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Suvarnabhumi/Pattaya Express Bus


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Has anybody had this experience? Recently a friend and I boarded a bus from the airport to Jomtien--at 2:00 in the afternoon. He and I were having a conversation when the "stewardess" jumped out of her co-pilot seat, confronted us in the third row, and said, "Shut up!" Talking not allowed!!

Says who? Or what? There is no sign within the coach requiring passengers to keep silent; neither is such a prohibition printed on our tickets. What gives--and where does she get off? Needless to say, we continued to converse quietly--but that intimidation was disconcerting, to say the least, and it spoiled our trip.

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The bus dragons can be quite fierce at time (helps with sorting out the Chinese who don't understand seat numbers) I also believe that I have seen signs asking travellers to keep the noise down, no alcohol and no smelly food but an outright ban on talking?.... no. A compulsory use of anti-perspiring/deodorant would be a good idea though!

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I wont hear a word against those bus ladies: they are brilliant. I for one do not want to hear other passengers talking, singing, snoring, drinking, eating, or doing anything else for that matter. I just want 1.5 hours of silence.

If the Thai government sacked all the police and politicians and employed those ladies to do those jobs instead, just maybe the country would be properly run and the laws properly obeyed.

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I wont hear a word against those bus ladies: they are brilliant. I for one do not want to hear other passengers talking, singing, snoring, drinking, eating, or doing anything else for that matter. I just want 1.5 hours of silence.

If the Thai government sacked all the police and politicians and employed those ladies to do those jobs instead, just maybe the country would be properly run and the laws properly obeyed.

And on an airplane do you require absolute silence as well? You might consider the purchase of a noise-canceling headset...

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And on an airplane do you require absolute silence as well? You might consider the purchase of a noise-canceling headset...

Yes, I expect silence on a plane (apart from engine/wind noise etc.). I fly business class and rarely have any trouble. Personally I think that all noisy and unruly passengers (including screaming kids) should be denied boarding or ejected, and I applaud airlines and captains that do so. Another option would be to create a closed-off section at the very back end of the plane for noisy people.

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I think it's just polite to keep noise down to avoid disturbing other passengers, which seems fair. I was on a late night bus once, trying to sleep, and there was a group behind me talking at the top of their voices. They were most upset when i told them to shut the <deleted> up.

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I use this service for runs to BKK and back a lot. There is nothing worse than having to listen to some other peoples opinions or life history for the entire journey.

Two old French guys yacked non stop the other week - it was a male attendant on the bus and and French guys were at the back and he did not hear them I think? Another time an Indian bloke talked on his phone the whole way, he was told several times time to stop. But he kept on going.

I now carry ear plugs in case people are not stopped from making a noise.

The other issue I have is that the seat numbering is not explained at the airport when they sell the ticket. Musical chairs takes place every fricking time when the bus is boarding. The other week an American family got on the 7 pm bus but had tickets for the 8pm bus...total confusion.

I also witnessed the lady from the Koh Chang bus shout out "Koh Chang" and 3 people for Pattaya followed her out...!!! If she had shouted "Memphis Tennessee" I think the idiots would have still gone outside.

I agree that deodorant should be compulsory also.

So in summary, sadly the bus company cannot account for selfish, stupid, loud and smelly.

The rest of us that are none of the above have to rely on the bus attendant taking care of them.

But at 120 baht its a bargain....

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Has anyone seen fresh-off-the-plane dickheads (in my experience an Arab and an Indian) pretending they don't know where to get off/where the bus stops etc etc just to chat up some girl in the front seats who tries to help them? Last time the girl got very and loudly angry, as she really thought she was just helping.

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I can hardly imagine that someone forbids two passengers sitting together talking with each other.

But talking and talking is two different things.

Some people(s) really have a "strong voice" to say it politely.

Covering a complete hall with their stories.

Often a cultural thing or part of self-expression.

Or hearing aids missing/defect whistling.gif

I recently used this bus filled with about 75% Chinese and know what I am "talking" about blink.png

Edited by KhunBENQ
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And on an airplane do you require absolute silence as well? You might consider the purchase of a noise-canceling headset...

Yes, I expect silence on a plane (apart from engine/wind noise etc.). I fly business class and rarely have any trouble. Personally I think that all noisy and unruly passengers (including screaming kids) should be denied boarding or ejected, and I applaud airlines and captains that do so. Another option would be to create a closed-off section at the very back end of the plane for noisy people.

So you fly business class and then take the bus from the Airport?

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Full credit to the co-pilot ladies.

If you're driving and people in the car are yacking, it's very distracting from the job at hand, namely getting to the destination safely. I insist on quiet while concentrating on reading traffic near, mid-distance and far distance. Driving is not a passive activity, it's very active. Sudden loud retorts inside the cabin are highly annoying and serve to degrade concentration. Bus drivers are the same and don't want to be distracted by passengers chatting loudly, playing smartphone games and hearing phone conversations. Thai passengers are very good about keeping quiet. Foreigners are the biggest problem, especially certain European nationalities who just can't shut the heck up.

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I for one do not want to hear other passengers talking, singing, snoring, drinking, eating, or doing anything else for that matter.

You did miss one: whistling (!). Yep, on my bus ride from Hua Hin to Pattaya the other day, I had to put in my noise-canceling headsets and crank up the volume because a fellow a few rows up thought it would be a splendid idea to entertain the bus with his not-so-talented whistling. Where do people grow up that they have no sense of situational awareness and courtesy?

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So you fly business class and then take the bus from the Airport?

Depending on how much luggage I have, the times of my flights and how long I will be gone for I either take the bus or drive myself.

But I quite often use the Jomtien/BKK bus when just going to Bangkok for the day, combined with the airport link. It's more convenient for me than the North Pattaya bus and gets me to where I want to be in Bangkok quite quickly.

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They often, but not always, run a video on the TV screen at front of bus instructing what not to do. That includes drinking, smoking, smelly food and yes, loud conversation. Whispers are okay. in spite of the vid, some boring couple talked loudly the whole dang trip last time I used it from airport. jerks will be jerks. That is why I always take ear plugs or full over ear headphones with me.

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last month a ruskie shit himself and then vomited over half the bus ...not a skerrick on me thank <deleted> ..his wife abused everyone ..the cops came and she tried to say he asked for a toilet stop ...christ they were strange ..the expression on the girl and the driver was priceless ..they were put off the bus with their luggage and were arguing with the police and we were allowed to go on our way ..none of us missed our flights ..we gave extra baht to the crew ...wonder what happened to the ruskies

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