and no further action was taken

And this woman is now taking care of my boy

You can't take care of yourself by the sounds of it.

Leave the kid with his Mum and walk away.

Take the hint mate......they don't want you around anymore.

So you think that I should have had a straight fight with a female ?

I used just enough force to stop the attacks . I could quite easily gone on the attack , but I choose not to, I dont want to be someone who fights with girls

Luke i don't think mudcrab was suggesting you hit her,but i have to say i agree with his assesment,they DO NOT WANT YOU AROUND,move on mate,the alternative is not worth thinking about,and from what you have said,could end up with you buried on the river bank,and another mystifying case for the so called Police..

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Western guys living the village life in Thailand are asking for trouble. You put yourself in a tribal situation where you can never be part of the tribe. Living in Thailand is great but stick to the cities where some semblance of civilization exists.

So Luke, are you going to prove you are not a troll and bring this to a conclusion or was the story about the kid just a loss leader to suck us in ?

1) What is the status today ?

2) What actions are you taking now ?

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Western guys living the village life in Thailand are asking for trouble. You put yourself in a tribal situation where you can never be part of the tribe. Living in Thailand is great but stick to the cities where some semblance of civilization exists.

So Luke, are you going to prove you are not a troll and bring this to a conclusion or was the story about the kid just a loss leader to suck us in ?

1) What is the status today ?

2) What actions are you taking now ?

Theyve been gone for a month now and I havent spoken to her .

She hasnt posted any family photos from Pucket .

Her sister hasnt posted any photos of them together either .

But that may mean nothing, because she ,may be there, but just not posted any photos

Although her sister has been posting photos of my boy and her boy together, although they are photos from a year ago ,

Shes (sister) also been posting photos of herself in a bar and a friend hiding her face , maybe shes trying to make me think that her face hiding friend is her sister or maybe its nothing to do with me .

I also received a voicemail from her saying that I dont care about my boy .

Maybe they are trying to provoke me into responding, or maybe they arent

When she left and said that she wasnt coming back , maybe she genuinely meant it, or maybe it was just a cunning plan to have a holiday and expect me to go chasing after her , I dont know .

Ive also been checking her facebook messages and she isnt in communication with anyone else , but maybe she knows that I can check her FB account and is keeping it off from there, I dont know

But why would she want to hide anything if shes single and therefore free to do what she wants

The money would have been gone by now , but she will need 5000 Baht to get back home , so she may be stuck there

But either way, I dont really care .

Ive stopped drinking and just sitting here hold tight and awaiting any further developments .

I changed the locks on my door and she will not be coming back to live with me , if she decides too .

She may turn up soon and just walk back in as though nothing has happened or she may stay where she is and not come back .

If she does show up, broke and homeless , she will have to go out to work and that is when I will get my boy back .

But I dont know , just waiting for any further developements

Edited by luke000
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Just been giving a thought .

Two different people who are both mutual friends have asked me why I havent gone back to their village to see her .

They told me that she had been caught on the bus to Pucket and got sent back .

This would be possible because she traveled a few days before Songran and this is when the Police do thorough checks

Her Mother are the two other kids have posted photos of the in Pucket , but she and my boy havent .

When she poted the photo of the bus ticket to Pucket, there was just a photo of one ticket , so, her mother and the other two kids may have got on a different bus and got through the checks .

She has also recently (last week ) posted photos of my boy back in the village , but they could have been taken before they left ,That would explain everything .

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Western guys living the village life in Thailand are asking for trouble. You put yourself in a tribal situation where you can never be part of the tribe. Living in Thailand is great but stick to the cities where some semblance of civilization exists.

So Luke, are you going to prove you are not a troll and bring this to a conclusion or was the story about the kid just a loss leader to suck us in ?

1) What is the status today ?

2) What actions are you taking now ?

Theyve been gone for a month now and I havent spoken to her .

She hasnt posted any family photos from Pucket .

Her sister hasnt posted any photos of them together either .

But that may mean nothing, because she ,may be there, but just not posted any photos

Although her sister has been posting photos of my boy and her boy together, although they are photos from a year ago ,

Shes (sister) also been posting photos of herself in a bar and a friend hiding her face , maybe shes trying to make me think that her face hiding friend is her sister or maybe its nothing to do with me .

I also received a voicemail from her saying that I dont care about my boy .

Maybe they are trying to provoke me into responding, or maybe they arent

When she left and said that she wasnt coming back , maybe she genuinely meant it, or maybe it was just a cunning plan to have a holiday and expect me to go chasing after her , I dont know .

Ive also been checking her facebook messages and she isnt in communication with anyone else , but maybe she knows that I can check her FB account and is keeping it off from there, I dont know

But why would she want to hide anything if shes single and therefore free to do what she wants

The money would have been gone by now , but she will need 5000 Baht to get back home , so she may be stuck there

But either way, I dont really care .

Ive stopped drinking and just sitting here hold tight and awaiting any further developments .

I changed the locks on my door and she will not be coming back to live with me , if she decides too .

She may turn up soon and just walk back in as though nothing has happened or she may stay where she is and not come back .

If she does show up, broke and homeless , she will have to go out to work and that is when I will get my boy back .

