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Obama’s Brexit comments draw strong rebuttal from London Mayor Boris Johnson


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Obama’s Brexit comments draw strong rebuttal from London Mayor Boris Johnson

By Robert Hackwill


“Incoherent, inconsistent, hypocritical” – so says leading Leave campaigner Boris Johnson about President Barack Obama’s comments on Britain’s Brexit referendum in a UK newspaper.

Between Royal dinners and official engagements Obama found a moment to say his piece on an EU exit.

“The European Union doesn’t moderate British influence – it magnifies it. A strong Europe is not a threat to Britain’s global leadership; it enhances Britain’s global leadership.”

Prime Minister David Cameron, campaigning for the UK to stay in the EU, welcomed Obama’s statements: “The US is one of our closest allies. So it’s important to hear Barack Obama on why we should remain in the EU,” he tweeted.

“As the president said this morning in his piece in the Daily Telegraph, America sees it very much as a question of tidying the European continent after the horrors of the Second World War, the need to ensure the peace is maintained. I think the difficulty is the European Union is now causing such stresses and strains that actually remaining in is the insecure option,” responded Mayor of London Boris Johnson in a wide-ranging rebuttal.

Johnson reminded America that it had not ratified the international law of the sea, the UN’s female emancipation and rights of the child conventions, and nor did it recognise the ICC/ He said that was evidence of America’s “hysterical jealousy” in guarding its own democracy.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-23

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

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The US President isn't sticking his nose into the politics of the UK. He is expressing an opinion on a economic union that has an impact on the US. There is a difference for backing a candidate and an expression on a policy. It's a big difference. Countries do that all the time. Countries often express their opinion on the death penalty in the US and they act on that by not allowing extradition if the death penalty is on the table. That's just one example, by the way.

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"Johnson reminded America that it had not ratified the international law of the sea, the UN’s female emancipation and rights of the child conventions, and nor did it recognise the ICC/ He said that was evidence of America’s “hysterical jealousy” in guarding its own democracy."

Spot on Boris! thumbsup.gif

I am sure that Boris and Trump are going to be best friends................


Edited by torpedo1970
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"Johnson reminded America that it had not ratified the international law of the sea, the UN’s female emancipation and rights of the child conventions, and nor did it recognise the ICC/ He said that was evidence of America’s “hysterical jealousy” in guarding its own democracy."

Spot on Boris! thumbsup.gif

I am sure that Boris and Trump are going to be best friends................


I don't know.

Perhaps Boris will lose this vote.

Trump on the other hand doesn't like losers.

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What an ass.

Obama needs to mind his own house. Or, just go away...thumbsup.gif

...President Roosevelt could have said the same thing - mind your own house...or just go away - to Winston Churchill when he visited in December 1941 the White House at a time the debate of joining the war in Europe was the hottest topic in US politics : a defeat of the British would have returned Europe to the dark ages and this visit did change the world by constructing the machinery of cooperation that led to the defeat of the Axis.

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

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This is purely a case of business friends across the globe wanting to protect what they have already invested in and not something better for the running of the country, there will no doubt be many problems but nothing that cannot be overcome and in the long run I truly believe that Britain will be much better off & certainly a stronger country for sticking up for itself, I hope also that other countries follow suite and take back their own borders. Remember how we were all going to loose out if we didn't join in the Euro, these people were wrong then and are wrong once again with all the scare mongering which is absolutely a load of crap.

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Obama's comments come at a time when the notorious TTIP agreement is to be forced on EU members. This will open up the EU to the less regulated US farming practices which include unlisted GMOs and massive over use of antibiotics. It will also open organizations such as the UKs national health scheme to US lawsuits. I think UK would do well to stay at the back of the queue on this one!

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Of course the internationalist left are going to oppose the retention of nation states and their right to self-determination. I do welcome the meddling of this walking foreign policy disaster as his wishes are liable to backfire.

P.s there was also an explicit threat from Obama that if the UK did exit the EU it would go to the back of the queue for negotiating free trade agreements.

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Jesimps, the EU a socialist contraption?

Where do you get that idea?

The EU is purely made up to help along big business, take away any semblance of democracy to empower this.

Most certainly not a socialist idea, whatever that may be.

