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Obama’s Brexit comments draw strong rebuttal from London Mayor Boris Johnson


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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

You state that Brits have an absolute disgust of the USA. How wrong can you be, As I am of the opinion that most of us Brits do in Fact like Americans.although we may not like or appreciate their President treating us as the 51st state.

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

I wouldn't like to short change you on your salaries it would be hell on earth and that's an understatement!!!!

Just saying ........

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“Incoherent, inconsistent, hypocritical” – so says leading Leave campaigner Boris Johnson

It's the pot calling the kettle black. To quote

On why he voted for David Cameron:

"I'm backing David Cameron's campaign out of pure, cynical self-interest."

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"Oh Bummer" is a lame duck President who will be gone soon.. He should stick to his own issues in the States, not interfere with something that only concerns British voters. Possibly the only plus point is that some will now vote for Brexit just to raise a middle finger to POTUS..

How do you figure it only concerns British voters? What about all those immigrants - where they gonna go? How about trade? How about travel and how about all all the things that effect Europe?

Think of how much better off the UK would be if America had never left.

Edited by Scotwight
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"Johnson reminded America that it had not ratified the international law of the sea, the UN’s female emancipation and rights of the child conventions, and nor did it recognise the ICC/ He said that was evidence of America’s “hysterical jealousy” in guarding its own democracy."

Spot on Boris! thumbsup.gif

I am sure that Boris and Trump are going to be best friends................


Yeah, they deserve and suit each other.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by rijit
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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!
Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

Your disdain for people that didnt waste 3 or 4 years in University is pathetic.

You see others as beneath yourself which is actually quite typical of someone of average intellect or less.

Democracy is all about one man, one vote. Which means on average it will be people of average intellect that decide.

Shame your degree wasnt in Quantitative Analysis 'cause you would have been able to figure that out yourself then.

You wrote, "Your disdain for people that didnt waste 3 or 4 years in University is pathetic." People who vote for Brexit are stupid. That stupidity may be genetic or because of lack of education. Normally people go to college to get an education to better themselves. Representative democracy is not about one man one vote. We elect leaders who decide things for us. You are talking about Athenian Democracy that flourished in about the 5th century BC.

What I find interesting about this whole discussion is how Brits can find ways to insult Obama/Americans and when they agree with his stance on Brexit and the fact that Obama had no clue that him coming out against Brexit would in fact help the campaign for Brexit by the lower classes.

"To believe in Brexit, you have to be an oik like me or Michael Gove"
If you need to know how properly posh you are theres a very simple test: are you pro- or anti-Brexit?


Yes, true enough. Remain is corrolated with social class and education

Sorry if some find that upsetting

Not at all,just a typical arrogant statement from you.

Thems the facts......?
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The US President isn't sticking his nose into the politics of the UK. He is expressing an opinion on a economic union that has an impact on the US. There is a difference for backing a candidate and an expression on a policy. It's a big difference. Countries do that all the time. Countries often express their opinion on the death penalty in the US and they act on that by not allowing extradition if the death penalty is on the table. That's just one example, by the way.

Oh come on! Get real Credo. I accept that he is concerned about how it affects USA but if jhe had made these comments from the other side of the pond, most would take it with a pinch of salt and agree he has concerns for his own nation (USA not Kenya)

The fact that the timing of his comments was right at the same time where Cameron is trying to scare-monger the GB public makes it all the more obvious regarding the notions behind the talk!

Cameron: "Hey, Barak, tell the British public how damaging a Brexit will be and at the same time tell them if we leave, you won't buy anything from us again"

Obama: "Sure thing buddy, are the British public really that stupid?"

Cameron: "Most are but we still have middle Englanders that are refusing to fall for our lies. But all we need to do is bring a law allowing us to call them racists and prosecute them for it. They will soon pipe down, dont worry"

Obama: "well let's get out there and spoon feed them some more lies if they're that gulliable"

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Does London's Mayor Johnson know who he is talking too?

This is the Pulitzer Peace Prize winning President of the US...would be Emperor of the World...he knows what is best for every country...

Show some respect...

