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Trump team tells GOP he has been 'projecting an image'


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The irony is, this ignorant buffoon has been projecting who he really is.

Soon, to project an "image".

Don't know what the point is with the attached photo of the man in the green shirt. But it's in really bad taste.

Is it poor taste to show an example of Trump's sadistic and oafish behaviors? The picture is referring to an incident where the Ginger Pig was mocking/ridiculing a handicapped man.

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The irony is, this ignorant buffoon has been projecting who he really is.

Soon, to project an "image".

Don't know what the point is with the attached photo of the man in the green shirt. But it's in really bad taste.

Is it poor taste to show an example of Trump's sadistic and oafish behaviors? The picture is referring to an incident where the Ginger Pig was mocking/ridiculing a handicapped man.

Oh !! Ooops! Here I was thinking that it was media shots showing two people with similar physical challenges. But the one on the left is not trying to be President . cheesy.gif

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The irony is, this ignorant buffoon has been projecting who he really is.

Soon, to project an "image".

Don't know what the point is with the attached photo of the man in the green shirt. But it's in really bad taste.

Is it poor taste to show an example of Trump's sadistic and oafish behaviors? The picture is referring to an incident where the Ginger Pig was mocking/ridiculing a handicapped man.

Oh !! Ooops! Here I was thinking that it was media shots showing two people with similar physical challenges. But the one on the left is not trying to be President . cheesy.gif

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Post 25:

We have a winner! The first spin-master. clap2.gif

Of course most of them are full of <deleted>.

But none of them are stupid enough to admit to it.


"because he had first to complete the first phase."

Too good.

Looking forward to see the final phase.


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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

Ok, to some extent true. But with HRC and Sanders, what you see is what you get. Even Cruz is consistent.

It's a matter of degrees. With Trump, you get 87% the-image-he wants-to-project, 10% tough-guy act, and 3% real.

In sum: the person his fans are voting for is the not the person he will be in office. Even one of his top fans, Carson, said as much; "there are two Trumps."

Comic relief: What's black & white and red all over? Answer: a blushing zebra. Alternative answer: a newspaper.

Modern version of that joke: What's red and white with an orange comb-over? I don't know, but it rhymes with dump.

Hi Boomer, I agree with your take on Bernie but not HRC. She is double speak personified. Even her reluctance to release her transcripts of her supportive Goldman Sachs $675,000 speeches because it would hurt her image of supporting the poor, is a good example.

As for Trump I always believed he was deliberately projecting the image that has brought him fame (or infamy) in the commercial world onto the political stage and it has worked proved by his popularity, coinciding with a general groundswell of public discontent economically and with perception of loss of political representation. Whether you hate or love him, he is well known, bad news travels faster than good as all marketers know. Once he has captured the disillusioned and they have no where else to go, then he has to work on the moderates of Middle America. This would be achieved by moderating his message and also identifying with them. Next he will target women with a very toned down and less misogynist message. I may be giving him too much credence that this is his original game plan all along but there is sense in it. His private life seems a contrast to his public projection, hence the talk of "two Trumps".

We will have to wait and see what happens...

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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

Ok, to some extent true. But with HRC and Sanders, what you see is what you get. Even Cruz is consistent.

It's a matter of degrees. With Trump, you get 87% the-image-he wants-to-project, 10% tough-guy act, and 3% real.

In sum: the person his fans are voting for is the not the person he will be in office. Even one of his top fans, Carson, said as much; "there are two Trumps."

Comic relief: What's black & white and red all over? Answer: a blushing zebra. Alternative answer: a newspaper.

Modern version of that joke: What's red and white with an orange comb-over? I don't know, but it rhymes with dump.

Hi Boomer, I agree with your take on Bernie but not HRC. She is double speak personified. Even her reluctance to release her transcripts of her supportive Goldman Sachs $675,000 speeches because it would hurt her image of supporting the poor, is a good example.

