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Pick-up a DHL package blocked in Customs?

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My DHL package is blocked in customs for a few days.

Statut =

Clearance event

Clearance is pending while shipment waybill and/or invoice image is being generated.

Clearance will resume once waybill and / or invoice is made available.

Is there a way for me to go to Bangkok and get my package immediately?

And where is the package?

Thank you,



DHL stuff normally clears fairly quickly, if the paperwork is in order. So there's a chance there is a customs issue sad.png

The acid question - What is in the package?

If it's stuck in customs you're not going to get it out without fixing the problem, whatever that is.

It may be worth calling DHL (you'll likely need a Thai speaker) to discover what is causing the holdup.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I would definitely call DHL as they are your customs agent.

If there is a payment required you can usually pay by credit card over the phone and they will then release the package for delivery, this has been my experience with DHL in the past.

Normally when I'm expecting something to be delivered I check the tracking daily until it goes to customs, if it gets held up I make the call.


In most cases the package is physically held by the carrier (like UPS or FedEx) in an "in-bond" status. However, as a part of that, the customs agency will specify exactly how/where or what kind of controls the carrier must have in order for them to be permitted having an "in bond" hold facility on premises; as opposed to customs physically holding it - and levying a warehousing fee.

Some shipments that may be deemed formal entry, high value or have special/unique entry formalities may be physically held by customs, but for the routine "dutiable" or similar cases, it usually with the carrier - but can't be released until the customs requirements are met and/or a formal release is given.


I think the OP is looking for a way to locate exactly, physically where his package is being held and if he can go and claim it in person.

Back when Hubby and I had a greenhouse/nursery business in the U.S., I made it my business to find out where incoming foreign plant material was held at the Detroit Metro Airport and I'd go to personally shepherd our orders of rooted rose cuttings thru customs rather than waiting for the wheels of bureaucracy to move slowly with FedEx or DHL while the rooted nursery cuttings from Germany, England or Canada slowly withered. That's where I perfected some of the same skills that have worked well in dealing with Thai bureaucracy -- to be polite, well-dressed (in that situation, in a neatly pressed outfit that indicated I was a nursery/greenhouse manager -- a pair of $300 Redwing boots and a slightly worn, but clean Carhart jacket, a pleasant smile, box of donuts and attitude that I'm not leaving until I get my plants, even if I have to stay here all day.

Eventually, I was on the speed dial of the U.S.D.A. of the Detroit Metro Airport guys to deal with some of incoming passengers who came in with rose plants (no documents, of course) that they wanted to bring into the country. By then I'd written a few books about roses and been on a few TV shows, so most of the people who were trying to smuggle rose plants into the country recognized me and we were able to work out something that the U.S.D.A. accepted. Some of those U.S.D.A. guys turned into good customers for our nursery, too.

Something tells me Thai customs isn't going to be as much fun to work with.


If a DHL package is held at customs, DHL would normally try to contact the addressee to facilitate clearance. I've had this happen a number of times. Unless it's a prohibited item, DHL should be able to do it for you once you've provided the information/money required.


Can't comment on DHL, but I have had items stuck in customs at the Thai post. No way to go pick the items up until I get a notification letter with all the info. Only then can I retrieve the package. I would hope DHL, given that they are a private company would be quicker to contact you and get your package to you.

I once had a box in customs for 2 weeks and there was nothing I could do until the letter arrived.


Can't comment on DHL, but I have had items stuck in customs at the Thai post. No way to go pick the items up until I get a notification letter with all the info. Only then can I retrieve the package. I would hope DHL, given that they are a private company would be quicker to contact you and get your package to you.

I once had a box in customs for 2 weeks and there was nothing I could do until the letter arrived.

DHL try hard to contact the addressee. By telephone and/or email depending on what contact details they have. After a while they will give up and the package will be returned to sender.


You have to contact DHL. Both by email and call to increase your chances of unstucking your item...

Then they contacted the customs and they fixed my problem within a few hours...

Got my iPhone SE today ;)

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