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'Amulets saved my life' says Thai driver in 'miracle' escape!


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"Without a doubt I was saved by my charms and lockets," he said,"

​Without a doubt you are talking unadulterated crud.

How dare you make a fool of the guy for having a strong faith. Just because you don't have faith, most of the world do and it is the honourable thing to respect that.

Isn't there a forum for bible belters and holy rollers somewhere?

“Tell people there's an invisible man in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell them the paint is wet, and they have to touch ... (George Carlin)

Edited by Lupatria
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"Passersby and other drivers who saw the accident feared the worst as the car rolled ten times on the Chainat-Asia highway."

once or twice, maybe three times, that is it.

"...was on his way to Nakorn Sawan when he span, lost control..."

i hate it when I span.

"No mention was made as to whether Kraisorn, the chief engineer of a factory in an industrial estate in Ayutthaya, was breathalysed."

Never step foot in that factory.

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He should have been given a slap in the face and told not to utter such nonsense, the A, B and C posts on the body shell of the car saved his life - the drivers side barely took a hit!

... and the fool's a Chief Engineer who, in the real world outside his amulet paradise, should probably have some appreciation of the way the car's been engineered to protect him. No doubt the airbag deployed and maybe, just maybe, he was wearing his seatbelt but no, his survival is entirely due to a magic necklace.

As has already been said, others of a similar mentality will see this as an excuse to continue their reckless, "<deleted> you, mate" driving style.

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It's a social media hot issue in Thailand when someone claims an amulet saved their life. In less than a day this poorly filmed YouTube video has had over 600,000 plays. The subject is the driver in hospital getting a few cuts and grazes checked out with him showing off his magic amulet. Amulets are for sale everywhere in Thailand, from your local market and even at your local 7/11.

Here's the video.

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I believe his amulets did in fact save him. I also believe a rain dance could end this drought, rain making actually works, father Christmas is always watching, its bad luck to walk under ladders, the Essan deformed buffalo has magic lottery number giving power, the general will in fact hold elections and that penguins walked two by two from Antarctica to get on a boat in the middle East to escape a flood. Hey but that's just me.

Agreed, the attributes to the amulets and superstitions is ridiculous, but it’s not a good idea dredging everything through the muck. It’s worth researching or at least considering the historical account of the Great Flood again. It’s so ‘enlightened’ in our Western world and all the rage to trash it, much like the fashionable appropriation of eastern religion-based ‘karma’ rather ever a sincere mention of ‘blessing’ and ‘curse’. It’s very significant that nearly every culture has a tradition of a global flood having occurred in prehistoric times. Also, climates were very different back then, but sea animals can be guided by instinct and they would’ve had ample time to swim across a sea. And if the Antarctic did exist back, then why wouldn’t the penguins have simply set up base on a huge iceberg?

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Most posters totally ignorant on the power of Buddhist amulets.

Probably most of them think Thai Fetishism is something practiced in Pattaya.

I wonder how many have a spirit house and had monks round to bless their house or had a traditional Thai wedding?

Bloody hypocrites.

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Really no different from the Midwestern tornado survivors who emerge from their basement proclaiming that Jesus saved them.[ /quote.... Indeed. And never ask why God sent the tornado in the first place to cause grief and death to others. Oh yes, sorry forgot He works in mysterious ways. Just like mystery of Amulets.
Edited by jerojero
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He should have been given a slap in the face and told not to utter such nonsense, the A, B and C posts on the body shell of the car saved his life - the drivers side barely took a hit!

He should, But nobody will. Ppl here will believe him n his amulet and the Price of his amulet just went up after this News.

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Most posters totally ignorant on the power of Buddhist amulets.

Probably most of them think Thai Fetishism is something practiced in Pattaya.

I wonder how many have a spirit house and had monks round to bless their house or had a traditional Thai wedding?

Bloody hypocrites.

Ignorant of the power of Buddhist amulets? Yup, that would be me.

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OMG - saved by amulets? Probably a member of the flat earth society also! Belief systems defy comprehension when faced by facts. coffee1.gif

What about the other 50+ killed per day? They did not have amulets? whistling.gif

Edited by lvr181
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I believe his amulets did in fact save him. I also believe a rain dance could end this drought, rain making actually works, father Christmas is always watching, its bad luck to walk under ladders, the Essan deformed buffalo has magic lottery number giving power, the general will in fact hold elections and that penguins walked two by two from Antarctica to get on a boat in the middle East to escape a flood. Hey but that's just me.

I believe this guy has a far better understanding of the universe than you ever will.

I believe I don't give a monkeys chont what you believe, helpful?

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I believe his amulets did in fact save him. I also believe a rain dance could end this drought, rain making actually works, father Christmas is always watching, its bad luck to walk under ladders, the Essan deformed buffalo has magic lottery number giving power, the general will in fact hold elections and that penguins walked two by two from Antarctica to get on a boat in the middle East to escape a flood. Hey but that's just me.

I believe this guy has a far better understanding of the universe than you ever will.

you should get a few bites with those two statements.

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Yep, without a doubt! So now feeling thoroughly invincible I'm sure he will drive more recklessly than ever. And many of those reading about this Proof about magical amulets will also increase their driving risk.

Damn! All that money I wasted on seat belts & airbags, when an amulet does the trick. Farang never learn.
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If the price of the trinkets, tokens and armbands really have gone up as suggested, then i wont be needing to send so much ThaiBaht to my brother-in-law because his business is selling them. Good news.

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OMG - saved by amulets? Probably a member of the flat earth society also! Belief systems defy comprehension when faced by facts. coffee1.gif

What about the other 50+ killed per day? They did not have amulets? whistling.gif

Many of them had.... Just not the right ones... :-)

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Consumer warning:

Wearing of the Singh Sit Phra Khru around your neck may cause side effects such as drowsiness, irritability, feelings of invincibility and driving like an idiot. Wal-Mart does not take responsibility for consumers with poor judgement who wear the amulet in Thailand.

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