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Obama warns UK it will be at ‘back of the queue” for US trade if it votes to leave EU


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Obama warns UK it will be at ‘back of the queue” for US trade if it votes to leave EU


US president Barack Obama has warned Britain that if it votes to leave the EU, the United States would have very little interest in doing trade with it.

Obama was speaking at the start of a three day visit to the UK.

He told reporters: “Maybe some point down the line there might be a UK-US trade agreement but that is not going to happen any time soon because our focus is in negotiating with a big bloc – the European Union, to get a trade agreement done. And the UK is going to be in the back of the queue.”

British prime minister David Cameron encouraged voters to listen to the US viewpoint.

“This is our choice. Nobody else’s. The sovereign choice of the British people” said Cameron, “but as we make that choice it surely makes sense to listen to what our friends think, to listen to their opinion, to listen to their views and that’s what Barack has been talking about today.”

On Friday evening, the Obamas were welcomed at Kensington House by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry.

Amongst the topics on the table for the next two days, are understood to be: the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine and sanctions against Russia.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-24

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The soon to be outgoing president of the US, Barack Obama is doing his best to promote the potential trade agreements that if the truth was known (it's not as it's all very secret) which as far as I'm aware are very much opposed by pretty much the vast majority of the people in the UK.

He should shut the <expletive> up and mind his own business. The people of the UK are in no way interrested in kissing the ass of uncle sam or anyone else for that matter.

Edited by ukrules
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BBC the other day was saying that Hilary and Bernie were pretty much none too keen on these free trade deals. Not sure of the other lot. Today BBC said TTIP may not get signed at all if Obama can't get it through.

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The U.S dictating to others, don't they realise how much thier attitude is resented by the world.

Of course not, the phrase 'manifest destiny' seems to have a modern day twist here but this time it's on a world wide scale.

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The U.S dictating to others, don't they realise how much thier attitude is resented by the world.

It stings like a bitch when the shoe is on the other foot.

Your statement sounds like the kettle calling the pot black.

I wonder if the US will give the UK some cheese to go with their whine.

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I see the intellectuals are up early this morning!

BBC reporting that Hillary supports UK remaining in Europe

Game over.....

You don't appear to grasp the concept that a massive amount of people in the UK really don't care what the US thinks.

Now this may or may not be to the detriment of the country but we can hardly expect the ordinary voter to grasp this concept.

As far as I'm concerned this vote, whenever it happens will have one result - they will vote to leave the EU.

Personally I like the EU but I'm clearly in a minority position here.

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I do not see this as the US or Obama telling the UK what to do one way or the other. Simply passing on information that a trade deal with the U.K. will not be a priority. What the UK and its citizens do with this information is up to them.

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Who does Obama think he is ?

Meddling in UK politics.

And come to think of it, meddling in politics globally.

And he says UK will go to back of queue.

That's rich coming from an African-American.

Threats coming from a man cozying up with Cameron and the Royal Family.

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I see the intellectuals are up early this morning!

BBC reporting that Hillary supports UK remaining in Europe

Game over.....

What believe Barack Obama speaks without thinking or he made a bloomer is nonsense.
The US president intervened to argue against the brexit and promote the maintenance of its primary ally in the union.
The fear is that Europe getting closer and finally joined Russia. Britain should remain strong in the EU to prevent it.
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The US is the world's largest economy and trading bloc, with a GDP of $17 trillion. The combined EU, as a trading bloc and power is second at $16 trillion. China is third at $11 trillion and gaining.

The UK is the world's fifth largest economy (seemingly impressive), but tiny by comparison to the US, EU and China on its own of $2.8 trillion GDP.

I don't always agree with Obama, but on this one he makes sense. If the UK is smart, it will stay in the EU, and the Brits on the forum who are whinging about Obama, remember you had your day in the sun. You are still an important trading partner, but you can choose how much clout and power you want going forward.

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Is there any Brit who thinks the UK should stay in the EU? Was wondering what you think of President Obama's comments.

Here is one man's opinion.


I would imagine the President has already gotten briefed by his top economists on the pros and cons, so he's just sharing some views that some Brits may not be aware. As for "who on earth is Obama to come to Britain and speak to us in this way?"....wasn't it the Brits that wanted to ban Donald Trump for his comments not even related to the UK? Maybe the President assumed the Brits had more sense than a great number of Americans.