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As I said before the brexit boys are having trouble with their campaign and cannot get any non British figures of authority to back their cause. Therefore their noses are out of joint of Obama's comments. Having said that I think Obama was ill advised to get involved in this. Boris is not the UK's Trump, we have Nigel Farage for that.

I am still on the fence about which way to vote as I think a brexit vote would cause the EU to fall apart and have to be re-founded with a better rule book. However if I am wrong then should we take the risk of five years of disruption? Everyone will vote based on their own agendas and maybe a few can be swayed by the hot air merchants on both sides.

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When you claim that people with a different opinion to your own are stupid, you simply highlight your own lack of intellect and debating prowess.

Education and intelligence are two different things.

Sorry I should have put up some links.

Stupid #1. "I can think of nothing more utterly stupid and pathetic than leaving the European Union." Sir Ranulph Fiennes, One of the greatest adventurers in British history and once described by the Guinness Bookicon1.png of Records as "the world's greatest living explorer"

Stupid #2. Brexit is a stupid idea. http://news.sky.com/video/1483485/brexit-is-stupid-idea

I think it is a widespread belief among intelligent and educated people the world over that Brexit is a stupid idea. wai.gif

Well - that really takes the biscuit.

1 person that you consider to be intelligent wants to remain and you jump to the conclusion that ALL smart people want to remain and those that don't are stupid. And you back that up with a puff piece from Sky news.

I always wondered who McDonalds had in mind when they put "beware, hot liquids inside" on their coffee cups. Now I know.

Try not to burn yourself in the morning.

I put up two links not one. Plus the fact that British universities have come out quickly and forcefully in favour of continued EU membership. The Sunday Times recently carried an open letter, signed by 103 university vice-chancellors, that urged the public to consider the role the EU plays in strengthening the UK’s higher education institutions.


Smart people don't want Brexit. That is assuming that more smart people are university vice-chancellors than aren't. I posted the links because many smart and respected people agree with me that it would be utterly stupid to exit the EU.

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

Oh, so you are the representative for all Brits and all Aussies as well. Were you elected or were you born into the post? I don't represent all Americans, but my opinion would be that most Americans don't care whether what is left of the UK stays in Eurozone or not. However, the US leader who has an approval rating in the UK of around 76% (2015 Pew Research Poll) shared his opinion as a Brexit will be costly not only to the UK but to other countries including the US. He made the remarks I think quite respectfully and without any bullying or racist remarks unlike Boris Johnson or yourself for that matter. As far as Americans having an allegiance to their British roots, that is absurd. We're quite proud of the fact that we revolted against British rule and kicked George III out of our little part of the world. Oh, and only 13% of Americans even have British roots and I'm sure most of them never think about it. As much as we love the UK (despite your crankiness) you will never see "I'm proud to be English" on a tee shirt in America.

Obviously as anyone born in America is not English

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When you claim that people with a different opinion to your own are stupid, you simply highlight your own lack of intellect and debating prowess.

Education and intelligence are two different things.

Sorry I should have put up some links.

Stupid #1. "I can think of nothing more utterly stupid and pathetic than leaving the European Union." Sir Ranulph Fiennes, One of the greatest adventurers in British history and once described by the Guinness Bookicon1.png of Records as "the world's greatest living explorer"

Stupid #2. Brexit is a stupid idea. http://news.sky.com/video/1483485/brexit-is-stupid-idea

I think it is a widespread belief among intelligent and educated people the world over that Brexit is a stupid idea. wai.gif

Well - that really takes the biscuit.

1 person that you consider to be intelligent wants to remain and you jump to the conclusion that ALL smart people want to remain and those that don't are stupid. And you back that up with a puff piece from Sky news.

I always wondered who McDonalds had in mind when they put "beware, hot liquids inside" on their coffee cups. Now I know.

Try not to burn yourself in the morning.

I put up two links not one. Plus the fact that British universities have come out quickly and forcefully in favour of continued EU membership. The Sunday Times recently carried an open letter, signed by 103 university vice-chancellors, that urged the public to consider the role the EU plays in strengthening the UK’s higher education institutions.


Smart people don't want Brexit. That is assuming that more smart people are university vice-chancellors than aren't. I posted the links because many smart and respected people agree with me that it would be utterly stupid to exit the EU.

Just check, who helps to financially support those universities,and where the money originates.

