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Police hunt thugs who brutally attacked British family in Hua Hin

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There are certain areas and places in Thailand that should be given a red alert for tourists because awareness is the key.

If you aren't safe in a busy street in Hua Hin, then you aren't safe anywhere in Thailand.

Edited by BritManToo
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Now on the front page of Australia's national newspaper. Free publicity for Thailand's tourism industry.


Great! Ripper mate!! Many (but increasingly fewer) Aussies visit Thailand.

Edited by Dodgydownunder
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If Hua Hin is this violent, every tourist should

Stay away from the area for the next couple

Of months....I was planning a trip there next

Month, I will not go now!!!

This is one of the the best ways to protest......

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at 1;13 the ferang in the flowery shirt throws the first punch right in the background,that then starts the madness,yes as expats living here we know you can't do stuff like that and are better to walk way ,obviously tourists don't know this ,however its no excuse for the vicious beating.

Yes, well spotted, there is a lot going on in this video. It looks like the son (black cap / t-shirt) is restraining a Thai from behind and the father (flowery shirt) throws a punch at him. This is where it escalates, and obviously an over the top reaction but not as innocent as it is being portrayed.

Edited by TeaMonkey
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This is appalling.

Perpetrators are appalling.

Passive watchers are appalling.

Comments of many people here are appalling.

Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Do you understand that every time you make generalizations about any race, it is RACISM, plain and simple.

Stop thinking in terms of race, them against us, etc... That is prehistoric tribal thinking, and that is exactly the root-cause of such conflicts.

We live in community on this planet, and we have rules, laws, so start thinking in terms of crime.

Whatever the reason, such violence is a crime, and the law should punish the criminals, full stop.

There is a vast majority of very nice thai people, but there are also thai scums.

There is a vast majority of very nice westerners, but there are also western scums.

We have different cultures, but we are all humans.

What is really appalling is the level of consciousness (or lack thereof) of the human race as a whole.

We cannot be called a civilization, as long as we treat each others (and animals, and nature) with such lack of respect.
Our fake "civilization" is based on technological gadgets, but a good portion of us still lack the basic awareness to be called a human.

It is always easy to see the fault in the other, but real integrity is to live up to our own responsibilities.

I feel sorry for the family, i feel sorry for mankind, and I feel sorry for everything that we destroy.

In the end, what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

This is what I have to say, and I will not answer replies to my post.


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I wonder if the Prime Minister will make any comment (or not) in his daily reports whistling.gif

I noticed a few weeks ago when 7 Army officers killed a young recruit nothing was mentioned yet last week he found the time to praise the young thai badminton player.


If this was a similar Chinese family involved you can rest assured that there would already have been an apology forthcoming from the General and the cowards would have already been dealt with by now.

Hey General, a piece of advice (that you won't listen to because I'm a farang and Thais know better, as Thailand is the centre of the universe):

We get it that you don't like foreigners. But you need to COME DOWN HARD on crimes against us or pretty soon you'll have your country to yourself. Maybe that's what you want!!

If Thais knew that there will be a much stiffer punishment for these crimes then less of these crimes MIGHT happen. (not very confident though)

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I didn't even watch the end as something even worse has happened to me on Chinese New Year.

One guy started an argument with me when I was trying to find the key of my bike.

He all in a sudden attacked me and I went down. Three more guys came to help him and four kicked on my body until my wife arrived with the spare key and shouted that they can stop, because I'd be already dead.

It would be a long list to write down the injuries i had.

What they left was a bloody mess. They never fight alone and I hope that some people who read this will understand that.

Really sorry to hear what happened to you.

What was he arguing with you about?

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Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Because it was a racial attack, if the victims weren't white, they wouldn't have been attacked.

You don't think the drunk Thai guys would have attacked anyone who slapped them in the face or sucker punched them, regardless of race?

Edited by SoiBiker
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Jesus - that was absolutely disgusting. What on Earth is wrong with those guys? Kicking a woman in the face when she is on the ground. They are animals.

People always say "animals," but even superpredador tigers only kill for food or if they're cornered by human poachers or inhuman zookeepers.

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This is appalling.

Perpetrators are appalling.

Passive watchers are appalling.

Comments of many people here are appalling.

Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Do you understand that every time you make generalizations about any race, it is RACISM, plain and simple.

Stop thinking in terms of race, them against us, etc... That is prehistoric tribal thinking, and that is exactly the root-cause of such conflicts.

We live in community on this planet, and we have rules, laws, so start thinking in terms of crime.

Whatever the reason, such violence is a crime, and the law should punish the criminals, full stop.

There is a vast majority of very nice thai people, but there are also thai scums.

There is a vast majority of very nice westerners, but there are also western scums.

We have different cultures, but we are all humans.

What is really appalling is the level of consciousness (or lack thereof) of the human race as a whole.

We cannot be called a civilization, as long as we treat each others (and animals, and nature) with such lack of respect.

Our fake "civilization" is based on technological gadgets, but a good portion of us still lack the basic awareness to be called a human.

It is always easy to see the fault in the other, but real integrity is to live up to our own responsibilities.

I feel sorry for the family, i feel sorry for mankind, and I feel sorry for everything that we destroy.

In the end, what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

This is what I have to say, and I will not answer replies to my post.


Don't be so self-righteous.

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Many of the commenters on these pages have made judgments as if all the facts are known at this stage.

32 year old Thai man kicks a 65 year old woman's teeth out on a busy street, then carries on kicking until she's unconscious.

What further facts do you think anyone needs to make a judgement?

In case you wonder, my judgement, 5-10 years in jail.

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Welcome to thailand land of gutless thugs.

Iv seen many a gutless thug in USA, England, Australia and so on.. My mate was bashed senseless in London earlier this year.. So your welcome to Thailand comment is irrelevant !!