As for Trump I always believed he was deliberately projecting the image that has brought him fame (or infamy) in the commercial world onto the political stage and it has worked proved by his popularity, coinciding with a general groundswell of public discontent economically and with perception of loss of political representation. Whether you hate or love him, he is well known, bad news travels faster than good as all marketers know. Once he has captured the disillusioned and they have no where else to go, then he has to work on the moderates of Middle America. This would be achieved by moderating his message and also identifying with them. Next he will target women with a very toned down and less misogynist message. I may be giving him too much credence that this is his original game plan all along but there is sense in it. His private life seems a contrast to his public projection, hence the talk of "two Trumps".

We will have to wait and see what happens...

Trump supporters are funny. They like him because they don't believe he will follow thru on the stupid stuff he says.

I notice many of them are not very capable of critical thinking or reasoning.

Like, what happens when you: slap a 35% tax on imports and trigger a trade war?

Or.. What happens when all your vegetable pickers are suddenly deported? or ...You build a wall and block access to hundreds of miles of the Rio Grande?

or you intentionally piss off a majority of decent Muslims,

or you call for boycotts of Macys, Apple, Carrier, Ford Motors...

or EVERYBODY should carry a gun.

or you claim the 2,000 distinguished Scientists at the National Academy of Science that advise the President are stupid,

or your gonna tear up the Iran Nuclear Deal even thought 6 major countries support it and won't go along with more sanctions or "bombing the hell out of them."

or when your Generals refuse orders?

or World leaders thing you are an idiot.

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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

I thought the mantra was "Trump says it as it is"

now it is " Trump says it as we would like it to be"

Which of course always was

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Here's what Trump's speech writers will be writing for Trump, to improve his image;

>>> I like women, I really do. No, let me re-phrase that; I love women. Love women. They love me too. I spend a lot of money on women. I do. It proves I love women.

>>> I like the handicapped. I care for the handicapped. I do. Care for handicapped people. They're mostly good people. I hire them. I hired a handicapped guy to do my taxes. I saw a handicapped person on the sidewalk and I put some paper money in his cup. Handicapped people love me. Trust me, they do.

>>> I like young people. Young people are good. I know a lot of young people. A lot of young people really like me. They do, trust me on this. You look at a Bernie Sanders rally and you see a lot of young people. Ok, maybe they like him. But they'll like me too. They'll like me better, because I spend a lot of money on young people. Ask my sons. Ask my daughter. They'll tell you I like young people. They all like me. Really. Trust me on this. I wouldn't lie to you. I could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot a young person and everybody would still love me just like you're loving me now. I know it's crazy, but everybody likes me.

>>> What's that? You're asking me if I've ever made a mistake? What a dumb question. Everybody makes mistakes. Someone told me they didn't think I made any mistakes, so I guess I haven't. I don't know. I can't remember, just like I can't remember which foot I got a deferment to stay out of the Vietnam War. You want to go fight in a war? I don't. Don't ask me dumb questions about 'which foot?' If you wanna know, look it up. It's in the public record. And by the way, your breath smells awful.

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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

Cmon, at least cut the BS. Cruz is already seizing on this, saying that the Trump campaign is admitting Trump is a fraud. Cruz is insisting that Trump won't do anything he says he'd do, including the wall, the deportation, etc. CNN just covered this. But as you're clearly demonstrating, none of this will matter to core Trump supporters. Just curious: if Trump ever became President and just continues President Obama's policies, would you be ok with that? That seems more likely than anything else he's suggested.

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Here's what Trump's speech writers will be writing for Trump, to improve his image;

>>> I like women, I really do. No, let me re-phrase that; I love women. Love women. They love me too. I spend a lot of money on women. I do. It proves I love women.

>>> I like the handicapped. I care for the handicapped. I do. Care for handicapped people. They're mostly good people. I hire them. I hired a handicapped guy to do my taxes. I saw a handicapped person on the sidewalk and I put some paper money in his cup. Handicapped people love me. Trust me, they do.