Anyway, the problem is the EU, not the common market.

I shudder if Britain indeed would leave the EU, and delivering Europe to the Hun.

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The UK can not afford to exit The EU but this is nobody's business outside of The UK.Obama must be thinking about his fellow Muslims there." Hey Obama Keep your camel's nose out of my tent."

You agree with him but still find it appropriate to make a racial and ethnic slur against him? Is that a British thing?

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The US President isn't sticking his nose into the politics of the UK. He is expressing an opinion on a economic union that has an impact on the US. There is a difference for backing a candidate and an expression on a policy. It's a big difference. Countries do that all the time. Countries often express their opinion on the death penalty in the US and they act on that by not allowing extradition if the death penalty is on the table. That's just one example, by the way.

Obama is quite right to comment. He's the POTUS - an old and close ally and friend of the UK; and ally of EU and part of NATO.

It would be odd if he didn't.

Boris Johnson is a buffoon. A very rich and privileged buffoon. The fact he, along with the idiot Gove support Brexit should make people think remaining in the EU may be the best option on it's own.

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Many on TV, presumably Americans, seem to dislike Obama.

Curious if those who share this sentiment believe Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton would do a better job. They are the likely presidential nominees but to me the former comes across as belligerent, loud-mouth buffoon, while the latter often appears to be shrill, angry and stirring up drama.

Despite Obama's flaws, name another US president that stepped into office and had to deal with so many issues affecting millions of lives: banking collapse, global financial meltdown, housing crash, and let's not forget 2 wars. On top of this, he was able to Health Care Reform, something Republicans refused to acknowledge and failed to do during all the years they occupied White House.

IMO, Obama will likely go down in history as one of the most capable presidents US ever had. He has accomplished more in his 1st term than Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr combined.

Edited by nemrut
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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

Oh, so you are the representative for all Brits and all Aussies as well. Were you elected or were you born into the post? I don't represent all Americans, but my opinion would be that most Americans don't care whether what is left of the UK stays in Eurozone or not. However, the US leader who has an approval rating in the UK of around 76% (2015 Pew Research Poll) shared his opinion as a Brexit will be costly not only to the UK but to other countries including the US. He made the remarks I think quite respectfully and without any bullying or racist remarks unlike Boris Johnson or yourself for that matter. As far as Americans having an allegiance to their British roots, that is absurd. We're quite proud of the fact that we revolted against British rule and kicked George III out of our little part of the world. Oh, and only 13% of Americans even have British roots and I'm sure most of them never think about it. As much as we love the UK (despite your crankiness) you will never see "I'm proud to be English" on a tee shirt in America.

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

Oh, so you are the representative for all Brits and all Aussies as well. Were you elected or were you born into the post? I don't represent all Americans, but my opinion would be that most Americans don't care whether what is left of the UK stays in Eurozone or not. However, the US leader who has an approval rating in the UK of around 76% (2015 Pew Research Poll) shared his opinion as a Brexit will be costly not only to the UK but to other countries including the US. He made the remarks I think quite respectfully and without any bullying or racist remarks unlike Boris Johnson or yourself for that matter. As far as Americans having an allegiance to their British roots, that is absurd. We're quite proud of the fact that we revolted against British rule and kicked George III out of our little part of the world. Oh, and only 13% of Americans even have British roots and I'm sure most of them never think about it. As much as we love the UK (despite your crankiness) you will never see "I'm proud to be English" on a tee shirt in America.

Oh really?


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Why would anyone in Britain care what he has to say anyway. They only need a quick look at his track record of systematically destroying his own country, to realize that anything he says is irrelevant to the British situation.

Personally I think it is far too late for Britain. A once great country has already been destroyed by out of control immigration, and it's 30 years to late to turn back. Not many British left these days. Was in Knightsbridge a few years back and didn't even recognize it.

Thought I was somewhere in the Middle East.