Not on ThaiVisa, its kind of a motto for some members...along with police farce and Land Of Shametongue.png

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The behavior of this scum is appalling. Unbelievably, there are the usual suspects here defending the actions, or trying to shift blame. Total BS.

Just have a look at that the last shot with, the "Somchai" kicking the lady in the head - that should be enough to sum up the vicious nature of these vermin.

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Ahhhhh Thainess at its best. Shocking to watch!!

Again on this forum its so comical to read the average Joe Bloggs to even suggest hitting a women was her fault. I will let the keyboard warriors have their laughs, but remember, it could have been your Mother. Let that sink in!

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Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Because it was a racial attack, if the victims weren't white, they wouldn't have been attacked.
Utter rubbish Britmantoo! You see it almost daily that this happens Thai on Thai also and back in all of our home countries it happens also. To deny that is lying!

Too many on TV love to jump on the " I live in Thailand because I hate it and want to bash it" bandwagon. Utter w@nk

You see 65 year old women kicked unconscious on a daily basis?

Where do you live? I'd like to avoid that place!

Edited by BritManToo
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A bunch of youths beating up an old family is out of order, especially those head kicks and stamps and they deserve severe punishment, not just fined a few baht.

You consider 32 year old men to be 'youths'?

They have the mentality and maturity of an 18 year old.

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Ahhhhh Thainess at its best. Shocking to watch!!

Again on this forum its so comical to read the average Joe Bloggs to even suggest hitting a women was her fault. I will let the keyboard warriors have their laughs, but remember, it could have been your Mother. Let that sink in!

You are confusing 'fault' in a moral sense with 'fault' in a cause and effect sense. Getting in a Thai guy's face and blabbering on about how her friend should not have been knocked to the ground is not something that anyone should do in Thailand. Walking away is the only alternative in this culture that will have any chance of keeping you from being beaten silly. So not her fault but her actions precipitated what then occurred.

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Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Because it was a racial attack, if the victims weren't white, they wouldn't have been attacked.
You don't think the drunk Thai guys would have attacked anyone who slapped them in the face or sucker punched them, regardless of race?

Correct, I don't think they would have attacked anyone but white tourists.

Same for the Koh Tao victims, white tourists.

Same for the guy patting the dog in front of the mini-mart, white foreigner.

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Make them walk through Manchester City Centre on Derby day in Liverpool shirts and then we'd see how tough they are....

"What a nice Hooligan mentality some people here have."

What if a group of Germans Dutch, Americans, Australians, etc. accidentally wearing Manchester shirts on Derby day walk through Liverpool?

Hooligan hooligan.....

Wot a stupid statement, so u think Manchester is such a tough place with hard core hooligans. There are certainly a lot tougher areas as in London, Miami, Munich,Istanbul,Moscow, Who would eat these Thai lowlifes for breakfast.

Edited by Sooo Upto Me
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Avoid confrontations whilst intoxicated with Thai people,


Well let me try to educate YOU a bit better then.

As a stable de facto resident of Thailand for a decade, i find i natural to take care of the environment where i live in, so, as my usual, one day i was cleaning up from all the rubbish trowed up from the thai and ONLY thai that live around here, from the foothpath fronting my property, i don't think this is unreasonable, well, the guy living on the other side of the road from me, which i never ever seen grabbing a brum even once, to even clean around his house, came to me and was sort of tense, he asked me what i was doing, and i said with a smile that i was cleaning the foothpath fronting my home (as that wasn't clear enough yet for this guy apparently), then he started telling me with an angry voice that "...this is Thailand!!! You are a farang and you CANNOT DO THAT!" , i that point i replied very calmly and try to let him understand that there was nothing wrong or bad in cleaning outside my home, as the rubbish with a little wind will end up just inside my property, but his loud reply attracted a crowd of people, around 10, one of which came slowly toward me and grabbed my wrists, at that point the angry one started punching me with such a force and repeatedly that the resulting wounds needed to be stitched up at an hospital, i did NOT react, not even verbally.

Just after the attack, i went straight to the local police station, all covered in blood to make a report, voluntarily did not clean up myself to make them take a better notice of what had just happened.

They make me wait for a while and none of the police officer was really interested, but they wrote down a report, then i went to the hospital, and after a doctor wrote down a report, i ask for a copy of it but they told me that i could not have it because a (mysterious) police officer had taken everything.

During the following few days i went repeatedly to that police station to complain because NOBODY was doing anything and my aggressor was just doing as his usual at his home (i could see everything as he just live opposite to me), i asked to see the officer in charge of the station, but NONE of the big officers was apparently willing to listen to me, only a lieutenat replied to me very annoyed that they already did everything and i should go away.....this is Thailand for you!

Another day i had an unknown person parking his shining pick up just on front of my vehicle's entrance, i gently asked if he could move it as i had no other entrance, he took his gun out, pointed to my face and pulled the trigger, but it was unloaded, then he asked his mate to give him some bullets, loaded the gun, and first pointed at point black against me again, then fired a bullet into my land just next to me........what to say? Sabai sabai.

I don't blame these people for their wild and violent actions, the real blame is for the institutions that by treating "farangs" as rubbish, are simply educating the rest of the people which is ok to do that and they are in fact encouraged to prove their greatness this way.

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Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Because it was a racial attack, if the victims weren't white, they wouldn't have been attacked.
You don't think the drunk Thai guys would have attacked anyone who slapped them in the face or sucker punched them, regardless of race?

Correct, I don't think they would have attacked anyone but white tourists.


You think the drunk, already agitated Thai men, if slapped in the face or sucker punched by anyone other than a white tourist, would simply have turned the other cheek?

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