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PM Prayut calls for strengthening of nation from community level up


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PM calls for strengthening of nation from community level up


BANGKOK, 25 April 2016 (NNT) – The Prime Minister has called for the nation to build solidarity from the community level up and for community leaders to work according to the Civil-State approach.

Prime Minister Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha, chairing the opening of a policy meeting on driving grassroots economy with the Civil-State approach, addressed an assembly of village headmen, chiefs and provincial governors from throughout the central region.

In his address, the premier asked all of the leaders to step up their work and allow their activities to be reshaped by domestic and foreign circumstances.

He tasked them with encouraging the public to adjust their work to be more in line with the Civil-State approach, to embrace innovation and to bring value to their communities. He stated it was the task of all to strengthen the nation from the community level upward.

The prime minister also called for an end to conflict and for greater respect for the law, explaining that the government is working to reform the nation from within as is outlined in its 20 year strategy.

-- NNT 2016-04-25 footer_n.gif

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"The prime minister also called for an end to conflict and for greater respect for the law, explaining that the government is working to reform the nation from within as is outlined in its 20 year strategy"

Respect; in every facet of life, is earned. If you never follow up with actions, nothing changes. Ergo, nothing will ever be respected. It's a pointless cycle. Bit like me even mentioning it.

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

djjamie is correct

The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago

With the constant cycles of military coups

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

The last of the defenders of all things junta.

The junta are bound by no laws and are forgiven for the coup no matter what. They offer only threats and intimidation with nothing that even resembles reconciliation. Keep blaming others if it makes you feel better.

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

Maybe I add respect for the Constitution (which you have taken an oath to protect) and not just tear it up and impose your own with unlimited power and built-in amnesty.

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago.

You do understand that you have machine-gunned just about every post you've ever made supporting this junta, right?

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

Yep you re right : the army disrespected the law, still disrespect it now, the coup was unlawful, they granted themselves amnesty for past, current and future action they may take.

They do not respect the Human Rights, the graft is still working at full speed, the arbitrary detention as well...

In fact you try to defend a "worse than Thaksin" guy and his clique.

But you know it already...and one more time you just drop a ridiculous comment before fleeing...a bit like the red you despise, funny, no?

How is the River Kwai Bridge those days? not too busy living under it?

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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I know where you can get some inspirational posters, real cheap.


Indeed ......

Who speaks exclusively for Thailand these days?

Prime Minister General Prayuth ?

Even talk of a 20 year strategy.?

He certainly demands people adjust their practices to be in line with a civil State approach.

This makes his intensions clear and determined.

That being said ,and all pretence now done and dusted ,the realisation Thailand is having its noose tightened by a strong armed military , the question is begging.

Who can stand in the way?

Certainly now the question posters on this forum have asked more recently , when are sanctions going to be threatened?

We can't entertain the Thai military claim , it's doing AA to simply keep the state stronger ?

That now requesting zero descent and co operation with state as a necessary valve for Government .?

Foreign Governments surely can't with conscience look prior leaders of Thailand face trials and punishments , whilst witnessing citizens being detained and arrested and some jailed under this guise?

Surely, now the horses mouth is talking straight the clear plan or road map,it's got to be remarked upon in no uncertain terms?

Not to do so , invites the impression of hypocrisy and coward ness from the observing media internationally.

When and at what point can a government who has taken power by force be challenged ?

If not by the governments of the world ?

Then what hope do the Thai people have left?

Respect for law is ironically being wheeled out by said power.

On so many levels Thais turning on Thais something has to give one would think?

Where's a US state response ?


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"...adjust their work to be more in line with the Civil-State approach, to embrace innovation and to bring value to their communities."

Couple of suggestions to reach this: 1. true democracy would be an innovation 2. open elections would bring value to communities

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I know where you can get some inspirational posters, real cheap.

Indeed ......

Who speaks exclusively for Thailand these days?

Prime Minister General Prayuth ?

Even talk of a 20 year strategy.?

He certainly demands people adjust their practices to be in line with a civil State approach.

This makes his intensions clear and determined.

That being said ,and all pretence now done and dusted ,the realisation Thailand is having its noose tightened by a strong armed military , the question is begging.

Who can stand in the way?

Certainly now the question posters on this forum have asked more recently , when are sanctions going to be threatened?

We can't entertain the Thai military claim , it's doing AA to simply keep the state stronger ?

That now requesting zero descent and co operation with state as a necessary valve for Government .?

Foreign Governments surely can't with conscience look prior leaders of Thailand face trials and punishments , whilst witnessing citizens being detained and arrested and some jailed under this guise?

Surely, now the horses mouth is talking straight the clear plan or road map,it's got to be remarked upon in no uncertain terms?

