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Frenchman sends girlfriend picture before he falls from Silom condo


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Silly bugger no woman is worth killing yourself for.

Maybe you will find peace in heaven.

Sad waste of life only 31 had his whole life ahead of him.

So why doesn't everyone who believes in heaven just kill themselves now? Why wait if it's so great?

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She knew he was going to jump?

He told her he was going to jump ?

She rushed over from where ?

she had time to call police/ management ?

open questions

R.I P.

It could be another "selfie" death Last year India had the most of any country 15

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Don't kill yourself because of love.

Yes but "love" that is not reciprocated can become obsessive and in the context of someone who has "issues" it can push them over the edge( literally and metaphorically). It's a sad, sad thing to see a youngster go this way and the pain it must cause to those who loved him, parents, siblings, friends. Dreadful.

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There is a podcast called 'freakonomics' which looks into social issues.

They did a cast on suicide.

What the experts know (from survivors) is that suicide is very impulsive, the ultimate decision and the act are frequently FIVE SECONDS apart and rarely more than an hour, although ideation (thinking about it generally) can go on for years.

Another finding (are you listening mods?) is that reporting on suicide leads to copycat suicide, which explains a lot here.

Apart from celebs, where else do you read about suicide every day in the papers? Incidentally, this was first noticed in suicide statistics spiking the year immediately after Marilyn Monroe died, so even suicidal celebs should be played down.

It happens, a lot. BUT the editors are responsible people, and agree to withhold almost all these stories for the overriding public good. I'm no fan of censorship, I just want the horror to be less accessible to the susceptible.

Not expecting the mods to alert the editors and owners to consider this, but who knows, maybe some farang lives will be saved if we stopped printing this grim dreck.

It serves zero purpose but ghoul porn, and encourages unstable people to imitate other unstable people, who destroy healthy people left alive back home, just saying.

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Suicide tax?

Yes, well when the person you love, or loved, the the most with every fiber in your being hypothetically tops themselves,

and we come to collect, which unexpectedly impoverishes grief stricken you, because the person who died didn't care enough

about their own life, much less your financial health,

you might actually get some compassion in your heart,

and sense in your head, or maybe not.

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Killing yourself is bad.

Killing yourself over a thai woman who you can barely communicate with is far worse.

Poor chap.

you never know, maybe he undertodd her too well/

31 year old guy will have more options in dating pool but the sad reality is theres no lack of uni grad gold diggers and scammers

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Would this be one of those:

I will show you ...Just you wait and see scenarios gone wrong.

If that was the case then it is sad without a doubt that a person could be so emotionally distraught over a girl as to go that far and take his own life.

What further can be said other than:


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Another case my 'posthumous suicide tax' idea might have prevented. If you know your next of kin will be penalised, it should at least make you stop and think.

I heard they do this in Japan. Something like $100,000 for people jumping in front of trains.

Suicide is selfish, 31? If he'd stuck around he'd have very likely gone off the gf after a week or two. As to the Japanese and their penalty, good for them! I knew a train driver in the UK who, after his second 'jumper', had a severe nervous breakdown and had to be treated for PTSD. He was never the same again.

People should give pause and think about how their actions impact others but most don't, too bloody selfish.

I can see the reason to send a bill in some cases. When somebody jumps in front of a train the disruption to service would but probably around that. If they didn't cost anybody money I am not so sure that it is such a great idea. I have conflicting views on this one I guess. When I rode the trains in Japan it was not uncommon to see the words human incident or some such wording which was a nice way to say jumper.

There is no case at all where you could justify sending a bill to the family, ever.

I'm sure you'd squeal blue murder if someone sent you a bill for your son or daughter or whoever, or even tried to ransack their personal account.

So please, do think this through.

Suicides are not rational, I presume you are.

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She knew he was going to jump?

He told her he was going to jump ?

She rushed over from where ?

she had time to call police/ management ?

open questions

R.I P.

The keyboard cops are on the case

Doo Daa Doo Daa

Tinfoil hat and sniffer cat

Oh m'Doo Daa Daaay

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There is a podcast called 'freakonomics' which looks into social issues.

They did a cast on suicide.