>>> I like young people. Young people are good. I know a lot of young people. A lot of young people really like me. They do, trust me on this. You look at a Bernie Sanders rally and you see a lot of young people. Ok, maybe they like him. But they'll like me too. They'll like me better, because I spend a lot of money on young people. Ask my sons. Ask my daughter. They'll tell you I like young people. They all like me. Really. Trust me on this. I wouldn't lie to you. I could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot a young person and everybody would still love me just like you're loving me now. I know it's crazy, but everybody likes me.

>>> What's that? You're asking me if I've ever made a mistake? What a dumb question. Everybody makes mistakes. Someone told me they didn't think I made any mistakes, so I guess I haven't. I don't know. I can't remember, just like I can't remember which foot I got a deferment to stay out of the Vietnam War. You want to go fight in a war? I don't. Don't ask me dumb questions about 'which foot?' If you wanna know, look it up. It's in the public record. And by the way, your breath smells awful.

Here's a good one he will come up with: "I love the highly educated and the rich." I really do. I'm so rich, I mean...so rich, I have to love the rich. And, as much as I love the poorly educated, my daddy sent me to Wharton, where I excelled...but not one person can remember me there, not any student nor teacher. laugh.png

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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

I thought the mantra was "Trump says it as it is"

now it is " Trump says it as we would like it to be"

Which of course always was

You are projecting again. Trump is a protest vote against the system. He serially flies kites to see what resonates with the electorate. If a kite doesn't fly he's willing to yank it down pretty quickly. In other words he is giving voters what they want - how revolutionary.
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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

Cmon, at least cut the BS. Cruz is already seizing on this, saying that the Trump campaign is admitting Trump is a fraud. Cruz is insisting that Trump won't do anything he says he'd do, including the wall, the deportation, etc. CNN just covered this. But as you're clearly demonstrating, none of this will matter to core Trump supporters. Just curious: if Trump ever became President and just continues President Obama's policies, would you be ok with that? That seems more likely than anything else he's suggested.

First he's Hitler or Mussolini incarnate, now he may well continue Obama's policies. Is it any wonder nobody takes heed of the MSM any more and their clumsy hit pieces so often backfire?
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Here's what Trump's speech writers will be writing for Trump, to improve his image;

>>> I like women, I really do. No, let me re-phrase that; I love women. Love women. They love me too. I spend a lot of money on women. I do. It proves I love women.

>>> I like the handicapped. I care for the handicapped. I do. Care for handicapped people. They're mostly good people. I hire them. I hired a handicapped guy to do my taxes. I saw a handicapped person on the sidewalk and I put some paper money in his cup. Handicapped people love me. Trust me, they do.

>>> I like young people. Young people are good. I know a lot of young people. A lot of young people really like me. They do, trust me on this. You look at a Bernie Sanders rally and you see a lot of young people. Ok, maybe they like him. But they'll like me too. They'll like me better, because I spend a lot of money on young people. Ask my sons. Ask my daughter. They'll tell you I like young people. They all like me. Really. Trust me on this. I wouldn't lie to you. I could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot a young person and everybody would still love me just like you're loving me now. I know it's crazy, but everybody likes me.

>>> What's that? You're asking me if I've ever made a mistake? What a dumb question. Everybody makes mistakes. Someone told me they didn't think I made any mistakes, so I guess I haven't. I don't know. I can't remember, just like I can't remember which foot I got a deferment to stay out of the Vietnam War. You want to go fight in a war? I don't. Don't ask me dumb questions about 'which foot?' If you wanna know, look it up. It's in the public record. And by the way, your breath smells awful.