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The U.S dictating to others, don't they realise how much thier attitude is resented by the world.

Hmmm....in my travels to almost 80 countries around the world, most love the US and many would like to live there. Seems the keyboard warriors here on this forum are the most negative.

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Is there any Brit who thinks the UK should stay in the EU? Was wondering what you think of President Obama's comments.


The campaign to keep the UK in the European Union has seen a boost in support, according to the latest ORB poll for the Daily Telegraph.

If a referendum were held today, the Remain camp would secure 52 per cent of the vote and Leave would have 43 per cent, a decrease of five points since the organisation's previous poll on 5 April.

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Dear Mr. Obama. your opinions don't matter anymore, you're a spent horse, in a short while you'll

retire to your stately home somewhere busing giving speeches for living, the US and the world

had enough of your leading from behind, so farewell soon to be Mr. ex president, the world will

keep turning just fine without you, just as it did before you.....

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Obama is only telling it like it is.

The little englanders are promising a land of milk and honey following a brexit. The rest of the world is going to be saying 'bend over UK' when it comes to trade deals. All the biggies, US, China, India and indeed the rest of the EU will screw you over royally, tradewise.

You've will have a good two decades of work ahead of you just to get back to where you are now, even if you get there at all.

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An off topic post, along with a few replies, has been removed from view. Please stick to the topic.

Apologies to the members with the appropriate replies.

Edit: Any more posts violating forum rules will result in a posting suspension. Show respect to other members or don't post.

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Is there any Brit who thinks the UK should stay in the EU? Was wondering what you think of President Obama's comments.


Interesting. It would seem that Obama is in Britain to support Cameron as the latter has lost a great deal of credibility. Also interesting that the youth in the UK overwhelmingly support the stay-in-the-EU brigade.

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When you have a product or service that is superior to others, you don't queue to sell, but buyers queue to buy instead!


But keep thinking that. It is entertaining to watch.

A comprehensive trade deal means you aren't talking about one product or service and there will be plenty of other native players on the other side using electoral power to block you out, no matter how 'superior' your services are - mainly to save their own lazy asres..

Australian's are one of the most efficient rice producers in the world producing a superior clean product. How much luck do you think we've had getting into the Japanese market?

New Zealand dairy is world beating. How much access to the EU does it get?

And on it goes.... don't think Jellied Eel production is now going to skyrocket cause you manage to stick the finger up at the EU.

Trade negotiations are a bit like Cricket Test series. You are all friendly off the field, but no quarter is drawn on the field.

Games are long. You play multiple tests, all on different pitches. And that is a fair match. and as with Cricket, there is a fair chance you'll never get an outcome.

But instead of of each test match taking 5 days, they may be a year or so in the making. And that is only one test over a very long series. Before that happens, the other team has to agree to turn up, and the bigger the opponent, the more likely they are going to insist on what type of pitch you'll be playing on.

And as the UK, that will happen with every of your other trading partners. They'll insist on only letting a fraction of your stuff in, and in return, they will insist on letting most of their stuff in. Cause they can. They'll be telling you to bend over, the only suitable answer you can give is 'how far, sir?'.

But keep enjoying your fantasy of a new pax britannia. You are cutting off your nose to spite your face. You are giving up access to your most natural of markets, all so you can have to power to negotiate as to who gets to scew you over the most, the US, EU, China, or India.....

Have fun....

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This is all "Hot Air" from a nearly has been president, who gives a hoot what he thinks by the time the UK has voted and things start to sort themselves out he will be gone, the only thing America is concerned about is loosing the UK's influence in the EU and a secure lifeline of what is actually happening within the EU. If the UK pulls out (I hope it does) the EU is in real danger of falling apart as others who are also disillusioned will also want to leave, then exactly where will the UK be in the line of things...???? Out ahead of the game is the answer..!!!

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Let's not forget why he in Europe. He is there to push TTIP that a lot of Europeans don't want. That's why he wants the UK to remain in.

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Is there any Brit who thinks the UK should stay in the EU? Was wondering what you think of President Obama's comments.

If the EU concentrated on a platform for business without interfering in business and stayed out of all national issues then the EU would be fine but when thy start telling you what you can and can not do in your own country ten it needs to be disbanded.

Set the framework for a unified business system then stand back. People in the UK want out as the EU is infringing far too much into their private lives and the running of the country

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