Not to do so , invites the impression of hypocrisy and coward ness from the observing media internationally.

When and at what point can a government who has taken power by force be challenged ?

If not by the governments of the world ?

Then what hope do the Thai people have left?

Respect for law is ironically being wheeled out by said power.

On so many levels Thais turning on Thais something has to give one would think?

Where's a US state response ?

As you are probably aware, the US Ambassador had LM accusations leveled at him for suggesting its application may be getting a bit out of hand. UK Ambassador was made to back peddle on some critical comments he made as well.

Following his comments and the resulting protest outside the Embassy, Amb. Davies has likely come to terms with what he's dealing with here and is idling, until something bigger nudges the needle. He's got to be counting the days until he escapes this back water.

Edited by 55Jay
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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

Says the guy who once boasted about not wearing a helmet when on his moped. whistling.gif

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How can any community indulge in The PMs suggestions of being forthright, adventurous etc (dare I mention "grassroots".....a banned tag as I thought)..........when all those military guys really care about is the commissions for their desires...but unfortunately to date (commission wise) and the big money investments...China' gone Pres Xi won't have a bar of payments...Japan is also gone..(Abe similar to Xi).....but........who woulda thought....., Russia still entertains Thailand....so the rest don't really matter!

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How do you strengthen a community for the better, when you keep telling them that their opinions about the future of their country is either positive if you happen to be rich and powerful and from the South, but when you're poor and lack education it's negative and not allowed ?

The comments from some guests in this country are nothing short of disgusting, whether a Thai has a Masters degree or can barely read or write their own name, big deal, it's their country, they have more of a say than 99.8% of you.

It must have been awesome to have come from a perfect birth country, where the majority enjoyed their normal civil liberties, but then become full of racist and bigoted comments when they think the world should be like the country they LEFT here in Thailand.

The game plan is the Junta has no real plans apart from systematically destroying the main opposition , they're running around blind at a Piñata party, except they're even in the wrong house, but they cannot afford the PTP/UDD to get back into power for numerous reasons.

What goes around comes around, the Junta will not be around forever, they're behaving like desperate people, with everything to lose, and they simply cannot allow this to happen.

You want to set examples, arrest Suthep and have him in for attitude adjustment, then the next day arrest Juttaporn, and the same for him.. both directly contravened the new anti referendum speech law.

Sit back and do nothing, then you will never in a million years reconcile this country.

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

Maybe I add respect for the Constitution (which you have taken an oath to protect) and not just tear it up and impose your own with unlimited power and built-in amnesty.

Constitution (which you have taken an oath to protect)

"The Royal Thai Armed Forces main role officially is the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Thailand. The armed forces are also charged with the defence of the monarchy of Thailand against all threats, foreign and domestic" - wikipedia

There is no oath per se for the Thai military to protect the constitution or anything such as We the People. Obviously, with 11 successful d'états that abolished Thailand's constitutions, the Thai people's sovereignty holds no bar over the Thai millitary. In fact a recent Thai Supreme Court decision upheld the legality of the military's self-written and imposed Interim Charter over the Thai people's 2007 Constitution.

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

Maybe I add respect for the Constitution (which you have taken an oath to protect) and not just tear it up and impose your own with unlimited power and built-in amnesty.

Constitution (which you have taken an oath to protect)

"The Royal Thai Armed Forces main role officially is the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Thailand. The armed forces are also charged with the defence of the monarchy of Thailand against all threats, foreign and domestic" - wikipedia

There is no oath per se for the Thai military to protect the constitution or anything such as We the People. Obviously, with 11 successful d'états that abolished Thailand's constitutions, the Thai people's sovereignty holds no bar over the Thai millitary. In fact a recent Thai Supreme Court decision upheld the legality of the military's self-written and imposed Interim Charter over the Thai people's 2007 Constitution.


This is the very large, bejeweled, elephant in the room.

And a rather neat explanation for current events.

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"greater respect for the law"

This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

Maybe I add respect for the Constitution (which you have taken an oath to protect) and not just tear it up and impose your own with unlimited power and built-in amnesty.

Constitution (which you have taken an oath to protect)

"The Royal Thai Armed Forces main role officially is the protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Thailand. The armed forces are also charged with the defence of the monarchy of Thailand against all threats, foreign and domestic" - wikipedia

There is no oath per se for the Thai military to protect the constitution or anything such as We the People. Obviously, with 11 successful d'états that abolished Thailand's constitutions, the Thai people's sovereignty holds no bar over the Thai millitary. In fact a recent Thai Supreme Court decision upheld the legality of the military's self-written and imposed Interim Charter over the Thai people's 2007 Constitution.

A country with a military or a military with a country?
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