Ha ha, imagine his campaign manager if Trump is the nominee:

"Let's go after HRC supporters. Tell them you love Obama, been a great President. That Obama's legacy will be forever secure, that you'll support all his policies. And then there's the Mexicans, tell them that you'll guarantee amnesty to all illegals. There won't be a wall, but a bridge. And you support gay marriage. And abortion. Don't worry about your core supporters, they'll stay with you no matter what. Bwhahahahaha!"

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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

I thought the mantra was "Trump says it as it is"

now it is " Trump says it as we would like it to be"

Which of course always was

You are projecting again. Trump is a protest vote against the system. He serially flies kites to see what resonates with the electorate. If a kite doesn't fly he's willing to yank it down pretty quickly. In other words he is giving voters what they want - how revolutionary.

I am projecting? and I am doing it again?

A protest vote against the system, would be a protest vote against the system.

Trump is the system, If as you said , and I agree he is doing what the system always did.

A protest against the system would be to tell Trump go fly a kite.

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Post 25:

We have a winner! The first spin-master. clap2.gif

Of course most of them are full of <deleted>.

But none of them are stupid enough to admit to it.


"because he had first to complete the first phase."

Too good.

Looking forward to see the final phase.

The photos are perfect.

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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

Ok, to some extent true. But with HRC and Sanders, what you see is what you get. Even Cruz is consistent.

It's a matter of degrees. With Trump, you get 87% the-image-he wants-to-project, 10% tough-guy act, and 3% real.

In sum: the person his fans are voting for is the not the person he will be in office. Even one of his top fans, Carson, said as much; "there are two Trumps."

Comic relief: What's black & white and red all over? Answer: a blushing zebra. Alternative answer: a newspaper.

Modern version of that joke: What's red and white with an orange comb-over? I don't know, but it rhymes with dump.

Hi Boomer, I agree with your take on Bernie but not HRC. She is double speak personified. Even her reluctance to release her transcripts of her supportive Goldman Sachs $675,000 speeches because it would hurt her image of supporting the poor, is a good example.

As for Trump I always believed he was deliberately projecting the image that has brought him fame (or infamy) in the commercial world onto the political stage and it has worked proved by his popularity, coinciding with a general groundswell of public discontent economically and with perception of loss of political representation. Whether you hate or love him, he is well known, bad news travels faster than good as all marketers know. Once he has captured the disillusioned and they have no where else to go, then he has to work on the moderates of Middle America. This would be achieved by moderating his message and also identifying with them. Next he will target women with a very toned down and less misogynist message. I may be giving him too much credence that this is his original game plan all along but there is sense in it. His private life seems a contrast to his public projection, hence the talk of "two Trumps".

We will have to wait and see what happens...

Trump supporters are funny. They like him because they don't believe he will follow thru on the stupid stuff he says.

I notice many of them are not very capable of critical thinking or reasoning.

Like, what happens when you: slap a 35% tax on imports and trigger a trade war?

Or.. What happens when all your vegetable pickers are suddenly deported? or ...You build a wall and block access to hundreds of miles of the Rio Grande?

or you intentionally piss off a majority of decent Muslims,

or you call for boycotts of Macys, Apple, Carrier, Ford Motors...

or EVERYBODY should carry a gun.

or you claim the 2,000 distinguished Scientists at the National Academy of Science that advise the President are stupid,

or your gonna tear up the Iran Nuclear Deal even thought 6 major countries support it and won't go along with more sanctions or "bombing the hell out of them."

or when your Generals refuse orders?

or World leaders thing you are an idiot.

Great CousinE, you're actually talking instead of grunting. You'll have to ask Trump supporters those things.

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Hi Boomer, I agree with your take on Bernie but not HRC. She is double speak personified. Even her reluctance to release her transcripts of her supportive Goldman Sachs $675,000 speeches because it would hurt her image of supporting the poor, is a good example.