What the experts know (from survivors) is that suicide is very impulsive, the ultimate decision and the act are frequently FIVE SECONDS apart and rarely more than an hour, although ideation (thinking about it generally) can go on for years.

Another finding (are you listening mods?) is that reporting on suicide leads to copycat suicide, which explains a lot here.

Apart from celebs, where else do you read about suicide every day in the papers? Incidentally, this was first noticed in suicide statistics spiking the year immediately after Marilyn Monroe died, so even suicidal celebs should be played down.

It happens, a lot. BUT the editors are responsible people, and agree to withhold almost all these stories for the overriding public good. I'm no fan of censorship, I just want the horror to be less accessible to the susceptible.

Not expecting the mods to alert the editors and owners to consider this, but who knows, maybe some farang lives will be saved if we stopped printing this grim dreck.

It serves zero purpose but ghoul porn, and encourages unstable people to imitate other unstable people, who destroy healthy people left alive back home, just saying.

The reason foreign suicides are reported alot in Thailand is because some suicides are suspicious and might be staged to look like suicide. Crime stories are always popular. In this case the deceased seems to have commited suicide but in other cases over the years people have cast doubt over whether it was rather murder, than suicide. Just saying.
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Silly bugger no woman is worth killing yourself for.

Maybe you will find peace in heaven.

Sad waste of life only 31 had his whole life ahead of him.

Agree with your sentiment but have to say where on earth is heaven , looking at religion and how different faiths view it I do not see any peace in this fantasy land.

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There is a podcast called 'freakonomics' which looks into social issues.

They did a cast on suicide.

What the experts know (from survivors) is that suicide is very impulsive, the ultimate decision and the act are frequently FIVE SECONDS apart and rarely more than an hour, although ideation (thinking about it generally) can go on for years.

Another finding (are you listening mods?) is that reporting on suicide leads to copycat suicide, which explains a lot here.

Apart from celebs, where else do you read about suicide every day in the papers? Incidentally, this was first noticed in suicide statistics spiking the year immediately after Marilyn Monroe died, so even suicidal celebs should be played down.

It happens, a lot. BUT the editors are responsible people, and agree to withhold almost all these stories for the overriding public good. I'm no fan of censorship, I just want the horror to be less accessible to the susceptible.

Not expecting the mods to alert the editors and owners to consider this, but who knows, maybe some farang lives will be saved if we stopped printing this grim dreck.

It serves zero purpose but ghoul porn, and encourages unstable people to imitate other unstable people, who destroy healthy people left alive back home, just saying.

The reason foreign suicides are reported alot in Thailand is because some suicides are suspicious and might be staged to look like suicide. Crime stories are always popular. In this case the deceased seems to have commited suicide but in other cases over the years people have cast doubt over whether it was rather murder, than suicide. Just saying.
And judging by the KT island miscarriage, for example, fat lot of good it does anyone, so your line of reasoning does not justify publication, because, it's of no value other than public speculation, unless you can pinpoint a single case where some keyboard Jack Regan solved it and the RTP gave them a medal. My critique of this whole ugly Thai farang press 'tradition' that draws the usual human houseflies, along with the morbidly curious, stands.

Death and destruction are always great fun when someone else is dying. Suicide is the one area where research proves that staying stum saves lives, and the blowback of that on the living, if you must get your daily death fix, any number of wars, wrecks, and whackings are only too happy to oblige.

Edited by dhream
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This is getting dangerous.

He might have landed on a passer by.

you got that right , seems like its raining foreigners these days...... RIP dude

And one day it's likely a copycat jumper here will splatter some innocent, another reason to give these stories a long rest.

This thrown over the balcony to look like a suicide theory I keep hearing is not impossible, but it is highly improbable.

The BIB are a joke, but so are some of the cockamaime theories on here every time some poor sod jumps.

If the tinfoil hat brigade would educate themselves on freshman criminology, instead of crappy CSI cable, they might get a clue.

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Another case my 'posthumous suicide tax' idea might have prevented. If you know your next of kin will be penalised, it should at least make you stop and think.

What a load of nonsense! If a person is so tormented that he/she sees no other way out but to end their own lives, do you REALLY believe that they're going to give a rats a*se about taxes?!?! Or who has to foot the bill?!?! Or who has to clean up after them?!?! No way! They want OUT.

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