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I put up two links not one. Plus the fact that British universities have come out quickly and forcefully in favour of continued EU membership. The Sunday Times recently carried an open letter, signed by 103 university vice-chancellors, that urged the public to consider the role the EU plays in strengthening the UK’s higher education institutions.


Smart people don't want Brexit. That is assuming that more smart people are university vice-chancellors than aren't. I posted the links because many smart and respected people agree with me that it would be utterly stupid to exit the EU.

Just check, who helps to financially support those universities,and where the money originates.

Tax money isn't it? The lower the GDP the lower taxes and the less money they get so they are against Brexit.

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

This American likes the Brits and whatever they decide as far as staying in the EU is their business not mine. I always thought that their were positives and negatives about the EU, but now seems like everyone is in or wants in and it's just making a mess of things. Open borders for mass migration certainly has it problems. Like someone said I can't imagine a sort of union for North America. What a disaster that would be. So let the Brits decide and this American will keep his mouth shut.

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I put up two links not one. Plus the fact that British universities have come out quickly and forcefully in favour of continued EU membership. The Sunday Times recently carried an open letter, signed by 103 university vice-chancellors, that urged the public to consider the role the EU plays in strengthening the UK’s higher education institutions.


Smart people don't want Brexit. That is assuming that more smart people are university vice-chancellors than aren't. I posted the links because many smart and respected people agree with me that it would be utterly stupid to exit the EU.

Just check, who helps to financially support those universities,and where the money originates.

Tax money isn't it? The lower the GDP the lower taxes and the less money they get so they are against Brexit.

Actually it's British tax payers money. Keep on with the scare stories.

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Tempting to say keep your nose out, Barry, but in all likelihood lecturing another country will backfire on him. Imagine a British prime minister patronisingly urging the American people to give up dreams of sovereignty and remain in a united North America, lest it goes to the back of queue on trade? Yuck!

Americans don't have a clue the absolute disgust that most Brits and Aussies have for the USA. Americans just trot along liking the Queen and and feel some sort of allegiance to their British roots while in reality the only roots the Brits want is putting the US in the ground and see if anything grows.

Obama and his advisors are clueless about this and did not realize that him saying no to Brexit has almost assured that it will become a reality. I'd say he swings a hate index that will put 30% of the UK on the opposite side of anything he wants.

The majority of the people in the UK don't go to University (http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/blog/2013/jun/04/higher-education-participation-data-analysis) so it's not like we are talking about the brain trusts of Britain making the decision.

Look at the posts on Thai Visa and you can see the reaction to Obama/any American having the temerity to make a comment about British politics while the Political/news forum on Thai Visa is full of Brits commenting about Trump/gun control etc.. and the American elections god forbid there was any kind of quid pro quo and an American have an opinion about anything in the UK.

So Obama and all you other Americans take note - any opinions you may have about the British are not wanted (said with a stern voice) and any opinions we Brits have about America are to be taken seriously by you less than brilliant colonials. So there.....

This American likes the Brits and whatever they decide as far as staying in the EU is their business not mine. I always thought that their were positives and negatives about the EU, but now seems like everyone is in or wants in and it's just making a mess of things. Open borders for mass migration certainly has it problems. Like someone said I can't imagine a sort of union for North America. What a disaster that would be. So let the Brits decide and this American will keep his mouth shut.

The British have been expressing opinions about things American since they first set foot ashore why would Americans not be allowed the same freedom of speech? Brits know all about our need for guns and Trump (British lawmakers debate banning Donald Trump from UK for 'hate speech) http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/18/europe/uk-parliament-debates-trump-ban/ british

WASHINGTON — President Clinton on Tuesday took on the stalled peace process for Northern Ireland, urging the Irish Republican Army to declare a cease-fire that he said would pave the way for Sinn Fein, the IRA's political wing, to enter the ongoing peace talks.

Seems to me sometimes the Brits want Americans and sometimes they don't. OK with me. If I don't like something I'll express my opinion the same as Obama. Mine will probably make more sense but his will probably get more media coverage. So why should you keep your mouth shut?