As for Trump I always believed he was deliberately projecting the image that has brought him fame (or infamy) in the commercial world onto the political stage and it has worked proved by his popularity, coinciding with a general groundswell of public discontent economically and with perception of loss of political representation. Whether you hate or love him, he is well known, bad news travels faster than good as all marketers know. Once he has captured the disillusioned and they have no where else to go, then he has to work on the moderates of Middle America. This would be achieved by moderating his message and also identifying with them. Next he will target women with a very toned down and less misogynist message. I may be giving him too much credence that this is his original game plan all along but there is sense in it. His private life seems a contrast to his public projection, hence the talk of "two Trumps".

We will have to wait and see what happens...

Trump supporters are funny. They like him because they don't believe he will follow thru on the stupid stuff he says.

I notice many of them are not very capable of critical thinking or reasoning.

Like, what happens when you: slap a 35% tax on imports and trigger a trade war?

Or.. What happens when all your vegetable pickers are suddenly deported? or ...You build a wall and block access to hundreds of miles of the Rio Grande?

or you intentionally piss off a majority of decent Muslims,

or you call for boycotts of Macys, Apple, Carrier, Ford Motors...

or EVERYBODY should carry a gun.

or you claim the 2,000 distinguished Scientists at the National Academy of Science that advise the President are stupid,

or your gonna tear up the Iran Nuclear Deal even thought 6 major countries support it and won't go along with more sanctions or "bombing the hell out of them."

or when your Generals refuse orders?

or World leaders thing you are an idiot.

Great CousinE, you're actually talking instead of grunting. You'll have to ask Trump supporters those things.

Why waste our time with really dumb remarks?

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I guess his handlers forgot to tell Trump about this image makeover on Friday. He went into some ethnocentric diatribe using a belittling Indian accent when ranting about outsourcing. Video in the link if you want to see him 'projecting his real image.'

Donald Trump uses terrible Indian accent during stereotype-filled rant about outsourcing


Edited by keemapoot
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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

I thought the mantra was "Trump says it as it is"

now it is " Trump says it as we would like it to be"

Which of course always was

You are projecting again. Trump is a protest vote against the system. He serially flies kites to see what resonates with the electorate. If a kite doesn't fly he's willing to yank it down pretty quickly. In other words he is giving voters what they want - how revolutionary.

So when a voter is deciding whether to vote for Trump, is he/she voting for the image or the real person? Is there a real person under the suit and tie? Maybe his whole persona is a concoction designed to garner the most possible votes, regardless of personal convictions or knowledge of issues. If so, it would fit with the character he's developed for the past 30 years of being an excellent deal maker (which is also a ruse). No mention of whether he's great at keeping deals, ...only that he claims he's great at making them.

Someone familiar with Trump should write a book titled, "The Art of Breaking Deals". Some suggested chapter headings: First Wife. Second Wife. Big Casino in NJ. Avoiding Paying Back Bank Loans, ......

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they are all as bad as each other really, and most people that say he or she should win, or he or she is no good, never really have any factual reason but instead just repeat crap thats in the media.

One thing though is trump is not a politician but he has been around many for a long time so he still in the same circle.

but all countries need to start having longer plans, instead of politicians just taking bribes (in whatever form they are paid in) to do whatever a big corp wants them to do regardless of long term effects.

some strong points being made is why china is allowed to keep their currency down, so they always have an export market, right now the dollar is too strong which prevents its export market groing, and the US has a lot of resources to have a huge export market, a strong dollar is hurting the US more than helping it as it just makes production cheaper outside the US.

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Of course no other presidential candidate would dream of projecting an image. The horror of the idea!

Ok, to some extent true. But with HRC and Sanders, what you see is what you get. Even Cruz is consistent.

It's a matter of degrees. With Trump, you get 87% the-image-he wants-to-project, 10% tough-guy act, and 3% real.

In sum: the person his fans are voting for is the not the person he will be in office. Even one of his top fans, Carson, said as much; "there are two Trumps."

Comic relief: What's black & white and red all over? Answer: a blushing zebra. Alternative answer: a newspaper.