But I dont know , just waiting for any further developements

What about legalizing your boy's status ? have you done any work at all...contacting Thai and UK authorities ? Or is that not important to you ?

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Western guys living the village life in Thailand are asking for trouble. You put yourself in a tribal situation where you can never be part of the tribe. Living in Thailand is great but stick to the cities where some semblance of civilization exists.

So Luke, are you going to prove you are not a troll and bring this to a conclusion or was the story about the kid just a loss leader to suck us in ?

1) What is the status today ?

2) What actions are you taking now ?

Theyve been gone for a month now and I havent spoken to her .

She hasnt posted any family photos from Pucket .

Her sister hasnt posted any photos of them together either .

But that may mean nothing, because she ,may be there, but just not posted any photos

Although her sister has been posting photos of my boy and her boy together, although they are photos from a year ago ,

Shes (sister) also been posting photos of herself in a bar and a friend hiding her face , maybe shes trying to make me think that her face hiding friend is her sister or maybe its nothing to do with me .

I also received a voicemail from her saying that I dont care about my boy .

Maybe they are trying to provoke me into responding, or maybe they arent

When she left and said that she wasnt coming back , maybe she genuinely meant it, or maybe it was just a cunning plan to have a holiday and expect me to go chasing after her , I dont know .

Ive also been checking her facebook messages and she isnt in communication with anyone else , but maybe she knows that I can check her FB account and is keeping it off from there, I dont know

But why would she want to hide anything if shes single and therefore free to do what she wants

The money would have been gone by now , but she will need 5000 Baht to get back home , so she may be stuck there

But either way, I dont really care .

Ive stopped drinking and just sitting here hold tight and awaiting any further developments .

I changed the locks on my door and she will not be coming back to live with me , if she decides too .

She may turn up soon and just walk back in as though nothing has happened or she may stay where she is and not come back .

If she does show up, broke and homeless , she will have to go out to work and that is when I will get my boy back .

But I dont know , just waiting for any further developements

What about legalizing your boy's status ? have you done any work at all...contacting Thai and UK authorities ? Or is that not important to you ?

Yes, as he doesnt have a Thai Parent Thailand wont give him Thai nationality and the UK said that Fathers need to provide a marriage certificate to get UK citizenship, which we cannot get because she cannot get married because she has no ID .

Although we can appeal directly to the UK home secretary for UK citizenship , but I can only do that from inside the UK, which I cannot do because I cant get my boy any passport

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Just been giving a thought .

Two different people who are both mutual friends have asked me why I havent gone back to their village to see her .

They told me that she had been caught on the bus to Pucket and got sent back .

This would be possible because she traveled a few days before Songran and this is when the Police do thorough checks

Her Mother are the two other kids have posted photos of the in Pucket , but she and my boy havent .

When she poted the photo of the bus ticket to Pucket, there was just a photo of one ticket , so, her mother and the other two kids may have got on a different bus and got through the checks .

She has also recently (last week ) posted photos of my boy back in the village , but they could have been taken before they left ,That would explain everything .

^ That is exactly what happened .

She is now back in her village which is five hours away and as far as I know, she just there with my boy.

This what I get stressed out about .

We had arranged to come to CM for Songran, but because her sisters son wasnt invited, her sister had the bright idea of burrowing 20 000 Baht and the family, minus me , all going to visit her in Pucket .

Now, shes 20 000 Baht in debt, the rest of her family are 22 hours away , she didnt even get to Pucket and shes stuck at home on her own with a toddler, no boyfriend, no job and no money ,

She was quite happy to finish with me, leave me when she thought that she was rich .

Theres no way that Im going to bail her out , no way Im getting back with her . But I want to see my boy . She wont allow me to bring him here to stay with me, and realistically , I dont think that I could manage on my own .

I dont even want anymore contact with her, but I have to, for my boys sake .

I think that the best thing to do is to phone her and then go and visit him for a few days

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in any case, I am totally surprised by a few facts that you might want to start researching better....

First of all: Child of a british citizen can get british nationality but it seems to depend of your own situation: nothing to do with your wife..



Key word here is apparently: "By descend", i will let proper english people to translate smile.png

But for what I understand it seems to depend if you are yourself fully british or born outside UK

Second point: Birth Certificate If I am not mistaken = Visa.

If the child is born in a proper hospital, you have a Thai Birth certificate (you stated it mentionning "non thai citizen")

This is enough to give the right to your son to stay in Thailand even with a English passport...

The 3rd point I have always been doubtful and did a Visa for my daughter (born in thailand but non Thai as well): was told by Phuket immigration that she did not need any Visa and I could go in and out of Thailand presenting birth certificate at immigration Department...

Edit: Second link has more explanation: it only depends of your own citizenship as British: "by descent" or "otherwise than by descent"


But if YOU qualify, your wife citizenship is not needed.

Can someone clarify?

Edited by CantSpell
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Well, cancel my plans for tomorrow .

I asked whether I can go and visit my Son tomorrow in the village .

And she said that as long as I pay 15 000 Baht , because I owe it to her .

If I dont pay, then dont come and we are finished .



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