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I put up two links not one. Plus the fact that British universities have come out quickly and forcefully in favour of continued EU membership. The Sunday Times recently carried an open letter, signed by 103 university vice-chancellors, that urged the public to consider the role the EU plays in strengthening the UK’s higher education institutions.


Smart people don't want Brexit. That is assuming that more smart people are university vice-chancellors than aren't. I posted the links because many smart and respected people agree with me that it would be utterly stupid to exit the EU.

Just check, who helps to financially support those universities,and where the money originates.

Tax money isn't it? The lower the GDP the lower taxes and the less money they get so they are against Brexit.

Actually it's British tax payers money. Keep on with the scare stories.

It doesn't include VAT tax or corporate tax and other taxes paid by not British citizens?

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You need to be careful with statistics. There are a high proportion of millionaires children going to university which means that through inheritence those children become millionaires themselves no matter their capabilities.

Top 10 universities most attended by millionaires


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The UK can not afford to exit The EU but this is nobody's business outside of The UK.Obama must be thinking about his fellow Muslims there." Hey Obama Keep your camel's nose out of my tent."

You agree with him but still find it appropriate to make a racial and ethnic slur against him? Is that a British thing?

Muslims are the followers of the religion of Islam. They can be of any race or ethnicity, but do not let coherent thought get in the way of your gormless accusations. Why are you bashing Brit's if you have no Idea of of the persons nationality. People accusing others of bigotry are often the biggest offenders or just offensive period! For the record am not a Brit Nor do I care about this issue, matters little what POTUS thinks the Brit's will do what is in their best interest as it should be.

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Your disdain for people that didnt waste 3 or 4 years in University is pathetic.

You see others as beneath yourself which is actually quite typical of someone of average intellect or less.

Democracy is all about one man, one vote. Which means on average it will be people of average intellect that decide.

Shame your degree wasnt in Quantitative Analysis 'cause you would have been able to figure that out yourself then.

You wrote, "Your disdain for people that didnt waste 3 or 4 years in University is pathetic." People who vote for Brexit are stupid. That stupidity may be genetic or because of lack of education. Normally people go to college to get an education to better themselves. Representative democracy is not about one man one vote. We elect leaders who decide things for us. You are talking about Athenian Democracy that flourished in about the 5th century BC.

What I find interesting about this whole discussion is how Brits can find ways to insult Obama/Americans and when they agree with his stance on Brexit and the fact that Obama had no clue that him coming out against Brexit would in fact help the campaign for Brexit by the lower classes.

"To believe in Brexit, you have to be an oik like me or Michael Gove"
If you need to know how properly posh you are there’s a very simple test: are you pro- or anti-Brexit?


When you claim that people with a different opinion to your own are stupid, you simply highlight your own lack of intellect and debating prowess.

Education and intelligence are two different things.

Or to put it another way...

Attendance and intelligance are two different things.

I have yet to meet someone with a high IQ that looked down on people less gifted.

I have met many 60 IQ's like yourself that feel their opinions are superior.

Sorry I should have put up some links.

Stupid #1. "I can think of nothing more utterly stupid and pathetic than leaving the European Union." Sir Ranulph Fiennes, One of the greatest adventurers in British history and once described by the Guinness Bookicon1.png of Records as "the world's greatest living explorer"

Stupid #2. Brexit is a stupid idea. http://news.sky.com/video/1483485/brexit-is-stupid-idea

I think it is a widespread belief among intelligent and educated people the world over that Brexit is a stupid idea. wai.gif

Well - that really takes the biscuit.

1 person that you consider to be intelligent wants to remain and you jump to the conclusion that ALL smart people want to remain and those that don't are stupid. And you back that up with a puff piece from Sky news.

I always wondered who McDonalds had in mind when they put "beware, hot liquids inside" on their coffee cups. Now I know.

Try not to burn yourself in the morning.

More nonsence and fortifying the original comment about intelligent people wanting to stay in.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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The UK can not afford to exit The EU but this is nobody's business outside of The UK.Obama must be thinking about his fellow Muslims there." Hey Obama Keep your camel's nose out of my tent."

You agree with him but still find it appropriate to make a racial and ethnic slur against him? Is that a British thing?