Modern version of that joke: What's red and white with an orange comb-over? I don't know, but it rhymes with dump.

Hi Boomer, I agree with your take on Bernie but not HRC. She is double speak personified. Even her reluctance to release her transcripts of her supportive Goldman Sachs $675,000 speeches because it would hurt her image of supporting the poor, is a good example.

As for Trump I always believed he was deliberately projecting the image that has brought him fame (or infamy) in the commercial world onto the political stage and it has worked proved by his popularity, coinciding with a general groundswell of public discontent economically and with perception of loss of political representation. Whether you hate or love him, he is well known, bad news travels faster than good as all marketers know. Once he has captured the disillusioned and they have no where else to go, then he has to work on the moderates of Middle America. This would be achieved by moderating his message and also identifying with them. Next he will target women with a very toned down and less misogynist message. I may be giving him too much credence that this is his original game plan all along but there is sense in it. His private life seems a contrast to his public projection, hence the talk of "two Trumps".

We will have to wait and see what happens...

Trump supporters are funny. They like him because they don't believe he will follow thru on the stupid stuff he says.

I notice many of them are not very capable of critical thinking or reasoning.

Like, what happens when you: slap a 35% tax on imports and trigger a trade war?

Or.. What happens when all your vegetable pickers are suddenly deported? or ...You build a wall and block access to hundreds of miles of the Rio Grande?

or you intentionally piss off a majority of decent Muslims,

or you call for boycotts of Macys, Apple, Carrier, Ford Motors...

or EVERYBODY should carry a gun.

or you claim the 2,000 distinguished Scientists at the National Academy of Science that advise the President are stupid,

or your gonna tear up the Iran Nuclear Deal even thought 6 major countries support it and won't go along with more sanctions or "bombing the hell out of them."

or when your Generals refuse orders?

or World leaders thing you are an idiot.

Hum 'Stars & Stripes " and defend Demo Crass EEEEE !

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Hi Boomer, I agree with your take on Bernie but not HRC. She is double speak personified. Even her reluctance to release her transcripts of her supportive Goldman Sachs $675,000 speeches because it would hurt her image of supporting the poor, is a good example.

As for Trump I always believed he was deliberately projecting the image that has brought him fame (or infamy) in the commercial world onto the political stage and it has worked proved by his popularity, coinciding with a general groundswell of public discontent economically and with perception of loss of political representation. Whether you hate or love him, he is well known, bad news travels faster than good as all marketers know. Once he has captured the disillusioned and they have no where else to go, then he has to work on the moderates of Middle America. This would be achieved by moderating his message and also identifying with them. Next he will target women with a very toned down and less misogynist message. I may be giving him too much credence that this is his original game plan all along but there is sense in it. His private life seems a contrast to his public projection, hence the talk of "two Trumps".

We will have to wait and see what happens...

Trump supporters are funny. They like him because they don't believe he will follow thru on the stupid stuff he says.

I notice many of them are not very capable of critical thinking or reasoning.

Like, what happens when you: slap a 35% tax on imports and trigger a trade war?

Or.. What happens when all your vegetable pickers are suddenly deported? or ...You build a wall and block access to hundreds of miles of the Rio Grande?

or you intentionally piss off a majority of decent Muslims,

or you call for boycotts of Macys, Apple, Carrier, Ford Motors...

or EVERYBODY should carry a gun.

or you claim the 2,000 distinguished Scientists at the National Academy of Science that advise the President are stupid,

or your gonna tear up the Iran Nuclear Deal even thought 6 major countries support it and won't go along with more sanctions or "bombing the hell out of them."

or when your Generals refuse orders?

or World leaders thing you are an idiot.

Great CousinE, you're actually talking instead of grunting. You'll have to ask Trump supporters those things.

Why waste our time with really dumb remarks?

