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New "old style" brass fans -- where is that shop?

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I was tooling around a few months ago and noticed a shop that appeared to specialize in those new "old style" brass fans. I saw in the window they had quite a few and in various shapes and sizes.

However, I can't recall where this shop is located. I know there is a shop at Meechok Plaza that sells one kind, but the proprietor wants a lot and there is zero selection there.

Does anyone know where this place is?



BEWARE; if & when you find this shop, -and if these re of the same type that I used to get excited about, be very careful, because the ones I purchased (some years ago) do NOT have the 'Protection-Grill' on front of them. The danger is, that if these machines are running and you (or worse; children) are about, you/they too could easily get the tip of a finger cut-off, or worse ! ! !



We purchased a GE-copy pedestal fan in BKK. They'll ship to CNX if the local shop eludes you. :) 18 months of use and it sure moves some air even on low speed but the oscillating action was what we liked ... and the aesthetics of course.



Havent acrossed the shop in CM but I do recall seeing lots of them in Chatuchat markt in BKK. Will keep my eyes open during my travels around CM.


I've never seen these things before, they look fantastic. I'm too careless for one, unfortunately. Maybe a wall mounted one out of my reach would look nice though.

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Mahatma Gandhi


Are they loud? I have heard them running and they are no louder than normal, right?

They do have blade guards, but as you can see from the photo, they are not as much for safety as for looks. They would certainly take off a digit.

//edit: Some of the pictured models do have more guard wires than others.

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