Muslims are the followers of the religion of Islam. They can be of any race or ethnicity, but do not let coherent thought get in the way of your gormless accusations. Why are you bashing Brit's if you have no Idea of of the persons nationality. People accusing others of bigotry are often the biggest offenders or just offensive period! For the record am not a Brit Nor do I care about this issue, matters little what POTUS thinks the Brit's will do what is in their best interest as it should be.

You wrote, "Hey Obama Keep your camel's nose out of my tent" Since Obama is not a Muslim it must have been a racial or ethnic slur. Anyone who is responsible for trade pacts and negotiations has a responsibility to express an opinion of trading partners. Obama said if Brexit wins Britain goes to the end of the line in trade negotiations with the USA. Seems clear to me. Leave the EU and lose your special trade status. Since the USA is the largest economy and trading partner in the world it always matters what the POTUS thinks. GDP EU 18 trillion, USA GDP 18 trillion. British GDP 3 trillion. Don't take a rocket scientist does it?

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I find it disappointing that there is such negative responses to Obama's remarks. He is generally supporting the position of many of the UK politicians and giving an idea of some of the negative consequences.

It is a referendum and the US will abide by the decision of the British people on the issue. The US President is advocating mainly for the trade portion of the possible Brexit. There is more to this than just trade. Trade will suffer, at least in the short term, but there may be gains for the UK in other areas.

A strong and united EU is in everyone's best interest; it just doesn't seem that the way the EU is run right now that that is easy to achieve.

You have nothing to fear from the remarks of the US President. He has a greater regard for the democratic process than he does for which side wins the referendum. He also probably has equally as much concern for the rest of Europe, which will suffer greatly from a Brexit.

Someone posted that he should not have said it while he was in the UK, but should have saved his remarks for when he was in the US. That's probably not correct. It's better that he speak about the UK while he is in the UK. Remarks made in the US will make it sound much stronger and much more like interference.

The UK still has the Commonwealth and I have a feeling that a re-orientation toward the former colonies can make up the differences. Europe itself will not necessarily fare as well without the UK.

I think it's better if the UK stays in the EU, but I am not British and I most certainly do respect the ability of the people of the UK to determine what is in their best interest in the long term.

Most of the British I know have a mixed opinion of the US, mostly bordering on the mildly critical. Most Americans that I know have a positive and favorable attitude toward the British and the UK. Whatever the UK decides, they will have the backing of the US people and the congress. The UK may end up at the end of the queue, but I bet it suddenly gets to be a very short queue.

The difference between the UK and the EU is that by and large the UK is trusted. There are no linguistic barriers (OK, a few), between what is said and both countries have a large element of trust for one another.

The US can negotiate with the EU through the UK easier than negotiating with the EU directly.

Best of luck to the UK whatever you decide.

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When you claim that people with a different opinion to your own are stupid, you simply highlight your own lack of intellect and debating prowess.
Education and intelligence are two different things.
Sorry I should have put up some links.

Stupid #1. "I can think of nothing more utterly stupid and pathetic than leaving the European Union." Sir Ranulph Fiennes, One of the greatest adventurers in British history and once described by the Guinness Bookicon1.png of Records as "the world's greatest living explorer"

Stupid #2. Brexit is a stupid idea. http://news.sky.com/video/1483485/brexit-is-stupid-idea

I think it is a widespread belief among intelligent and educated people the world over that Brexit is a stupid idea. wai.gif

Well - that really takes the biscuit.

1 person that you consider to be intelligent wants to remain and you jump to the conclusion that ALL smart people want to remain and those that don't are stupid. And you back that up with a puff piece from Sky news.

I always wondered who McDonalds had in mind when they put "beware, hot liquids inside" on their coffee cups. Now I know.

Try not to burn yourself in the morning.
I put up two links not one. Plus the fact that British universities have come out quickly and forcefully in favour of continued EU membership. The Sunday Times recently carried an open letter, signed by 103 university vice-chancellors, that urged the public to consider the role the EU plays in strengthening the UKs higher education institutions.

Smart people don't want Brexit. That is assuming that more smart people are university vice-chancellors than aren't. I posted the links because many smart and respected people agree with me that it would be utterly stupid to exit the EU.

Just check, who helps to financially support those universities,and where the money originates.

But, you told me we get nothing from Europe....
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