Well CE I prefer to take a more objective analysis than waste time on emotional claptrap you seem to enjoy indulging in and wasting time with dumb remarks like yours above.. If you have followed my posts you would have seen that I prefer Bernie to any other candidate and have previously said so. It makes little difference because I am not an American so I cannot vote anyway but nevertheless I take an interest in American politics. I am used to voting across party lines as we can do in my country, therefore I can pick what I like in policy, party or personality and vote accordingly. It seems to me that your system means you have to be either a Democrat or a Republican which I think is limiting.because you have to be either totally for or against one or the other and give up or accept policy you like or dislike.

I realise you are not familiar with this and some members on TV even laugh because they neither believe or have never heard of that or swinging voters.

For the record and more especially just for you, my politics are conservative economics which would make me lean more right in theory and away from Bernie Sanders. However there is more to it than this. Of all the runners I would trust Bernie the most but that is purely on a personality basis, but I am uncertain where he would go economically.

Trump suits me from the viewpoint that I believe American politics has become more and more oligarchic and far too much of who pays what and how much, is what calls the tunes and essentially a power game of compromising principles to retain cushy positions and favor. Therefore an outsider, and Trump is, regardless of what some have said, simply because has entered from outside the establishment political arena. He is neither conservative nor truly Republican opinion has said, which has up and downsides to it. But if he could shake down the establishment system then he would be my second choice.

Having said that I do not particularly like his personality because he does not think before he speaks and hasn't formed positions on matters which he needs to have done already which amounts to too much of a cringe factor. I agree with you that it's not wise to piss off the moderate Muslims in America and is a sleight against those that are already natural born Americans. Europe's lesson right now is allowing uncontrolled passport free immigration. Control of the Mexican border? It looks like he has support from the border controllers.

I don't know much about Kasich except he's a spoiler so I won't pass opinion.

Cruz is too much in the Goldman Sachs camp like Hillary, for my liking and I do not trust his representation of the Christian right which looks phony and opportunistic.

Hillary. Well you must already know my thoughts on her. She's a hawk like GWBush. Also if it's true that a Secretary of state can receive donations to her Clinton Foundation from 20 countries she sold arms deals to then she should be in prison on corruption charges using her position of power for personal gain. How anyone can support her knowing that is beyond me.

My thoughts on Obama? I support his policy on reducing the availability of guns to the public. With a mass shooting more than one a day in the USA something has to be done. In my country even the cops don't wear guns. Obama is a considered and thoughtful speaker (unlike Trump) but I will criticize him for not moving against Hillary. This is where politics and a Democratic victory is more important than the rule of law.

Now you know.

Now I would like to hear your thoughts on how you stand politically. But I guess you're a Hillary supporter without a shade of doubt.

Edited by Linzz
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I'd rather Trump than Cruz and I'd rather Bernie to Hillary but I'd rather Hillary to either Trump or Cruz

I think that about sums up the prevailing view amongst the majority of middle ground voters. Though it feels like a choice between bad or worse.

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I'd rather Trump than Cruz and I'd rather Bernie to Hillary but I'd rather Hillary to either Trump or Cruz

I think that about sums up the prevailing view amongst the majority of middle ground voters. Though it feels like a choice between bad or worse.

Pretty much, but it's more like middle ground voters prefer Hillary over Bernie.

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I'd rather Trump than Cruz and I'd rather Bernie to Hillary but I'd rather Hillary to either Trump or Cruz

I think that about sums up the prevailing view amongst the majority of middle ground voters. Though it feels like a choice between bad or worse.

Pretty much, but it's more like middle ground voters prefer Hillary over Bernie.

If by " middle ground voters" you mean the weak minded easily manipulated by the establishment media, I agree.

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This new Trump image thing reminds me of a well known TV show where the main character dies and the last episode reveals that it was all a dream and never happened

Unfortunately for the Donald , if he gets the Republican nomination, his opponent has months of sound bites to show exactly how crazy he is. There will be no walking away from what has come out of his mouth and he will not have the ability to say it was all a dream sequence

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