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

Oh, so you are the representative for all Brits and all Aussies as well. Were you elected or were you born into the post? I don't represent all Americans, but my opinion would be that most Americans don't care whether what is left of the UK stays in Eurozone or not. However, the US leader who has an approval rating in the UK of around 76% (2015 Pew Research Poll) shared his opinion as a Brexit will be costly not only to the UK but to other countries including the US. He made the remarks I think quite respectfully and without any bullying or racist remarks unlike Boris Johnson or yourself for that matter. As far as Americans having an allegiance to their British roots, that is absurd. We're quite proud of the fact that we revolted against British rule and kicked George III out of our little part of the world. Oh, and only 13% of Americans even have British roots and I'm sure most of them never think about it. As much as we love the UK (despite your crankiness) you will never see "I'm proud to be English" on a tee shirt in America.

Yes, quite agree

There are some depressingly uninformed contributions on here

BTW the Guardian piece on tertiary education looked the number of 17 - 64 year old with qualifications. Right now at least 50% take further education

All foreign heads of state voicing an opinion say UK leaving EU is a huge mistake

I feel quite sorry for poor Boris! He's backed the wrong horse and is now resorting to discourtesy. He's finished in politics now if course- a rather large dead parrot

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

Your disdain for people that didnt waste 3 or 4 years in University is pathetic.

You see others as beneath yourself which is actually quite typical of someone of average intellect or less.

Democracy is all about one man, one vote. Which means on average it will be people of average intellect that decide.

Shame your degree wasnt in Quantitative Analysis 'cause you would have been able to figure that out yourself then.

You wrote, "Your disdain for people that didnt waste 3 or 4 years in University is pathetic." People who vote for Brexit are stupid. That stupidity may be genetic or because of lack of education. Normally people go to college to get an education to better themselves. Representative democracy is not about one man one vote. We elect leaders who decide things for us. You are talking about Athenian Democracy that flourished in about the 5th century BC.

What I find interesting about this whole discussion is how Brits can find ways to insult Obama/Americans and when they agree with his stance on Brexit and the fact that Obama had no clue that him coming out against Brexit would in fact help the campaign for Brexit by the lower classes.

"To believe in Brexit, you have to be an oik like me or Michael Gove"

If you need to know how properly posh you are theres a very simple test: are you pro- or anti-Brexit?


Yes, true enough. Remain is corrolated with social class and education

Sorry if some find that upsetting

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Boris for PM and Trump for President !

Stop the world I want to get off.

I will drink to all three statements. Be interesting to see the change in the USA, the increase in intellectual capabilities and autonomy of the UK government and the Kid flying through space with the greatest of ease, LOL.

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I love watching this soap opera unfold.

As for Obama's right to opine on the topic...can't seem to recall Mr Johnson recoiling with horror, and accusing him of hypocrisy when he made similar statements urging Scotland to remain within the UK.

Seemed to be welcome then, but somehow this is different??

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

Oh, so you are the representative for all Brits and all Aussies as well. Were you elected or were you born into the post? I don't represent all Americans, but my opinion would be that most Americans don't care whether what is left of the UK stays in Eurozone or not. However, the US leader who has an approval rating in the UK of around 76% (2015 Pew Research Poll) shared his opinion as a Brexit will be costly not only to the UK but to other countries including the US. He made the remarks I think quite respectfully and without any bullying or racist remarks unlike Boris Johnson or yourself for that matter. As far as Americans having an allegiance to their British roots, that is absurd. We're quite proud of the fact that we revolted against British rule and kicked George III out of our little part of the world. Oh, and only 13% of Americans even have British roots and I'm sure most of them never think about it. As much as we love the UK (despite your crankiness) you will never see "I'm proud to be English" on a tee shirt in America.

Yes, quite agree

There are some depressingly uninformed contributions on here

BTW the Guardian piece on tertiary education looked the number of 17 - 64 year old with qualifications. Right now at least 50% take further education

All foreign heads of state voicing an opinion say UK leaving EU is a huge mistake

I feel quite sorry for poor Boris! He's backed the wrong horse and is now resorting to discourtesy. He's finished in politics now if course- a rather large dead parrot

Apart from the initial frisson when Boris declared was jumping into the leadership of the BREXIT out side, he has failed to shift the betting needle in any significant way. His personal attack on Obama is desperate stuff. As for some of the contributions you refer to we can now see that they they are not only anti-EU but anti-American as well. In short, the usual Little Englander to the fore. No wonder they are losing since they dance the losers dance to a T.

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